Why all the panic on the Left?

So, after the House votes to impeach listing several proven articles from obstruction of justice, quid pro quo in Ukraine, to bribing Republican Senators, I suspect some Republican Senators will vote to impeach.

If not enough, you actually think all Republican voters will still vote for Trump? They may not vote Democrat, they will do like the Bernie assholes did in 2016. Just stay home or vote third party.

Those who voted Trump in 2016 know full well what the Democrats will attempt should they again take power. They will vote for him again. Anyone who votes Democrat in this era is out of their fucking mind.

There are no current proven articles of impeachment, or even any worthy of consideration. The investigation is still a snipe hunt. If the Democrats impeach on what they have, they will fall very hard indeed.

Given a choice between a Republican and ANY living Democrat, I will vote Republican every time.

Because trillion dollar deficits & endless trade wars & alienating our allies and requiring yet another Fed bailout is so fucking great.

Republicans are just great. They managed to go from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years under Bush.

Trump has doubled the 2015 deficit. Great news!!! Winning!!!!!! You people are dumber than shit.

"balanced budget"


Unicorns, unicorns everywhere.
those ''allies'' [ hahahah= idiotic choice of word to use ] are fking us over
they are NOT allies

They fought with us in wars. They are trading partners. Mexico, Canada, UK, Germany, France. People like the Kurds who fought with us side by side.

Your fat assed orange POS buddy calls therm childish names.

Trtump calls trade deficits loses. That is how stupid he is.
..they are doing their best to take care of THEIR countries --they couldn't care LESS about the US--when are you going to wake up???
..it's a ''fk your buddy world'''--DUH
Spewing Trump talk really makes you look dumber than shit.

Every country looks out for themselves but they rely on other countries in trade & security among other things like joining together to create abetter world.

So. Why has it not resulted in a better world? Why is it getting worse?

(Billy hands you a mirror.)

Trump has made it worse.

It was going much better under Obama.

We had the TPP & the Paris Accord.

I'm not seeing a lot of panic. Perhaps that is only in your imagination..

Uhm they are trying to impeach the president during an election year.
So? According to the right, who said a president's term is only 3 years, not 4 when they told Obama he would not get to appoint a Supreme Court replacement during his last year in office; it doesn't matter if it's an election year, Trump is close to finishing his 3 year term.

You scared shitless, must eliminate political foe, so We the people dont get to vote.
Don't be so stupid (not like you can help yourself). You still get to vote, ya dumbshit.
I'm not seeing a lot of panic. Perhaps that is only in your imagination..

Uhm they are trying to impeach the president during an election year.
So? According to the right, who said a president's term is only 3 years, not 4 when they told Obama he would not get to appoint a Supreme Court replacement during his last year in office; it doesn't matter if it's an election year, Trump is close to finishing his 3 year term.

You scared shitless, must eliminate political foe, so We the people dont get to vote.
Don't be so stupid (not like you can help yourself). You still get to vote, ya dumbshit.

For the ones you pick banana brain.
I'm not seeing a lot of panic. Perhaps that is only in your imagination..

Uhm they are trying to impeach the president during an election year.
So? According to the right, who said a president's term is only 3 years, not 4 when they told Obama he would not get to appoint a Supreme Court replacement during his last year in office; it doesn't matter if it's an election year, Trump is close to finishing his 3 year term.

You scared shitless, must eliminate political foe, so We the people dont get to vote.

Who said you couldn't vote? Trump just can't name any more SC justices during the last year of his term, just like Obama couldn't.
Do you feel better now?

The "deliverable" wasn't dirt, it was a public announcement from Ukraine that Biden was under investigation. That was all Trump needed for a smear campaign - whether an actual investigation followed was irrelevant.
I feel great.

Biden is on video bragging about how he bullied the Ukraine into firing the investigator looking into his kid's company by bribing them with American taxpayer $s.

