why are democrats opposed to having proof of identity when voting ?

You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?
The days of democrat election fraud is coming to an end....and you will see how much of a minority you really belong to....and that's what scares you isn't it?.....
Whatcha gonna do when Manchin's finally had enough "partisanship" and says Kill the filibuster to pass HR-1?

All those carefully crafted Jim Crow laws down the tube.
All those billions spent on buying politicians wasted when they're voted out in free fair elections.
Crap to be you.
The absolute end of states rights. That’s what you’re cheering for. What are you going to do when you lose in a year and the filibuster is gone?
1. States rights? You mean the right to keep people from voting because of their race? The right to peek into a woman's hoochie whenever it pleases you? The right to station toilet monitors to peek under ladies dresses as see what's what? So what's bad about ending that racist tradition?
2. You people said it. Pass HR-1 and the GOP will never win again. So which is it? HR-1 lets you win or HR-1 makes you lose. Make up your minds!
Answer #1- The right of states to run their elections. You know, like it says in the Constitution. No laws are being passed that keep anyone from voting. Not a single legal voter is put out by ID laws. Not one. Only the most retarded among us conflates requiring an ID to racism. I’ll get to the why next. Unless your ID is shoved up your twat why would anyone want to look at it? WTF are you talking about and how the fuck did you turn that into racism? You’re an idiot.

Answer #2- Here’s where I get back to the racism bullshit in part one. In case you’re too stupid to follow. Democrats wouldn’t be trying to pass federal laws nullifying voter ID if they thought they were on solid voter ground. There are two options to take from this.
1- you think a large portion of your base are too stupid to get an ID and vote. Which in your racist view would have to mean you think black people are just incapable of getting an ID and doing a basic function of everyday life white people do all the time.

2- you know voter ID cuts into your fraudulent vote scheme. With voter ID cheating gets much harder and you’re going to lose votes.
"voter ID:" The GOP pushing this racist bull designed, BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION, to keep PoC from voting.
So, ANSWER #2 - Another bald faced lie.
So you’re going with answer #2-1
And that's another bald faced lie.
Keep going and you can catch Trump.
I’m starting to think you’re the most racist poster on this board. You’re just having trouble accepting it.
Says the guy who KNOWINGLY tries to block PoC from voting because he's afraid his right to kill PoC on sight might go away.
Ok then, I was trying to reply to someone who isn’t an absolute certified fucking retard. I was wrong. Go on about your retarded day you stupid fuck.
Yeah. Well we all understand your expertise on being an absolute fucking retard. Years and years of experience. So we'll have to respect your ability to recognize your fellow fellow absolute fucking retards.

Since you're obviously an expert absolute fucking retard we need to know who you thought you were...
Sorry for my mistake.
Imagine, mistaking the crap spilling from your cranium for "thought."
You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?
The days of democrat election fraud is coming to an end....and you will see how much of a minority you really belong to....and that's what scares you isn't it?.....
Whatcha gonna do when Manchin's finally had enough "partisanship" and says Kill the filibuster to pass HR-1?

All those carefully crafted Jim Crow laws down the tube.
All those billions spent on buying politicians wasted when they're voted out in free fair elections.
Crap to be you.
The absolute end of states rights. That’s what you’re cheering for. What are you going to do when you lose in a year and the filibuster is gone?
1. States rights? You mean the right to keep people from voting because of their race? The right to peek into a woman's hoochie whenever it pleases you? The right to station toilet monitors to peek under ladies dresses as see what's what? So what's bad about ending that racist tradition?
2. You people said it. Pass HR-1 and the GOP will never win again. So which is it? HR-1 lets you win or HR-1 makes you lose. Make up your minds!
Answer #1- The right of states to run their elections. You know, like it says in the Constitution. No laws are being passed that keep anyone from voting. Not a single legal voter is put out by ID laws. Not one. Only the most retarded among us conflates requiring an ID to racism. I’ll get to the why next. Unless your ID is shoved up your twat why would anyone want to look at it? WTF are you talking about and how the fuck did you turn that into racism? You’re an idiot.

