Why America needs John Kasich, and why I am pulling for him

Didn't your mother tell you that excessive hand wringing will make your blood pressure soar?

You are gonna pop something.

I am not wringing my hands, I am advocating for responsible government

No. You are definitely wringing your hands. You are twisting yourself into a weird partisan pretzel. You'd vote for Donald Trump. That's not the move of a person after responsible government.

Hillary Clinton is the only candidate who is more qualified than Kasich and you wouldn't even consider voting for her. You are just another freak who wants us to think that you aren't. Cruz? You would cast a vote for Ted Cruz for president? Try harder.
. Hillary ? You would cast a vote for Hillary ? Try much much harder... LOL The woman now has the worst Job resume imaginable, but the libs are just that desperate to want to hold onto their gains on some of the most ridiculous stuff known to civilized societies in this world now. It's embarrassing what has gone on in this nation over time. Libs would allow a nuke to hit this nation before they would realize their wrong in life.
Well...... where Kasich goes, his religion goes. I know this from local radio interviews stations have had with him. Of course that was before he decided to run for Prez. Now he doesn't talk about religion all that much.

But if he does get in, look for some of the toughest abortion laws we've seen in this country since it was ruled legal.

he is a principled man that puts God first in his life. I get it, that scares my liberal friends to death...

those budgets though

Well, your Liberal friends are idiots.
Everything is God's will - not an individual person's.
Not rocket science.

I'd like to see one of your idiot friends make a bug or a snowflake from scratch.
#1 - He's the best man for the job.

He knows how to balance budgets, which has been my #1 issue since I was pulling for Reagan in middle school.

#2 - It is critical that the Republicans win this election.

I'm a realist, I understand that John probably can't and won't win the nomination.

That means, I am pulling for him to be VICE PRESIDENT with FULL responsibility for drafting the White House's proposed budget, irregardless of who the nominee is.

The Scalia news highlights the importance of this year's election.

The main reason I am pulling against Trump in the primaries is that his negatives are sky high and he polls worst of all the Republican presidential candidates, and I am not sure how I feel about Trump insofar as SCOTUS nominees.

At this point, I think it is down to Trump v Cruz. - I don't think an "establishment" candidate can win, so I am pulling for Ted.

But either way, I want our nominee to bring the governor from Ohio onto the ticket. We NEED Ohio and I think we'll get Florida anyway.

For those that want to talk about "cuckservatives"

well, for one thing - fuck you

for another, if Trump does get the nomination, he's going to need "the base" fired up.

I'm calling it now, if The Donald Wins, he will throw out a YUGE olive branch to "the base" and Trumpkins will shift into "recruiting your vote" mode, by order of The Donald.

And I'll fall right in line... Better the billionaire than the hateful, lying bitch or Comrade Bernie making the next few SCOTUS appointments...
He would be a rotten nominee... The last two presidential elections the career politicians of the GOP tried running Rinos. No one voted for them.
Rinos don't get any votes, why run them??
Didn't your mother tell you that excessive hand wringing will make your blood pressure soar?

You are gonna pop something.

I am not wringing my hands, I am advocating for responsible government

No. You are definitely wringing your hands. You are twisting yourself into a weird partisan pretzel. You'd vote for Donald Trump. That's not the move of a person after responsible government.

Hillary Clinton is the only candidate who is more qualified than Kasich and you wouldn't even consider voting for her. You are just another freak who wants us to think that you aren't. Cruz? You would cast a vote for Ted Cruz for president? Try harder.
. Hillary ? You would cast a vote for Hillary ? Try much much harder... LOL The woman now has the worst Job resume imaginable, but the libs are just that desperate to want to hold onto their gains on some of the most ridiculous stuff known to civilized societies in this world now. It's embarrassing what has gone on in this nation over time. Libs would allow a nuke to hit this nation before they would realize their wrong in life.

Go back to grade school. You write like a little kid. It makes anything you write less interesting. And...given what you write....that's quite a feat.
Well...... where Kasich goes, his religion goes. I know this from local radio interviews stations have had with him. Of course that was before he decided to run for Prez. Now he doesn't talk about religion all that much.

But if he does get in, look for some of the toughest abortion laws we've seen in this country since it was ruled legal.

he is a principled man that puts God first in his life. I get it, that scares my liberal friends to death...

those budgets though

Well, your Liberal friends are idiots.
Everything is God's will - not an individual person's.
Not rocket science.

