Why are "conservatives" so obsessed with Alexandria Cortez?

‘Why are "conservatives" so obsessed with Alexandria Cortez?’

They fear the positive, beneficial change she represents – positive, beneficial change conservatives incorrectly perceive to be a ‘threat’ to white Americans.

Like you d9nt have a clue about her do you.
Her type would screw America .

First her health plan for us would cost about a additional 3.3 trillion a year or about twice the federal budget .

Next she wants free college tuition. That would not be cheap in the billions every year id guess 85 to 120 billion a year more on the defict .
Then have the us 100 percent green energy by 2030.
Not sure thats even possible and the cost would be enormous id guess 300 to 400 billon if not more

Shes all for open boarders and raising yaxes on higher income people to 70 percent.

If I was taxed that much id probally sell mu company or close it
Her ignorance and failure to understand what built this country and economic consequences stemming from her adopted political docturn should alarm and concern anyone that cherishes freedom, right to choose, and live their life free from tyranny. No one can be that ignorant yet this is what this country has become.

You act like this is something new. How long has socialism been an idea in the U.S.? The answer is; before 1900. In fact, I'm pretty sure it used to be much more popular than it is now.
Yes when it’s not there it’s popular,, when it’s been implemented and doent work (Detroit) it’s not popular

So how exactly is socialism a new development?

Spoiler alert: it isn't. It's been around for over a hundred years.
Of course democrats have implemented parts of it and it always fails. Look at Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, New York, Boston, California,

I am not a supporter of socialism; not sure why you're trying to convince me that it's bad. My question is, why say "this is what this country has become" when socialists have been running around in the U.S. for over a century?
They have a right to run where they want lol
You act like this is something new. How long has socialism been an idea in the U.S.? The answer is; before 1900. In fact, I'm pretty sure it used to be much more popular than it is now.
Yes when it’s not there it’s popular,, when it’s been implemented and doent work (Detroit) it’s not popular

So how exactly is socialism a new development?

Spoiler alert: it isn't. It's been around for over a hundred years.
Of course democrats have implemented parts of it and it always fails. Look at Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, New York, Boston, California,

I am not a supporter of socialism; not sure why you're trying to convince me that it's bad. My question is, why say "this is what this country has become" when socialists have been running around in the U.S. for over a century?
They have a right to run where they want lol

I don't know about others, but I am waiting on her to show her tits---that has to be coming--and I expect them to be spectacular.
So fucking spectacularly droopy that they are indistinguishable from water balloons.
‘Why are "conservatives" so obsessed with Alexandria Cortez?’

They fear the positive, beneficial change she represents – positive, beneficial change conservatives incorrectly perceive to be a ‘threat’ to white Americans.

70 % tax is positive ?:21::21::21::21: dam your ignorant

Thus it has ever been by the income-stealing Democrats

a. There was the godfather of the Democrat Party, Franklin Delano Roosevelt:
The huge tax burden necessary to provide the ‘rights’ and fund federal welfare programs can be laid at the feet of the New Deal. Before 1940, only 5% of Americans paid any income tax, and the maximum was 25%. By the end of WWII, 2/3 of American families paid income tax- and it started at 24%, with a $500 exemption.

It went up to 94% over $200k. So, if one earned $300k, one kept only $6000 of the last $100k.
Withholding was re-introduced so the government got the money immediately. (Had been repealed in 1916.)

b.The attitude of the FDR government, and Democrats in general, can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”
From a speech delivered on the Senate floor
May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler’s dangerous statism

There's no daylight between the Democrat view, and Hitler’s philosopher Hegel who said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

c. "Dan Rostenkowski, standing next to the candidate in front of the cameras and the cheering crowd at the convention after the fateful speech, whispered to Mondale, "You've got a lot of balls, pal." According to Rostenkowski, Mondale whispered back, "Look at 'em, we're going to tax their ass off."
Mondale says: "We're going to tax their ass off"

d.And, Hussein..... "But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.”
The Education of President Obama

Obama’s father was for 100% taxation…think about that.

And....the theft of earning by taxation....at 100%.....leaves citizens as slaves.

We pried their slaves away from them and now they aim to make everyone a slave.
How much self entitlement does this private school crazy eyed rich girl have?

Apparently enough to become a Congresswoman.

Haha...that’s not saying much these days...the bar has been set extremely low by the Party Of Filth.
The requirements are as follows:
Promise to steal others shit and drop it in the ghettos
Be brown
Have a vagina
Pretend to hate men liking your vagina
Love ONLY the worst Americans
Hate the wealthy
Hate Whites
Hate Christianity
Hate traditional America and American values

Simple shit.
Some know-nothing 28-29 year old (yeah, I am the same age but I don't think I belong in Congress). People are so obsessed with this woman ... why? Is it how in grade school boys and girls can't actually express genuine attraction so they have to bully their love interest instead (mostly a TV tropes phenomenon tbh but I've seen it in real life as well)? You think she is cute or something and can't get over it? Damn. I see more hate threads about her nowadays than Obama.

Do not care about her and she is not Obama...
How much self entitlement does this private school crazy eyed rich girl have?

Apparently enough to become a Congresswoman.

Haha...that’s not saying much these days...the bar has been set extremely low by the Party Of Filth.
The requirements are as follows:
Promise to steal others shit and drop it in the ghettos
Be brown
Have a vagina
Pretend to hate men liking your vagina
Love ONLY the worst Americans
Hate the wealthy
Hate Whites
Hate Christianity
Hate traditional America and American values

Simple shit.

Uh, yikes dude.
Some know-nothing 28-29 year old (yeah, I am the same age but I don't think I belong in Congress). People are so obsessed with this woman ... why? Is it how in grade school boys and girls can't actually express genuine attraction so they have to bully their love interest instead (mostly a TV tropes phenomenon tbh but I've seen it in real life as well)? You think she is cute or something and can't get over it? Damn. I see more hate threads about her nowadays than Obama.


I don't know about others, but I am waiting on her to show her tits---that has to be coming--and I expect them to be spectacular.

Nah, she has B's at best..

But she should still show them, it would be her only contribution to the nation.
it's for the same reason the left was obsessed with Sarah Palin.

She's a dumb shit .

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