why are democrats opposed to having proof of identity when voting ?

Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!

They are free.....if you can't get to a government office they will go to your home....

You are an idiot. You are a racist....you think blacks are too stupid or too lazy to get an ID...something that is required for so many aspects of just normal life, you racism sticks out that you can't hide it....
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Why are Tiny Minded "conservatives" so intent on lying about each and every little thing.
You want ID? Provide them
Not me go somewhere to get it.
You go door to door with your camera and laminator and make and present the card.
Voting doesn't require a license, it is a constitutional right.
If you're going to impinge on that right by requiring an equivalent of a poll tax for me to exercise my right
The it is on you to facilitate your demand.

You get your IDs and fail to deny a single voter their rights.

Apparently a win win but
You know damned well it's not about IDs.
It's about keeping the "wrong" people from voting.
You people have admitted it in the past and neither your intent nor methods have changed.

You want ID? Provide them

They are free....if you can't get to a government office they will arrange to send someone to your home.....

You have two years between each election to get an ID to vote....you think blacks and hispanics are either too stupid or too lazy to get ID in the two years between elections...you are a racist asshole.
You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black Browns etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?

They don't.....just ask actual black people..........you racist...

This guy asked actual black people.......

Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!

Hey...shit for brains....why do blacks want voter ID?

New polling shows that a large majority supports voter ID laws that require individuals to show a photo identification before voting, including almost 70% of black voters.

The poll, released on Wednesday by Rasmussen Reports, found that 75% believe photo identification should be presented before voting and that 69% of black voters support voter ID laws.

Broken down by party, 60% of Democrats support showing an ID to vote compared to 89% of Republicans.

the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
They're opposed to it, so their illegal alien friends can vote illegally, without any obstruction, and so they can engage in other types of voter fraud as well.

Just another example of why the USA must divide in to a red USA, and a blue USA. There cannot ever be coexistence between these two opposites.

Do you have anything other than lies to back up these false assertions? There is absolutely NO evidence of illegal voting, voter fraud, or any of the things that you claim. Nearly all of the cases of voter fraud on any sort of large scale, from ballot harvesting, to voter suppression measures, which has resulted in criminal charges, have been Republican schemes to stuff ballot boxes or prevent Democratic votes from counting.

Democrats have no reason to cheat. They've won the popular vote in the Presidental elections in every election this century except 2006, and it was really close there. Kerry lost by one state. Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed by a majority of Senators who received 1.5 million votes fewer than the minority of Senators who voted against her.

The Republican Party has been a minority party since before the turn of the century, but by voter suppression, gerrymandering, and control of the state's election processes, have continued to run the country, gifting the USA with two of the worst Presidents in American history, crashing the economy twice in the past 20 years, and unleashing a pandemic on the population, and now they wonder why they're being voted out of office.

It has to be fraud. It can't possibly be that the American people are sick of the corruption, incompetence and lies!!!
took me 3 seconds to search out 1000 cases of it. arested voter fraud - Bing

They are one offs. Trump said 5000 dead people voted in Georgia. The actual count, was 2, both of whom were charged, and both of whom, voted for Trump on behalf of their dead relatives who "would" have voted for Trump.

These people were caught before they could pull off their scheme:

Here's another Republican in Texas who was charged, and again, he was caught:

The cases of voter fraud that are prosecuted, are mostly single individuals trying to vote, but 1,300 mostly individual cases in a country of 335 million people is hardly grounds for a crisis of confidence about the security of your elections.
The ones who got away with it wouldn't be reported on because no one would know unless they told someone or they got caught.

Here's the thing: There is no evidence that any is "getting away with it". At least not in sufficiently large enough numbers to affect the outcome of elections.

Every time Republicans go looking for fraud, they come up empty, but every since they started losing elections due to demographics, they have widely claimed it was because of illegal voting and similar bullshit.
Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!

Hey...shit for brains....why do blacks want voter ID?

New polling shows that a large majority supports voter ID laws that require individuals to show a photo identification before voting, including almost 70% of black voters.

The poll, released on Wednesday by Rasmussen Reports, found that 75% believe photo identification should be presented before voting and that 69% of black voters support voter ID laws.

Broken down by party, 60% of Democrats support showing an ID to vote compared to 89% of Republicans.