I'd like to see one of your idiot friends make a bug or a snowflake from scratch.

God made you into such a loser? Why'd he do that?
Well...... where Kasich goes, his religion goes. I know this from local radio interviews stations have had with him. Of course that was before he decided to run for Prez. Now he doesn't talk about religion all that much.

But if he does get in, look for some of the toughest abortion laws we've seen in this country since it was ruled legal.

he is a principled man that puts God first in his life. I get it, that scares my liberal friends to death...

those budgets though

I'm all for a man and his religion, as long as he can distance himself from religion when leading the state or country.

I do think however that Kasich would be a huge advantage when it comes to jobs. I can't deny that his business experience has helped our state. He has kept companies here that were planning on leaving and bringing in new companies.

But if I have to hear one more time about what he did in Ohio or in Congress, I think I'm going to barf up my Bosco.
But if I have to hear one more time about what he did in Ohio or in Congress, I think I'm going to barf up my Bosco.

I hate that for you, cuz that's really all he's got

for me, it's enough - on the ticket as VP please
He's the candidate that scares the DNC the most. He would pull Independents to the right and even some Democrats who aren't so thrilled with Hillary in a general election.

Sure he would:

McCain--Rino--lost the election
Romney--Rino--lost the election.

Fill in the blank please.

Neither of them had the record Kasich has. Most Americans want to fix the debt, he has the right experience to do it.

Yes, and his experience is to rob Peter to pay Paul.

Our suburb (like many in Ohio) is suffering greatly. That's because Kasich stopped all funding to cities and towns across the state. We are in the red and have been the last couple of years with no help in sight.

Kasich managed to get the state out of the red at the suffering of all the cities and towns. Now imagine if he would do the same on the federal level. Could we really get by with most all of our states in the red?

You prefer the state be in the red? He is pretty popular in OH. It might teach the states to make some cuts. We can't continue to be in the red at the federal level.

Cuts I can understand. It's a conservative approach. But we have cut everything to the bone. We got rid of recycling because it was costing us $90,000 a year. They closed down one of our fire stations, they cut the pay for Council, they laid off other city workers that we really need. Our streets are no longer getting repaired and they don't even open up the public pool any longer because we don't have the money.

Should the state really be funding all those things?
Didn't your mother tell you that excessive hand wringing will make your blood pressure soar?

You are gonna pop something.

I am not wringing my hands, I am advocating for responsible government

No. You are definitely wringing your hands. You are twisting yourself into a weird partisan pretzel. You'd vote for Donald Trump. That's not the move of a person after responsible government.

Hillary Clinton is the only candidate who is more qualified than Kasich and you wouldn't even consider voting for her. You are just another freak who wants us to think that you aren't. Cruz? You would cast a vote for Ted Cruz for president? Try harder.
. Hillary ? You would cast a vote for Hillary ? Try much much harder... LOL The woman now has the worst Job resume imaginable, but the libs are just that desperate to want to hold onto their gains on some of the most ridiculous stuff known to civilized societies in this world now. It's embarrassing what has gone on in this nation over time. Libs would allow a nuke to hit this nation before they would realize their wrong in life.

Go back to grade school. You write like a little kid. It makes anything you write less interesting. And...given what you write....that's quite a feat.
#1 - He's the best man for the job.

He knows how to balance budgets, which has been my #1 issue since I was pulling for Reagan in middle school.

#2 - It is critical that the Republicans win this election.

I'm a realist, I understand that John probably can't and won't win the nomination.

That means, I am pulling for him to be VICE PRESIDENT with FULL responsibility for drafting the White House's proposed budget, irregardless of who the nominee is.

The Scalia news highlights the importance of this year's election.

The main reason I am pulling against Trump in the primaries is that his negatives are sky high and he polls worst of all the Republican presidential candidates, and I am not sure how I feel about Trump insofar as SCOTUS nominees.

At this point, I think it is down to Trump v Cruz. - I don't think an "establishment" candidate can win, so I am pulling for Ted.

But either way, I want our nominee to bring the governor from Ohio onto the ticket. We NEED Ohio and I think we'll get Florida anyway.

For those that want to talk about "cuckservatives"

well, for one thing - fuck you

for another, if Trump does get the nomination, he's going to need "the base" fired up.

I'm calling it now, if The Donald Wins, he will throw out a YUGE olive branch to "the base" and Trumpkins will shift into "recruiting your vote" mode, by order of The Donald.