Here's a quid pro quo you can support:

Being Biden's son doesn't give you immunity from investigations.

Biden "I'm leaving here in 6 hours. If the prosecutor isn't fired you're not getting the Billion Dollars".

So? Neither Burisma nor Hunter Biden were under investigation at the time.

WSJ News Exclusive | Trump Repeatedly Pressed Ukraine President to Investigate Biden’s Son

Mr. Giuliani has suggested Mr. Biden’s motivation was to protect his son, a lawyer who has been involved in several investment and consulting firms, although Mr. Shokin had already completed his investigation of Burisma Group before he left office.
Do you feel better now?

The "deliverable" wasn't dirt, it was a public announcement from Ukraine that Biden was under investigation. That was all Trump needed for a smear campaign - whether an actual investigation followed was irrelevant.
I feel great.

Biden is on video bragging about how he bullied the Ukraine into firing the investigator looking into his kid's company by bribing them with American taxpayer $s.

Here's a quid pro quo you can support:

Being Biden's son doesn't give you immunity from investigations.

Biden "I'm leaving here in 6 hours. If the prosecutor isn't fired you're not getting the Billion Dollars".

So? Neither Burisma nor Hunter Biden were under investigation at the time.

WSJ News Exclusive | Trump Repeatedly Pressed Ukraine President to Investigate Biden’s Son

Mr. Giuliani has suggested Mr. Biden’s motivation was to protect his son, a lawyer who has been involved in several investment and consulting firms, although Mr. Shokin had already completed his investigation of Burisma Group before he left office.

Why you protecting a crack addict?
I'm not seeing a lot of panic. Perhaps that is only in your imagination..
Bringing forward an impeachment like this, especially when the Dems know that the Senate will boot it right out? There's a reason why Moody's has predicted Trump's reelection "by a landslide". It's also because of people like you who think the bubble you live in represents the rest of the country.

It's a congressional responsibility to impeach an unethical president regardless of the political consequences. At least one party believes what is good forr the country is more important than what is good for their party. You're just wishing for panic from the Dems. Seems the Trump supporters are the only ones with their hair on fire.

"unethical president"


As long left decides what "ethical" is.
Serious question to Impeachment supporters:

Are you more, or less convinced of this current accusation than you were of Mueller proving Russian Collusion?
I was never convinced Trump colluded with Russia. I am convinced he is being rightfully impeached for soliciting a foreign national to help with his campaign.
I'm not seeing a lot of panic. Perhaps that is only in your imagination..

Uhm they are trying to impeach the president during an election year.
So? According to the right, who said a president's term is only 3 years, not 4 when they told Obama he would not get to appoint a Supreme Court replacement during his last year in office; it doesn't matter if it's an election year, Trump is close to finishing his 3 year term.

You scared shitless, must eliminate political foe, so We the people dont get to vote.

Who said you couldn't vote? Trump just can't name any more SC justices during the last year of his term, just like Obama couldn't.
Na, not really
GOP controls the senate... Elections have consequences

If you are a TDS demtard that ONLY listens to the CRAP you're fed NON STOP on your DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING, you have ANOTHER, RUDE, AWAKENING coming next year in November. Break out the tissues because not only is Trump going to win, AGAIN, but he's going to win BIGGER than he did last time, and the icing on the cake is, America is going to send your APOPLECTIC CORRUPT LYING SHIT STAIN ASS CLOWN MAJORITY in the house PACKING. You filthy America hating NUT CASES won't be in control of JACK SQUAT.

^^^ What desperation really looks like.

Do you feel better now?

The "deliverable" wasn't dirt, it was a public announcement from Ukraine that Biden was under investigation. That was all Trump needed for a smear campaign - whether an actual investigation followed was irrelevant.
I feel great.

Biden is on video bragging about how he bullied the Ukraine into firing the investigator looking into his kid's company by bribing them with American taxpayer $s.

