Why are blacks attacking Jews?

This recent rise in anti Semitic attacks from blacks is rather curious. I blame the media and Obama and the Democrats running or office. Their hate filled rhetoric causes people to act.

Blood is on the hands of every member of the media and every Democrat!


I was wondering the same thing!

Wtf is going on with blacks now attacking Jewish people in NY?

I read it was black muslim on a definite terrorist attack in New Jersey at the grocery store. They haven't said what was up with the black who attacked the rabbi's home a couple days ago --- I'm betting he's a black muslim, too. We had a clutch of those in my county and the women were really bad -- long black burkas, plus attitude, everyone came running in the supermarket (including me) to look at this strange scary sight, and she didn't like that. Another one had a little boy she could not control at all, he was being rude to everyone, I guess they were teaching him male dominance at the age of 3, including against his mother. This looks like a bad murderous cult to me.

Jewish Defence League Security Training Emergency Meeting

So, says the JDL Terrorist supporter.

I don't care if they're Africans, White supremacists or Jihadi scum.
They've declared an open season on Jews - the writing is on the wall!

The JDL were always the effective medicine for white supremacist filth like you.

The JDL are terrorists, plain & simple.

Whatever, they didn't mindlessly attack, and were very effective.

Always f****d up scum like you as deserved,
with no reservations.

The JDL are terrorists. Period.

It isn’t political.

Antisemitism, racism, Islamophobia, homophobia exists in all groups.

He does raise an interesting point, though, and one I was thinking about myself the other day. Why all of a sudden these attacks on Jews by black Americans? It just seems to have materialized out of the blue over the past year. Maybe these few incidents are simply mathematical coincidences, but if they are part of a larger and growing pattern, what set this off? It's quite bizarre.

Yes he does, and that's what I can't figure out. It seems a number are by this "Black Hebrew Israelites" - a group I never heard of until recently. Black Hebrew Israelites - Wikipedia

But not all of them. There are a number of accounts of rude, nasty behavior and minor assaults.

So what is happening?

Inter group fighting is the 2nd stage of a successful diversion company.

Look around, race is one of the main topics in the US, I can think of no other country on earth - where race and skin color are considered acceptable and so much encouraged in public discourse.
Kind of like how I feel about Poles vs Jews.
We gave you Statute of Kalisz, Warsaw Confederation.
All in return Poles got was Salomon Morel, Jakub Berman, and your tribe nitpicking & thinking Poland owes you reparations.

You were the ones who called for Jews to settle in Poland, not vice versa.
And that's the only reason you village people survived in spite of barely learning to wash your hands a couple centuries ago.

Poles were no different from the rest of the Europeans - you first profited from the Jews then robbed them of everything.

A couple of centuries ago?
There was no Poland.
Guess who supplied the invading Prussian (German) and Russian armies?
Can you guess how big their hook noses were?

You people owe us reparations.

Let me prepare my "surprised" look,

another village Pollack believes Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini were all Jews on a Rothschild payroll, coveting his dirty village?

Never heard that one before...

I'm talking about Itzig Izaak Flatau, Berek Szmul, Levin Buko,

Warsaw. The Jewish Metropolis

Did the history of Polish Jew-hatred begin so late,
or you just leave out the centuries of pogroms and expulsions on purpose?

The first information about Jewish merchants in Eastern Europe dates from about the tenth century. In this period, Jews took part in the slave trade between Central Asia, Khazaria, Byzantium, and Western Europe (in particular the Iberian Peninsula). Important stopping points on the trade routes included Prague, Kraków, and Kiev, towns in which Jewish colonies developed. During the twelfth century, Jews were excluded from this trade, due in part to church opposition to their dealing in Christian slaves.

YIVO | Trade
Something has let loose in our country that leads people to think this is acceptable.
Your rhetoric of vilifying my people and Israel and stating that we are oppressing Muslims, which is not true.

Believe it or not, you and Oddball are not far apart in your thinking about my people.
Quote where I have villified the Jewish people.

Quote where I have said the Jewish people are oppressing Muslims.