And I'll fall right in line... Better the billionaire than the hateful, lying bitch or Comrade Bernie making the next few SCOTUS appointments...

He's a nice guy, but Nah

Trump 16

Trump will get destroyed. Carlie and Megyn destroyed him. Will be real ugly when the dems go after him. Most people aren't going to vote for a guy who can't act like an adult and is on his 3rd marriage.
. Good points and analogy, but the dem canidates are so bad that Trump could probably breeze right on through regardless.... Worked so far against canidates that are way on stronger than the dems are, and for which Trump has been debating against on the Republican side. People are signaling they want change, and they want a bull dog that bites to get that change going for them. Could be Trump, Cruz, Rubio or Bush that could be the one. Ohh Jeb has showed some scrappiness in him against Trump, but would he use that for or against the people who want him to work for them ? Otherwise would he be tough for the donor class, and against what the people want or will he be for the people ?.
#1 - He's the best man for the job.

He knows how to balance budgets, which has been my #1 issue since I was pulling for Reagan in middle school.

#2 - It is critical that the Republicans win this election.

I'm a realist, I understand that John probably can't and won't win the nomination.

That means, I am pulling for him to be VICE PRESIDENT with FULL responsibility for drafting the White House's proposed budget, irregardless of who the nominee is.

The Scalia news highlights the importance of this year's election.

The main reason I am pulling against Trump in the primaries is that his negatives are sky high and he polls worst of all the Republican presidential candidates, and I am not sure how I feel about Trump insofar as SCOTUS nominees.

At this point, I think it is down to Trump v Cruz. - I don't think an "establishment" candidate can win, so I am pulling for Ted.

But either way, I want our nominee to bring the governor from Ohio onto the ticket. We NEED Ohio and I think we'll get Florida anyway.

For those that want to talk about "cuckservatives"

well, for one thing - fuck you

for another, if Trump does get the nomination, he's going to need "the base" fired up.

I'm calling it now, if The Donald Wins, he will throw out a YUGE olive branch to "the base" and Trumpkins will shift into "recruiting your vote" mode, by order of The Donald.

And I'll fall right in line... Better the billionaire than the hateful, lying bitch or Comrade Bernie making the next few SCOTUS appointments...
He would be a rotten nominee... The last two presidential elections the career politicians of the GOP tried running Rinos. No one voted for them.
Rinos don't get any votes, why run them??

Wait till you see how few somebody way too far to the right gets...
#1 - He's the best man for the job.

He knows how to balance budgets, which has been my #1 issue since I was pulling for Reagan in middle school.

#2 - It is critical that the Republicans win this election.

I'm a realist, I understand that John probably can't and won't win the nomination.

That means, I am pulling for him to be VICE PRESIDENT with FULL responsibility for drafting the White House's proposed budget, irregardless of who the nominee is.

The Scalia news highlights the importance of this year's election.

The main reason I am pulling against Trump in the primaries is that his negatives are sky high and he polls worst of all the Republican presidential candidates, and I am not sure how I feel about Trump insofar as SCOTUS nominees.

At this point, I think it is down to Trump v Cruz. - I don't think an "establishment" candidate can win, so I am pulling for Ted.

But either way, I want our nominee to bring the governor from Ohio onto the ticket. We NEED Ohio and I think we'll get Florida anyway.

For those that want to talk about "cuckservatives"

well, for one thing - fuck you

for another, if Trump does get the nomination, he's going to need "the base" fired up.

I'm calling it now, if The Donald Wins, he will throw out a YUGE olive branch to "the base" and Trumpkins will shift into "recruiting your vote" mode, by order of The Donald.

And I'll fall right in line... Better the billionaire than the hateful, lying bitch or Comrade Bernie making the next few SCOTUS appointments...

He's a nice guy, but Nah

Trump 16

Trump will get destroyed. Carlie and Megyn destroyed him. Will be real ugly when the dems go after him. Most people aren't going to vote for a guy who can't act like an adult and is on his 3rd marriage.
. Good points and analogy, but the dem canidates are so bad that Trump could probably breeze right on through regardless.... Worked so far against canidates that are way on stronger than the dems are, and for which Trump has been debating against on the Republican side. People are signaling they want change, and they want a bull dog that bites to get that change going for them. Could be Trump, Cruz, Rubio or Bush that could be the one. Ohh Jeb has showed some scrappiness in him against Trump, but would he use that for or against the people who want him to work for them ? Otherwise would he be tough for the donor class, and against what the people want or will he be for the people ?.

