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Why are democrats labeled violent when we decide to fight back?

Because the inbreds would rather their opposition be non violent so they can spit and punch on their objects of hatred like back in the 60's.

yes....antifa and black lives matter probably are inbred....that would explain their racist, violent, hate filled attacks...
If the Moors hadnt come and educated europeans they would still be afraid of water and hate taking baths. europeans were on their way back to neanderthal status. You should be celebrating what they brought to europe instead of accusing them of what whites have done.
Mediterranean/North Africans do not = Subsaharan Africans/Negros. No matter how badly you wish they did. Hell! They discovered how readily slavable your kind are centuries before Europeans did. Lol. I love your self deprecating history revisionism... I really do.
Whats a sub saharan african? You dont really believe that white fantasy term still do you?
By virtually all evidence of ancient writing peoples like the Egyptians, Arabs and black africans were distinctly different peoples. As with all peoples none pure but different culturally and ethnically.
Whos writing? Why did Egyptians specifically call the interior of Africa "the land of gods" and say they came from there? Why did they orient Africa as the top of the world which is exactly the opposite of europe?
The romans, greeks, hittites amongst others speak of the egyptians as being a distinctly different people from the nubian kingdoms.

OK, I give up why did the egyptians call it the land of the gods? Why do the native peoples of australia consider Ayers Rock sacred? Why do the Hopi of the US talk about the ant people that came from the sky? As far orienting maps, how do you think the ancient chinese oriented their maps? With China at the center?
The Romans and Greeks also said the Egyptians were Blacks. The term used by Herodotus was "melachrinos". If they were white he would have used leucochroes. Had they been simply brown, like so many African Americans, he may have used phrenychroes. The Nubians ruled Egypt off and on throughout Egypts history. They were the same people racially and came from the same background.

"the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.)

Does that ring a bell? Sounds like the description of god out of the bible.

It wasnt just Herodotus. Aristotle, Lucian, Apollodorus, Achilles, Tacitus, Strabo, Diodorus of Sicily, Digenes Laertius and Aminianus Marcellinus all concurred they were Black men. If you need some more quotes please let me know.

They called it the land of gods because thats where they came from and recognized their ancestors came from the interior of Africa using the Nile to populate the area as it flowed towards europe. I'm guessing you werent aware of that either were you?
I think that it is nothing but a matter of perception. Throughout history, we have seen violence from liberals like Jomo Kenyatta. Ultimately, it resulted in Kenya's independence. The liberals' "violence" is probably just a short-term way of describing a social revolution.
What a load of crap. The history of Europe is that of being invaded by non white peoples. Try educating yourself.

Look into Islam's march across N Africa or Asia. Read up a little on the Mongols, who by some estimates may have at times slaughtered as much as a tenth of the human population on the planet.

As far as the Americas' most historians note that the vast majority of of native peoples deaths were from disease not violence. Most estimates are in the 90% range. Sad to say the native peoples of the Americas were doomed, sooner or later someone was going to cross an ocean and bring diseases that they had no resistance to. Whether they came from Europe, Africa or Asia is irrelevant.
If the Moors hadnt come and educated europeans they would still be afraid of water and hate taking baths. europeans were on their way back to neanderthal status. You should be celebrating what they brought to europe instead of accusing them of what whites have done.
Yeah and if the muslims hadn't conquered Jews and Christians they would never have accomplished anything. Try doing a little research into the claims made by muslims, more often than not the individuals acknowledged were people captured and forced to convert.

I'm of Slavic descent I know what the muhammadens brought, slaughter, rape and enslavement. The Turks were finally driven out of Eastern Europe in 1912. So save the holier than thou nonsense. Hell Islamic slavery of black africans dwarfs the european, predates it by 4-5-600 years. You could still buy a black slave in a public market in Mecca up until 1963. Africans were taking white slaves as far north as Ireland many centutharies before the European slave trade.
Its not claims made by muslims. Its historical fact. Take a trip to spain where it all started and see what the Moors taught europeans. This was the only time in europe where there was religious freedom.

