Why are blacks attacking Jews?

Blacks have been conditioned by Liberals to blame everybody else for their problems.
The New Jersey attackers were identified as David Anderson and Francine Graham. David was a one time member of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, a hate group. They are also suspected of murdering an Uber driver.

Jersey City shooting suspects also killed man in Bayonne, official says

The man who attacked the people at the Rabbi's home is also suspected of affiliations with Black Hebrew Israelite movement.
Suspect in Monsey Stabbings Searched Online for ‘Hitler,’ Charges Say

No Muslims in this one.

Just a group that, previously seemed rather obscure and now is killing people.

Okay, thanks for the correction. Your info seems likely to be better than mine. I never heard of that group, I admit. And it's interesting another one did another terrorist act --- whether planned or just copycat contagion the police are doubtless trying to find out.

I did not either until this past year. I wonder why they are suddenly becoming visibly more violent? Or did we miss it in the past?

As a frequenter of Youtube in the past.

I was well aware of Black Hebrew Israelites going back to about 2009 - 2010?

They had videos where they made White Jews as they call them cry.
"Black Jews" do not exist, except as converts to the religion of the Jews. Jews are the children of JUDAH, one of the Tribes of Israel (Jacob). They are not Africans. The Africans have no surviving culture of their own, so they appropriate others.

Ashkenazi are also not real Jews, they're mostlyRoman Italian on their mothers side.

Oh noes the facts they burn.

I care about the truth, most just care about "Mine now" in the West.

I'm of a Catholic Polish - Irish background born in the USA.

I'm anti-Putin, and also anti-West.

I support the Intermarium nations, a Confederacy / Union of nations mostly Catholic between the Baltics & Balkans.
So, says the JDL Terrorist supporter.

I don't care if they're Africans, White supremacists or Jihadi scum.
They've declared an open season on Jews - the writing is on the wall!

The JDL were always the effective medicine for white supremacist filth like you.

The JDL are terrorists, plain & simple.

Whatever, they didn't mindlessly attack, and were very effective.

Always f****d up scum like you as deserved,
with no reservations.

The JDL are terrorists. Period.
In what way? Define terrorism. "Use science."

JDL are terrorists, they are a politically / religiously motivated group that attacks, blows up, etc. targets that displease them.

They're actually worse than ANTIFA. (Thus far)

They've got a much longer history in the USA of misdeeds than ANTIFA, having attacked far more than ANTIFA.
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Yeah those damned black people :icon_rolleyes:

Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagog shooter - Anti immigrant/ anti-Semite/ White Nationalist - 11 dead


Christchurch shooter in New Zealand - White Nationalist - 51 dead


Sikh Temple shooter - in Wisconsin - White Nationalist/ Nazi - 6 dead


Those same folks running that DS on this thread about black folks killing Jewish people were quiet as a church mouse when these fools went on a rampage.

Yeah, they slithered back under their rocks when clown nuts killed 59 people in Vegas.

That is, AFTER they failed to prove their claim that he was an evil liberal. :lol:

Next madman in Texas who wants to shoot up a church will now have second thoughts. Next madman in NYC who wants to shoot up a synagogue continues with a green light.

In New York, where Orthodox Jews have increasingly become the target of violence, there are no Assams or Willefords or Wilsons allowed. Draconian laws make it virtually impossible for normal people to practice their right to self-defense.

Using history as a precedent, Jews should find this kind of limitation especially offensive. One of the greatest triumphs of the state of Israel, and the chief reason so many anti-Semites detest it with such ferocity, is that Jews finally stopped asking for permission to exist and picked up guns to defend themselves. The United States is perhaps the only other place in the world where Jews are also blessed — or should be — with an inherent right to self-protection. It was the great Zionist Ze’ev Jabotinsky who implored his people to arm in the early 20th century. “Better to have a gun and not need it than to need it and not have it,” was one of his slogans. This notion was once widely embraced in the United States. Apparently, it still is in Texas.

Texas Church Shooting: Concealed-Carry Law Prevented Mass Murder | National Review
Yeah those damned black people
Nobody claimed white bigots have never attacked Jews.

That you have to imply otherwise shows how weak and idiotic your denials are. Thanks for nullifying your own absurd self.
I like how you always add "qualifiers" when the shooter is white....

