why are democrats opposed to having proof of identity when voting ?

Seems like a reasonable request

The reason some democrats oppose it is for the same reason that some republicans oppose early voting, voting by mail, and ballot drop boxes.... they think it gives their party an advantage.

In that case, why don't Democrats oppose asking for ID to attend their Democrat National Conventions?
Why does Nancy Pelosi insist on ID to enter the US capital ?

No, you're wrong (as always) that's not the reason. It's because stealing elections IS THE ONLY WAY democrats take power.
They couldn't care less what the American people want.
As per usual, you have zero proof of any grand theft....right shit brains?

Where are the arrests for all of this supposed fraud?

Let me guess...you will now delve into yet another conspiracy theory to back up your lie. It's all you can do.

I consider you of less value than a used sheet of toilet paper in a public port a potty.

You are an idiots imbecile....incapable of logic or independent thought. Too obsessed with being a racist and too ignorant to learn from your own mistakes.
On top of being a moral narcissistic personality
Translation: Candycorn is right about me so I will just hurl insults.

If you need to reach me later, I'll be taking my victory lap.

Proper translation.....

A fool never even knows when they've been defeated. Or defeat themselves as you have.
They will continue to do the same things they've always done, and expect different results.
World, I present......."Candycorn"

"L" - get this tattooed on your forehead. Someone will eventually explain it to you

In all seriousness, you are so pathetic I almost feel sorry for you. If you weren't a freak I would.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
No they don't, just a talking point.
I want voter ID, just make it a PURE Voter ID card, and Provide it for Free.
I understand the word FREE irritates you deeply, but you want a VOTER ID, then make it PURELY a Voter ID Card.

I can't use my AARP card to drive.
I can't use my College ID card to Vote, but some can use their NRA card to vote.
That's just weird.

Give everyone a Voter ID card, blockchain if you desire, just make it ONE card.

Can you produce one of these people for us?
In South Carolina you can get an id for free. I guess we are ahead of Liberal shitholes.

There's actually been argument about whether a 'free' ID can really be considered free. For example, when striking down a 2006 voter id law, the Missouri Supreme Court agreed with a trial court that 'free' ID would potentially cost a significant amount for some:

More specifically, the trial court agreed with Plaintiffs that, while on its face the Photo-ID Requirement appears to permit Missourians without an acceptable photo ID to obtain one without cost, in reality it does not do so because the Photo-ID Requirement of SB 1014 must be read together with the requirements of the Federal REAL ID Act of 2005, Pub. L. 109-13, Title II. That federal act does not permit Missouri to issue "free" non-driver's licenses to its citizens unless applicants first present identification such as a United States passport or birth certificate. Id.; see also 12 CSR 10-24.448.

Both passports and birth certificates are themselves costly. In fact, the record reveals that Missouri charges $15 to provide the certified, embossed copy of a birth certificate required by the Federal REAL ID Act to obtain a non-driver's license. Missourians born in other states must pay fees ranging from $5 to $30 to obtain official copies of their birth certificates. A passport is even more expensive. The record reveals that a person born in the United States who wishes to obtain a United States passport must pay between $97 and $236, depending on the speed with which one may need the passport. For a person born outside the country, the cost of a passport may be higher due to the cost of additional documents needed as proof of citizenship or naturalization.

Agree with their decision or not, the issue is not necessarily simple or cut-and-dried, nor is it only in 'liberal' states that voter ID has been found to be unduly burdensome.

Another thing to keep in mind is that there have been (so far as I'm aware, anyway) few verified instances of the sort of in-person voter fraud that voter IDs would stop. While maintaining election integrity is a good thing, I imagine the courts might not be positively inclined towards laws that might make voting more difficult if they aren't addressing a specific, significant problem.

There are legitimate arguments to be made for and against voter ID, outside the usual screams of 'racism!' or 'stolen elections!'
You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?

What are you babbling about ???

And just for the record....what is "my party" oh wise one? You have ZERO clue.

Most of you on the Left assume anyone who doesn't agree with your party of destruction MUST be a Trumper.
Or something just as bad! If you're not voting Democrat... You are missinformed.

That is the kind of stupid illogical fantasy that brings about disaster.....

oops ! too late. Democrats strike again.

Chinese State Media Urges Preparing for Nuclear War With US​

It seems that the typical RWI says "I want voter ID." but I want Voter ID that fits my agenda.