I'm guessing you dont realize that your Slavic descent is where the word slave came from because you were enslaved by other whites?
And most of that knowledge was acquired by conquering christians and jews in the middle east and peoples in asia. We see these claims all the time. I just read something on the subject of the concept of zero in mathematics, claimed by islam, even though there is evidence of the concept centuries before in parts of india that were conquered by muslims. That's like europeans claiming credit for corn farming after they had overwhelmed the native americans.

Besides the moors are one, how about the persians, carthaginians, huns, turks, mongols?

As far as the roots of the word slave, I'm quite aware of the origins. Just like I'm aware of the word abeed, still commonly used in arab culture. And by the way europeans didn't go to africa and "take" slaves, for the most part they bought them from black africans.
That knowledge was taught to the christians and Jews and there is no such thing as the ME. Thats a white boy term like sub saharan trying to remove that area from what was considered by the Greeks and Africans as Africa or "Ethiopia". This land encompassed all of Africa as we know it today all the way to India. There is a reason the indigenous people of India not only worshiped Black gods, they were Black themselves and remain so to this day. Like most people that believe the white washed version of history you dont realize you are talking in most cases about people descended from Cush, (nubia) Canaan, Phut and Mizraim (kemet). All others are mixed breeds.

Abeed, abed are the same and literally means servant of god and where the abdul comes from. What does that have to do with the word slave coming from Slavic? You must not be very well versed on history if you didnt know euorpeans showed up with weapons and took slaves. Most Africans were forced to give up their "slaves" at gunpoint or threat of destruction. You may be able to fool someone that doesnt know any better but you better realize that there is no way you can fool me with your white fabrications and justifications.
I have no doubt that much of the knowledge of the jews, christians and asian peoples was acquired, my point is it wasn't from rampaging muslim hordes. The ME doesn't exist? What a crock, it's simply a term used to describe a geographic area. Whether you like it or not is irrelevant. It arose out of the English language, so you are correct, it is a "white boy" term. Gee, it comes from an island in the north atlantic that was full of white people, you were expecting a Navajo term?

As far as your ramblings about "black gods", is there a point? People from the beginning have defined their gods as reflections of themselves, so what? It still doesn't change the fact that ancient writings described the the Egyptian people as distinctly different from Ethiopian and Nubian peoples.

White washed history is certainly an issue but not in this instance. I don't know what you're reading but the vast majority of people seem to accept that modern humans arose in Africa, although there are some who believe there may have been a parallel evolution in Asia. Again though, is there a point?

Abeed has been used a derogatory term for blacks for a very long time, it's original meaning aside. Do a little research into the tem faggot sometime, language changes.

The point with the european slave trade is that the slaves were already slaves. There is also a wealth of evidence of the europeans discussing the price they were buying those slaves for. There is also a wealth of evidence that show the africans more than willing to go out and get more slaves to supply that TRADE. As far as justifications, what a crock. I'm justifying nothing, I'm merely pointing out that all these horrors you ascribe strictly to whites are horrors practiced by virtually every group of humans that ever existed. I don't know about you but whether those taking my slavic ancestors as slaves were white, turkic or from the barbary coast is irrelevant barbarism is barbarism regardless of who's perpetrating it.
Mediterranean/North Africans do not = Subsaharan Africans/Negros. No matter how badly you wish they did. Hell! They discovered how readily slavable your kind are centuries before Europeans did. Lol. I love your self deprecating history revisionism... I really do.
Whats a sub saharan african? You dont really believe that white fantasy term still do you?
By virtually all evidence of ancient writing peoples like the Egyptians, Arabs and black africans were distinctly different peoples. As with all peoples none pure but different culturally and ethnically.
Whos writing? Why did Egyptians specifically call the interior of Africa "the land of gods" and say they came from there? Why did they orient Africa as the top of the world which is exactly the opposite of europe?
The romans, greeks, hittites amongst others speak of the egyptians as being a distinctly different people from the nubian kingdoms.