Now it is NOT just whites attacking Jews....its just the "racists" or bigots...

No need to opine and ask questions like "Why are whites attacking Jews"

However when the shooter is black...suddenly those qualifiers go out of the window and now its just "the blacks" -- now we need to get to the bottom of why the blacks are attacking jews


The problem is Negroes & Western Europeans lack self control, they're impulsive, violent, savages.

Poles are probably more anti-Semitic, even ones in the USA.

Nationalist protesters take over New York square as Polish anti-Semitic debate spreads to U.S.

We don't seem to Chimp out like you Negro - West Euro dregs do.

Still boggles my mind as to why such overt racism is allowed in this forum. A person may as well read Stormfront or American Renaissance!
Yeah those damned black people
Nobody claimed white bigots have never attacked Jews.

That you have to imply otherwise shows how weak and idiotic your denials are. Thanks for nullifying your own absurd self.
I like how you always add "qualifiers" when the shooter is white....

Now it is NOT just whites attacking Jews....its just the "racists" or bigots...

No need to opine and ask questions like "Why are whites attacking Jews"

However when the shooter is black...suddenly those qualifiers go out of the window and now its just "the blacks" -- now we need to get to the bottom of why the blacks are attacking jews


The problem is Negroes & Western Europeans lack self control, they're impulsive, violent, savages.

Poles are probably more anti-Semitic, even ones in the USA.

Nationalist protesters take over New York square as Polish anti-Semitic debate spreads to U.S.

We don't seem to Chimp out like you Negro - West Euro dregs do.

Still boggles my mind as to why such overt racism is allowed in this forum. A person may as well read Stormfront or American Renaissance!

What boggles my mind, is that Western European savages tend to cry about racism on this forum, as if opinions are to be silenced.

But, these same Western European savages, see nothing wrong when users on this forum call to massacre, war against, nuke & calls for more blood & killings of Muslims, Palestinians Iranians, Iraqis, Mexicans etc.

As if racist opinions are worse than basic genocide.

You Western Europeans are stupid beyond belief.

You are an ignorant, and subservient race of degenerated volatile maniacs.
The New Jersey attackers were identified as David Anderson and Francine Graham. David was a one time member of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, a hate group. They are also suspected of murdering an Uber driver.

Jersey City shooting suspects also killed man in Bayonne, official says

The man who attacked the people at the Rabbi's home is also suspected of affiliations with Black Hebrew Israelite movement.
Suspect in Monsey Stabbings Searched Online for ‘Hitler,’ Charges Say

No Muslims in this one.

Just a group that, previously seemed rather obscure and now is killing people.

Okay, thanks for the correction. Your info seems likely to be better than mine. I never heard of that group, I admit. And it's interesting another one did another terrorist act --- whether planned or just copycat contagion the police are doubtless trying to find out.

I did not either until this past year. I wonder why they are suddenly becoming visibly more violent? Or did we miss it in the past?

As a frequenter of Youtube in the past.

I was well aware of Black Hebrew Israelites going back to about 2009 - 2010?

They had videos where they made White Jews as they call them cry.
"Black Jews" do not exist, except as converts to the religion of the Jews. Jews are the children of JUDAH, one of the Tribes of Israel (Jacob). They are not Africans. The Africans have no surviving culture of their own, so they appropriate others.

Ashkenazi are also not real Jews, they're mostlyRoman Italian on their mothers side.
Guess where the Jews were exiled to after the destruction of the 2nd Temple...
Yeah those damned black people
Nobody claimed white bigots have never attacked Jews.

That you have to imply otherwise shows how weak and idiotic your denials are. Thanks for nullifying your own absurd self.
I like how you always add "qualifiers" when the shooter is white....

Now it is NOT just whites attacking Jews....its just the "racists" or bigots...

No need to opine and ask questions like "Why are whites attacking Jews"

However when the shooter is black...suddenly those qualifiers go out of the window and now its just "the blacks" -- now we need to get to the bottom of why the blacks are attacking jews


The problem is Negroes & Western Europeans lack self control, they're impulsive, violent, savages.

Poles are probably more anti-Semitic, even ones in the USA.

Nationalist protesters take over New York square as Polish anti-Semitic debate spreads to U.S.

