Why are democrats changing the way we vote? It’s worked great for many years.

Even someone as stupid as a Trump supporter can figure out exposing yourself to more people increases your risk of exposing yourself to the virus.
They can also figure out that this scary virus is some hyped up BS to ruin Trump's economy. But, you scaredy cats stay home, no skin off my back.
180K dead with another 1000 dying every day, and it's a hoax just to make Trump look bad? You people are fucking crazy.

CDC already released the official numbers putting actual deaths under 10k.
They did no such thing. Gods you people are so easily misled.

That official is discredited by the CDC
:lol: No they weren't. Trump has you thinking you can just make shit up. :lol:
This is actually a nightmare for the DNC. It gives more power back to the people, and takes it away from the established parties.
Democrats have shown for 4 years they will not allow Trump to continue as President NO MATTER WHAT. The have committed treason, broken laws, trampled Constitutional and civil rights, and even collaborated with and facilitated foreign enemy-funded domestic terrorists.

They have shown their hand for November:

As Hillary recommended they will not concede even if there is a landslide on election day and will try to win by producing as many mail-in ballots for Biden as they need to steal the election. They will fight for ever contested, criminal ballot and will produce as many as required. The fight for the stolen election will take months, and the proven Deep State treasonous enemies from within who rigged their own primaries 2 strait elections and who colluded with our enemies in attempt to overthrow this nation's govt will not stop until the 2020 stolen election coup has succeeded ... Or until there is civil war.


The polls are showing overwhelming support and voter energy for Trump...but the Democrats will produce an unexplainable amount of ballots for Biden while the Liberal media will go on the attack, claiming Trump lost and refuses to step aside.

It will be the most historic criminal election in US history perpetrated by mail-in balloting, a criminal process so tainted the rest of the European / civilized world is abandoning it.

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