Why all the panic on the Left?

What did Biden's son do?
Took a job to enrich himself, with a company, in a country, he ha zero experience with off of the position of his father. That's real corruption...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I wonder how Hunter's interview for a job looked like.

Also, how many times he was in Ukraine, and how many board meetings he attended.
It was a ceremonial gig. He didn't actually do any work.
And you know this because......................

According to people who worked there he provided advice on legal issues, corporate finance & strategy. His experience & education.

He participated via the internet & did not need to attend meetings.

What experience?

The only thing the kid knows is cooking crack
How ignorant are you???? The only thing you assfucls know is how to lie.

Hunter is a lawyer with experience in international investments.
Do you feel better now?

The "deliverable" wasn't dirt, it was a public announcement from Ukraine that Biden was under investigation. That was all Trump needed for a smear campaign - whether an actual investigation followed was irrelevant.
I feel great.

Biden is on video bragging about how he bullied the Ukraine into firing the investigator looking into his kid's company by bribing them with American taxpayer $s.

Here's a quid pro quo you can support:

Being Biden's son doesn't give you immunity from investigations.

Biden "I'm leaving here in 6 hours. If the prosecutor isn't fired you're not getting the Billion Dollars".

What did Biden's son do?
Took a job to enrich himself, with a company, in a country, he ha zero experience with off of the position of his father. That's real corruption...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I wonder how Hunter's interview for a job looked like.

Also, how many times he was in Ukraine, and how many board meetings he attended.

It was a ceremonial gig. He didn't actually do any work.

For being board member he was paid some $50K a month. He was also getting $30K for being legal adviser.

Given his expertise, I guess the only advice he could give them is on relation between cocaine and energy.
I'm unaware of any joint investigative treaty.. Can you give the name of that treaty or the date? Something to identify it so I can read the text.

You're unaware of many things, but that doesn't prevents you to run your mouth. You being unaware doesn't mean something doesn't exist. You probably would be aware if you check sites other than HuffPost and Mother Jones.

Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
I'm guessing you didn't actually read that treaty? Who was investigating Burisma or Biden on July 25th of this year?
Do you feel better now?

The "deliverable" wasn't dirt, it was a public announcement from Ukraine that Biden was under investigation. That was all Trump needed for a smear campaign - whether an actual investigation followed was irrelevant.
I feel great.

Biden is on video bragging about how he bullied the Ukraine into firing the investigator looking into his kid's company by bribing them with American taxpayer $s.

Here's a quid pro quo you can support:

Being Biden's son doesn't give you immunity from investigations.

Biden "I'm leaving here in 6 hours. If the prosecutor isn't fired you're not getting the Billion Dollars".

What did Biden's son do?
Took a job to enrich himself, with a company, in a country, he ha zero experience with off of the position of his father. That's real corruption...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I wonder how Hunter's interview for a job looked like.

Also, how many times he was in Ukraine, and how many board meetings he attended.

It was a ceremonial gig. He didn't actually do any work.

So? That's not a crime.
So, after the House votes to impeach listing several proven articles from obstruction of justice, quid pro quo in Ukraine, to bribing Republican Senators, I suspect some Republican Senators will vote to impeach.

If not enough, you actually think all Republican voters will still vote for Trump? They may not vote Democrat, they will do like the Bernie assholes did in 2016. Just stay home or vote third party.

Those who voted Trump in 2016 know full well what the Democrats will attempt should they again take power. They will vote for him again. Anyone who votes Democrat in this era is out of their fucking mind.

There are no current proven articles of impeachment, or even any worthy of consideration. The investigation is still a snipe hunt. If the Democrats impeach on what they have, they will fall very hard indeed.

Given a choice between a Republican and ANY living Democrat, I will vote Republican every time.

Because trillion dollar deficits & endless trade wars & alienating our allies and requiring yet another Fed bailout is so fucking great.

Republicans are just great. They managed to go from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years under Bush.

Trump has doubled the 2015 deficit. Great news!!! Winning!!!!!! You people are dumber than shit.
Got to laugh at crazy.
You blame the Republicans for deficits yet last I knew the Dems were in charge in the house which sets the budget.

You blame Republicans for the recession yet somehow forget that the Dems had a large hand in pushing those like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to allow borrowers to get loans on little to no down and higher then normal payments.

You talk about the 2015 debt but forget the debt years before that.
The fed raised rates eight times in less then three years. The most in their history. Perhaps they needed to get a little less aggressive.
The spending for the fiscal year that ended last Thursday was set in 2018 fiscal year that started in november of 2018.
I feel great.

Biden is on video bragging about how he bullied the Ukraine into firing the investigator looking into his kid's company by bribing them with American taxpayer $s.

Here's a quid pro quo you can support:

Being Biden's son doesn't give you immunity from investigations.

Biden "I'm leaving here in 6 hours. If the prosecutor isn't fired you're not getting the Billion Dollars".