OK, I give up why did the egyptians call it the land of the gods? Why do the native peoples of australia consider Ayers Rock sacred? Why do the Hopi of the US talk about the ant people that came from the sky? As far orienting maps, how do you think the ancient chinese oriented their maps? With China at the center?
The Romans and Greeks also said the Egyptians were Blacks. The term used by Herodotus was "melachrinos". If they were white he would have used leucochroes. Had they been simply brown, like so many African Americans, he may have used phrenychroes. The Nubians ruled Egypt off and on throughout Egypts history. They were the same people racially and came from the same background.

"the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.)

Does that ring a bell? Sounds like the description of god out of the bible.

It wasnt just Herodotus. Aristotle, Lucian, Apollodorus, Achilles, Tacitus, Strabo, Diodorus of Sicily, Digenes Laertius and Aminianus Marcellinus all concurred they were Black men. If you need some more quotes please let me know.

They called it the land of gods because thats where they came from and recognized their ancestors came from the interior of Africa using the Nile to populate the area as it flowed towards europe. I'm guessing you werent aware of that either were you?
No one that I know of is saying that the ancient Egyptians were white, merely that they were considered different from other peoples of Africa. They obviously intermixed with other peoples, again point?

One thing we may agree on in is that in ancient times times Egypt wasn't an Arab country. Today it's considered the most populous nation in the Arab world. How did that happen? Let me guess, evil white people.
I'm not trying to spark a fight here, so I want to make that clear...but why is it, when liberals reach a limit and decide to fight back, suddenly we're equated with the Klan and white supremist? For 8 long years under Obama, the attacks against liberals were constant and on going. Each campaign season rendered even more attacks....conservatives calling him everything from the anti christ to a Kenya jungle shooter. Liberals were marginalized on all ends and silenced by the right wing media.

Violent, police brutality spiked and mass shootings became the norm. All right wing approved. fast foward to 2016...Trump comes along and the violence only intensifies. At what point does a liberal say enough is enough?View attachment 145485
View attachment 145487View attachment 145486

One more time, at what point does liberals say enough is enough.
During the Obama years, the same white trash starting shit, again, when is enough enough?????
View attachment 145490View attachment 145489

thanks for demonstrating once again just how big of an idiot you are
Before I'm sent to the rubber room, why is it wrong to express concern over the labels liberals are getting from you nit wit nuts?

go ahead start some shit

lets let the shit hit the fan ass wipe
Face it pal, white people, you morally corrupt creatures of sheer bullshit are the most violent creatures in all of man kind history...that is fact and nothing you nor any of these ass ho's here can dispute...own the title and chill!!
Look at the rates of domestic violence in the black community. You guys sure do like to beat up your women a lot. So obviously blacks commit more violence than whites. We're just better at it. That is not the only reason why it is so easy for whites to subjugate you people at will. There's also the matter of intelligence.

Ever wonder why there's never been a black man on the moon?
Last edited:
I'm not trying to spark a fight here, so I want to make that clear...but why is it, when liberals reach a limit and decide to fight back, suddenly we're equated with the Klan and white supremist? For 8 long years under Obama, the attacks against liberals were constant and on going. Each campaign season rendered even more attacks....conservatives calling him everything from the anti christ to a Kenya jungle shooter. Liberals were marginalized on all ends and silenced by the right wing media.

Violent, police brutality spiked and mass shootings became the norm. All right wing approved. fast foward to 2016...Trump comes along and the violence only intensifies. At what point does a liberal say enough is enough?View attachment 145485
View attachment 145487View attachment 145486

One more time, at what point does liberals say enough is enough.
During the Obama years, the same white trash starting shit, again, when is enough enough?????
View attachment 145490View attachment 145489

There's so many things wrong with what you've said here that I had to read it three times to make sure you weren't just trolling.

During the Obama administration, there were a lot of insults hurled at him based on race, the size of his ears, etc. Every single conservative, however, is not responsible for every insult slung by every racist, and, more importantly, violently attacking your political opponents because you blame them for mean things said about someone that you like is not "fighting back", and that's true even if you decide to be hyperbolic and refer to those mean words as "attacks". I'm not going to explain why that is, because I've got faith that you have a greater cognitive ability than a 2 year old, and thus the logic of that statement should be self evident.