Everybody wants voter ID. Democrats want any form of government issued ID used. Republicans want to waste the time and money to establish a special "voter ID", that you ONLY use when you vote. No. That method is open to all sorts of abuses which have already been outlined, and is designed to limit voting.

The USA is the only country in the first world, when ONE political party is continually claiming widespread voter fraud, on no evidence, and is seeking to limit voting. Every other first world country in the world is trying to get more people to vote.

Since the rest of world knows Republicans have been lying to American voters since Reagan was elected, we wonder why you fools continue to believe Republicans. Especially given their disastrous economic policies, their war mongering over the past 20 years, and before. Trump is the first American President in my lifetime, who didn't start a foreign war. 3 economic crashes in 40 years.

And still you believe Republicans!!!!
Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!

Hey...shit for brains....why do blacks want voter ID?

New polling shows that a large majority supports voter ID laws that require individuals to show a photo identification before voting, including almost 70% of black voters.

The poll, released on Wednesday by Rasmussen Reports, found that 75% believe photo identification should be presented before voting and that 69% of black voters support voter ID laws.

Broken down by party, 60% of Democrats support showing an ID to vote compared to 89% of Republicans.

Everybody wants voter ID. Democrats want any form of government issued ID used. Republicans want to waste the time and money to establish a special "voter ID", that you ONLY use when you vote. No. That method is open to all sorts of abuses which have already been outlined, and is designed to limit voting.

The USA is the only country in the first world, when ONE political party is continually claiming widespread voter fraud, on no evidence, and is seeking to limit voting. Every other first world country in the world is trying to get more people to vote.

Since the rest of world knows Republicans have been lying to American voters since Reagan was elected, we wonder why you fools continue to believe Republicans. Especially given their disastrous economic policies, their war mongering over the past 20 years, and before. Trump is the first American President in my lifetime, who didn't start a foreign war. 3 economic crashes in 40 years.

And still you believe Republicans!!!!
why are you lying??

all thats needed is the everyday ID people have been using for every other important thing in their life which is a drivers license or a state issued ID card,,,
Last edited:
Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!

Hey...shit for brains....why do blacks want voter ID?

New polling shows that a large majority supports voter ID laws that require individuals to show a photo identification before voting, including almost 70% of black voters.

The poll, released on Wednesday by Rasmussen Reports, found that 75% believe photo identification should be presented before voting and that 69% of black voters support voter ID laws.

Broken down by party, 60% of Democrats support showing an ID to vote compared to 89% of Republicans.

Everybody wants voter ID. Democrats want any form of government issued ID used. Republicans want to waste the time and money to establish a special "voter ID", that you ONLY use when you vote. No. That method is open to all sorts of abuses which have already been outlined, and is designed to limit voting.

The USA is the only country in the first world, when ONE political party is continually claiming widespread voter fraud, on no evidence, and is seeking to limit voting. Every other first world country in the world is trying to get more people to vote.

Since the rest of world knows Republicans have been lying to American voters since Reagan was elected, we wonder why you fools continue to believe Republicans. Especially given their disastrous economic policies, their war mongering over the past 20 years, and before. Trump is the first American President in my lifetime, who didn't start a foreign war. 3 economic crashes in 40 years.

And still you believe Republicans!!!!

Wrong.......you guys have to lie .......
The core argument from Democrats is that Voter ID hurts Blacks the most; presumably because Blacks have the most difficult time obtaining a state-issued ID. This would mean that Blacks are cut off from many services, resources, and privileges in their daily lives that require Voter ID.

I cannot believe Blacks put up with Democrats using them as pawns to fight against Voter ID. How insulting.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .

Illegals, fake, phony, frauds and the non-living which constitute 60% of democrat voters, cannot produce photo ID. Hell, the DNC is on record that even an accurate voter database is an "existential threat"
Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!

Hey...shit for brains....why do blacks want voter ID?

New polling shows that a large majority supports voter ID laws that require individuals to show a photo identification before voting, including almost 70% of black voters.

The poll, released on Wednesday by Rasmussen Reports, found that 75% believe photo identification should be presented before voting and that 69% of black voters support voter ID laws.

Broken down by party, 60% of Democrats support showing an ID to vote compared to 89% of Republicans.

Everybody wants voter ID. Democrats want any form of government issued ID used. Republicans want to waste the time and money to establish a special "voter ID", that you ONLY use when you vote. No. That method is open to all sorts of abuses which have already been outlined, and is designed to limit voting.

