Why America is in a steep decline in world opinion... "All in the Family" one of the tools...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
ISIS, the world have the perception that Americans are bad people and deserve death. The USA has
been the worst influence on the world. And American liberal/progressive as Norm Lear played a major
role in making the American family father a racist,bigot, idiot.
Now before you LIPs jump to conclusions which you are being part of the most ignorant and fastest growing segment of America make some further stupid comments... Explain how this show among others that portrayed white american males as idiots didn't change these opinions when you same idiots are influenced by $177 billion a year in advertising to get you idiots to buy?
US Total Media Ad Spend Inches Up Pushed by Digital - eMarketer

What one character seemed so out of touch, such a blatant racist, perfect KKK guy?

The rest of the family "Rob",Gloria, even ditz Edith were NOT like the head of the family.. Archie.
All the blacks were far superior. Totally compassionate towards the bigot Archie.

“The program you are about to see is “All in the Family.” It seeks to throw a humorous spotlight on our frailties, prejudices and concerns. By making them a source of laughter we hope to show—in a mature fashion— just how absurd they are.”

Norman Lear On All In The Family Start New Book Excerpt Deadline
And I laughed like everyone else...not realizing that these perceptions of the white American father was being totally destroyed by Archie's bigotry, mispronounced words, simply ignorance.

Is it no wonder we as adults looked down on the suburban family model...after all Hollywood was telling us
we were backwoods, hicks as one of the people at CBS said when discussing jerking the following single line:

They go into the dining area and encounter Mike and Gloria in a passionate embrace. Archie takes it all in and says, as if he caught them in the act,
“Eleven ten on a Sunday morning!” CBS insisted we eliminate that line.
“Why?” I asked Program Practices. “Because it makes it explicit.” “Makes what explicit?”
“What they were going to do.”
“At eleven ten on a Sunday morning.” “Yes.”
“So? They’re married, aren’t they?”
“It doesn’t matter. It won’t fly in Des Moines.”
“And there’ll be a knee-jerk reaction in the Bible Belt?”
So Hollywood, CBS all the left coast effete intellectuals looking down on the flyover country and summing us all up as "being in the Bible Belt"... how telling.

And so we have the now growing number of LIPs who think families with fathers are passe.
Ever see the movie "Idiocracy"???
Private Joe Bauers, the definition of "average American", is selected by the Pentagon to be the guinea pig for a top-secret hibernation program.
Forgotten, he awakes five centuries [2500] in the future. He discovers a society so incredibly dumbed down that he's easily the most intelligent person alive.
Idiocracy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
We have reached the year 2500 in the year 2015!
America is not "in a steep decline".

Its true that the radical right works to bring the country down but we have survived worse enemies in the past and we will survive what they are trying to do the country now.

BTW, were you able to get President Obama out of your router?
Sometimes in the morning when I drink WAY too much coffee, my mind starts spinning so madly I just can't control it any more.

After one particularly indulgent episode in 2001 when I drank six gallons of espresso, I became convinced that 911 was the result of Arab angst over the fact the show Hello Larry ever saw the light of day.
Maybe our standing in the eyes of the world is due to how we're invading other countries, toppling their governments, conducting secret drone wars, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians, and torturing enemy combatants. All while condemning other countries for being evil and barbaric.
Maybe our standing in the eyes of the world is due to how we're invading other countries, toppling their governments, conducting secret drone wars, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians, and torturing enemy combatants. All while condemning other countries for being evil and barbaric.

A reply worthy of LIP designation as you seem to forget:

A) 1991 Cease Fire...

THE UN not the USA...
B) Initially the UN Security Council imposed stringent economic sanctions on Iraq by adopting and enforcing United Nations Security Council Resolution 661.[5] After the end of the 1991 Persian Gulf War, those sanctions were extended and elaborated on, including linkage to removal of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), by Resolution 687.