I think when the gloves come off the dems would have sooo much to work with. And Trump hasn't been very good when somebody really goes after him like Carly did.
#1 - He's the best man for the job.

He knows how to balance budgets, which has been my #1 issue since I was pulling for Reagan in middle school.

#2 - It is critical that the Republicans win this election.

I'm a realist, I understand that John probably can't and won't win the nomination.

That means, I am pulling for him to be VICE PRESIDENT with FULL responsibility for drafting the White House's proposed budget, irregardless of who the nominee is.

The Scalia news highlights the importance of this year's election.

The main reason I am pulling against Trump in the primaries is that his negatives are sky high and he polls worst of all the Republican presidential candidates, and I am not sure how I feel about Trump insofar as SCOTUS nominees.

At this point, I think it is down to Trump v Cruz. - I don't think an "establishment" candidate can win, so I am pulling for Ted.

But either way, I want our nominee to bring the governor from Ohio onto the ticket. We NEED Ohio and I think we'll get Florida anyway.

For those that want to talk about "cuckservatives"

well, for one thing - fuck you

for another, if Trump does get the nomination, he's going to need "the base" fired up.

I'm calling it now, if The Donald Wins, he will throw out a YUGE olive branch to "the base" and Trumpkins will shift into "recruiting your vote" mode, by order of The Donald.

And I'll fall right in line... Better the billionaire than the hateful, lying bitch or Comrade Bernie making the next few SCOTUS appointments...

He's a nice guy, but Nah

Trump 16

Trump will get destroyed. Carlie and Megyn destroyed him. Will be real ugly when the dems go after him. Most people aren't going to vote for a guy who can't act like an adult and is on his 3rd marriage.
. Good points and analogy, but the dem canidates are so bad that Trump could probably breeze right on through regardless.... Worked so far against canidates that are way on stronger than the dems are, and for which Trump has been debating against on the Republican side. People are signaling they want change, and they want a bull dog that bites to get that change going for them. Could be Trump, Cruz, Rubio or Bush that could be the one. Ohh Jeb has showed some scrappiness in him against Trump, but would he use that for or against the people who want him to work for them ? Otherwise would he be tough for the donor class, and against what the people want or will he be for the people ?.

I think when the gloves come off the dems would have sooo much to work with. And Trump hasn't been very good when somebody really goes after him like Carly did.
. Yes it's never a good thing to under estimate your opponent. Trump might be the only one to intimidate his opponent enough to keep him or her off their game. I hope Trump really does some closet cleaning if he has anything they can latch on to in which they will tear him to pieces with. The problem with Trump, is that he is to crazy to sweep his basement before moving up to try and clean the top. How much ammunition do they have against him already ? I hope his campaign is being honest with him, and that he is listening to his people to create the proper counter measures. Kasich was right last night when he said "If they keep on, then they will give the election to Hillary". Exposing your weaknesses to the enemy camp is a grave mistake, and completely hilarious all at the same time.
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Sure he would:

McCain--Rino--lost the election
Romney--Rino--lost the election.

Fill in the blank please.

Neither of them had the record Kasich has. Most Americans want to fix the debt, he has the right experience to do it.

Yes, and his experience is to rob Peter to pay Paul.

Our suburb (like many in Ohio) is suffering greatly. That's because Kasich stopped all funding to cities and towns across the state. We are in the red and have been the last couple of years with no help in sight.

Kasich managed to get the state out of the red at the suffering of all the cities and towns. Now imagine if he would do the same on the federal level. Could we really get by with most all of our states in the red?

You prefer the state be in the red? He is pretty popular in OH. It might teach the states to make some cuts. We can't continue to be in the red at the federal level.

Cuts I can understand. It's a conservative approach. But we have cut everything to the bone. We got rid of recycling because it was costing us $90,000 a year. They closed down one of our fire stations, they cut the pay for Council, they laid off other city workers that we really need. Our streets are no longer getting repaired and they don't even open up the public pool any longer because we don't have the money.

Should the state really be funding all those things?

Within reason, yes, because many cities can't do without the money. In our case, we lost property value which means lower property taxes to the city and county. HUD people don't bring in much tax revenue and the stores that closed down certainly aren't contributing anything.

It all depends on the situation. It think the previous Democrat Governor went too far one way, and Kasich went too far the other.
Neither of them had the record Kasich has. Most Americans want to fix the debt, he has the right experience to do it.

