Why are democrats changing the way we vote? It’s worked great for many years.

I have no opinion on it one way or another. My county doesn’t do it. They’ve talked about it but the voting machines can’t currently be configured for it. It has its pros and cons like anything else.
So you know your asking for chaos.. on election day Trump is going to blow out Biden. Then 7 to 10 days later you’re going to have ballots showing up. They could put Biden over the top and they’re going to be un verifiable.. It is the upmost importance and everybody either apply for an absentee ballot or you show up in person no if ands butts about it
Dumb ass, nobody’s doing rank choice voting for the presidential election. Stop being a fucking moron
Maine is voting on it now .. You don’t even know the difference between absentee ballot and mail in ballots this conversations over your trolling.
I’ve explained the difference to you twice whereas all you said is “nuh uh, yur a librul”. So tell us what is the difference? Does Trump vote absentee or by mail? (Spoiler alert Florida votes by mail. No excuse needed)
Absentee ballots is where people request a ballot. Mail in ballots are where Democrats mail out ballots to everybody on the voter roll even Hulk Hogan’s friend pet got a ballot, you’re going to get people hurt.. and you’re gonna hide when the shit hits the fan so just knock your shit off stop your trolling.. Unless you’re willing to show up when the shit hits the fan
You are misinformed.

What is absentee voting?
Every US state allows mail-in, absentee voting, but typically only under certain circumstances. For example, in the past, many states only allowed you to get an absentee ballot if you were deployed with the US armed forces, were going to be out of town on Election Day or were ill.

Amid the pandemic, however, at least 35 states have changed their mail-in absentee voting policies, allowing all voters to apply for an absentee ballot to cut down on the risk of spreading the virus. Some states are calling the expanded criteria for absentee voting "no-excuse absentee voting," a term that indicates you don't need to explain why you want an absentee ballot as you have in the past -- but you'll still need to fill out an application and request one, either online or through mail.
Because a lot of people don't wanna be outside risking to get coronavirus.
They prefer to vote by mail, like Oregon and Washington have done for years without problems.
You already knew the answers to this question.
Oregon, and maybe Washington are prepared for voting by mail. Other states, especially California and Nevada are not.

Most counties in California voted primarily by mail before the pandemic. LA, the largest, adopted the Voter’s Choice Act...again, before the pandemic.
I have no opinion on it one way or another. My county doesn’t do it. They’ve talked about it but the voting machines can’t currently be configured for it. It has its pros and cons like anything else.
So you know your asking for chaos.. on election day Trump is going to blow out Biden. Then 7 to 10 days later you’re going to have ballots showing up. They could put Biden over the top and they’re going to be un verifiable.. It is the upmost importance and everybody either apply for an absentee ballot or you show up in person no if ands butts about it
Dumb ass, nobody’s doing rank choice voting for the presidential election. Stop being a fucking moron
Al Franken was elected by late arriving, probably fraudulent votes.

What does that have to do with Rank Choice Voting, Captain Non Sequitur? I noticed that you Trumptards never post links to your allegations.
It’s caused chaos in Maine twice.. why not vote the normal way?

It has not caused chaos. It makes sense with the advent of early voting.
Why is that any more “American” than voting by mail. I did it for 20 years in the military too. Never once had a problem.
There is all the difference in the world between an absentee ballot and this fraudulent mail in ballot.

You are either very ignorant of the process or just another disingenuous Leftist.

You are the one who is ignorant. There is no difference between mail in voting and absentee voting. How do you think absentee ballots get to the elections office? Maybe you thing the election fairy delivers them. They are delivered by mail.
You are the one who is ignorant. There is no difference between mail in voting and absentee voting. How do you think absentee ballots get to the elections office? Maybe you thing the election fairy delivers them. They are delivered by mail.
It's shocking how many people are so ignorant of this topic.

Folks ... if you every wondered if the Fake News MSM is effective on the Leftist Sheeple in this Country .... well here's your sign!!