The USA is the only country in the first world, when ONE political party is continually claiming widespread voter fraud, on no evidence, and is seeking to limit voting. Every other first world country in the world is trying to get more people to vote.

Since the rest of world knows Republicans have been lying to American voters since Reagan was elected, we wonder why you fools continue to believe Republicans. Especially given their disastrous economic policies, their war mongering over the past 20 years, and before. Trump is the first American President in my lifetime, who didn't start a foreign war. 3 economic crashes in 40 years.

And still you believe Republicans!!!!

Wrong.......you guys have to lie .......

Truth does not mind being questioned; a Lie does not like being challenged
Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!

Hey...shit for brains....why do blacks want voter ID?

New polling shows that a large majority supports voter ID laws that require individuals to show a photo identification before voting, including almost 70% of black voters.

The poll, released on Wednesday by Rasmussen Reports, found that 75% believe photo identification should be presented before voting and that 69% of black voters support voter ID laws.

Broken down by party, 60% of Democrats support showing an ID to vote compared to 89% of Republicans.

Everybody wants voter ID. Democrats want any form of government issued ID used. Republicans want to waste the time and money to establish a special "voter ID", that you ONLY use when you vote. No. That method is open to all sorts of abuses which have already been outlined, and is designed to limit voting.

The USA is the only country in the first world, when ONE political party is continually claiming widespread voter fraud, on no evidence, and is seeking to limit voting. Every other first world country in the world is trying to get more people to vote.

Since the rest of world knows Republicans have been lying to American voters since Reagan was elected, we wonder why you fools continue to believe Republicans. Especially given their disastrous economic policies, their war mongering over the past 20 years, and before. Trump is the first American President in my lifetime, who didn't start a foreign war. 3 economic crashes in 40 years.

And still you believe Republicans!!!!
why are you lying??

all thats needed is the everyday ID people have been using for every other important thing in their life which is a drivers license or a state issued ID card,,,
She is a globalist DemNazi Fascist Marxist Commie.

Since when has any people like that ever cared about Truth?
The core argument from Democrats is that Voter ID hurts Blacks the most; presumably because Blacks have the most difficult time obtaining a state-issued ID. This would mean that Blacks are cut off from many services, resources, and privileges in their daily lives that require Voter ID.

I cannot believe Blacks put up with Democrats using them as pawns to fight against Voter ID. How insulting.
Can't get an EBT card no matter what color you are if you don't have ID. You cannot drive a car, have a bank account, a library card, a credit card to Netflix and Chill.

Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!

Hey...shit for brains....why do blacks want voter ID?

New polling shows that a large majority supports voter ID laws that require individuals to show a photo identification before voting, including almost 70% of black voters.

The poll, released on Wednesday by Rasmussen Reports, found that 75% believe photo identification should be presented before voting and that 69% of black voters support voter ID laws.

Broken down by party, 60% of Democrats support showing an ID to vote compared to 89% of Republicans.

Everybody wants voter ID. Democrats want any form of government issued ID used. Republicans want to waste the time and money to establish a special "voter ID", that you ONLY use when you vote. No. That method is open to all sorts of abuses which have already been outlined, and is designed to limit voting.

The USA is the only country in the first world, when ONE political party is continually claiming widespread voter fraud, on no evidence, and is seeking to limit voting. Every other first world country in the world is trying to get more people to vote.

Since the rest of world knows Republicans have been lying to American voters since Reagan was elected, we wonder why you fools continue to believe Republicans. Especially given their disastrous economic policies, their war mongering over the past 20 years, and before. Trump is the first American President in my lifetime, who didn't start a foreign war. 3 economic crashes in 40 years.

And still you believe Republicans!!!!

Wrong.......you guys have to lie .......

Without LIES, the Left has nothing
Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!

Hey...shit for brains....why do blacks want voter ID?

New polling shows that a large majority supports voter ID laws that require individuals to show a photo identification before voting, including almost 70% of black voters.

The poll, released on Wednesday by Rasmussen Reports, found that 75% believe photo identification should be presented before voting and that 69% of black voters support voter ID laws.

Broken down by party, 60% of Democrats support showing an ID to vote compared to 89% of Republicans.

Everybody wants voter ID. Democrats want any form of government issued ID used. Republicans want to waste the time and money to establish a special "voter ID", that you ONLY use when you vote. No. That method is open to all sorts of abuses which have already been outlined, and is designed to limit voting.

