why are democrats opposed to having proof of identity when voting ?

Been doing drivers licenses smoothly for almost 100 years
No one is fooled here,
It seems that the typical RWI says "I want voter ID." but I want Voter ID that fits my agenda.

WTF can't we just have a "Voter ID Card"
It is not that hard.

Yeah .....I'd also be scared like you ... if I want to cheat ....and I have to show an identity card.

I say.....Identity cards for all those who want to vote in the USA.!:clap:

Everyone already has to present identity cards to vote. The argument is about whether it’s a special voter card or whether you can use any government issued ID when you go to vote. Since you have to prove ID and citizenship to be registered to vote you shouldn’t have to prove anything other than you are the person on the voter list when you go to vote.

Any government issued ID should be adequate to vote. Just like they do in Colorado.
So IF this is true, then WTF are the RWI's complaining about?
Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!
Could you explain to the forum the convoluted reasoning that you used to come to the conclusion that it is more difficult for a young/old/black/brown person to obtain an ID than it is for a middle aged white or yellow person?
What IDs are acceptable?
the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ?
You need to establish your I.D. // residential // mailing address when you REGISTER TO VOTE at least 30 days in advance of the election.

If you are NOT REGISTERED TO VOTE 30 days before the election, you will not be allowed to cast your ballot.

If you are properly REGISTERED TO VOTE, then your voter registration and signature are sufficient forms of I.D. to vote.

CITY HALL must stop allowing unregistered voters to cast ballots and on the other hand imposing additional I.D. requirements beyond voter registration at the polling places on election day.
The ID I have always used is the voter registration card.
Since it has a barcode, it is fastest.
Since it is the only one they can look up at the polling station , it is the only one that prevents voter fraud.
And it does not have or need a photo.
Photo IDs are easier to fake.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .

Who is "us"?

For that matter, who are you? Prove you have a right to ask the question? If you are British, if you are from Canada, why do I care what your question is, what your opinion is? Prove you are an American that has any business asking about our elections? Do you volunteer to work at your polling place?

Where ever I have lived, I could walk to my polling place. My local church, the auditorium of the high school, someone's garage. My polling was always within walking distance. I know who they are. They are my neighbors.

I go to my polling place. The volunteer, one of my neighbors, is expecting me because I said I would be there. The volunteer has a list of everyone registered to vote. I tell him my name, he looks at my face. He hands me a ballot. And I vote. If I had moved recently, I can use a provisional ballot. That will take time for my vote to get counted. Someone will check that I didn't vote at my polling place. But it will get counted.

I live here. I've showed up. My proof is my face. I don't need a document to prove that I exist. We don't restrict voting in America.

Americans live in a Democracy. Everyone participates. The voting places are staffed by volunteers. other Americans. They are my neighbors. They have typically been my elders in the neighborhood, retired. Or other neighbors that have the time to volunteer. I honor them for what they are doing for me, for us, in ensuring out democracy functions.

Our Democracy is hundreds of years old.

This is a Democracy. We don't require that we prove that we exist. America fought for the right to exist. I don't have to prove I exist.

Do you volunteer? If you do, have you asked the people who also volunteer? Why are you on this forum asking when you can just ask the people that you volunteer with?

Please explain to me why you dislike Democracy so much. Why is it that you so dislike your neighbors? Why is is that you don't trust the elderly man down the street, or the stay at home mom, or any one else that has the time to volunteer.

One person, one vote. My face is my proof that I exist. I am standing here because I live here. How does a piece of paper prove I have a face?

That's what facist regimes do. They say, "Oh, you can't vote because you are [fill in the blank]". You have to prove you exist with a piece of paper. You have to prove you are worthy of voting. You have to be able to read and write. You have to pass a test. You have to proved you are the right kind of people to vote. Why are you so interested in me having to prove I am one of "us"? I'm not, I'm me. It's that simple, I don't have to prove I am me.

Are you a facist? Our Democracy is hundreds of years old. Why are you so afraid of Democracy? Why are you so afraid of your neighbor voting?

Do your volunteer? Why are you asking here? Why aren't you asking the people that you volunteer with? Go volunteer. Go stand in front of someone else that volunteers and ask them, to their face, if they think you don't exist. Ask them if you have to prove to you exist.

What's your story and who are you?

One person, one vote. How hard is this to understand?

I can prove with my face who I am at the polling place standing in front of my neighbor. I don't need your permission to vote.

Who the $#@ are you? Prove you aren't a bot.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Why do Dems want you to show a Vaccination Card to do EVERYTHING?
Did you know that the Republican-driven ballot re-count in Az is looking for bamboo fibres on the ballots because...well...they must have bamboo fibres on them if they came from China.
Really, watching the US right wing in action is like a season of Seinfeld.

Link the story or admit that's fake news. Ballots are NOT made of ordinary common paper and forensic testing ought to be able to determine fakes.

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the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Why do Dems want you to show a Vaccination Card to do EVERYTHING?

Well, you isn't' coming into my house until you prove you're are vaccinated, you disease ridden puss bag.

I ain't getting your diseases. You might start with taking a shower.

Oh, right, nobody is gonna be telling you what to do....
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Why do Dems want you to show a Vaccination Card to do EVERYTHING?

Well, you isn't' coming into my house until you prove you're are vaccinated, you disease ridden puss bag.

I ain't getting your diseases. You might start with taking a shower.

Oh, right, nobody is gonna be telling you what to do....
If your vaccinated why would you care if someone else is?
It seems that the typical RWI says "I want voter ID." but I want Voter ID that fits my agenda.