Yes, and his experience is to rob Peter to pay Paul.

Our suburb (like many in Ohio) is suffering greatly. That's because Kasich stopped all funding to cities and towns across the state. We are in the red and have been the last couple of years with no help in sight.

Kasich managed to get the state out of the red at the suffering of all the cities and towns. Now imagine if he would do the same on the federal level. Could we really get by with most all of our states in the red?

You prefer the state be in the red? He is pretty popular in OH. It might teach the states to make some cuts. We can't continue to be in the red at the federal level.

Cuts I can understand. It's a conservative approach. But we have cut everything to the bone. We got rid of recycling because it was costing us $90,000 a year. They closed down one of our fire stations, they cut the pay for Council, they laid off other city workers that we really need. Our streets are no longer getting repaired and they don't even open up the public pool any longer because we don't have the money.

Should the state really be funding all those things?

Within reason, yes, because many cities can't do without the money. In our case, we lost property value which means lower property taxes to the city and county. HUD people don't bring in much tax revenue and the stores that closed down certainly aren't contributing anything.

It all depends on the situation. It think the previous Democrat Governor went too far one way, and Kasich went too far the other.

Why do you think he remains so popular?
Neither of them had the record Kasich has. Most Americans want to fix the debt, he has the right experience to do it.

Yes, and his experience is to rob Peter to pay Paul.

Our suburb (like many in Ohio) is suffering greatly. That's because Kasich stopped all funding to cities and towns across the state. We are in the red and have been the last couple of years with no help in sight.

Kasich managed to get the state out of the red at the suffering of all the cities and towns. Now imagine if he would do the same on the federal level. Could we really get by with most all of our states in the red?

You prefer the state be in the red? He is pretty popular in OH. It might teach the states to make some cuts. We can't continue to be in the red at the federal level.

Cuts I can understand. It's a conservative approach. But we have cut everything to the bone. We got rid of recycling because it was costing us $90,000 a year. They closed down one of our fire stations, they cut the pay for Council, they laid off other city workers that we really need. Our streets are no longer getting repaired and they don't even open up the public pool any longer because we don't have the money.

Should the state really be funding all those things?

Within reason, yes, because many cities can't do without the money. In our case, we lost property value which means lower property taxes to the city and county. HUD people don't bring in much tax revenue and the stores that closed down certainly aren't contributing anything.

It all depends on the situation. It think the previous Democrat Governor went too far one way, and Kasich went too far the other.

Don't you think we need that in someone in Washington? I would think it is the only way to work towards a balanced budget. Dems and Repubs love to spend so won't be easy to do.
He's the candidate that scares the DNC the most. He would pull Independents to the right and even some Democrats who aren't so thrilled with Hillary in a general election.

Sure he would:

McCain--Rino--lost the election
Romney--Rino--lost the election.

Fill in the blank please.

Neither of them had the record Kasich has. Most Americans want to fix the debt, he has the right experience to do it.

Yes, and his experience is to rob Peter to pay Paul.

Our suburb (like many in Ohio) is suffering greatly. That's because Kasich stopped all funding to cities and towns across the state. We are in the red and have been the last couple of years with no help in sight.

Kasich managed to get the state out of the red at the suffering of all the cities and towns. Now imagine if he would do the same on the federal level. Could we really get by with most all of our states in the red?

You prefer the state be in the red? He is pretty popular in OH. It might teach the states to make some cuts. We can't continue to be in the red at the federal level.

Cuts I can understand. It's a conservative approach. But we have cut everything to the bone. We got rid of recycling because it was costing us $90,000 a year. They closed down one of our fire stations, they cut the pay for Council, they laid off other city workers that we really need. Our streets are no longer getting repaired and they don't even open up the public pool any longer because we don't have the money.

I suggest your city raise taxes to provide those services instead of taxing your neighboring cities for your services.
#1 - He's the best man for the job.

He knows how to balance budgets, which has been my #1 issue since I was pulling for Reagan in middle school.

#2 - It is critical that the Republicans win this election.

I'm a realist, I understand that John probably can't and won't win the nomination.

That means, I am pulling for him to be VICE PRESIDENT with FULL responsibility for drafting the White House's proposed budget, irregardless of who the nominee is.

The Scalia news highlights the importance of this year's election.

The main reason I am pulling against Trump in the primaries is that his negatives are sky high and he polls worst of all the Republican presidential candidates, and I am not sure how I feel about Trump insofar as SCOTUS nominees.