Otherwise, I am as free to criticize Israeli policies as you are to promote them. They are not a ove criticism.
That’s what you don’t get. When you criticize Israel, which is the only mostly Jewish country you’re criticizing Jews and giving others the incentive to do worse. Many don’t separate Jews from Israel. You have many times defended Islam and vilified Jews. This post is case and point. At least Oddball is overt in his anti Jew thinking, you hide behind “I dislike Israel not Jews”. Israel is not sand, rocks and water, Israel is Jewish people. It’s a Democracy. When you criticize Israel, you criticize its people, my people. The fact that you cannot see that is mind boggling.
Typical Coyote. Zero retort. Because what I stated is 100% factual.

What? I haven't been on line.

And no. When you criticize Israel's policies you are not criticizing Jews. What you are doing is essentially creating a situation where Israel is above all criticism and no other country is held in that regard.

Israel is a nation. Jews are a people spread through out the world.

I can criticize Saudi Arabia's policies without it being a criticism of all Muslims. Same with Israel.
Wrong. KSA is a kingdom and not a Democracy.
People don’t pick their leaders they do in Israel. You can critique KSA and it’s not the same as the people in Israel the political views are the people. So when you criticize Israel you in fact criticize Jews.
This recent rise in anti Semitic attacks from blacks is rather curious. I blame the media and Obama and the Democrats running or office. Their hate filled rhetoric causes people to act.

Blood is on the hands of every member of the media and every Democrat!


I was wondering the same thing!

Wtf is going on with blacks now attacking Jewish people in NY?

I read it was black muslim on a definite terrorist attack in New Jersey at the grocery store. They haven't said what was up with the black who attacked the rabbi's home a couple days ago --- I'm betting he's a black muslim, too. We had a clutch of those in my county and the women were really bad -- long black burkas, plus attitude, everyone came running in the supermarket (including me) to look at this strange scary sight, and she didn't like that. Another one had a little boy she could not control at all, he was being rude to everyone, I guess they were teaching him male dominance at the age of 3, including against his mother. This looks like a bad murderous cult to me.

You are wrong on both counts.

The New Jersey attackers were identified as David Anderson and Francine Graham. David was a one time member of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, a hate group. They are also suspected of murdering an Uber driver.

Jersey City shooting suspects also killed man in Bayonne, official says

The man who attacked the people at the Rabbi's home is also suspected of affiliations with Black Hebrew Israelite movement.
Suspect in Monsey Stabbings Searched Online for ‘Hitler,’ Charges Say

No Muslims in this one.

Just a group that, previously seemed rather obscure and now is killing people.
Your rhetoric of vilifying my people and Israel and stating that we are oppressing Muslims, which is not true.

Believe it or not, you and Oddball are not far apart in your thinking about my people.
Quote where I have villified the Jewish people.

Quote where I have said the Jewish people are oppressing Muslims.

Otherwise, I am as free to criticize Israeli policies as you are to promote them. They are not a ove criticism.
That’s what you don’t get. When you criticize Israel, which is the only mostly Jewish country you’re criticizing Jews and giving others the incentive to do worse. Many don’t separate Jews from Israel. You have many times defended Islam and vilified Jews. This post is case and point. At least Oddball is overt in his anti Jew thinking, you hide behind “I dislike Israel not Jews”. Israel is not sand, rocks and water, Israel is Jewish people. It’s a Democracy. When you criticize Israel, you criticize its people, my people. The fact that you cannot see that is mind boggling.
Typical Coyote. Zero retort. Because what I stated is 100% factual.

What? I haven't been on line.

And no. When you criticize Israel's policies you are not criticizing Jews. What you are doing is essentially creating a situation where Israel is above all criticism and no other country is held in that regard.

Israel is a nation. Jews are a people spread through out the world.

I can criticize Saudi Arabia's policies without it being a criticism of all Muslims. Same with Israel.
Wrong. KSA is a kingdom and not a Democracy.
People don’t pick their leaders they do in Israel. You can critique KSA and it’s not the same as the people in Israel the political views are the people. So when you criticize Israel you in fact criticize Jews.