Police brutality didn't spike during the Obama years. The amount of racial divisiveness we've attached to certain individual cases of police shootings increased exponentially, but the mere fact that the corporate media decides to push a narrative by focusing on a specific type of event should never be taken as proof that said event has become more common. It's called sensationalizing the news.

A similar argument could be made regarding what you said about mass shootings. You've said the "the right" approves of mass shootings, which is such a ridiculously divisive and hyperbolic statement that it's hard for me to believe that you actually believe what you're spouting. That said, I'm assuming that this statement's justification is somewhere between the fact that Dillon Roof was a white supremacist, and that we who support the 2nd Amendment tend to be called out as complicit in these deaths because we push back against proposals for, for instance, universal background checks. At any rate, the intense focus on this sort of event is an obvious attempt to demonize the right as opposed to being a response to mass shootings having suddenly become commonplace, which they have not. The fact of the matter is that gang violence in the biggest cities accounts for so many TIMES more murders then what we statistically designate as "mass shootings", that the fact that you'd choose the mass shooters in stead of gang violence as your hill to die on cannot be logically explained otherwise. The reason the lefties aren't focusing on the inner city violence that makes up the overwhelming bulk of our gun violence in the US is because various cities have shown that these problems aren't any fewer in the cities with the tightest gun restrictions, and that the problem of aggregate gun violence can be greatly mitigated via means unrelated to restricted firearm access. Essentially, it's obvious that you can't blame the NRA for gang members murdering each other, but less obvious in the case of a nut job kid who gets ahold of a gun and opens fire on a random crowd, in that any single act of violence is a hard thing to prevent. So if the media focuses on the individual cases where potential preventative measures are anybody's guess, blame is easier to consolidate and pitch at whatever political scapegoat is a convenient target.

As far as Dillon Roof, I, as a conservative, am no more responsible for that evil dipshit than you are responsible for the unibomber or Micah Johnson.

The bit about the left being marginalized and silenced by right wing media in the age of Obama, though, that statement takes the cake. Fox News and Breitbart silenced the left by airing mostly right wing narratives, didn't they? The poor left only had their points represented via CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, all their affiliated news outlets, the NY Times, the Washington Post, the primary newspaper publications of virtually every major city in the nation, the Atlantic, BBC America, The Independent, Gawker, Buzzfeed, Yahoo! News, Google search algorithms, the vast majority of higher academia, Netflix programming, MTV, Hollywood, and only several dozen other prominent sources. Poor, platform starved Democrats. The right had Fox, Breitbart, Drudge, and Rush Limbaugh! How in the world could the ENTIRE REST OF THE US'S JOURNALISM INDUSTRY AND POPULAR CULTURE hope to be heard over Fox News, 2 websites, and AM fucking radio!?
I'm not trying to spark a fight here, so I want to make that clear...but why is it, when liberals reach a limit and decide to fight back, suddenly we're equated with the Klan and white supremist? For 8 long years under Obama, the attacks against liberals were constant and on going. Each campaign season rendered even more attacks....conservatives calling him everything from the anti christ to a Kenya jungle shooter. Liberals were marginalized on all ends and silenced by the right wing media.

Violent, police brutality spiked and mass shootings became the norm. All right wing approved. fast foward to 2016...Trump comes along and the violence only intensifies. At what point does a liberal say enough is enough?View attachment 145485
View attachment 145487View attachment 145486

One more time, at what point does liberals say enough is enough.
During the Obama years, the same white trash starting shit, again, when is enough enough?????
View attachment 145490View attachment 145489

thanks for demonstrating once again just how big of an idiot you are
Before I'm sent to the rubber room, why is it wrong to express concern over the labels liberals are getting from you nit wit nuts?

go ahead start some shit

lets let the shit hit the fan ass wipe
Face it pal, white people, you morally corrupt creatures of sheer bullshit are the most violent creatures in all of man kind history...that is fact and nothing you nor any of these ass ho's here can dispute...own the title and chill!!

you are such a lowlife liar fuck face
I'm not trying to spark a fight here, so I want to make that clear...but why is it, when liberals reach a limit and decide to fight back, suddenly we're equated with the Klan and white supremist? For 8 long years under Obama, the attacks against liberals were constant and on going. Each campaign season rendered even more attacks....conservatives calling him everything from the anti christ to a Kenya jungle shooter. Liberals were marginalized on all ends and silenced by the right wing media.