Here's a quid pro quo you can support:

l'etat, c'est moi
Being Biden's son doesn't give you immunity from investigations.

Biden "I'm leaving here in 6 hours. If the prosecutor isn't fired you're not getting the Billion Dollars".

No one argues that was a quid pro quo. It was the stated goal and official policy, at the time, of the US, the EU and the IMF. It wasn't a request for a foreign nation to investigate an American citizen - a request so egregious it was moved to a super-duper-secret-sensitive server to keep me and you from learning about it.

There is a difference between a QPQ for the benefit of America and a QPQ for the benefit of Trump. L'etat, c'est moi only applies in monarchies and dictatorships.
And there is a joint treaty, voted in by Democrats as well as Republicans on joint investigations with Ukraine...What you are arguing is that only Republicans can be investigated....quite dishonestly to boot.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I'm unaware of any joint investigative treaty.. Can you give the name of that treaty or the date? Something to identify it so I can read the text.

You are unaware of a massive amount of stuff, which you demonstrate daily.
Do you feel better now?

The "deliverable" wasn't dirt, it was a public announcement from Ukraine that Biden was under investigation. That was all Trump needed for a smear campaign - whether an actual investigation followed was irrelevant.
I feel great.

Biden is on video bragging about how he bullied the Ukraine into firing the investigator looking into his kid's company by bribing them with American taxpayer $s.

Here's a quid pro quo you can support:

Being Biden's son doesn't give you immunity from investigations.

Biden "I'm leaving here in 6 hours. If the prosecutor isn't fired you're not getting the Billion Dollars".

What did Biden's son do?
Took a job to enrich himself, with a company, in a country, he ha zero experience with off of the position of his father. That's real corruption...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

Taking a job for name recognition is not a crime. If so, you best round up the Trump brats.

So you would be good with Trump Jr. getting paid $1 Billion from Putin to do nothing simply because of his last name.

Got it.
I feel great.

Biden is on video bragging about how he bullied the Ukraine into firing the investigator looking into his kid's company by bribing them with American taxpayer $s.

Here's a quid pro quo you can support:

Being Biden's son doesn't give you immunity from investigations.

Biden "I'm leaving here in 6 hours. If the prosecutor isn't fired you're not getting the Billion Dollars".

What did Biden's son do?
Took a job to enrich himself, with a company, in a country, he ha zero experience with off of the position of his father. That's real corruption...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

Taking a job for name recognition is not a crime. If so, you best round up the Trump brats.

Whaaaaaat? He didn't TAKE the job it was given to him....big difference.
Stop with the Semantic word games.
He got exposed as a no show QPQ
daddy's boy....

He didn't work the industry for 30 years and climb the ladder....he was visibly and obviously a political favor.



If you get offered a job, do you "take" it?

Your argument here is just the most ridiculous stupid argument ever.

You are lying when you said he had no experience.

How did Ivanka & Jared get those White House jobs? How did Don Jr & Eric get to run corporations?

This is far far far far worse than a private corporation offering a board seat to Hunter Biden.

What experience did he have in Ukrainian oil and gas?
Serious question to Impeachment supporters:

Are you more, or less convinced of this current accusation than you were of Mueller proving Russian Collusion?
I was never convinced Trump colluded with Russia. I am convinced he is being rightfully impeached for soliciting a foreign national to help with his campaign.
First of all there should be at least a two-year investigation on Biden and his Spawns corruption... That being said trumps actions obviously are not impeachable. L9l
Do you feel better now?

The "deliverable" wasn't dirt, it was a public announcement from Ukraine that Biden was under investigation. That was all Trump needed for a smear campaign - whether an actual investigation followed was irrelevant.
I feel great.

Biden is on video bragging about how he bullied the Ukraine into firing the investigator looking into his kid's company by bribing them with American taxpayer $s.

Here's a quid pro quo you can support:

l'etat, c'est moi
Being Biden's son doesn't give you immunity from investigations.