Answer #2- Here’s where I get back to the racism bullshit in part one. In case you’re too stupid to follow. Democrats wouldn’t be trying to pass federal laws nullifying voter ID if they thought they were on solid voter ground. There are two options to take from this.
1- you think a large portion of your base are too stupid to get an ID and vote. Which in your racist view would have to mean you think black people are just incapable of getting an ID and doing a basic function of everyday life white people do all the time.

2- you know voter ID cuts into your fraudulent vote scheme. With voter ID cheating gets much harder and you’re going to lose votes.
"voter ID:" The GOP pushing this racist bull designed, BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION, to keep PoC from voting.
So, ANSWER #2 - Another bald faced lie.
Follow question. Are black people unable to get an ID? And if so what would your reasoning be for that?
No. That is part of your mythology. It can be difficult for some and impossible UNDER GOP rules for others.
BUT that doesn't matter
IF you're going to impose the requirement you cannot impose WITH IT any cost to the voter.
That COST includes time, gas, wear and tear, all amounting to an impingement on the right to vote.

If you are to demand voter ID provide it. Provide it to each and every voter.
Provide it at ZERO cost (as described above) to the voter.
And we don't have a problem.


As we all know voter Id is not about election security, it is about keeping enough of "those" voters out of the polling places to ensure GOP victories.
This has been admitted repeatedly by the GOP for nearly 10 years.
So, let's stop pretending this is anything other than a scheme to suppress the vote of PoC.
Why do White people fear Black people voting so much?
Are White people afraid their protected, make that SUPREME, status might be threatened if PoC vote in free fair elections?
How is going to the dmv hard or impossible? You simply walk right in there. Get just an ID for free. May take an hour but isn’t that worth it to vote? It can’t be made much simpler than that.

What’s up with this zero cost thing? First of all just voting may take a couple hours out of your day. Are we supposed to pay me my going rate to go vote? Or does that only apply to some people?

If you need reimbursed for gas, wear and tear to go get an ID, I’m kind of wondering for what would that expense be? If you need to be paid for fuel and depreciation you had better already have a fucking drivers license.

did you think this reply over at all?
Never said it was.
That you want to impose.
You know like Background checks.
You don't get to impose a burden on people because you want to keep them from voting.
YOU want the ID.
You provide the ID.
NOT I go get the ID.
THAT is an illegal burden
You come to my house with your camera and laminator and do it right there.
I'll make the concession of putting on pants.
Don't miss anyone!
if it's expensive and time consuming...Well, I'm sure you can agree it's worth any expense to ensure our elections are fraud free.
Holy shit. You may put some pants on? Maybe you shouldn’t be trusted to vote. If I need to put more work in for you to vote than you do... maybe you don’t need to be a part of this republic.
You think people not wearing pants should not be allowed to vote?
What about people in dresses?
People in shorts?

I guess Black people aren't the only votes you want to suppress.
You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?
The days of democrat election fraud is coming to an end....and you will see how much of a minority you really belong to....and that's what scares you isn't it?.....
Whatcha gonna do when Manchin's finally had enough "partisanship" and says Kill the filibuster to pass HR-1?

All those carefully crafted Jim Crow laws down the tube.
All those billions spent on buying politicians wasted when they're voted out in free fair elections.
Crap to be you.
The absolute end of states rights. That’s what you’re cheering for. What are you going to do when you lose in a year and the filibuster is gone?
1. States rights? You mean the right to keep people from voting because of their race? The right to peek into a woman's hoochie whenever it pleases you? The right to station toilet monitors to peek under ladies dresses as see what's what? So what's bad about ending that racist tradition?
2. You people said it. Pass HR-1 and the GOP will never win again. So which is it? HR-1 lets you win or HR-1 makes you lose. Make up your minds!
Answer #1- The right of states to run their elections. You know, like it says in the Constitution. No laws are being passed that keep anyone from voting. Not a single legal voter is put out by ID laws. Not one. Only the most retarded among us conflates requiring an ID to racism. I’ll get to the why next. Unless your ID is shoved up your twat why would anyone want to look at it? WTF are you talking about and how the fuck did you turn that into racism? You’re an idiot.