We don't seem to Chimp out like you Negro - West Euro dregs do.

Still boggles my mind as to why such overt racism is allowed in this forum. A person may as well read Stormfront or American Renaissance!
He was kicked off Stormfront for getting triggered by dumb Pollock jokes...
Yeah those damned black people
Nobody claimed white bigots have never attacked Jews.

That you have to imply otherwise shows how weak and idiotic your denials are. Thanks for nullifying your own absurd self.
I like how you always add "qualifiers" when the shooter is white....

Now it is NOT just whites attacking Jews....its just the "racists" or bigots...

No need to opine and ask questions like "Why are whites attacking Jews"

However when the shooter is black...suddenly those qualifiers go out of the window and now its just "the blacks" -- now we need to get to the bottom of why the blacks are attacking jews


The problem is Negroes & Western Europeans lack self control, they're impulsive, violent, savages.

Poles are probably more anti-Semitic, even ones in the USA.

Nationalist protesters take over New York square as Polish anti-Semitic debate spreads to U.S.

We don't seem to Chimp out like you Negro - West Euro dregs do.

Still boggles my mind as to why such overt racism is allowed in this forum. A person may as well read Stormfront or American Renaissance!
He was kicked off Stormfront for getting triggered by dumb Pollock jokes...

Nah, but I've been kicked off, for making jabs at Germans, Russians & Brits.
Which is ironic, considering that they allow far worse against Poles.
Nobody claimed white bigots have never attacked Jews.

That you have to imply otherwise shows how weak and idiotic your denials are. Thanks for nullifying your own absurd self.
I like how you always add "qualifiers" when the shooter is white....

Now it is NOT just whites attacking Jews....its just the "racists" or bigots...

No need to opine and ask questions like "Why are whites attacking Jews"

However when the shooter is black...suddenly those qualifiers go out of the window and now its just "the blacks" -- now we need to get to the bottom of why the blacks are attacking jews


The problem is Negroes & Western Europeans lack self control, they're impulsive, violent, savages.

Poles are probably more anti-Semitic, even ones in the USA.

Nationalist protesters take over New York square as Polish anti-Semitic debate spreads to U.S.

We don't seem to Chimp out like you Negro - West Euro dregs do.

Still boggles my mind as to why such overt racism is allowed in this forum. A person may as well read Stormfront or American Renaissance!
He was kicked off Stormfront for getting triggered by dumb Pollock jokes...

Nah, but I've been kicked off, for making jabs at Germans, Russians & Brits.
Which is ironic, considering that they allow far worse against Poles.
Because "THEY" don't like you moron....

But you think your white skin affords you special privileges with them -- you hope they pat you on the head and call you one of them -- when in reality, they only call you when they want a dog to sic on the Jews or the darkies....
Still boggles my mind as to why such overt racism is allowed in this forum. A person may as well read Stormfront or American Renaissance!

"Allowed"? You think people like you should get to "allow" or disallow what people say? That you're the PC warden? This attitude is what we're fighting against.

Thot: if you read what people really think, then you know what people really think. Might come in handy, for instance it would have been useful in predicting results of the last presidential election.
Still boggles my mind as to why such overt racism is allowed in this forum. A person may as well read Stormfront or American Renaissance!

"Allowed"? You think people like you should get to "allow" or disallow what people say? That you're the PC warden? This attitude is what we're fighting against.

Thot: if you read what people really think, then you know what people really think. Might come in handy, for instance it would have been useful in predicting results of the last presidential election.

There are exceptions to constitutionally protected hate speech under the first amendment.

Does the First Amendment Protect Hate Speech?

Again, there are plenty of places on the internet where racism is welcome. Most of these poli-chat forums have standards of decency in this regard.
Most of these poli-chat forums have standards of decency in this regard.

You mean standards of censorship: that's what you mean, it's clear.

That's the best thing about the MAGA Trump revolution: it has stopped the awful PC fascism.
Most of these poli-chat forums have standards of decency in this regard.

You mean standards of censorship: that's what you mean, it's clear.

That's the best thing about the MAGA Trump revolution: it has stopped the awful PC fascism.

Most of boards are privately owned. They can make any rules they damn please, and if you don't like them you can find another. Sadly, USMB has become a bit of a landing strip for those who spout such ignorance.

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