Violent, police brutality spiked and mass shootings became the norm. All right wing approved. fast foward to 2016...Trump comes along and the violence only intensifies. At what point does a liberal say enough is enough?View attachment 145485
View attachment 145487View attachment 145486

One more time, at what point does liberals say enough is enough.
During the Obama years, the same white trash starting shit, again, when is enough enough?????
View attachment 145490View attachment 145489

thanks for demonstrating once again just how big of an idiot you are
Before I'm sent to the rubber room, why is it wrong to express concern over the labels liberals are getting from you nit wit nuts?

go ahead start some shit

lets let the shit hit the fan ass wipe
Face it pal, white people, you morally corrupt creatures of sheer bullshit are the most violent creatures in all of man kind history...that is fact and nothing you nor any of these ass ho's here can dispute...own the title and chill!!
Look at the rates of domestic violence in the black community. You guys sure do like to beat up your women a lot. So obviously blacks commit more violence than whites. We're just better at it. That is not the only reason why it is so easy for whites to subjugate you people at will. There's also the matter of intelligence.

Ever wonder why there's never been a black man on the moon?

and he wonders why he is not taken seriously

Mediterranean/North Africans do not = Subsaharan Africans/Negros. No matter how badly you wish they did. Hell! They discovered how readily slavable your kind are centuries before Europeans did. Lol. I love your self deprecating history revisionism... I really do.
Whats a sub saharan african? You dont really believe that white fantasy term still do you?
By virtually all evidence of ancient writing peoples like the Egyptians, Arabs and black africans were distinctly different peoples. As with all peoples none pure but different culturally and ethnically.
Whos writing? Why did Egyptians specifically call the interior of Africa "the land of gods" and say they came from there? Why did they orient Africa as the top of the world which is exactly the opposite of europe?
The romans, greeks, hittites amongst others speak of the egyptians as being a distinctly different people from the nubian kingdoms.

OK, I give up why did the egyptians call it the land of the gods? Why do the native peoples of australia consider Ayers Rock sacred? Why do the Hopi of the US talk about the ant people that came from the sky? As far orienting maps, how do you think the ancient chinese oriented their maps? With China at the center?
The Romans and Greeks also said the Egyptians were Blacks. The term used by Herodotus was "melachrinos". If they were white he would have used leucochroes. Had they been simply brown, like so many African Americans, he may have used phrenychroes. The Nubians ruled Egypt off and on throughout Egypts history. They were the same people racially and came from the same background.

"the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.)

Does that ring a bell? Sounds like the description of god out of the bible.

It wasnt just Herodotus. Aristotle, Lucian, Apollodorus, Achilles, Tacitus, Strabo, Diodorus of Sicily, Digenes Laertius and Aminianus Marcellinus all concurred they were Black men. If you need some more quotes please let me know.

They called it the land of gods because thats where they came from and recognized their ancestors came from the interior of Africa using the Nile to populate the area as it flowed towards europe. I'm guessing you werent aware of that either were you?
Unfortunately for history revisionists; DNA doesn't lie...
Were the Ancient Egyptians Black or White? Scientists Now Know

The ancient Egyptians were not negroes. In fact only toward to end of the empires age can Subsaharan African DNA be found in any meaningful quantity. Likely a result of the long time use of negroes as slaves by the egyptians.

