Why anti gun people are so angry.....

Second Amendment jurisprudence is currently evolving, and indeed that process has just started.

It could be decades before a comprehensive understanding of the Second Amendment right is codified in case law, likely requiring the Supreme Court to weight in with regard to a number of regulatory measures.

Until that time, however, firearm regulatory policy that has been ruled Constitutional by the Federal courts, such as magazine capacity requirements and licensing fees, as well as measures not yet subject to judicial review, do not 'violate' the Second Amendment, nor do they seek to 'infringe' on the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment.

To argue otherwise is ignorant and unfounded.

And what good do regulations and laws do against criminals who most of the time obtain their guns through illegal means?
Private school might be able to ban just so public universities can't ban then its ok with me .
I think it is clear there is angry and crazy ones on both sides. Winterborn, 2A, and Missourian and others are always good gentlemen in discussions. Others like ChrisL go right to name calling and other childish garbage. She really makes gun owners look bad while I think the others show everyone isn't a gun nut.

On there other side at the extreme there is that guy who is happy when a gun owner is killed and thinks they all should be. Clearly a nut.

That is because you are a dishonest piece of shit.
I find it funny this is about angry anti gunners and the person ranting and name calling and hating is the pro gun nut.

Hey Brain. Good to see ya.

Ready for another head to head?

Oh I'm always ready. Haven't seen much of you though. You avoiding this?

The thing I'm mostly getting yelled at lately is if colleges should be forced to allow firearms. My feeling is it should be up to the college just like it is up to the student to pick a college. I don't like the idea of the government forcing it upon them. For this I have been called a lot of names. haha

Lies. You are on every gun thread spewing your anti-gun rhetoric.
I think it is clear there is angry and crazy ones on both sides. Winterborn, 2A, and Missourian and others are always good gentlemen in discussions. Others like ChrisL go right to name calling and other childish garbage. She really makes gun owners look bad while I think the others show everyone isn't a gun nut.

On there other side at the extreme there is that guy who is happy when a gun owner is killed and thinks they all should be. Clearly a nut.


This is a person who claims that men are not stronger than women and makes fun of women who feel they need protection.
I find it funny this is about angry anti gunners and the person ranting and name calling and hating is the pro gun nut.

Hey Brain. Good to see ya.

Ready for another head to head?

Oh I'm always ready. Haven't seen much of you though. You avoiding this?

The thing I'm mostly getting yelled at lately is if colleges should be forced to allow firearms. My feeling is it should be up to the college just like it is up to the student to pick a college. I don't like the idea of the government forcing it upon them. For this I have been called a lot of names. haha

Took a hiatus, there was too much animosity flowing around here. Seems to be a little better now.

Are you upset that in some states, like mine, colleges are forced by law to restrict all firearms from campus...it was the gun control advocates that lobbied for these laws, but when the force is being applied by the other foot (so to speak) that is a travesty.

For private colleges and universities, I agree with you.

Public colleges should not be exempted from Constitutional rights. (P.S. - free speech zones should be abolished as well.)
I think it is clear there is angry and crazy ones on both sides. Winterborn, 2A, and Missourian and others are always good gentlemen in discussions. Others like ChrisL go right to name calling and other childish garbage. She really makes gun owners look bad while I think the others show everyone isn't a gun nut.

On there other side at the extreme there is that guy who is happy when a gun owner is killed and thinks they all should be. Clearly a nut.


This is a person who claims that men are not stronger than women and makes fun of women who feel they need protection.

I have said women are not defenseless without a gun. Don't bother lying anyone can go and look at what I have said.
I find it funny this is about angry anti gunners and the person ranting and name calling and hating is the pro gun nut.

Hey Brain. Good to see ya.

Ready for another head to head?

Oh I'm always ready. Haven't seen much of you though. You avoiding this?

The thing I'm mostly getting yelled at lately is if colleges should be forced to allow firearms. My feeling is it should be up to the college just like it is up to the student to pick a college. I don't like the idea of the government forcing it upon them. For this I have been called a lot of names. haha

Took a hiatus, there was too much animosity flowing around here. Seems to be a little better now.

Are you upset that in some states, like mine, colleges are forced by law to restrict all firearms from campus...it was the gun control advocates that lobbied for these laws, but when the force is being applied by the other foot (so to speak) that is a travesty.

For private colleges and universities, I agree with you.

Public colleges should not be exempted from Constitutional rights. (P.S. - free speech zones should be abolished as well.)

I think it should be up to the college. So laws shouldn't force them to allow or not allow. I think that is fair. And if somebody is really worried about guns they go to a school that has none. If they think they need one for protection they go to one that allows them.
Just to prove what a dishonest piece of crap this rapey weirdo is . . . .

