why are democrats opposed to having proof of identity when voting ?

Why are Tiny Minded "conservatives" so intent on lying about each and every little thing.
You want ID? Provide them
Not me go somewhere to get it.
You go door to door with your camera and laminator and make and present the card.
Voting doesn't require a license, it is a constitutional right.
If you're going to impinge on that right by requiring an equivalent of a poll tax for me to exercise my right
The it is on you to facilitate your demand.

You get your IDs and fail to deny a single voter their rights.

Apparently a win win but
You know damned well it's not about IDs.
It's about keeping the "wrong" people from voting.
You people have admitted it in the past and neither your intent nor methods have changed.
You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?
The days of democrat election fraud is coming to an end....and you will see how much of a minority you really belong to....and that's what scares you isn't it?.....

I look forward to those days. Really I do.
But what on Earth will bring them? Noting I see at this point.
The last thing the nation wants no matter what side you are on is a lack of confidence in the election system....I'm hoping we still have hero's and patriots in high places that will use the last election process as a guide to fix what was so blatantly wrong with the covid special elections....
It appears the OP has refused to include republicans objecting to changes.
Here's the hypocrisy.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .

Your OP is a blatant lie. Heres the proof you mob oppose it also.

Voting And Elections Divide Republicans And Democrats Like Little Else. Here's Why
It gets harder to commit fraud with voter identification.

demonRats need fraud ....thus......the last thing they want is proof of identity.

I thought everybody knew this simple fact by now.
You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black Browns etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?
How does it do that? Please be specific.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Why are Tiny Minded "conservatives" so intent on lying about each and every little thing.
You want ID? Provide them
Not me go somewhere to get it.
You go door to door with your camera and laminator and make and present the card.
Voting doesn't require a license, it is a constitutional right.
If you're going to impinge on that right by requiring an equivalent of a poll tax for me to exercise my right
The it is on you to facilitate your demand.

You get your IDs and fail to deny a single voter their rights.

Apparently a win win but
You know damned well it's not about IDs.
It's about keeping the "wrong" people from voting.
You people have admitted it in the past and neither your intent nor methods have changed.
You have to be joking. Are minorities totally helpless?
They want to cheat.
You do know that 100% of the demonstrable fraud in the 2020 election was committed by Trumpinista?
Don't you?
Given your eternal vigilance on this issue it's hard to imagine it slipping by you?
More Dim bullshit.
It gets harder to commit fraud with voter identification.

demonRats need fraud ....thus......the last thing they want is proof of identity.

I thought everybody knew this simple fact by now.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Look what they're trying to do in Texas instead of ranting about voter id. You fools are being played by the same "swamp" who you claim is destroying this country. Voter id is a bright shiny object to distract from the real plan being engineered by Trump & his goon squad which is to steal the next election & destroy Democracy for the sake of that orange shitbag.

The only thing that will save our Democracy is if Trump is indicted, convicted & sent to prison for the rest of his miserable fucking life.

Wow, that's quite the conspiracy theory, Nazi shitbag....
Strange people these trumpers. He gets them all worked up with lies about democrats and especially Black democrats voting illegally. At the same time, he loses the election by a huge margin and convinces millions of trumpers (republicans), that the last election was rigged and he actually won. He can't prove any of this of course but his followers? They believe what ever this world class liar and piece of shit tells them. Never in our history have we had a piece of shit like trump in the office of president. Never in our history have we had a more stupid bunch of people like the trump fans, bots, ass kissers, or whatever they call themselves.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Look what they're trying to do in Texas instead of ranting about voter id. You fools are being played by the same "swamp" who you claim is destroying this country. Voter id is a bright shiny object to distract from the real plan being engineered by Trump & his goon squad which is to steal the next election & destroy Democracy for the sake of that orange shitbag.

The only thing that will save our Democracy is if Trump is indicted, convicted & sent to prison for the rest of his miserable fucking life.

Wow, that's quite the conspiracy theory, Nazi shitbag....
Trump is the one claiming he'll be reinstated by August, you braindead fucktard.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
No they don't, just a talking point.
I want voter ID, just make it a PURE Voter ID card, and Provide it for Free.
I understand the word FREE irritates you deeply, but you want a VOTER ID, then make it PURELY a Voter ID Card.