Biden "I'm leaving here in 6 hours. If the prosecutor isn't fired you're not getting the Billion Dollars".

No one argues that was a quid pro quo. It was the stated goal and official policy, at the time, of the US, the EU and the IMF. It wasn't a request for a foreign nation to investigate an American citizen - a request so egregious it was moved to a super-duper-secret-sensitive server to keep me and you from learning about it.

There is a difference between a QPQ for the benefit of America and a QPQ for the benefit of Trump. L'etat, c'est moi only applies in monarchies and dictatorships.
And there is a joint treaty, voted in by Democrats as well as Republicans on joint investigations with Ukraine...What you are arguing is that only Republicans can be investigated....quite dishonestly to boot.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I'm unaware of any joint investigative treaty.. Can you give the name of that treaty or the date? Something to identify it so I can read the text.

You are unaware of a massive amount of stuff, which you demonstrate daily.

So that would be a no on identifying that mythical treaty, right?
I'm not seeing a lot of panic. Perhaps that is only in your imagination..

Uhm they are trying to impeach the president during an election year.
So? According to the right, who said a president's term is only 3 years, not 4 when they told Obama he would not get to appoint a Supreme Court replacement during his last year in office; it doesn't matter if it's an election year, Trump is close to finishing his 3 year term.

You scared shitless, must eliminate political foe, so We the people dont get to vote.

Who said you couldn't vote? Trump just can't name any more SC justices during the last year of his term, just like Obama couldn't.


McConnell has already said he would ram that through immediately. There's nothing the Democrats can do to stop it.
I feel great.

Biden is on video bragging about how he bullied the Ukraine into firing the investigator looking into his kid's company by bribing them with American taxpayer $s.

Here's a quid pro quo you can support:

l'etat, c'est moi
Being Biden's son doesn't give you immunity from investigations.

Biden "I'm leaving here in 6 hours. If the prosecutor isn't fired you're not getting the Billion Dollars".

No one argues that was a quid pro quo. It was the stated goal and official policy, at the time, of the US, the EU and the IMF. It wasn't a request for a foreign nation to investigate an American citizen - a request so egregious it was moved to a super-duper-secret-sensitive server to keep me and you from learning about it.

There is a difference between a QPQ for the benefit of America and a QPQ for the benefit of Trump. L'etat, c'est moi only applies in monarchies and dictatorships.
And there is a joint treaty, voted in by Democrats as well as Republicans on joint investigations with Ukraine...What you are arguing is that only Republicans can be investigated....quite dishonestly to boot.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I'm unaware of any joint investigative treaty.. Can you give the name of that treaty or the date? Something to identify it so I can read the text.

You are unaware of a massive amount of stuff, which you demonstrate daily.

So that would be a no on identifying that mythical treaty, right?

Not at all. I am not concerned with your level of ignorance, and as such I have no obligation to run around trying to educate the ignorant.
No one argues that was a quid pro quo. It was the stated goal and official policy, at the time, of the US, the EU and the IMF. It wasn't a request for a foreign nation to investigate an American citizen - a request so egregious it was moved to a super-duper-secret-sensitive server to keep me and you from learning about it.

There is a difference between a QPQ for the benefit of America and a QPQ for the benefit of Trump. L'etat, c'est moi only applies in monarchies and dictatorships.
And there is a joint treaty, voted in by Democrats as well as Republicans on joint investigations with Ukraine...What you are arguing is that only Republicans can be investigated....quite dishonestly to boot.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I'm unaware of any joint investigative treaty.. Can you give the name of that treaty or the date? Something to identify it so I can read the text.
You are unaware of a massive amount of stuff, which you demonstrate daily.

So that would be a no on identifying that mythical treaty, right?
Not at all. I am not concerned with your level of ignorance, and as such I have no obligation to run around trying to educate the ignorant.

Got it. Right wing claims don't need any proof. You just gots to believe them.

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