A ranked voting system is a good idea. In the Presidential primaries many people who voted early were disenfranchised because their candidate dropped out before the primary. Ranked voting would allow their voice to be heard.
Are you on crack? If your guy voted and lost to bad, you can’t than vote for someone else
It’s caused chaos in Maine twice.. why not vote the normal way?

It has not caused chaos. It makes sense with the advent of early voting.
It absolutely did, Election Day It showed a winner, than We had all these ballots flood in and the winner than had to wait , or than lose.. your causing chaos our system
Works.. If you voted for somebody and they lost too fucking bad
Even someone as stupid as a Trump supporter can figure out exposing yourself to more people increases your risk of exposing yourself to the virus.
They can also figure out that this scary virus is some hyped up BS to ruin Trump's economy. But, you scaredy cats stay home, no skin off my back.
180K dead with another 1000 dying every day, and it's a hoax just to make Trump look bad? You people are fucking crazy.

CDC already released the official numbers putting actual deaths under 10k.
You are the one who is ignorant. There is no difference between mail in voting and absentee voting. How do you think absentee ballots get to the elections office? Maybe you thing the election fairy delivers them. They are delivered by mail.
It's shocking how many people are so ignorant of this topic.

Folks ... if you every wondered if the Fake News MSM is effective on the Leftist Sheeple in this Country .... well here's your sign!!
It is shocking how Trump supporters eschew facts in favor of whatever garbage their cult leader spews. That's how cults work though.
Even someone as stupid as a Trump supporter can figure out exposing yourself to more people increases your risk of exposing yourself to the virus.
They can also figure out that this scary virus is some hyped up BS to ruin Trump's economy. But, you scaredy cats stay home, no skin off my back.
180K dead with another 1000 dying every day, and it's a hoax just to make Trump look bad? You people are fucking crazy.

CDC already released the official numbers putting actual deaths under 10k.
They did no such thing. Gods you people are so easily misled.

It’s caused chaos in Maine twice.. why not vote the normal way?

It has not caused chaos. It makes sense with the advent of early voting.
It absolutely did, Election Day It showed a winner, than We had all these ballots flood in and the winner than had to wait , or than lose.. your causing chaos our system
Works.. If you voted for somebody and they lost too fucking bad
What does that have to do with Rank Choice voting?
People seem a tad confused about what ranked choice voting is...

  1. Voters rank the candidates for a given office by preference on their ballots.
  2. If a candidate wins an outright majority of first-preference votes (i.e., 50 percent plus one), he or she will be declared the winner.
  3. If, on the other hand, no candidates win an outright majority of first-preference votes, the candidate with the fewest first-preference votes is eliminated.
  4. All first-preference votes for the failed candidate are eliminated, lifting the second-preference choices indicated on those ballots.
  5. A new tally is conducted to determine whether any candidate has won an outright majority of the adjusted voters.
  6. The process is repeated until a candidate wins a majority of votes cast.
It is used in a handful of states, both red and blue, for LOCAL elections and some party primaries ONLY.
It’s caused chaos in Maine twice.. why not vote the normal way?

It has not caused chaos. It makes sense with the advent of early voting.
It absolutely did, Election Day It showed a winner, than We had all these ballots flood in and the winner than had to wait , or than lose.. your causing chaos our system
Works.. If you voted for somebody and they lost too fucking bad
What does that have to do with Rank Choice voting?
Why don’t you answer that question
30% mail ins during a non presidential year light years from all mail in in a presidential year, it’s not broke and no fixing needed
Another failed liberal apples to oranges
Even someone as stupid as a Trump supporter can figure out exposing yourself to more people increases your risk of exposing yourself to the virus.
They can also figure out that this scary virus is some hyped up BS to ruin Trump's economy. But, you scaredy cats stay home, no skin off my back.
180K dead with another 1000 dying every day, and it's a hoax just to make Trump look bad? You people are fucking crazy.

CDC already released the official numbers putting actual deaths under 10k.
They did no such thing. Gods you people are so easily misled.

That official is discredited by the CDC

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