I didn't say it was a Democracy and being a Democracy or lack there of does not preclude criticism. Pakistan is a Democracy. We criticize their policies, it is not a criticism of all Muslims. We criticize US policies - Christian majority country. That is not a criticism of Christians everywhere.

You are also making a huge assumption - that all Jews around the world support all of Israel's policies. They don't. Not even ISRAELI Jews support all Israel's policies. They are a pluralistic people. It's dangerous to conflate nation and people like that.

I could go on but I hope you get the point.
The New Jersey attackers were identified as David Anderson and Francine Graham. David was a one time member of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, a hate group. They are also suspected of murdering an Uber driver.

Jersey City shooting suspects also killed man in Bayonne, official says

The man who attacked the people at the Rabbi's home is also suspected of affiliations with Black Hebrew Israelite movement.
Suspect in Monsey Stabbings Searched Online for ‘Hitler,’ Charges Say

No Muslims in this one.

Just a group that, previously seemed rather obscure and now is killing people.

Okay, thanks for the correction. Your info seems likely to be better than mine. I never heard of that group, I admit. And it's interesting another one did another terrorist act --- whether planned or just copycat contagion the police are doubtless trying to find out.

It isn’t political.

Antisemitism, racism, Islamophobia, homophobia exists in all groups.

He does raise an interesting point, though, and one I was thinking about myself the other day. Why all of a sudden these attacks on Jews by black Americans? It just seems to have materialized out of the blue over the past year. Maybe these few incidents are simply mathematical coincidences, but if they are part of a larger and growing pattern, what set this off? It's quite bizarre.

Yes he does, and that's what I can't figure out. It seems a number are by this "Black Hebrew Israelites" - a group I never heard of until recently. Black Hebrew Israelites - Wikipedia

But not all of them. There are a number of accounts of rude, nasty behavior and minor assaults.

So what is happening?

Inter group fighting is the 2nd stage of a successful diversion company.

Look around, race is one of the main topics in the US, I can think of no other country on earth - where race and skin color are considered acceptable and so much encouraged in public discourse.

Interesting on the first part.

Agree on the second. Race is unfortunately tightly intertwined with American identity.
The New Jersey attackers were identified as David Anderson and Francine Graham. David was a one time member of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, a hate group. They are also suspected of murdering an Uber driver.

Jersey City shooting suspects also killed man in Bayonne, official says

The man who attacked the people at the Rabbi's home is also suspected of affiliations with Black Hebrew Israelite movement.
Suspect in Monsey Stabbings Searched Online for ‘Hitler,’ Charges Say

No Muslims in this one.

Just a group that, previously seemed rather obscure and now is killing people.

Okay, thanks for the correction. Your info seems likely to be better than mine. I never heard of that group, I admit. And it's interesting another one did another terrorist act --- whether planned or just copycat contagion the police are doubtless trying to find out.

I did not either until this past year. I wonder why they are suddenly becoming visibly more violent? Or did we miss it in the past?
The New Jersey attackers were identified as David Anderson and Francine Graham. David was a one time member of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, a hate group. They are also suspected of murdering an Uber driver.

Jersey City shooting suspects also killed man in Bayonne, official says

The man who attacked the people at the Rabbi's home is also suspected of affiliations with Black Hebrew Israelite movement.
Suspect in Monsey Stabbings Searched Online for ‘Hitler,’ Charges Say

No Muslims in this one.

Just a group that, previously seemed rather obscure and now is killing people.

Okay, thanks for the correction. Your info seems likely to be better than mine. I never heard of that group, I admit. And it's interesting another one did another terrorist act --- whether planned or just copycat contagion the police are doubtless trying to find out.

I did not either until this past year. I wonder why they are suddenly becoming visibly more violent? Or did we miss it in the past?

As a frequenter of Youtube in the past.

I was well aware of Black Hebrew Israelites going back to about 2009 - 2010?

They had videos where they made White Jews as they call them cry.
You were the ones who called for Jews to settle in Poland, not vice versa.
And that's the only reason you village people survived in spite of barely learning to wash your hands a couple centuries ago.

Poles were no different from the rest of the Europeans - you first profited from the Jews then robbed them of everything.

