Why are democrats changing the way we vote? It’s worked great for many years.


And its better for democracy if more people take part.
How did they go food shopping?

I have them bring the food to my car myself after I order it on line. Do you go into the store like an idiot?
I didn’t see you I said the people who are going to have ballots sent to them unsolicited how do they get food?
Because a lot of people don't wanna be outside risking to get coronavirus.
They prefer to vote by mail, like Oregon and Washington have done for years without problems.
You already knew the answers to this question.
How are they buying food?
Grocery stores deliver.
Not all
I can pay a teenager to do my grocery shopping for me. Can’t pay them vote for me. Fortunately I live in a state that allows no excuse Vote by mail.
I vote like an American I show up! In person !

Your blob doesn't. He's not an American apparently.
He’s doing a service for the country and not taking a paycheck he is out of state and they requested an absentee ballot which I will grant him

He doesn't vote like an American according to you. That makes you a fucking retard for voting for the un-American blob.
He’s out of state he’s working for free

And its better for democracy if more people take part.
How did they go food shopping?

I have them bring the food to my car myself after I order it on line. Do you go into the store like an idiot?
I didn’t see you I said the people who are going to have ballots sent to them unsolicited how do they get food?

Try again, in English this time.
Because a lot of people don't wanna be outside risking to get coronavirus.
They prefer to vote by mail, like Oregon and Washington have done for years without problems.
You already knew the answers to this question.
How are they buying food?
Grocery stores deliver.
Not all
I can pay a teenager to do my grocery shopping for me. Can’t pay them vote for me. Fortunately I live in a state that allows no excuse Vote by mail.
I vote like an American I show up! In person !

Your blob doesn't. He's not an American apparently.
He’s doing a service for the country and not taking a paycheck he is out of state and they requested an absentee ballot which I will grant him

He doesn't vote like an American according to you. That makes you a fucking retard for voting for the un-American blob.
He’s out of state he’s working for free

He doesn't vote like an American according to you. Again, That makes you a fucking retard for voting for the un-American blob.

He's working to increase his riches which he has done exponentially.
Because a lot of people don't wanna be outside risking to get coronavirus.
They prefer to vote by mail, like Oregon and Washington have done for years without problems.
You already knew the answers to this question.
Oregon, and maybe Washington are prepared for voting by mail. Other states, especially California and Nevada are not.

And its better for democracy if more people take part.
How did they go food shopping?

I have them bring the food to my car myself after I order it on line. Do you go into the store like an idiot?
I didn’t see you I said the people who are going to have ballots sent to them unsolicited how do they get food?

Try again, in English this time.
I didn’t say you now answer my question

And its better for democracy if more people take part.
How did they go food shopping?

I have them bring the food to my car myself after I order it on line. Do you go into the store like an idiot?
I didn’t see you I said the people who are going to have ballots sent to them unsolicited how do they get food?

Try again, in English this time.
I didn’t say you now answer my question

You'd have to ask them shit brains.

You have options...some of us are smart and avoid crowds in a pandemic. Some others--like you--are not so bright.

I'll put it to you this way; you guys were bitching about in-person voting not being secure. Now you're bitching about mail-in balloting not being secure. You're hopeless little shits.

If the entire nation voted by mail, 0.00001% of the people would be arguing, "standing in line for hours on election day is much better". You'd be the lone dumbass who thinks inconvenience is better.
Because a lot of people don't wanna be outside risking to get coronavirus.
They prefer to vote by mail, like Oregon and Washington have done for years without problems.
You already knew the answers to this question.
How are they buying food?
How have they been voting in Oregon and Washington for years without problems?

If Portland and Seattle are a clue, Dems rigged the mail voting process so hard they can promote riots, arson, looting and murder and still receive 90% of the ballot.

So much for Oregon's and Washington's mail in system!

And its better for democracy if more people take part.
How did they go food shopping?

I have them bring the food to my car myself after I order it on line. Do you go into the store like an idiot?
I didn’t see you I said the people who are going to have ballots sent to them unsolicited how do they get food?

Try again, in English this time.
I didn’t say you now answer my question

You'd have to ask them shit brains.

You have options...some of us are smart and avoid crowds in a pandemic. Some others--like you--are not so bright.

I'll put it to you this way; you guys were bitching about in-person voting not being secure. Now you're bitching about mail-in balloting not being secure. You're hopeless little shits.

If the entire nation voted by mail, 0.00001% of the people would be arguing, "standing in line for hours on election day is much better". You'd be the lone dumbass who thinks inconvenience is better.
vote by mail, like Oregon and Washington have done for years without problems.
Yeah, well there's a Democrat American Postal Workers Union, and Washington and Oregon have not only elected Democrat governors, Democrat mayors, and Democrat judges, as well as Democrat Senators and Democrat Representatives to U.S. Congress, and voted in Democrat-majority legislatures, but awarded the electoral votes of those states to Democrat Presidential candidates and passed Michael Bloomberg's Democrat gun control legislation by initiative petition on mail-in ballots.

And its better for democracy if more people take part.
How did they go food shopping?

I have them bring the food to my car myself after I order it on line. Do you go into the store like an idiot?
I didn’t see you I said the people who are going to have ballots sent to them unsolicited how do they get food?

Try again, in English this time.
I didn’t say you now answer my question

You'd have to ask them shit brains.

You have options...some of us are smart and avoid crowds in a pandemic. Some others--like you--are not so bright.

I'll put it to you this way; you guys were bitching about in-person voting not being secure. Now you're bitching about mail-in balloting not being secure. You're hopeless little shits.

If the entire nation voted by mail, 0.00001% of the people would be arguing, "standing in line for hours on election day is much better". You'd be the lone dumbass who thinks inconvenience is better.

Because a lot of people don't wanna be outside risking to get coronavirus.
They prefer to vote by mail, like Oregon and Washington have done for years without problems.
You already knew the answers to this question.
Shhhh don't say anything about the people getting together protesting

We wouldn't expect you to be totally honest now would we.
Even someone as stupid as a Trump supporter can figure out exposing yourself to more people increases your risk of exposing yourself to the virus.
They can also figure out that this scary virus is some hyped up BS to ruin Trump's economy. But, you scaredy cats stay home, no skin off my back.
180K dead with another 1000 dying every day, and it's a hoax just to make Trump look bad? You people are fucking crazy.
I have no opinion on it one way or another. My county doesn’t do it. They’ve talked about it but the voting machines can’t currently be configured for it. It has its pros and cons like anything else.
So you know your asking for chaos.. on election day Trump is going to blow out Biden. Then 7 to 10 days later you’re going to have ballots showing up. They could put Biden over the top and they’re going to be un verifiable.. It is the upmost importance and everybody either apply for an absentee ballot or you show up in person no if ands butts about it
Dumb ass, nobody’s doing rank choice voting for the presidential election. Stop being a fucking moron
Al Franken was elected by late arriving, probably fraudulent votes.

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