Why anti gun people are so angry.....

Well....in the old days....you would call out a jerk and have a duel.....was that more or less civil than today...?

In the "old days" there were rarely any duels over disagreements on political matters. Today there are damn few who discuss an issue without calling names or going ballistic.

Being a jerk is not a capital offense.

But should it be..............?

Fuck no it shouldn't be. Just because someone disagrees with you or is a jerk does not mean they should die.

Yeah...but what if they are a really big jerk?

Unless they are threatening you, nope. Sorry. No open season on jerks.

Well..what fun is that then....?
Well....in the old days....you would call out a jerk and have a duel.....was that more or less civil than today...?

In the "old days" there were rarely any duels over disagreements on political matters. Today there are damn few who discuss an issue without calling names or going ballistic.

Being a jerk is not a capital offense.

But should it be..............?

Fuck no it shouldn't be. Just because someone disagrees with you or is a jerk does not mean they should die.

Yeah...but what if they are a really big jerk?

Unless they are threatening you, nope. Sorry. No open season on jerks.

What about a limited season....like in the fall....?
sure , they are not defenseless but most male criminals are stronger than females , weak people , disabled people and the elderly Brian . He11 , fienstein carries or used to carry a gun , mrobama and family always have a bevy of armed bodyguards !!

When a man who is twice your size and strength is intent upon raping you, there is nothing you can do to stop him, short of mortally injuring him with a firearm.

You can consider yourself defenseless all you want. You don't speak for all women however. My wife for instance is far from defenseless. Haha
sure , they are not defenseless but most male criminals are stronger than females , weak people , disabled people and the elderly Brian . He11 , fienstein carries or used to carry a gun , mrobama and family always have a bevy of armed bodyguards !!

When a man who is twice your size and strength is intent upon raping you, there is nothing you can do to stop him, short of mortally injuring him with a firearm.

You can consider yourself defenseless all you want. You don't speak for all women however. My wife for instance is far from defenseless. Haha

What is this? Some kind of a joke to you? I suppose ALL of those women who have been raped just allowed it to happen then, huh brainless.
I guess America is infested with "gun grabbers"...:eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:


See......as was pointed out above...we don't trust you...why...because we know how you think and what you want....

Those polls showing people in favor of "universal background checks" are based on lies.....they ask the question.. do you support universal background checks for transfers of guns.....and of course, people who pay no attention to the issue in their daily lives, who just hear about the issue from democrats in the media, and who never ask for clarification of the issue....say yes.....

Now....ask the real question...

"Do you support universal background checks if it means you can't give a family member a gun as a gift, even if you know they are not a felon, without paying a gun store a fee to do a background check......do you support UBCs if it means that if both you and your wife have concealed carry permits...and you buy a gun....you cannot lend that gun to your wife, or let her carry that gun without going to a licensed firearm dealer and doing a background check on her.....do you support background checks if it means that if your freind, who is not a felon, is going hunting and would like to try out your new shotgun...that you have to get a background check and pay for it to lend him that shotgun"

Ask that question again....and see what the real poll number is......

Then you gun owners are stupid people too...

92 percent of gun owners support universal background checks

Stupid, no....many gun owners don't pay attention to the goals of you gun grabbers....they think you really mean what you say when you say..."We just want common sense gun control" and they believe you because they don't know you.....

I know hunters who don't care about handguns so they don't care if they get banned.....they think...I have a shotgun and they won't ban those.....and they just don't realize that they want all guns, not just some guns?..

Again...ask the question with all of the implications of that law...and see if they still support it.......
I find it funny this is about angry anti gunners and the person ranting and name calling and hating is the pro gun nut.

Hey Brain. Good to see ya.

Ready for another head to head?

Oh I'm always ready. Haven't seen much of you though. You avoiding this?

The thing I'm mostly getting yelled at lately is if colleges should be forced to allow firearms. My feeling is it should be up to the college just like it is up to the student to pick a college. I don't like the idea of the government forcing it upon them. For this I have been called a lot of names. haha

Took a hiatus, there was too much animosity flowing around here. Seems to be a little better now.

Are you upset that in some states, like mine, colleges are forced by law to restrict all firearms from campus...it was the gun control advocates that lobbied for these laws, but when the force is being applied by the other foot (so to speak) that is a travesty.

For private colleges and universities, I agree with you.

Public colleges should not be exempted from Constitutional rights. (P.S. - free speech zones should be abolished as well.)

I think it should be up to the college. So laws shouldn't force them to allow or not allow. I think that is fair. And if somebody is really worried about guns they go to a school that has none. If they think they need one for protection they go to one that allows them.

