why are big cities more liberal

I wanna hear your reasons why. What is the main reason ?

I think it's the reverse. People who live outside of cities are more conservative. It makes sense. If your nearest neighbor is half a mile away, it's easy to live your life in a bubble where your only concerns are your concerns.

How s that the reverse of people in big cities being liberal?

You're an idiot.



Liberal is normal. Conservative is not.
City residents get used to having their water mysteriously supplied to them, and getting their sh!t hauled away without any effort of their own. All else follows from those basic functions like a ball rolling downhill.
In the beginning, the United States started with a continent overflowing with abundant, unlimited natural resources, but no people to exploit those riches.
The people that emigrated here to fill that void were the most adventuresome, self reliant, industrious, intelligent, energetic individuals that Europe had to offer. They were also fleeing some sort of tyrrany or subjugation from where they came. Europe endured a severe talent drain while the best of the best, so to speak, came here determined not to recreate the conditions they had left behind and to create a newer, better life for themselves than the one they left behind.
Like all good things, they have to come to an end. The population, to borrow a term common in organic chemistry, underwent racemization over time, the population of the United States returning to the normal bell curve distribution of talent and intelligence. "The preezy of the United Steezy????" Would Will Rogers ever have said anything like that? Would Ernie Pyle have ever tolerated that?
The politicians then took advantage of this dumbing down of the populace and based their campaigns appealing to the voters indolence, sloth, and envy. The Democratic Party of 2012 has carried this trend to newer and ever lower depths.
I wanna hear your reasons why. What is the main reason ?

I think it's the reverse. People who live outside of cities are more conservative. It makes sense. If your nearest neighbor is half a mile away, it's easy to live your life in a bubble where your only concerns are your concerns.

Actually if your closest neighbors are a half a mile away, you are quite likely to know them, their kids, their parents, even the names of their pets. Living in a building of 1500 or more? Not so likely. Your work hours aren't in sync, neither of you have kids, etc.
Because living in more densely populated areas requires more community decision making with regards to land use and caring for community members.

Don't know about that. But you'll find more leaches in the cities. So there you go.
more racist whites tend to stay away from minorities so they tend leave the cities to be with more whites

Well I'm black, and I moved out of the big city so that I'd have much better odds of not running into vapid douchebags like you of any race, class, whatever. Not to mention cleaner air, less violence, more polite and friendly people who look out for each other. Yes, most of my neighbors are white and I've yet to be called a ****** by anyone in the 5 years I've been out this way, while I atleast got called one 3 times a week in the city by some fat white neck bearded democrat party voting asshole with union bumper stickers on his car. I'll take these stereo typically "racist" country white folks over a bunch of pants sagging street thugs that are supposed to be "my brothers" that I have to worry about getting shot or mugged by any day of the week. You can keep your big shitty diversity.
Because liberals prefer living like roaches? Because they are incapable of functioning independently of other liberals? Because the crack dealer on the corner, the bartender at the local dive, or even the local corner grocery will honor their welfare debit cards?
more racist whites tend to stay away from minorities so they tend leave the cities to be with more whites

Well I'm black, and I moved out of the big city so that I'd have much better odds of not running into vapid douchebags like you of any race, class, whatever. Not to mention cleaner air, less violence, more polite and friendly people who look out for each other. Yes, most of my neighbors are white and I've yet to be called a ****** by anyone in the 5 years I've been out this way, while I atleast got called one 3 times a week in the city by some fat white neck bearded democrat party voting asshole with union bumper stickers on his car. I'll take these stereo typically "racist" country white folks over a bunch of pants sagging street thugs that are supposed to be "my brothers" that I have to worry about getting shot or mugged by any day of the week. You can keep your big shitty diversity.

I'm teaching ELL, (English Language Learners), as a sub. Have been doing so for the last two weeks and will finish up the year. No Blacks, but lots of minorities. Asians, Middle Easterners, Eastern Europeans. It's a very upscale, tech corridor suburb in DuPage County-read 'wealthy.' These kids speak English fluently, to various degrees their writing though is problematic. They do not use articles and tend to change tense within sentences, never mind paragraphs or essays.

Yet one thing stands out. They want to know what they are missing and they want to eliminate those problems. All they need is some help, which they are more than happy to accept. Indeed, they aren't embarrassed, they are grateful. They know what they don't know.