At this point, I think it is down to Trump v Cruz. - I don't think an "establishment" candidate can win, so I am pulling for Ted.

But either way, I want our nominee to bring the governor from Ohio onto the ticket. We NEED Ohio and I think we'll get Florida anyway.

For those that want to talk about "cuckservatives"

well, for one thing - fuck you

for another, if Trump does get the nomination, he's going to need "the base" fired up.

I'm calling it now, if The Donald Wins, he will throw out a YUGE olive branch to "the base" and Trumpkins will shift into "recruiting your vote" mode, by order of The Donald.

And I'll fall right in line... Better the billionaire than the hateful, lying bitch or Comrade Bernie making the next few SCOTUS appointments...

America doesn't need a republican president. But at least Kasich isn't a total creep. He has some morals.

In the other hand he thinks climate change is G-d's will. That should disqualify him from national office.

Sure he would:

McCain--Rino--lost the election
Romney--Rino--lost the election.

Fill in the blank please.

Neither of them had the record Kasich has. Most Americans want to fix the debt, he has the right experience to do it.

Yes, and his experience is to rob Peter to pay Paul.

Our suburb (like many in Ohio) is suffering greatly. That's because Kasich stopped all funding to cities and towns across the state. We are in the red and have been the last couple of years with no help in sight.

Kasich managed to get the state out of the red at the suffering of all the cities and towns. Now imagine if he would do the same on the federal level. Could we really get by with most all of our states in the red?

You prefer the state be in the red? He is pretty popular in OH. It might teach the states to make some cuts. We can't continue to be in the red at the federal level.

Cuts I can understand. It's a conservative approach. But we have cut everything to the bone. We got rid of recycling because it was costing us $90,000 a year. They closed down one of our fire stations, they cut the pay for Council, they laid off other city workers that we really need. Our streets are no longer getting repaired and they don't even open up the public pool any longer because we don't have the money.

I suggest your city raise taxes to provide those services instead of taxing your neighboring cities for your services.

Don't you think they tried that yet?

When the city was doing better, they put a school levy on the ballot that passed. It was for destroying and rebuilding all new schools. The state at the time agreed to match the funds if the city could get it passed.

It raised our taxes considerably and in fact, we are one of the highest taxed suburbs in Cuyahoga county. On top of that, they also passed a levy for increased staff pay for the schools which automatically increase every year to keep up with growing costs and inflation. So additional taxes were always voted down in spite of the several attempts the city put forward. The only levies that pass now are continuance levels that won't increase our property tax.
Yes, and his experience is to rob Peter to pay Paul.

Our suburb (like many in Ohio) is suffering greatly. That's because Kasich stopped all funding to cities and towns across the state. We are in the red and have been the last couple of years with no help in sight.

Kasich managed to get the state out of the red at the suffering of all the cities and towns. Now imagine if he would do the same on the federal level. Could we really get by with most all of our states in the red?

You prefer the state be in the red? He is pretty popular in OH. It might teach the states to make some cuts. We can't continue to be in the red at the federal level.

Cuts I can understand. It's a conservative approach. But we have cut everything to the bone. We got rid of recycling because it was costing us $90,000 a year. They closed down one of our fire stations, they cut the pay for Council, they laid off other city workers that we really need. Our streets are no longer getting repaired and they don't even open up the public pool any longer because we don't have the money.

Should the state really be funding all those things?

Within reason, yes, because many cities can't do without the money. In our case, we lost property value which means lower property taxes to the city and county. HUD people don't bring in much tax revenue and the stores that closed down certainly aren't contributing anything.

It all depends on the situation. It think the previous Democrat Governor went too far one way, and Kasich went too far the other.

Don't you think we need that in someone in Washington? I would think it is the only way to work towards a balanced budget. Dems and Repubs love to spend so won't be easy to do.

What I'm saying here is that Kasich didn't perform any magic tricks. He just took money from one entity and put it towards another. If you think that's real leadership, then you have your own definition of what leadership is.

Now I agree with that strategy provided you take from something that's a waste of money or pure vote buying and nobody is harmed. But the way Kasich did it, he brought the state out of the red and now the cities are harmed--some of us very seriously.

Like I said, cuts are fine. I have to admit my city wasted money on stupid crap. But if the state sees that all the stupid crap and more are cut out, and the city can't stay afloat, then I think the state needs to reconsider those situations. Kasich didn't. We were even audited by the state so they could see there was no place else to cut.

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