Nobody is forcing anyone to carry on campus. It would be an OPTION, brainless.
sure , they are not defenseless but most male criminals are stronger than females , weak people , disabled people and the elderly Brian . He11 , fienstein carries or used to carry a gun , mrobama and family always have a bevy of armed bodyguards !!

When a man who is twice your size and strength is intent upon raping you, there is nothing you can do to stop him, short of mortally injuring him with a firearm.

You can consider yourself defenseless all you want. You don't speak for all women however. My wife for instance is far from defenseless. Haha

What is this? Some kind of a joke to you? I suppose ALL of those women who have been raped just allowed it to happen then, huh brainless.

No a lot of them were drugged or drunk. Many are not yet adults. Many are taken advantage of by someone they know. But no all women are not defenseless.
sure , they are not defenseless but most male criminals are stronger than females , weak people , disabled people and the elderly Brian . He11 , fienstein carries or used to carry a gun , mrobama and family always have a bevy of armed bodyguards !!

When a man who is twice your size and strength is intent upon raping you, there is nothing you can do to stop him, short of mortally injuring him with a firearm.

You can consider yourself defenseless all you want. You don't speak for all women however. My wife for instance is far from defenseless. Haha

What is this? Some kind of a joke to you? I suppose ALL of those women who have been raped just allowed it to happen then, huh brainless.

No a lot of them were drugged or drunk. Many are not yet adults. Many are taken advantage of by someone they know. But no all women are not defenseless.

Plenty of violent stranger rapes happen. You are WRONG.
I find it funny this is about angry anti gunners and the person ranting and name calling and hating is the pro gun nut.

Hey Brain. Good to see ya.

Ready for another head to head?

Oh I'm always ready. Haven't seen much of you though. You avoiding this?

The thing I'm mostly getting yelled at lately is if colleges should be forced to allow firearms. My feeling is it should be up to the college just like it is up to the student to pick a college. I don't like the idea of the government forcing it upon them. For this I have been called a lot of names. haha

Took a hiatus, there was too much animosity flowing around here. Seems to be a little better now.

Are you upset that in some states, like mine, colleges are forced by law to restrict all firearms from campus...it was the gun control advocates that lobbied for these laws, but when the force is being applied by the other foot (so to speak) that is a travesty.

For private colleges and universities, I agree with you.

Public colleges should not be exempted from Constitutional rights. (P.S. - free speech zones should be abolished as well.)

I think it should be up to the college. So laws shouldn't force them to allow or not allow. I think that is fair. And if somebody is really worried about guns they go to a school that has none. If they think they need one for protection they go to one that allows them.

Nobody is forcing anyone to carry on campus. It would be an OPTION, brainless.

Obviously. I'm saying if the school doesn't want to allow firearms they should have that right.
sure , they are not defenseless but most male criminals are stronger than females , weak people , disabled people and the elderly Brian . He11 , fienstein carries or used to carry a gun , mrobama and family always have a bevy of armed bodyguards !!

When a man who is twice your size and strength is intent upon raping you, there is nothing you can do to stop him, short of mortally injuring him with a firearm.

You can consider yourself defenseless all you want. You don't speak for all women however. My wife for instance is far from defenseless. Haha

What is this? Some kind of a joke to you? I suppose ALL of those women who have been raped just allowed it to happen then, huh brainless.

No a lot of them were drugged or drunk. Many are not yet adults. Many are taken advantage of by someone they know. But no all women are not defenseless.

Plenty of violent stranger rapes happen. You are WRONG.

How many? 55% involve drugs. 80% an acquaintance. 60% minors. That doesn't leave many.
When a man who is twice your size and strength is intent upon raping you, there is nothing you can do to stop him, short of mortally injuring him with a firearm.

You can consider yourself defenseless all you want. You don't speak for all women however. My wife for instance is far from defenseless. Haha

What is this? Some kind of a joke to you? I suppose ALL of those women who have been raped just allowed it to happen then, huh brainless.

No a lot of them were drugged or drunk. Many are not yet adults. Many are taken advantage of by someone they know. But no all women are not defenseless.

Plenty of violent stranger rapes happen. You are WRONG.

How many? 55% involve drugs. 80% an acquaintance. 60% minors. That doesn't leave many.

If you are going to quote statistics, then provide a link.
yeah right Brian , if a PRIVATE school doesn't want guns then that's cool . Publically funded is a different story though !!
Hey Brain. Good to see ya.