Many segments of American society, not just minorities, could really learn from these kids.

No group within a society, not yours or hers are without faults or without value. All of us can work together, with some, or alone. Alone rarely works.

I'd rather be part of a solution than a problem. But if the 'problem' is defined as out of the common path, it maybe that the definition is wrong, not the identified problem.
Because liberals prefer living like roaches? Because they are incapable of functioning independently of other liberals? Because the crack dealer on the corner, the bartender at the local dive, or even the local corner grocery will honor their welfare debit cards?

Rural people don't know so many other types of people, are more ignorant, racist, Republican. Charming but careless, their hate and fear of the other is just below the surface. And I live there, see sig pp4. Very open to Pub mythology and divisionary propaganda. Pub DUPES.

"Rural Republicanism" is fine for local stuff, but OMG...
Rural people don't know so many other types of people, are more ignorant, racist, Republican. Charming but careless, their hate and fear of the other is just below the surface. And I live there, see sig pp4. Very open to Pub mythology and divisionary propaganda. Pub DUPES.

"Rural Republicanism" is fine for local stuff, but OMG...

Pub dupe, pub dupe, pub dupe. STFU already, you broken record.
Of course, the minorities vote Dem because they know where the racists are, so “why are cities Dem” should really be the question…
Rural people don't know so many other types of people, are more ignorant, racist, Republican. Charming but careless, their hate and fear of the other is just below the surface. And I live there, see sig pp4. Very open to Pub mythology and divisionary propaganda. Pub DUPES.

"Rural Republicanism" is fine for local stuff, but OMG...

Pub dupe, pub dupe, pub dupe. STFU already, you broken record.

Shove it up your azz, moron, it is THE story of the last 30 years...google it and read the book! Look for the book "series". tyvm, CHUMP. LOL
Because living in more densely populated areas requires more community decision making with regards to land use and caring for community members.

Quite the opposite. Cities are run top down. Smaller suburbs, villages are run bottom up. The people know what they need, just have to figure out how to pay for it. They tend not to run to the federal government on the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd attempt to get something done.

And there would be more union jobs in a metropolitan area. It is also where immigrants landed and migrated, and often the family stays in that familial comfort.
There's two sides to this.

On the "social" side, living in a big city exposes you to more diversity. It's hard to hate gays or minorities, or pigeon-hole them into preconceived stereotypes when you grow up around them, go to school with them, and get to know them.

On the "economic" side, infrastructure has a lot to do with it. Police, Fire, Public Transportation, etc. Taxes are (completely reasonably) higher in cities, and "government" is more obvious. It's easy to see everything the "government" does as "evil" when you live in the middle of nowhere, but when you rely on public transportation and public police and fire departments to function, you have a different perspective.
Rural people don't know so many other types of people, are more ignorant, racist, Republican. Charming but careless, their hate and fear of the other is just below the surface. And I live there, see sig pp4. Very open to Pub mythology and divisionary propaganda. Pub DUPES.

"Rural Republicanism" is fine for local stuff, but OMG...

Pub dupe, pub dupe, pub dupe. STFU already, you broken record.

Shove it up your azz, moron, it is THE story of the last 30 years...google it and read the book! Look for the book "series". tyvm, CHUMP. LOL
You're a mentally handicapped jack ass. You are the biggest CHUMP on this entire message board, and not to mention you are the most vocabulary challenged subhuman troglodyte asshole libtard on the planet. Fucking hack.

Kill yourself, your welfare check needs to go to someone worth keeping alive.
Imaginative, educated people have been moving out of our Hootervilles for the big city for a long time, I have lived in big cities and remote locations and country people are a lot more rigid and unimaginative, and frankly, more boring.
Rural people don't know so many other types of people, are more ignorant, racist, Republican. Charming but careless, their hate and fear of the other is just below the surface. And I live there, see sig pp4. Very open to Pub mythology and divisionary propaganda. Pub DUPES.

"Rural Republicanism" is fine for local stuff, but OMG...

There are not that many 'rural people' in the US. Most are in suburbs and cities. The suburbs are no longer lily white, indeed some are dominated by minorities. Even there though, the sway is towards conservationism. Why? Self-interest, better for the family, children in particular. Just like most folks, they can predict likely outcomes and vote in their interests.

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