A couple of centuries ago?
There was no Poland.
Guess who supplied the invading Prussian (German) and Russian armies?
Can you guess how big their hook noses were?

You people owe us reparations.

Let me prepare my "surprised" look,

another village Pollack believes Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini were all Jews on a Rothschild payroll, coveting his dirty village?

Never heard that one before...

I'm talking about Itzig Izaak Flatau, Berek Szmul, Levin Buko,

Warsaw. The Jewish Metropolis

Did the history of Polish Jew-hatred begin so late,
or you just leave out the centuries of pogroms and expulsions on purpose?

The first information about Jewish merchants in Eastern Europe dates from about the tenth century. In this period, Jews took part in the slave trade between Central Asia, Khazaria, Byzantium, and Western Europe (in particular the Iberian Peninsula). Important stopping points on the trade routes included Prague, Kraków, and Kiev, towns in which Jewish colonies developed. During the twelfth century, Jews were excluded from this trade, due in part to church opposition to their dealing in Christian slaves.

YIVO | Trade

We're getting really really off topic here, let's head back to the OP.
Genetics may account for your retarded conception of science here...but it has little to do with crime rates.

The Party of Biology Deniers lecturing others about having a “retarded conception of science”.....that’s rich!
Still stuck on creationism?

Are you also denying the creation of the universe now? This just keeps getting better.

Who created it? Respond with science please.

Why don’t you tell us how it was created, respond with science please.

While you are at it, explain how life is created from inorganic materials. Explain to us the quantum mechanical theory of life.

Won’t hold my breath since not even the most brilliant quantum mechanics scientists have a theory on it yet.
Hate Crimes Soar in Major US Cities
Collectively, hate crimes in the five biggest cities rose from 867 in 2018 to 988 in 2019, about a 14% increase, according to the report. For the nation's 10 largest cities, however, the overall increase was slightly more moderate, at about 10%.

The overall surge in hate crime comes at a time of demographic change and hyperpolarized politics in America, and follows a slight decline in bias incidents in 2018.

"These data reflect several trends, including an escalating tribalism, where various prejudices like anti-Semitism, xenophobia and homophobia, among others, are widely shared across a diverse grouping of people," Brian Levin, the report's lead author, said. "Next, local demographic changes in densely populated cities means more people are coming into contact with each other right at a time when fearful stereotypes are increasingly become the kindling for violent behavior."

This past year has also been the worst for hate crime homicides since 1992, partly due to a white supremacist massacre of Hispanic shoppers at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas. In what was described as the deadliest attack on Latinos in modern American history, 21-year-old Patrick Crusius killed 22 people and injured 24 others in August. That made Latinos the top target for extremist killings in 2019, according to the report.
Genetics may account for your retarded conception of science here...but it has little to do with crime rates.

The Party of Biology Deniers lecturing others about having a “retarded conception of science”.....that’s rich!
Still stuck on creationism?

Are you also denying the creation of the universe now? This just keeps getting better.

Who created it? Respond with science please.

Why don’t you tell us how it was created, respond with science please.

While you are at it, explain how life is created from inorganic materials. Explain to us the quantum mechanical theory of life.

Won’t hold my breath since not even the most brilliant quantum mechanics scientists have a theory on it yet.

I asked you first.

One nice think about science - if it doesn't know, it states it doesn't know. It might be that later more data comes to light to form a hypothesis or change and existing one.
The Party of Biology Deniers lecturing others about having a “retarded conception of science”.....that’s rich!
Still stuck on creationism?

Are you also denying the creation of the universe now? This just keeps getting better.

Who created it? Respond with science please.

Why don’t you tell us how it was created, respond with science please.

While you are at it, explain how life is created from inorganic materials. Explain to us the quantum mechanical theory of life.

Won’t hold my breath since not even the most brilliant quantum mechanics scientists have a theory on it yet.

I asked you first.

One nice think about science - if it doesn't know, it states it doesn't know. It might be that later more data comes to light to form a hypothesis or change and existing one.