WTF can't we just have a "Voter ID Card"
It is not that hard.

Yeah .....I'd also be scared like you ... if I want to cheat ....and I have to show an identity card.

I say.....Identity cards for all those who want to vote in the USA.!:clap:

Everyone already has to present identity cards to vote. The argument is about whether it’s a special voter card or whether you can use any government issued ID when you go to vote. Since you have to prove ID and citizenship to be registered to vote you shouldn’t have to prove anything other than you are the person on the voter list when you go to vote.

Any government issued ID should be adequate to vote. Just like they do in Colorado.
So IF this is true, then WTF are the RWI's complaining about?

Republicans want a super secret special form of voter ID which is only used for voting. Then they layer on other "requirements" like the Texas law which required you to present your birth certificate to get the voter ID, and your name on your current ID has to be exactly the same as your birth certificate.

I've been married twice, divorced once, and I never use my middle name. My current ID has my first and current married name. My birth certificate has my First, Middle, and Last name at birth. I would never be able to get the form of voter ID that Texas was proposing the last time they pulled this shit.

The Georgia "exact match" law was found to be unconstitutional. This required all government registrations to exactly match your voter ID application. So if my birth certificate says my name is Mary Jane Smith, and my voter ID application says Mary J. Smith. Even worse, if there is a data entry error on the part of some government clerk entering the information, and my information doesn't match, I will be declined.

Would it surprise you to learn that 70% of voters who were declined because of "exact match", lived in heavily Democratic neighbourhoods. All one needs to do to suppress the votes, is to ensure at lot of "data entry" errors in poor neighbourhoods.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Why do Dems want you to show a Vaccination Card to do EVERYTHING?

Well, you isn't' coming into my house until you prove you're are vaccinated, you disease ridden puss bag.

I ain't getting your diseases. You might start with taking a shower.

Oh, right, nobody is gonna be telling you what to do....
And you aren't voting until you show your ID Card.

And who are you to say who is diseased or not?

You don't know, and it is not your right to know. Covid is nothing but a Corona virus which Humans have carried for thousands of years.

It's a joke for you Nazis to go all DemNazi fascist on everyone over a head cold.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
They're opposed to it, so their illegal alien friends can vote illegally, without any obstruction, and so they can engage in other types of voter fraud as well.

Just another example of why the USA must divide in to a red USA, and a blue USA. There cannot ever be coexistence between these two opposites.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Why do Dems want you to show a Vaccination Card to do EVERYTHING?

Well, you isn't' coming into my house until you prove you're are vaccinated, you disease ridden puss bag.

I ain't getting your diseases. You might start with taking a shower.

Oh, right, nobody is gonna be telling you what to do....
If your vaccinated why would you care if someone else is?

Because even with the vaccine, you can still get sick, and infect others. I want this virus to end. I'm tired of watching sports on TV. I want to go to a ball game. I want kids to be able to have little league, and summer fun. I have a lot of grandchildren who are too young to vaccinate, that I don't want to have lifelong "pre-existing conditions" from your refusal to vaccinate.

If you want to frame this as a "freedom" issue, I chose my right under "freedom of association" to only associate with people who are vaccinated.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
They're opposed to it, so their illegal alien friends can vote illegally, without any obstruction, and so they can engage in other types of voter fraud as well.

Just another example of why the USA must divide in to a red USA, and a blue USA. There cannot ever be coexistence between these two opposites.

Do you have anything other than lies to back up these false assertions? There is absolutely NO evidence of illegal voting, voter fraud, or any of the things that you claim. Nearly all of the cases of voter fraud on any sort of large scale, from ballot harvesting, to voter suppression measures, which has resulted in criminal charges, have been Republican schemes to stuff ballot boxes or prevent Democratic votes from counting.

Democrats have no reason to cheat. They've won the popular vote in the Presidental elections in every election this century except 2006, and it was really close there. Kerry lost by one state. Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed by a majority of Senators who received 1.5 million votes fewer than the minority of Senators who voted against her.

The Republican Party has been a minority party since before the turn of the century, but by voter suppression, gerrymandering, and control of the state's election processes, have continued to run the country, gifting the USA with two of the worst Presidents in American history, crashing the economy twice in the past 20 years, and unleashing a pandemic on the population, and now they wonder why they're being voted out of office.

It has to be fraud. It can't possibly be that the American people are sick of the corruption, incompetence and lies!!!
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Why do Dems want you to show a Vaccination Card to do EVERYTHING?

Well, you isn't' coming into my house until you prove you're are vaccinated, you disease ridden puss bag.

I ain't getting your diseases. You might start with taking a shower.

Oh, right, nobody is gonna be telling you what to do....
If your vaccinated why would you care if someone else is?

Because even with the vaccine, you can still get sick, and infect others. I want this virus to end. I'm tired of watching sports on TV. I want to go to a ball game. I want kids to be able to have little league, and summer fun. I have a lot of grandchildren who are too young to vaccinate, that I don't want to have lifelong "pre-existing conditions" from your refusal to vaccinate.

If you want to frame this as a "freedom" issue, I chose my right under "freedom of association" to only associate with people who are vaccinated.
How about you suck it up buttercup and learn that you cannot lengthen even 1 day of your life with all of your fear and anxiety.

Each man's days are numbered.

And who THE HELL and I mean HELL are you to dictate to me what my Healthcare should be? I thought you lying fools believed Healthcare is a Right? If it's a right it's an individual's right and it's his business what goes on with his or her healthcare, and no one else's.


When you have a genetic disorder in 10-20 years, remember that you took a vaccine that altered your DNA and RNA that had never been tested in humans before.

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