C) Saddam in five years 576,000 children starved BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com

D) The Iraqis attitude about the Liberation of Iraq..
“From the perspective of the Kurdish people -- and I dare say the majority of the Iraqi people -- it was worth it,” he said. “War is never a good option, but given our history and the brutality of Saddam’s regime, it may have been the only other option to end the genocidal campaign waged by Saddam against the Kurds and other communities in Iraq.”
Here is where his answer became a lament. “I must admit, however, that 10 years on, Iraq’s transition is, to say the least, characterized by unrealized expectations, both for Iraqis and for our American liberators. Iraq is not the friendly democracy that the U.S. had hoped for, and it is far from the secure, inclusive democracy that Iraqis deserved and aspired to.”
Was the Iraq Invasion Worthwhile Ask an Iraqi - Bloomberg Business

E) Who killed hundreds of thousands of civilians?
The Iraq Body Count project (IBC project), incorporating subsequent reports, has reported that by the end of the major combat phase up to April 30, 2003,
7,419 civilians had been killed, primarily by U.S. air-and-ground forces.[18][88]
NOT HUNDREDS of Thousands you dumb f...k!!
  • If you really believe that the allies accidentally killed 100,000 (or 200,000, or more) civilians, then here's what you can do. If this is true, then there must be many incidents in which over, say, 30 civilians were accidentally killed at once. Collect a list of these larger incidents and then cross-reference them with what the allies were doing at the time, to try to explain them. For each of them, demand that the allied militaries explain the incident. Listen to their explanations, which will be things like:
    1. They weren't operating in the area at the time.
    2. The Iraqi side did it.
    3. The incident never happened.
    4. The dead were combatants.
    5. Iraqi combatants used civilians as human shields.
    6. We did it. It was a mistake. Here's how the mistake was made.
    and then classify all of these incidents. Rank them by the most damning incidents.
  • Deal with real, dated incidents, instead of extrapolating numbers from surveys, and then people will listen to you. Explain how the allies did it, instead of just claiming that they did, and then people will listen to you.
The killing of 15 (or 24) civilians in Haditha, Nov 2005. If it is true that U.S. troops killed civilian women and children in cold blood in revenge, the soldiers should be hanged. I have no problem with that. If it is true. The US military has taken it seriously. The soldiers have been arrested and charged.

  • This is the worst incident?
    • But what I really want to focus on is this quote from TIME magazine, Mar 19, 2006: "Human-rights activists say that if the accusations are true, the incident ranks as the worst case of deliberate killing of Iraqi civilians by U.S. service members since the war began." At this point it was said 15 civilians were killed.
    • This is the worst? There are no other incidents where the allies deliberately killed even 15 civilians? The "resistance" deliberately kills 15 civilians every single day. How could the allies have killed 100,000 if you can't find a single incident where they even killed 15?
    • "If the accounts as they have been alleged are true, the Haditha incident is likely the most serious war crime that has been reported in Iraq since the beginning of the war", said John Sifton, of Human Rights Watch, May 2006, thus confirming (though he may not have meant to) that this has been a very clean war on the allied side, if this is the worst they can find.
    • Again, I'm not making light of this. If U.S. soldiers did this, then court martial them, execute them. They are a disgrace to the U.S. military.
    • I am merely pointing out what is not obvious - that this proves the allies could not have massacred 100,000 Iraqi people, if this is the worst incident anyone can find.
  • As at 2009, the Haditha massacre remains unproven. 8 soldiers were charged. 6 had charges dropped. 1 was found not guilty. 1 is still pending.
How many died in Iraq How many lives did the Iraq war save

Again... your status as a LIP is secured as you don't seem to see how the real world was affected by the USA.
Saddam's responsible for about 600,000 deaths.

