Why are democrats changing the way we vote? It’s worked great for many years.

The game is afoot. They are after something.
  1. ELIMINATE THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE (makes it possible for CA and NY to determine every election)
  2. 100% mail-out unsolicited ballots (just dump them out airplanes everywhere, pick them up and fill them out. (Makes QC completely untraceable)
  3. Change election rules so that most anyone in the country can vote (even if not even a citizen-- -- there goes the foreign tampering argument)
  4. No restrictions on voting, no voter-ID (facilitates fraud under the guise of protecting the 5 people in this country wh actually CAN'T get a government ID!)
Democrats wouldn't be in this unless they felt it NECESSARY for their chance of winning!
This is a national emergency.. we need mandatory voter ID
When after the IRS tampering debacle of 2012 when Obama weaponized the IRS to block Romney voters to help his reelection AND NOTHING WAS DONE ABOUT IT AFTERWARDS and since to shore up voter integrity, I knew right there elections were becoming bullshit, electing is being taken out of the hands of the voter, it is becoming a fraud, and the state is not only picking the candidates (remember, Joe never scored higher than #3 during their primary, nobody actually wanted him!) but the state shall pick the winner, ie, a banana republic.

In a few years, once democrats get in, there will be a movement to reform laws so that presidents can stay in longer, get reelected more, something like that to secure their hold on power.

Watch for it.
I have no opinion on it one way or another. My county doesn’t do it. They’ve talked about it but the voting machines can’t currently be configured for it. It has its pros and cons like anything else.
I have no opinion on it one way or another. My county doesn’t do it. They’ve talked about it but the voting machines can’t currently be configured for it. It has its pros and cons like anything else.
So you know your asking for chaos.. on election day Trump is going to blow out Biden. Then 7 to 10 days later you’re going to have ballots showing up. They could put Biden over the top and they’re going to be un verifiable.. It is the upmost importance and everybody either apply for an absentee ballot or you show up in person no if ands butts about it
No, actually, there is no difference between a VBM and absentee ballot other than the requirement to have an excuse to get it.
You are LYING .....

You reveal yourself to be the Leftist Extremist that you are.
No, I am stating a fact. An absentee ballot is a vote by mail ballot where a reason to have the ballot mailed must be provided. A vote by mail ballot is an absentee ballot that does not require an excuse to receive it. An all mailed ballot state like Colorado, Utah, Oregon and Washington is a system in which all registered voters are mailed a ballot automatically.
I have no opinion on it one way or another. My county doesn’t do it. They’ve talked about it but the voting machines can’t currently be configured for it. It has its pros and cons like anything else.
It has no pros whatsoever! With RCV my ballot could be cast for a candidate that I would NEVER vote for.
I have no opinion on it one way or another. My county doesn’t do it. They’ve talked about it but the voting machines can’t currently be configured for it. It has its pros and cons like anything else.
So you know your asking for chaos.. on election day Trump is going to blow out Biden. Then 7 to 10 days later you’re going to have ballots showing up. They could put Biden over the top and they’re going to be un verifiable.. It is the upmost importance and everybody either apply for an absentee ballot or you show up in person no if ands butts about it
Dumb ass, nobody’s doing rank choice voting for the presidential election. Stop being a fucking moron
I have no opinion on it one way or another. My county doesn’t do it. They’ve talked about it but the voting machines can’t currently be configured for it. It has its pros and cons like anything else.
So you know your asking for chaos.. on election day Trump is going to blow out Biden. Then 7 to 10 days later you’re going to have ballots showing up. They could put Biden over the top and they’re going to be un verifiable.. It is the upmost importance and everybody either apply for an absentee ballot or you show up in person no if ands butts about it
Dumb ass, nobody’s doing rank choice voting for the presidential election. Stop being a fucking moron
Maine is voting on it now .. You don’t even know the difference between absentee ballot and mail in ballots this conversations over your trolling.
:lol: 19 out of how many votes? Statistically irrelevant. Not only that, you have no idea who they voted for. Could’ve been Trump for all you know. He supports that kind of lawlessness.
That’s were caught there’s probably 30 million illegal aliens voting for Democrats
I have no opinion on it one way or another. My county doesn’t do it. They’ve talked about it but the voting machines can’t currently be configured for it. It has its pros and cons like anything else.
So you know your asking for chaos.. on election day Trump is going to blow out Biden. Then 7 to 10 days later you’re going to have ballots showing up. They could put Biden over the top and they’re going to be un verifiable.. It is the upmost importance and everybody either apply for an absentee ballot or you show up in person no if ands butts about it
Dumb ass, nobody’s doing rank choice voting for the presidential election. Stop being a fucking moron
Maine is voting on it now .. You don’t even know the difference between absentee ballot and mail in ballots this conversations over your trolling.
I’ve explained the difference to you twice whereas all you said is “nuh uh, yur a librul”. So tell us what is the difference? Does Trump vote absentee or by mail? (Spoiler alert Florida votes by mail. No excuse needed)
:lol: 19 out of how many votes? Statistically irrelevant. Not only that, you have no idea who they voted for. Could’ve been Trump for all you know. He supports that kind of lawlessness.
That’s were caught there’s probably 30 million illegal aliens voting for Democrats
That would be some feat since there are only 15 million in the United States. You guys are so stupid you make this too easy.
Because a lot of people don't wanna be outside risking to get coronavirus.
They prefer to vote by mail, like Oregon and Washington have done for years without problems.
You already knew the answers to this question.
How are they buying food?
Grocery stores deliver.
Not all
I can pay a teenager to do my grocery shopping for me. Can’t pay them vote for me. Fortunately I live in a state that allows no excuse Vote by mail.
I vote like an American I show up! In person !