African Americans possess "violence" gene, researchers find

Association of low-activity MAOA allelic variants with violent crime in incarcerated offenders

Exploring the association between the 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene promoter polymorphism and psychopathic personality traits, arrests, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior - ScienceDirect
Quote where I have villified the Jewish people.

Quote where I have said the Jewish people are oppressing Muslims.

Otherwise, I am as free to criticize Israeli policies as you are to promote them. They are not a ove criticism.
That’s what you don’t get. When you criticize Israel, which is the only mostly Jewish country you’re criticizing Jews and giving others the incentive to do worse. Many don’t separate Jews from Israel. You have many times defended Islam and vilified Jews. This post is case and point. At least Oddball is overt in his anti Jew thinking, you hide behind “I dislike Israel not Jews”. Israel is not sand, rocks and water, Israel is Jewish people. It’s a Democracy. When you criticize Israel, you criticize its people, my people. The fact that you cannot see that is mind boggling.
Typical Coyote. Zero retort. Because what I stated is 100% factual.

What? I haven't been on line.

And no. When you criticize Israel's policies you are not criticizing Jews. What you are doing is essentially creating a situation where Israel is above all criticism and no other country is held in that regard.

Israel is a nation. Jews are a people spread through out the world.

I can criticize Saudi Arabia's policies without it being a criticism of all Muslims. Same with Israel.
Wrong. KSA is a kingdom and not a Democracy.
People don’t pick their leaders they do in Israel. You can critique KSA and it’s not the same as the people in Israel the political views are the people. So when you criticize Israel you in fact criticize Jews.

I didn't say it was a Democracy and being a Democracy or lack there of does not preclude criticism. Pakistan is a Democracy. We criticize their policies, it is not a criticism of all Muslims. We criticize US policies - Christian majority country. That is not a criticism of Christians everywhere.

You are also making a huge assumption - that all Jews around the world support all of Israel's policies. They don't. Not even ISRAELI Jews support all Israel's policies. They are a pluralistic people. It's dangerous to conflate nation and people like that.

I could go on but I hope you get the point.
No. Israel is the ONLY Jewish nation. There are multiple Christian and Muslim nations. Most Jews do support Israels policies and because it is a Democracy with freedom they have dissenters. You just compared Israel to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. You have got to be kidding me.
This recent rise in anti Semitic attacks from blacks is rather curious. I blame the media and Obama and the Democrats running or office. Their hate filled rhetoric causes people to act.

Blood is on the hands of every member of the media and every Democrat!



They are racists. We've had a number of blacks on this forum, openly admit they are racist.
Which ones would those be?

I don't care if they're Africans, White supremacists or Jihadi scum.
They've declared an open season on Jews - the writing is on the wall!

The JDL were always the effective medicine for white supremacist filth like you.

The JDL are terrorists, plain & simple.

Whatever, they didn't mindlessly attack, and were very effective.

Always f****d up scum like you as deserved,
with no reservations.

The JDL are terrorists. Period.
In what way? Define terrorism. "Use science."
The New Jersey attackers were identified as David Anderson and Francine Graham. David was a one time member of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, a hate group. They are also suspected of murdering an Uber driver.

Jersey City shooting suspects also killed man in Bayonne, official says

The man who attacked the people at the Rabbi's home is also suspected of affiliations with Black Hebrew Israelite movement.
Suspect in Monsey Stabbings Searched Online for ‘Hitler,’ Charges Say

No Muslims in this one.

Just a group that, previously seemed rather obscure and now is killing people.

Okay, thanks for the correction. Your info seems likely to be better than mine. I never heard of that group, I admit. And it's interesting another one did another terrorist act --- whether planned or just copycat contagion the police are doubtless trying to find out.

I did not either until this past year. I wonder why they are suddenly becoming visibly more violent? Or did we miss it in the past?

As a frequenter of Youtube in the past.

I was well aware of Black Hebrew Israelites going back to about 2009 - 2010?

They had videos where they made White Jews as they call them cry.
"Black Jews" do not exist, except as converts to the religion of the Jews. Jews are the children of JUDAH, one of the Tribes of Israel (Jacob). They are not Africans. The Africans have no surviving culture of their own, so they appropriate others.

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