What did Biden's son do?
Took a job to enrich himself, with a company, in a country, he ha zero experience with off of the position of his father. That's real corruption...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I wonder how Hunter's interview for a job looked like.

Also, how many times he was in Ukraine, and how many board meetings he attended.

It was a ceremonial gig. He didn't actually do any work.

So? That's not a crime.

Of course not. Dimwinger corruptions is not a crime.:21:
I feel great.

Biden is on video bragging about how he bullied the Ukraine into firing the investigator looking into his kid's company by bribing them with American taxpayer $s.

Here's a quid pro quo you can support:

Being Biden's son doesn't give you immunity from investigations.

Biden "I'm leaving here in 6 hours. If the prosecutor isn't fired you're not getting the Billion Dollars".

What did Biden's son do?
Took a job to enrich himself, with a company, in a country, he ha zero experience with off of the position of his father. That's real corruption...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I wonder how Hunter's interview for a job looked like.

Also, how many times he was in Ukraine, and how many board meetings he attended.

It was a ceremonial gig. He didn't actually do any work.

For being board member he was paid some $50K a month. He was also getting $30K for being legal adviser.

Given his expertise, I guess the only advice he could give them is on relation between cocaine and energy.

Why do you envy those who make more money than you?
What did Biden's son do?
Took a job to enrich himself, with a company, in a country, he ha zero experience with off of the position of his father. That's real corruption...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I wonder how Hunter's interview for a job looked like.

Also, how many times he was in Ukraine, and how many board meetings he attended.
It was a ceremonial gig. He didn't actually do any work.

For being board member he was paid some $50K a month. He was also getting $30K for being legal adviser.

Given his expertise, I guess the only advice he could give them is on relation between cocaine and energy.
Why do you envy those who make more money than you?

Just because you do it, doesn't mean everyone else does.
What did Biden's son do?
Took a job to enrich himself, with a company, in a country, he ha zero experience with off of the position of his father. That's real corruption...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I wonder how Hunter's interview for a job looked like.

Also, how many times he was in Ukraine, and how many board meetings he attended.
It was a ceremonial gig. He didn't actually do any work.
So? That's not a crime.
Of course not. Dimwinger corruptions is not a crime.:21:
Paying someone a salary because their father is VP is not a crime.
This is the reason for this bullshit impeachment charade:

Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that

The Dems really have no more moves left, they're going to get slaughtered in 2020, and we might not even have a fully functioning Democratic Party after Nov. 2020. Leftie news organizations like CNN, WAPO, NYTimes, MSNBC etc. will make their hack propagandists posing as journalists walk the plank as well.
It is a very good model that takes into account multiple economic variables in determining probability of re-election

Most presidents would easily win.....but we are talking about Trump

A President facing impeachment. A President a large percentage of Americans strongly dislike. A president who is not trusted

I am looking forward to 2020
Yes, it's the same Trump that beat 17 candidates, brought down the Clinton, Bush, and Obama dynasties, as well as a deep state criminal conspiracy by the CIA and FBI. That same Trump is predicted to win in a landslide.
Took a job to enrich himself, with a company, in a country, he ha zero experience with off of the position of his father. That's real corruption...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I wonder how Hunter's interview for a job looked like.

Also, how many times he was in Ukraine, and how many board meetings he attended.
It was a ceremonial gig. He didn't actually do any work.
So? That's not a crime.
Of course not. Dimwinger corruptions is not a crime.:21:
Paying someone a salary because their father is VP is not a crime.
A VP threatening to blackmail Ukraine by withholding a billion in military aid should they not fire a prosecutor investigating a corrupt company his son was getting bribes to the tune of 50,000 a month is certainly a crime.
This is the reason for this bullshit impeachment charade:

Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that

The Dems really have no more moves left, they're going to get slaughtered in 2020, and we might not even have a fully functioning Democratic Party after Nov. 2020. Leftie news organizations like CNN, WAPO, NYTimes, MSNBC etc. will make their hack propagandists posing as journalists walk the plank as well.
It is a very good model that takes into account multiple economic variables in determining probability of re-election

Most presidents would easily win.....but we are talking about Trump

A President facing impeachment. A President a large percentage of Americans strongly dislike. A president who is not trusted

I am looking forward to 2020
Yes, it's the same Trump that beat 17 candidates, brought down the Clinton, Bush, and Obama dynasties, as well as a deep state criminal conspiracy by the CIA and FBI. That same Trump is predicted to win in a landslide.

Wow, who knew an Obama was running for President on 2016?
This is the reason for this bullshit impeachment charade:

Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that

The Dems really have no more moves left, they're going to get slaughtered in 2020, and we might not even have a fully functioning Democratic Party after Nov. 2020. Leftie news organizations like CNN, WAPO, NYTimes, MSNBC etc. will make their hack propagandists posing as journalists walk the plank as well.

Took a job to enrich himself, with a company, in a country, he ha zero experience with off of the position of his father. That's real corruption...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I wonder how Hunter's interview for a job looked like.