Ready for another head to head?

Oh I'm always ready. Haven't seen much of you though. You avoiding this?

The thing I'm mostly getting yelled at lately is if colleges should be forced to allow firearms. My feeling is it should be up to the college just like it is up to the student to pick a college. I don't like the idea of the government forcing it upon them. For this I have been called a lot of names. haha

Took a hiatus, there was too much animosity flowing around here. Seems to be a little better now.

Are you upset that in some states, like mine, colleges are forced by law to restrict all firearms from campus...it was the gun control advocates that lobbied for these laws, but when the force is being applied by the other foot (so to speak) that is a travesty.

For private colleges and universities, I agree with you.

Public colleges should not be exempted from Constitutional rights. (P.S. - free speech zones should be abolished as well.)

I think it should be up to the college. So laws shouldn't force them to allow or not allow. I think that is fair. And if somebody is really worried about guns they go to a school that has none. If they think they need one for protection they go to one that allows them.

Nobody is forcing anyone to carry on campus. It would be an OPTION, brainless.

Obviously. I'm saying if the school doesn't want to allow firearms they should have that right.

Nope, ANOTHER lie. You were saying that people would be FORCED to carry firearms because you are a dishonest piece of crap.
Why are anti gun folks angry? Pro gun idiots want it all! No back ground checks, no MANDATORY safety courses, no liability laws against those morons who have unsecured guns around children, no waiting period to buy even MORE guns.

And a warped rationalization that dead kids are gonna happen, so why not get some more guns.

School yards, restaurants, churches, college campuses, offices and theaters are shot up by gun nuts and then those gun nuts claim it's their 'right' to put MORE guns on the streets.

That 2nd amendment has a phrase the gun nuts NEVER quote. "A well regulated militia..." . There are guns folks have had and should have. Hunting and target rifles, shot guns. But a weapon designed for war, a weapon that has a semi-automatic or fully automatic firing system, has a magazine capable of holding more than ten rounds. Such weapons are designed for the battle field, not the hunting grounds and certainly not on the streets.

But gun nuts throw shallow logic at the situation and continue to try to hide behind the second phase of the 2nd amendment.
Hey Brain. Good to see ya.

Ready for another head to head?

Oh I'm always ready. Haven't seen much of you though. You avoiding this?

The thing I'm mostly getting yelled at lately is if colleges should be forced to allow firearms. My feeling is it should be up to the college just like it is up to the student to pick a college. I don't like the idea of the government forcing it upon them. For this I have been called a lot of names. haha

Took a hiatus, there was too much animosity flowing around here. Seems to be a little better now.

Are you upset that in some states, like mine, colleges are forced by law to restrict all firearms from campus...it was the gun control advocates that lobbied for these laws, but when the force is being applied by the other foot (so to speak) that is a travesty.

For private colleges and universities, I agree with you.

Public colleges should not be exempted from Constitutional rights. (P.S. - free speech zones should be abolished as well.)

I think it should be up to the college. So laws shouldn't force them to allow or not allow. I think that is fair. And if somebody is really worried about guns they go to a school that has none. If they think they need one for protection they go to one that allows them.

Nobody is forcing anyone to carry on campus. It would be an OPTION, brainless.

Obviously. I'm saying if the school doesn't want to allow firearms they should have that right.

unless it is a public supported college...then they have no right to deny our right to self defense........
Why are anti gun folks angry? Pro gun idiots want it all! No back ground checks, no MANDATORY safety courses, no liability laws against those morons who have unsecured guns around children, no waiting period to buy even MORE guns.

And a warped rationalization that dead kids are gonna happen, so why not get some more guns.

School yards, restaurants, churches, college campuses, offices and theaters are shot up by gun nuts and then those gun nuts claim it's their 'right' to put MORE guns on the streets.

That 2nd amendment has a phrase the gun nuts NEVER quote. "A well regulated militia..." . There are guns folks have had and should have. Hunting and target rifles, shot guns. But a weapon designed for war, a weapon that has a semi-automatic or fully automatic firing system, has a magazine capable of holding more than ten rounds. Such weapons are designed for the battle field, not the hunting grounds and certainly not on the streets.

But gun nuts throw shallow logic at the situation and continue to try to hide behind the second phase of the 2nd amendment.

Guns PROTECT us from the criminals that would harm us. Dead kids happen in GUN FREE zones. Guns have been proven to be the most effective deterrent against criminals. Don't believe me? Ask them.

Gun Facts Gun Control and Crime

Fact: 60% of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. 40% of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed. 7

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