Your blob doesn't. He's not an American apparently.
I have no opinion on it one way or another. My county doesn’t do it. They’ve talked about it but the voting machines can’t currently be configured for it. It has its pros and cons like anything else.
So you know your asking for chaos.. on election day Trump is going to blow out Biden. Then 7 to 10 days later you’re going to have ballots showing up. They could put Biden over the top and they’re going to be un verifiable.. It is the upmost importance and everybody either apply for an absentee ballot or you show up in person no if ands butts about it
Dumb ass, nobody’s doing rank choice voting for the presidential election. Stop being a fucking moron
Maine is voting on it now .. You don’t even know the difference between absentee ballot and mail in ballots this conversations over your trolling.
I’ve explained the difference to you twice whereas all you said is “nuh uh, yur a librul”. So tell us what is the difference? Does Trump vote absentee or by mail? (Spoiler alert Florida votes by mail. No excuse needed)
Absentee ballots is where people request a ballot. Mail in ballots are where Democrats mail out ballots to everybody on the voter roll even Hulk Hogan’s friend pet got a ballot, you’re going to get people hurt.. and you’re gonna hide when the shit hits the fan so just knock your shit off stop your trolling.. Unless you’re willing to show up when the shit hits the fan
:lol: 19 out of how many votes? Statistically irrelevant. Not only that, you have no idea who they voted for. Could’ve been Trump for all you know. He supports that kind of lawlessness.
That’s were caught there’s probably 30 million illegal aliens voting for Democrats
That would be some feat since there are only 15 million in the United States. You guys are so stupid you make this too easy.
Lol they’re fucking illegal you don’t know how many are here lol
Because a lot of people don't wanna be outside risking to get coronavirus.
They prefer to vote by mail, like Oregon and Washington have done for years without problems.
You already knew the answers to this question.
How are they buying food?
Grocery stores deliver.
Not all
I can pay a teenager to do my grocery shopping for me. Can’t pay them vote for me. Fortunately I live in a state that allows no excuse Vote by mail.
I vote like an American I show up! In person !

Your blob doesn't. He's not an American apparently.
He’s doing a service for the country and not taking a paycheck he is out of state and they requested an absentee ballot which I will grant him

And its better for democracy if more people take part.
How did they go food shopping?

I have them bring the food to my car myself after I order it on line. Do you go into the store like an idiot?
Because a lot of people don't wanna be outside risking to get coronavirus.
They prefer to vote by mail, like Oregon and Washington have done for years without problems.
You already knew the answers to this question.
How are they buying food?
Grocery stores deliver.
Not all
I can pay a teenager to do my grocery shopping for me. Can’t pay them vote for me. Fortunately I live in a state that allows no excuse Vote by mail.
I vote like an American I show up! In person !

Your blob doesn't. He's not an American apparently.
He’s doing a service for the country and not taking a paycheck he is out of state and they requested an absentee ballot which I will grant him

He doesn't vote like an American according to you. That makes you a fucking retard for voting for the un-American blob.

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