The USA is the only country in the first world, when ONE political party is continually claiming widespread voter fraud, on no evidence, and is seeking to limit voting. Every other first world country in the world is trying to get more people to vote.

Since the rest of world knows Republicans have been lying to American voters since Reagan was elected, we wonder why you fools continue to believe Republicans. Especially given their disastrous economic policies, their war mongering over the past 20 years, and before. Trump is the first American President in my lifetime, who didn't start a foreign war. 3 economic crashes in 40 years.

And still you believe Republicans!!!!

Wrong.......you guys have to lie .......

Without LIES, the Left has nothing
sheeeeesh------you misplace your little ID----and you CAN'T VOTE????
I is deadmeat-------luckily the monitors over there recognize me
Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!

Hey...shit for brains....why do blacks want voter ID?

New polling shows that a large majority supports voter ID laws that require individuals to show a photo identification before voting, including almost 70% of black voters.

The poll, released on Wednesday by Rasmussen Reports, found that 75% believe photo identification should be presented before voting and that 69% of black voters support voter ID laws.

Broken down by party, 60% of Democrats support showing an ID to vote compared to 89% of Republicans.

Everybody wants voter ID. Democrats want any form of government issued ID used. Republicans want to waste the time and money to establish a special "voter ID", that you ONLY use when you vote. No. That method is open to all sorts of abuses which have already been outlined, and is designed to limit voting.

The USA is the only country in the first world, when ONE political party is continually claiming widespread voter fraud, on no evidence, and is seeking to limit voting. Every other first world country in the world is trying to get more people to vote.

Since the rest of world knows Republicans have been lying to American voters since Reagan was elected, we wonder why you fools continue to believe Republicans. Especially given their disastrous economic policies, their war mongering over the past 20 years, and before. Trump is the first American President in my lifetime, who didn't start a foreign war. 3 economic crashes in 40 years.

And still you believe Republicans!!!!

Wrong.......you guys have to lie .......

Without LIES, the Left has nothing
sheeeeesh------you misplace your little ID----and you CAN'T VOTE????
I is deadmeat-------luckily the monitors over there recognize me
Even if you wear a face diaper?
Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!

Hey...shit for brains....why do blacks want voter ID?

New polling shows that a large majority supports voter ID laws that require individuals to show a photo identification before voting, including almost 70% of black voters.

The poll, released on Wednesday by Rasmussen Reports, found that 75% believe photo identification should be presented before voting and that 69% of black voters support voter ID laws.

Broken down by party, 60% of Democrats support showing an ID to vote compared to 89% of Republicans.

Everybody wants voter ID. Democrats want any form of government issued ID used. Republicans want to waste the time and money to establish a special "voter ID", that you ONLY use when you vote. No. That method is open to all sorts of abuses which have already been outlined, and is designed to limit voting.

The USA is the only country in the first world, when ONE political party is continually claiming widespread voter fraud, on no evidence, and is seeking to limit voting. Every other first world country in the world is trying to get more people to vote.

Since the rest of world knows Republicans have been lying to American voters since Reagan was elected, we wonder why you fools continue to believe Republicans. Especially given their disastrous economic policies, their war mongering over the past 20 years, and before. Trump is the first American President in my lifetime, who didn't start a foreign war. 3 economic crashes in 40 years.

And still you believe Republicans!!!!

Wrong.......you guys have to lie .......

Without LIES, the Left has nothing
sheeeeesh------you misplace your little ID----and you CAN'T VOTE????
I is deadmeat-------luckily the monitors over there recognize me
Even if you wear a face diaper?
yes-----I am VERY DISTINCTIVE-----even ---uhm....veiled
Did you know that the Republican-driven ballot re-count in Az is looking for bamboo fibres on the ballots because...well...they must have bamboo fibres on them if they came from China.
Really, watching the US right wing in action is like a season of Seinfeld.

Democrats can't quote accurately to save your lives.

They are testing the paper, not what's "on the paper." Because there is bamboo in Chinese paper. If they find it, that would indicate it was printed in China.

Democrats made cheating feasible by removing the ability to match ballots to voters. China knows that, Champ.

You prove continually that you just lie about everything. It's what you did for four years under Trump. There is no reason you have to lie about everything all the time. At least represent stories accurately

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