From the article... "
Modern Egyptians share 8% of their genome with central Africans, far more than ancient ones, according to the study, published in the journal Nature Communications. The influx of Sub-Saharan genes only occurred within the last 1,500 years."
8%... Thats today... So your fanciful notions of moors being negroes is fantasy as well. The movie Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, and a Micheal Jackson video, are not the best places for you to learn your "history".
Additionally... Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry

Then its a simple matter of delving into the past, and finding the roots of the middle eastern people. Science once again trumps wishful thinking, and self pitying history revisionism...

leftards dont like history

that is why they are hellbent on repeating it
Apes lips struggles mightily with the historical inferiority of his races lack of accomplishment. There's a reason some races have set out, explored the world; dominated, conquered, and ultimately subjugated the others.
The two most verifiable accomplishment of subsaharan Africans to modern culture are their being the prototype for all the human races that have come after them; and having been readily enslaved by virtually every race that has come into contact with them in any meaningful fashion.
I'm not trying to spark a fight here, so I want to make that clear...but why is it, when liberals reach a limit and decide to fight back, suddenly we're equated with the Klan and white supremist? For 8 long years under Obama, the attacks against liberals were constant and on going. Each campaign season rendered even more attacks....conservatives calling him everything from the anti christ to a Kenya jungle shooter. Liberals were marginalized on all ends and silenced by the right wing media.

Violent, police brutality spiked and mass shootings became the norm. All right wing approved. fast foward to 2016...Trump comes along and the violence only intensifies. At what point does a liberal say enough is enough?View attachment 145485
View attachment 145487View attachment 145486

One more time, at what point does liberals say enough is enough.
During the Obama years, the same white trash starting shit, again, when is enough enough?????
View attachment 145490View attachment 145489

thanks for demonstrating once again just how big of an idiot you are
Before I'm sent to the rubber room, why is it wrong to express concern over the labels liberals are getting from you nit wit nuts?

go ahead start some shit

lets let the shit hit the fan ass wipe
Face it pal, white people, you morally corrupt creatures of sheer bullshit are the most violent creatures in all of man kind history...that is fact and nothing you nor any of these ass ho's here can dispute...own the title and chill!!
Look at the rates of domestic violence in the black community. You guys sure do like to beat up your women a lot. So obviously blacks commit more violence than whites. We're just better at it. That is not the only reason why it is so easy for whites to subjugate you people at will. There's also the matter of intelligence.

Ever wonder why there's never been a black man on the moon?

Ever wonder why there's never been a black man on the moon? :desk::desk::desk::desk::desk:Because all the easy white women are here on earth!! Did I win????
Additionally... Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry

Then its a simple matter of delving into the past, and finding the roots of the middle eastern people. Science once again trumps wishful thinking, and self pitying history revisionism...

leftards dont like history

that is why they are hellbent on repeating it
Apes lips struggles mightily with the historical inferiority of his races lack of accomplishment. There's a reason some races have set out, explored the world; dominated, conquered, and ultimately subjugated the others.
The two most verifiable accomplishment of subsaharan Africans to modern culture are their being the prototype for all the human races that have come after them; and having been readily enslaved by virtually every race that has come into contact with them in any meaningful fashion.
Additionally... Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry

Then its a simple matter of delving into the past, and finding the roots of the middle eastern people. Science once again trumps wishful thinking, and self pitying history revisionism...

leftards dont like history

that is why they are hellbent on repeating it
Apes lips struggles mightily with the historical inferiority of his races lack of accomplishment. There's a reason some races have set out, explored the world; dominated, conquered, and ultimately subjugated the others.
The two most verifiable accomplishment of subsaharan Africans to modern culture are their being the prototype for all the human races that have come after them; and having been readily enslaved by virtually every race that has come into contact with them in any meaningful fashion.
You know he's barely a halfrican... Right?
Additionally... Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry

Then its a simple matter of delving into the past, and finding the roots of the middle eastern people. Science once again trumps wishful thinking, and self pitying history revisionism...

leftards dont like history

that is why they are hellbent on repeating it
And you can say that with a straight face? Germany 1941

America 2017
Yep thousands in one pictue and looks like 10 in the other.LMFAO please show more how the Nazi are coming back LOL Hey what about the communist Antifa?

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