Brain: Are you saying all men are twice your size? Awe poor defenseless little you. I guess you are just defenseless without a gun. You insult women.

Me: At 5'1" tall and 100 pounds, YES, most men are twice my size. Even if they are my size, men are stronger than women. Those are facts, retard.

Brain: That doesn't make you defenseless. Gosh get some confidence.

Me: This has nothing to do with "confidence" you piece of shit.

Brain: Yes it totally does. You think you are defenseless without a gun. That is just pathetic.

Me: Most women are defenseless against a man if he decides to force himself upon them. That is why so many women are raped and why women are most often the victims of rape.

Brain: No they are not. Get some confidence.
sure , they are not defenseless but most male criminals are stronger than females , weak people , disabled people and the elderly Brian . He11 , fienstein carries or used to carry a gun , mrobama and family always have a bevy of armed bodyguards !!
publically funded schools should not be able to ban concealed carry Brian .
You are vile. The reason why I call you names is because you are a dishonest hack piece of crap with an agenda. You ignore data and links provided to you. You outright lie. YOU claim you are not anti-gun yet post anti-gun rhetoric in EVERY single gun thread. You are a liar and a traitor to the American people. I hate you. That's why I call YOU names. A lying dishonest sack of crap is all you are. YOU have earned every single name I've called you.

And again the angry gun nut. Thanks for proving my point.

Angry anti gun nut is YOU. You want to leave women defenseless against rapists who may even murder them, and even go so far as to say that women can fight off a rapist and that men are NOT stronger than women. You are a piece of shit.

This is part of the problem gun grabbers are facing. Women are the number one driving force behind gun control...conversely, the number one fastest growing segment of gun owners are women.

LAS VEGAS — The gun world is not just a man’s world anymore.

Women are buying more guns, hunting and participating in the shooting sports more than ever, according to a study released Wednesday by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

“We’re changing the industry,” said Lucretia Free, publisher of The American Woman Shooter.

In 2001, there were 1.8 million female hunters in the country. In 2013, there were 3.3 million female hunters, an 85 percent increase in the dozen years, according to the study released last week at the shooting sports organization’s annual SHOT (Shooting, Hunting and Outdoors Trade) Show in Las Vegas.

In 2001, there were 3.3 million female target shooters in the country. In 2013, that number had grown to 5.4 million, or increased by 60 percent.

And those numbers don’t include the number of women who own a gun only for protection, which is why most women initially buy a gun.

Study More Women Buying Guns Participating In Shooting Sports Times Record
What is driving this growth? At least in part the success of the conceal carry movement.

The gun control groups staked their reputations on a lie...that conceal carry would lead to a new "Wild West" where law abiding citizens would be filling the streets with lead! Oh my!

Not only did that narrative prove false, but just the opposite occurred, crime dropped, and responsible citizens (gasp) carried concealed weapons responsibly.

Today, women are asking "why am I not doing that? I am responsible. Why am I leaving myself at a disadvantage?"

And in response, they are not.

My wife owns here own guns, with far different designated purposes than my own. Where my guns are almost exclusively of the hunting variety, hers are exclusively for the purpose of self defense.

She and her girlfriends have a girls range day once a week. At first there were four...now there are ten.

I keep trying to steal away her Maverick 8-shot Model 88 Security 12 gauge, but so far I have not been successful. :(

Herein lies your problem. NO ONE has proposed banning all guns. Not Obama, not Schumer, not Bloomberg, not Feinstein.

Reasonable guns laws are NOT unreasonable, unless you are an absolutist or extremist.

Diane Feinstein does:

“Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe.” – Associated Press, 18 November, 1993.

“If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them; “Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in,” I would have done it.” – 60 Minutes on CBS, 5 February, 1995.

“The National Guard fulfills the militia mentioned in the Second amendment. Citizens no longer need to protect the states or themselves.”

Joe Biden does:

“Banning guns is an idea whose time has come.” – Associated Press, 11 November, 1993

Sarah Brady does:

“…I don’t believe gun owners have rights.” – Hearst Newspapers, October 1997

“The House passage of our bill is a victory for this country! Common sense wins out. I’m just so thrilled and excited. The sale of guns must stop. Halfway measures are not enough.” – 1 July, 1988

“Our main agenda is to have all guns banned. We must use whatever means possible. It doesn’t matter if you have to distort the facts or even lie. Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed.” – The National Educator, January 1994, pg. 3, to Fmr. Senator Howard Metzenbaum

I always thought you were smarter than that WinterBorn...I was wrong...

