why are democrats opposed to having proof of identity when voting ?

the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Voter ID is fine.....let's be con-sistant in what counts as voter ID and for those who don't already have a passport or driver's license or something else that counts, they should get one issued for free.
Did you know that the Republican-driven ballot re-count in Az is looking for bamboo fibres on the ballots because...well...they must have bamboo fibres on them if they came from China.
Really, watching the US right wing in action is like a season of Seinfeld.

Yeah Nazi, that's a fucking lie.

Oh yes, they ARE looking for fibers, but it has nothing to do with China, as you Nazi fucks know.
Ah...your second favorite N-word again.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Why are you opposed to vaccine passports?

Get back to us when you can get a valid Vaccine Passport without valid ID, or don't even need to prove you got the vaccine to get one.

Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!
So black and brown people are too stupid to get to the dmv? Only white people know how to go there and get an ID. It’s too fucking hard for non-white people to figure out. And you assholes call us racist. You stupid fucks.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Why are you opposed to vaccine passports?
first off, you should start a thread on that,
2nd is,, doesnt a vaccine require an ID to get??
Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!
Could you explain to the forum the convoluted reasoning that you used to come to the conclusion that it is more difficult for a young/old/black/brown person to obtain an ID than it is for a middle aged white or yellow person?
Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!
Can you produce one of these people for us?

Notice how these people disappear every time you ask them to PRODUCE such a person.

It was the same with the Russia Collusion debacle: I never did get anyone to produce for us even ONE PERSON who was actually swayed by a FB ad to change their vote! Not that one vote could have changed the election!
You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?

What are you babbling about ???

And just for the record....what is "my party" oh wise one? You have ZERO clue.

Most of you on the Left assume anyone who doesn't agree with your party of destruction MUST be a Trumper.
Or something just as bad! If you're not voting Democrat... You are missinformed.

STILL waiting for you to give us the name of ONE PERSON who has actually experienced VOTER SUPPRESSION (unable to vote) ostensibly due to the GOP!
You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?
The days of democrat election fraud is coming to an end....and you will see how much of a minority you really belong to....and that's what scares you isn't it?.....
Whatcha gonna do when Manchin's finally had enough "partisanship" and says Kill the filibuster to pass HR-1?

All those carefully crafted Jim Crow laws down the tube.
All those billions spent on buying politicians wasted when they're voted out in free fair elections.
Crap to be you.
The absolute end of states rights. That’s what you’re cheering for. What are you going to do when you lose in a year and the filibuster is gone?
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Voter ID is fine.....let's be con-sistant in what counts as voter ID and for those who don't already have a passport or driver's license or something else that counts, they should get one issued for free.
So pretty much do what we’re doing now. Anybody can go get an ID with a minimum of paperwork involved. You’re the ones saying only white people know how to do this.
If voting is as much of a holy grail as our country makes it out to be and is a cornerstone of our society and freedom then we absolutely should require a photo state id to vote with 0 exceptions.

Each and every single person who votes should need one to vote. Should be state issued, have a photo, and be up to date. Don't have that, then no voting.

Anyone regardless of political party should be for it and for maintaining trust in the system and it's integrity. Anyone should want there to be a I'd requirement to make sure every person gets a vote and it's a fair election by only letting votes count that were by citizens able to show they can vote.
Seems like a reasonable request

The reason some democrats oppose it is for the same reason that some republicans oppose early voting, voting by mail, and ballot drop boxes.... they think it gives their party an advantage.
Did you know that the Republican-driven ballot re-count in Az is looking for bamboo fibres on the ballots because...well...they must have bamboo fibres on them if they came from China.
Really, watching the US right wing in action is like a season of Seinfeld.
Frankly, I don't see would stop the Democrats from cheating during the recount.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Look what they're trying to do in Texas instead of ranting about voter id. You fools are being played by the same "swamp" who you claim is destroying this country. Voter id is a bright shiny object to distract from the real plan being engineered by Trump & his goon squad which is to steal the next election & destroy Democracy for the sake of that orange shitbag.

The only thing that will save our Democracy is if Trump is indicted, convicted & sent to prison for the rest of his miserable fucking life.
Did you know that the Republican-driven ballot re-count in Az is looking for bamboo fibres on the ballots because...well...they must have bamboo fibres on them if they came from China.
Really, watching the US right wing in action is like a season of Seinfeld.

Yeah Nazi, that's a fucking lie.

Oh yes, they ARE looking for fibers, but it has nothing to do with China, as you Nazi fucks know.
You'd better talk to the people that are doing the work then...they seem to believe it.
Seems like a reasonable request

The reason some democrats oppose it is for the same reason that some republicans oppose early voting, voting by mail, and ballot drop boxes.... they think it gives their party an advantage.

In that case, why don't Democrats oppose asking for ID to attend their Democrat National Conventions?
Why does Nancy Pelosi insist on ID to enter the US capital ?

No, you're wrong (as always) that's not the reason. It's because stealing elections IS THE ONLY WAY democrats take power.
They couldn't care less what the American people want.
Seems like a reasonable request

The reason some democrats oppose it is for the same reason that some republicans oppose early voting, voting by mail, and ballot drop boxes.... they think it gives their party an advantage.
The harder it is to commit voter fraud, the better the better the chance of a Republican win. And the easier it is to commit voter fraud the better the chance of a Democrat win.

Both parties obviously know that.

Generally, Republicans are just more moral and empathetic than Democrats. The average Republican would feel guilty as hell for disenfranchising another by canceling their vote out with a fraudulent vote.

Democrats tend to be immoral and self-centered with no empathy for others.

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