Bush is responsible for over 1.5 mil inIraq alone.
As a Low Information Person (LIP) you totally believe EVERYTHING BAD about America, Bush, our military regardless of the
the FACTS like these:

A) 1991 Cease Fire...Remember Saddam agreed and if he broke.. 1991 Desert Resumed!! Idiot!
THE UN not the USA...
B) Initially the UN Security Council imposed stringent economic sanctions on Iraq by adopting and enforcing United Nations Security Council Resolution 661.[5] After the end of the 1991 Persian Gulf War, those sanctions were extended and elaborated on, including linkage to removal of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), by Resolution 687.
C) Saddam in five years 576,000 children starved BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com

D) The Iraqis attitude about the Liberation of Iraq..
“From the perspective of the Kurdish people -- and I dare say the majority of the Iraqi people -- it was worth it,” he said. “War is never a good option, but given our history and the brutality of Saddam’s regime, it may have been the only other option to end the genocidal campaign waged by Saddam against the Kurds and other communities in Iraq.”
Here is where his answer became a lament. “I must admit, however, that 10 years on, Iraq’s transition is, to say the least, characterized by unrealized expectations, both for Iraqis and for our American liberators. Iraq is not the friendly democracy that the U.S. had hoped for, and it is far from the secure, inclusive democracy that Iraqis deserved and aspired to.”
Was the Iraq Invasion Worthwhile Ask an Iraqi - Bloomberg Business

E) Who killed hundreds of thousands of civilians?
The Iraq Body Count project (IBC project), incorporating subsequent reports, has reported that by the end of the major combat phase up to April 30, 2003,
7,419 civilians had been killed, primarily by U.S. air-and-ground forces.[18][88]
NOT HUNDREDS of Thousands you dumb f...k!!
If you really believe that the allies accidentally killed 100,000 (or 200,000, or more) civilians, then here's what you can do. If this is true, then there must be many incidents in which over, say, 30 civilians were accidentally killed at once. Collect a list of these larger incidents and then cross-reference them with what the allies were doing at the time, to try to explain them. For each of them, demand that the allied militaries explain the incident. Listen to their explanations, which will be things like:
They weren't operating in the area at the time.
The Iraqi side did it.
The incident never happened.
The dead were combatants.
Iraqi combatants used civilians as human shields.
We did it. It was a mistake. Here's how the mistake was made.
and then classify all of these incidents. Rank them by the most damning incidents.
Deal with real, dated incidents, instead of extrapolating numbers from surveys, and then people will listen to you. Explain how the allies did it, instead of just claiming that they did, and then people will listen to you.
The killing of 15 (or 24) civilians in Haditha, Nov 2005. If it is true that U.S. troops killed civilian women and children in cold blood in revenge, the soldiers should be hanged. I have no problem with that. If it is true. The US military has taken it seriously. The soldiers have been arrested and charged.
Defend Our Marines presents the evidence that it is not true.

This is the worst incident?
But what I really want to focus on is this quote from TIME magazine, Mar 19, 2006: "Human-rights activists say that if the accusations are true, the incident ranks as the worst case of deliberate killing of Iraqi civilians by U.S. service members since the war began." At this point it was said 15 civilians were killed.
This is the worst? There are no other incidents where the allies deliberately killed even 15 civilians? The "resistance" deliberately kills 15 civilians every single day. How could the allies have killed 100,000 if you can't find a single incident where they even killed 15?
"If the accounts as they have been alleged are true, the Haditha incident is likely the most serious war crime that has been reported in Iraq since the beginning of the war", said John Sifton, of Human Rights Watch, May 2006, thus confirming (though he may not have meant to) that this has been a very clean war on the allied side, if this is the worst they can find.
Again, I'm not making light of this. If U.S. soldiers did this, then court martial them, execute them. They are a disgrace to the U.S. military.
I am merely pointing out what is not obvious - that this proves the allies could not have massacred 100,000 Iraqi people, if this is the worst incident anyone can find.
As at 2009, the Haditha massacre remains unproven. 8 soldiers were charged. 6 had charges dropped. 1 was found not guilty. 1 is still pending.
How many died in Iraq How many lives did the Iraq war save

Again... your status as a LIP is secured as you don't seem to see how the real world was affected by the USA.


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