Answer #2- Here’s where I get back to the racism bullshit in part one. In case you’re too stupid to follow. Democrats wouldn’t be trying to pass federal laws nullifying voter ID if they thought they were on solid voter ground. There are two options to take from this.
1- you think a large portion of your base are too stupid to get an ID and vote. Which in your racist view would have to mean you think black people are just incapable of getting an ID and doing a basic function of everyday life white people do all the time.

2- you know voter ID cuts into your fraudulent vote scheme. With voter ID cheating gets much harder and you’re going to lose votes.
"voter ID:" The GOP pushing this racist bull designed, BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION, to keep PoC from voting.
So, ANSWER #2 - Another bald faced lie.
Follow question. Are black people unable to get an ID? And if so what would your reasoning be for that?
No. That is part of your mythology. It can be difficult for some and impossible UNDER GOP rules for others.
BUT that doesn't matter
IF you're going to impose the requirement you cannot impose WITH IT any cost to the voter.
That COST includes time, gas, wear and tear, all amounting to an impingement on the right to vote.

If you are to demand voter ID provide it. Provide it to each and every voter.
Provide it at ZERO cost (as described above) to the voter.
And we don't have a problem.


As we all know voter Id is not about election security, it is about keeping enough of "those" voters out of the polling places to ensure GOP victories.
This has been admitted repeatedly by the GOP for nearly 10 years.
So, let's stop pretending this is anything other than a scheme to suppress the vote of PoC.
Why do White people fear Black people voting so much?
Are White people afraid their protected, make that SUPREME, status might be threatened if PoC vote in free fair elections?
How is going to the dmv hard or impossible? You simply walk right in there. Get just an ID for free. May take an hour but isn’t that worth it to vote? It can’t be made much simpler than that.

What’s up with this zero cost thing? First of all just voting may take a couple hours out of your day. Are we supposed to pay me my going rate to go vote? Or does that only apply to some people?

If you need reimbursed for gas, wear and tear to go get an ID, I’m kind of wondering for what would that expense be? If you need to be paid for fuel and depreciation you had better already have a fucking drivers license.

did you think this reply over at all?
Never said it was.
That you want to impose.
You know like Background checks.
You don't get to impose a burden on people because you want to keep them from voting.
YOU want the ID.
You provide the ID.
NOT I go get the ID.
THAT is an illegal burden
You come to my house with your camera and laminator and do it right there.
I'll make the concession of putting on pants.
Don't miss anyone!
if it's expensive and time consuming...Well, I'm sure you can agree it's worth any expense to ensure our elections are fraud free.
Holy shit. You may put some pants on? Maybe you shouldn’t be trusted to vote. If I need to put more work in for you to vote than you do... maybe you don’t need to be a part of this republic.
Meanwhile in the real world there is no evidence of any fraud anywhere. Just ask any Republican election official or attorney general. Man you have a lot of liars in your party. Funny how your voting suppression measures all go against the young blacks browns and the elderly. You're a joke.
Oh thank the lord! Another democrat racist has shown up. Just what we needed.

Can you finally explain how voter ID keeps anyone from voting? I’ve been waiting all night for something reasonable. The last moron said we needed to pay people for their gas to get an ID. What stupid shit do you have Franco? I bet you can top that stupid.
Democrats are opposed to denying the illegal and dead vote, that's why.
You think people not wearing pants should not be allowed to vote?
What about people in dresses?
People in shorts?

I guess Black people aren't the only votes you want to suppress.
What about people not wearing masks?
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Because the people who have the hardest time getting an ID—poor people, mostly—also tend to vote overwhelmingly Democratic. It's not a far stretch to conclude that Republicans (who are doing most of the pushing) are pushing for voter ID rolls specifically to reduce the number of Democrats who vote, especially since every now and then a piece of evidence comes out of a Republican doing exactly that. The GOP ignores it, of course, and the Democrats frenzy up for a few days, until something else shiny catches their eye.

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