False and out of context "quotes" aside...PLEASE provide the bills and legislation PROPOSED...

It is a funny thing, these things we call "laws"...they require more than "quotes"
And again the angry gun nut. Thanks for proving my point.

Angry anti gun nut is YOU. You want to leave women defenseless against rapists who may even murder them, and even go so far as to say that women can fight off a rapist and that men are NOT stronger than women. You are a piece of shit.

This is part of the problem gun grabbers are facing. Women are the number one driving force behind gun control...conversely, the number one fastest growing segment of gun owners are women.

LAS VEGAS — The gun world is not just a man’s world anymore.

Women are buying more guns, hunting and participating in the shooting sports more than ever, according to a study released Wednesday by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

“We’re changing the industry,” said Lucretia Free, publisher of The American Woman Shooter.

In 2001, there were 1.8 million female hunters in the country. In 2013, there were 3.3 million female hunters, an 85 percent increase in the dozen years, according to the study released last week at the shooting sports organization’s annual SHOT (Shooting, Hunting and Outdoors Trade) Show in Las Vegas.

In 2001, there were 3.3 million female target shooters in the country. In 2013, that number had grown to 5.4 million, or increased by 60 percent.

And those numbers don’t include the number of women who own a gun only for protection, which is why most women initially buy a gun.

Study More Women Buying Guns Participating In Shooting Sports Times Record
What is driving this growth? At least in part the success of the conceal carry movement.

The gun control groups staked their reputations on a lie...that conceal carry would lead to a new "Wild West" where law abiding citizens would be filling the streets with lead! Oh my!

Not only did that narrative prove false, but just the opposite occurred, crime dropped, and responsible citizens (gasp) carried concealed weapons responsibly.

Today, women are asking "why am I not doing that? I am responsible. Why am I leaving myself at a disadvantage?"

And in response, they are not.

My wife owns here own guns, with far different designated purposes than my own. Where my guns are almost exclusively of the hunting variety, hers are exclusively for the purpose of self defense.

She and her girlfriends have a girls range day once a week. At first there were four...now there are ten.

I keep trying to steal away her Maverick 8-shot Model 88 Security 12 gauge, but so far I have not been successful. :(

Herein lies your problem. NO ONE has proposed banning all guns. Not Obama, not Schumer, not Bloomberg, not Feinstein.

Reasonable guns laws are NOT unreasonable, unless you are an absolutist or extremist.

Diane Feinstein does:

“Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe.” – Associated Press, 18 November, 1993.

“If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them; “Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in,” I would have done it.” – 60 Minutes on CBS, 5 February, 1995.

“The National Guard fulfills the militia mentioned in the Second amendment. Citizens no longer need to protect the states or themselves.”

Joe Biden does:

“Banning guns is an idea whose time has come.” – Associated Press, 11 November, 1993

Sarah Brady does:

“…I don’t believe gun owners have rights.” – Hearst Newspapers, October 1997

“The House passage of our bill is a victory for this country! Common sense wins out. I’m just so thrilled and excited. The sale of guns must stop. Halfway measures are not enough.” – 1 July, 1988

“Our main agenda is to have all guns banned. We must use whatever means possible. It doesn’t matter if you have to distort the facts or even lie. Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed.” – The National Educator, January 1994, pg. 3, to Fmr. Senator Howard Metzenbaum

I always thought you were smarter than that WinterBorn...I was wrong...

False and out of context "quotes" aside...PLEASE provide the bills and legislation PROPOSED...

It is a funny thing, these things we call "laws"...they require more than "quotes"

Assault Weapons - United States Senator Dianne Feinstein

And, of course, we have to use right-wing sources because the liberal media likes to downplay the incremental gun banning of our politicians . . . .

Alert Sen. Diane Feinstein releases gun ban summary for 2013 The Daily Caller

Following is a summary of the 2013 legislation:

  • Bans the sale, transfer, importation, or manufacturing of:
    • 120 specifically-named firearms
    • Certain other semiautomatic rifles, handguns, shotguns that can accept a detachable magazine and have one military characteristic
    • Semiautomatic rifles and handguns with a fixed magazine that can accept more than 10 rounds
  • Strengthens the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban and various state bans by:
    • Moving from a 2-characteristic test to a 1-characteristic test
    • Eliminating the easy-to-remove bayonet mounts and flash suppressors from the characteristics test
    • Banning firearms with “thumbhole stocks” and “bullet buttons” to address attempts to “work around” prior bans
  • Bans large-capacity ammunition feeding devices capable of accepting more than 10 rounds.
  • Protects legitimate hunters and the rights of existing gun owners by:
    • Grandfathering weapons legally possessed on the date of enactment
    • Exempting over 900 specifically-named weapons used for hunting or sporting purposes and
    • Exempting antique, manually-operated, and permanently disabled weapons
  • Requires that grandfathered weapons be registered under the National Firearms Act, to include:
    • Background check of owner and any transferee;
    • Type and serial number of the firearm;
    • Positive identification, including photograph and fingerprint;
    • Certification from local law enforcement of identity and that possession would not violate State or local law; and
    • Dedicated funding for ATF to implement registration
A pdf of the bill summary is available here.