Also, how many times he was in Ukraine, and how many board meetings he attended.
It was a ceremonial gig. He didn't actually do any work.
So? That's not a crime.
Of course not. Dimwinger corruptions is not a crime.:21:
Paying someone a salary because their father is VP is not a crime.
So you would be good with Putin paying Don Jr. a billion dollars because Daddy is President?
Took a job to enrich himself, with a company, in a country, he ha zero experience with off of the position of his father. That's real corruption...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I wonder how Hunter's interview for a job looked like.

Also, how many times he was in Ukraine, and how many board meetings he attended.
It was a ceremonial gig. He didn't actually do any work.
So? That's not a crime.
Of course not. Dimwinger corruptions is not a crime.:21:
Paying someone a salary because their father is VP is not a crime.

Of course it's not. Burisma or any other company can hire and pay whoever they want.

But when company does it for a politician in exchange for political favors, it is a crime.
I wonder how Hunter's interview for a job looked like.

Also, how many times he was in Ukraine, and how many board meetings he attended.
It was a ceremonial gig. He didn't actually do any work.
So? That's not a crime.
Of course not. Dimwinger corruptions is not a crime.:21:
Paying someone a salary because their father is VP is not a crime.
A VP threatening to blackmail Ukraine by withholding a billion in military aid should they not fire a prosecutor investigating a corrupt company his son was getting bribes to the tune of 50,000 a month is certainly a crime.
Stop lying. His son's company was not under investigation when Biden threatened to hold up the money.

WSJ News Exclusive | Trump Repeatedly Pressed Ukraine President to Investigate Biden’s Son

Mr. Giuliani has suggested Mr. Biden’s motivation was to protect his son, a lawyer who has been involved in several investment and consulting firms, although Mr. Shokin had already completed his investigation of Burisma Group before he left office.
I wonder how Hunter's interview for a job looked like.

Also, how many times he was in Ukraine, and how many board meetings he attended.
It was a ceremonial gig. He didn't actually do any work.
So? That's not a crime.
Of course not. Dimwinger corruptions is not a crime.:21:
Paying someone a salary because their father is VP is not a crime.
A VP threatening to blackmail Ukraine by withholding a billion in military aid should they not fire a prosecutor investigating a corrupt company his son was getting bribes to the tune of 50,000 a month is certainly a crime.
Jesus fuck. When are you assfucks going to quit lying about this?
I wonder how Hunter's interview for a job looked like.

Also, how many times he was in Ukraine, and how many board meetings he attended.
It was a ceremonial gig. He didn't actually do any work.
So? That's not a crime.
Of course not. Dimwinger corruptions is not a crime.:21:
Paying someone a salary because their father is VP is not a crime.
So you would be good with Putin paying Don Jr. a billion dollars because Daddy is President?
It wasn't the president of Ukraine paying Hunter Biden; it was a private company.
I wonder how Hunter's interview for a job looked like.

Also, how many times he was in Ukraine, and how many board meetings he attended.
It was a ceremonial gig. He didn't actually do any work.
So? That's not a crime.
Of course not. Dimwinger corruptions is not a crime.:21:
Paying someone a salary because their father is VP is not a crime.

Of course it's not. Burisma or any other company can hire and pay whoever they want.

But when company does it for a politician in exchange for political favors, it is a crime.
Hunter took the position in 2014. What did Burisma get?
This is the reason for this bullshit impeachment charade:

Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that

The Dems really have no more moves left, they're going to get slaughtered in 2020, and we might not even have a fully functioning Democratic Party after Nov. 2020. Leftie news organizations like CNN, WAPO, NYTimes, MSNBC etc. will make their hack propagandists posing as journalists walk the plank as well.

Ukraine call: Quid pro quo or not, what Donald Trump did was wrong

Now, impeachment-minded Democrats have certainly asserted that there was a quid pro quo, explicit or implied. But this quid-pro-quo dispute misses the larger, and more important, point: What Trump did was wrong, and an abuse of his power as president, irrespective of whether there was a quid pro quo.

This wasn’t a request to advance the foreign policy objectives of the United States. It was to improve Trump’s odds of winning re-election in 2020.

Any doubt about that was removed by his request that Ukraine work with Rudy Giuliani in the investigation of the Bidens. Giuliani isn’t a foreign policy official representing the U.S. government. He is Trump’s personal lawyer. He was representing Trump the candidate, not Trump the president.

It is inappropriate, and an abuse of power, for a president to ask a foreign government specifically to investigate a political rival. That is what Trump asked of Zelensky privately. And he compounded it by making a similar request to China publicly.

Either way, it's an abuse of power

Such a request is inappropriate, and an abuse of power, irrespective of whether there is a quid pro quo expressly or implicitly involved. Or whether the foreign government feels pressure to conduct the investigation. Or whether the foreign government would have conducted the investigation anyway.


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