I can't use my AARP card to drive.
I can't use my College ID card to Vote, but some can use their NRA card to vote.
That's just weird.

Give everyone a Voter ID card, blockchain if you desire, just make it ONE card.

Can you produce one of these people for us?
In South Carolina you can get an id for free. I guess we are ahead of Liberal shitholes.
Strange people these trumpers. He gets them all worked up with lies about democrats and especially Black democrats voting illegally. At the same time, he loses the election by a huge margin and convinces millions of trumpers (republicans), that the last election was rigged and he actually won. He can't prove any of this of course but his followers? They believe what ever this world class liar and piece of shit tells them. Never in our history have we had a piece of shit like trump in the office of president. Never in our history have we had a more stupid bunch of people like the trump fans, bots, ass kissers, or whatever they call themselves.
History is fixing to kick your butt, the Carter years are back. Obama is soo happy!
Seems like a reasonable request

The reason some democrats oppose it is for the same reason that some republicans oppose early voting, voting by mail, and ballot drop boxes.... they think it gives their party an advantage.

In that case, why don't Democrats oppose asking for ID to attend their Democrat National Conventions?
Why does Nancy Pelosi insist on ID to enter the US capital ?

No, you're wrong (as always) that's not the reason. It's because stealing elections IS THE ONLY WAY democrats take power.
They couldn't care less what the American people want.
As per usual, you have zero proof of any grand theft....right shit brains?

Where are the arrests for all of this supposed fraud?

Let me guess...you will now delve into yet another conspiracy theory to back up your lie. It's all you can do.
Seems like a reasonable request

The reason some democrats oppose it is for the same reason that some republicans oppose early voting, voting by mail, and ballot drop boxes.... they think it gives their party an advantage.
The harder it is to commit voter fraud, the better the better the chance of a Republican win. And the easier it is to commit voter fraud the better the chance of a Democrat win.

Both parties obviously know that.

Generally, Republicans are just more moral and empathetic than Democrats. The average Republican would feel guilty as hell for disenfranchising another by canceling their vote out with a fraudulent vote.

Democrats tend to be immoral and self-centered with no empathy for others.

So true.....

Look up how many times I've called them what they are.....

Moral Narcissists
It's EXACTLY what they are
Seems like a reasonable request

The reason some democrats oppose it is for the same reason that some republicans oppose early voting, voting by mail, and ballot drop boxes.... they think it gives their party an advantage.

In that case, why don't Democrats oppose asking for ID to attend their Democrat National Conventions?
Why does Nancy Pelosi insist on ID to enter the US capital ?

No, you're wrong (as always) that's not the reason. It's because stealing elections IS THE ONLY WAY democrats take power.
They couldn't care less what the American people want.
As per usual, you have zero proof of any grand theft....right shit brains?

Where are the arrests for all of this supposed fraud?

Let me guess...you will now delve into yet another conspiracy theory to back up your lie. It's all you can do.

I consider you of less value than a used sheet of toilet paper in a public port a potty.

You are an idiots imbecile....incapable of logic or independent thought. Too obsessed with being a racist and too ignorant to learn from your own mistakes.
On top of being a moral narcissistic personality

A rock could offer more intellectual conversation, and would certainly have a higher IQ than you
Seems like a reasonable request

The reason some democrats oppose it is for the same reason that some republicans oppose early voting, voting by mail, and ballot drop boxes.... they think it gives their party an advantage.

In that case, why don't Democrats oppose asking for ID to attend their Democrat National Conventions?
Why does Nancy Pelosi insist on ID to enter the US capital ?

No, you're wrong (as always) that's not the reason. It's because stealing elections IS THE ONLY WAY democrats take power.
They couldn't care less what the American people want.
As per usual, you have zero proof of any grand theft....right shit brains?

Where are the arrests for all of this supposed fraud?

Let me guess...you will now delve into yet another conspiracy theory to back up your lie. It's all you can do.

I consider you of less value than a used sheet of toilet paper in a public port a potty.

You are an idiots imbecile....incapable of logic or independent thought. Too obsessed with being a racist and too ignorant to learn from your own mistakes.
On top of being a moral narcissistic personality
Translation: Candycorn is right about me so I will just hurl insults.

If you need to reach me later, I'll be taking my victory lap.

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