Tags: Gun control, handguns
I find it funny this is about angry anti gunners and the person ranting and name calling and hating is the pro gun nut.

Hey Brain. Good to see ya.

Ready for another head to head?

Oh I'm always ready. Haven't seen much of you though. You avoiding this?

The thing I'm mostly getting yelled at lately is if colleges should be forced to allow firearms. My feeling is it should be up to the college just like it is up to the student to pick a college. I don't like the idea of the government forcing it upon them. For this I have been called a lot of names. haha

Took a hiatus, there was too much animosity flowing around here. Seems to be a little better now.

Are you upset that in some states, like mine, colleges are forced by law to restrict all firearms from campus...it was the gun control advocates that lobbied for these laws, but when the force is being applied by the other foot (so to speak) that is a travesty.

For private colleges and universities, I agree with you.

Public colleges should not be exempted from Constitutional rights. (P.S. - free speech zones should be abolished as well.)

I think it should be up to the college. So laws shouldn't force them to allow or not allow. I think that is fair. And if somebody is really worried about guns they go to a school that has none. If they think they need one for protection they go to one that allows them.

It's a Constitutional issue. Augusta National Golf Club, as a private entity, had a choice whether to admit women...no matter how personally unfavorable most folks, myself included, were to their decision, it was their right to decide. A publicly funded golf course would not be allowed that decision, they would be forced to accept women...which most would argue is a good thing.

The same with firearms. If a private university makes a decision to restrict firearms, that is there choice, but a public institution doesn't get the make that choice...they are forced to accept the law of the land.
And there's this too. Notice the part I put in bold at the end.

In Feinstein s Harvey Milk gun control speech no mention of .38 special she once carried The Daily Caller

Feinstein was referring to Milk’s death in 1978. Then president of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, she came upon his dead body after fellow San Francisco pol Dan White killed him and Mayor George Moscone with a .38 special — the same model gun Feinstein herself owned.

“I was the one that found Supervisor Milk’s body, and I was the one to put a finger in a bullet hole, trying to get a pulse,” Feinstein, who served with Milk on the Board of Supervisors and succeeded Moscone as mayor, told reporters in January 2013. “Once you have been through one of these episodes, once you see what the crime scene is like, it isn’t like the movies — it changes your view of weapons.”

Feinstein mentioned the shooting in 2008 during an emotional on-camera interview with the San Francicso Chronicle.

“I remember it, actually, as if it was yesterday,” she said then. “And it was one of the hardest moments, if not the hardest moment, of my life. It was a devastating moment. For San Francisco, it was a day of infamy.”

Despite her emotional reaction to Milk’s murder — press reports in 1978 said Feinstein was so shaken she needed police support — she did not turn in her own gun until four years later.

William Strawn, a spokesman for Feinstein when she was mayor, told The Washington Post in 1982 that she planned to hand over her Smith & Wesson .38 caliber Chief’s Special to police. Strawn said she had purchased the gun while serving as a city-county supervisor in the 1970s, after a local terrorist group shot out some windows of her home.

Feinstein eventually gave up her gun in July 1982, more than four years after the assassinations of Milk and Moscone.

Milk’s shooting “crystallized the issue for me,” Feinstein told Newsweek four months before she parted with her firearm.

“Even Feinstein concedes that patchwork gun-control legislation is ‘not a perfect vehicle,’ Newsweek reported. “What’s needed, she says, is a federal ban.”
I think that Winterborn is just pointing out the thinking of 'ilk' like fienstein and other politicians Bfgrn . Fienstien , boxer and other taxpayer paid public servants would restrict , disarm , regulate all they can when they can . I suspect that you and Brian are the same ilk !!
sure , they are not defenseless but most male criminals are stronger than females , weak people , disabled people and the elderly Brian . He11 , fienstein carries or used to carry a gun , mrobama and family always have a bevy of armed bodyguards !!

When a man who is twice your size and strength is intent upon raping you, there is nothing you can do to stop him, short of mortally injuring him with a firearm.
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