WTF can't we just have a "Voter ID Card"
It is not that hard.
Seems like a reasonable request

The reason some democrats oppose it is for the same reason that some republicans oppose early voting, voting by mail, and ballot drop boxes.... they think it gives their party an advantage.

In that case, why don't Democrats oppose asking for ID to attend their Democrat National Conventions?
Why does Nancy Pelosi insist on ID to enter the US capital ?

No, you're wrong (as always) that's not the reason. It's because stealing elections IS THE ONLY WAY democrats take power.
They couldn't care less what the American people want.
As per usual, you have zero proof of any grand theft....right shit brains?

Where are the arrests for all of this supposed fraud?

Let me guess...you will now delve into yet another conspiracy theory to back up your lie. It's all you can do.

I consider you of less value than a used sheet of toilet paper in a public port a potty.

You are an idiots imbecile....incapable of logic or independent thought. Too obsessed with being a racist and too ignorant to learn from your own mistakes.
On top of being a moral narcissistic personality
Translation: Candycorn is right about me so I will just hurl insults.

If you need to reach me later, I'll be taking my victory lap.

Proper translation.....

A fool never even knows when they've been defeated. Or defeat themselves as you have.
They will continue to do the same things they've always done, and expect different results.
World, I present......."Candycorn"

"L" - get this tattooed on your forehead. Someone will eventually explain it to you

In all seriousness, you are so pathetic I almost feel sorry for you. If you weren't a freak I would.
So did your blob get his "L" yet?
It seems that the typical RWI says "I want voter ID." but I want Voter ID that fits my agenda.

WTF can't we just have a "Voter ID Card"
It is not that hard.

Yeah .....I'd also be scared like you ... if I want to cheat ....and I have to show an identity card.

I say.....Identity cards for all those who want to vote in the USA.!:clap:
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
No they don't, just a talking point.
I want voter ID, just make it a PURE Voter ID card, and Provide it for Free.
I understand the word FREE irritates you deeply, but you want a VOTER ID, then make it PURELY a Voter ID Card.

I can't use my AARP card to drive.
I can't use my College ID card to Vote, but some can use their NRA card to vote.
That's just weird.

Give everyone a Voter ID card, blockchain if you desire, just make it ONE card.

Can you produce one of these people for us?
In South Carolina you can get an id for free. I guess we are ahead of Liberal shitholes.

There's actually been argument about whether a 'free' ID can really be considered free. For example, when striking down a 2006 voter id law, the Missouri Supreme Court agreed with a trial court that 'free' ID would potentially cost a significant amount for some:

More specifically, the trial court agreed with Plaintiffs that, while on its face the Photo-ID Requirement appears to permit Missourians without an acceptable photo ID to obtain one without cost, in reality it does not do so because the Photo-ID Requirement of SB 1014 must be read together with the requirements of the Federal REAL ID Act of 2005, Pub. L. 109-13, Title II. That federal act does not permit Missouri to issue "free" non-driver's licenses to its citizens unless applicants first present identification such as a United States passport or birth certificate. Id.; see also 12 CSR 10-24.448.

Both passports and birth certificates are themselves costly. In fact, the record reveals that Missouri charges $15 to provide the certified, embossed copy of a birth certificate required by the Federal REAL ID Act to obtain a non-driver's license. Missourians born in other states must pay fees ranging from $5 to $30 to obtain official copies of their birth certificates. A passport is even more expensive. The record reveals that a person born in the United States who wishes to obtain a United States passport must pay between $97 and $236, depending on the speed with which one may need the passport. For a person born outside the country, the cost of a passport may be higher due to the cost of additional documents needed as proof of citizenship or naturalization.

Agree with their decision or not, the issue is not necessarily simple or cut-and-dried, nor is it only in 'liberal' states that voter ID has been found to be unduly burdensome.

Another thing to keep in mind is that there have been (so far as I'm aware, anyway) few verified instances of the sort of in-person voter fraud that voter IDs would stop. While maintaining election integrity is a good thing, I imagine the courts might not be positively inclined towards laws that might make voting more difficult if they aren't addressing a specific, significant problem.

There are legitimate arguments to be made for and against voter ID, outside the usual screams of 'racism!' or 'stolen elections!'
This is where the argument that some liberals make loses me...

If you can't muster the chutzpah to get a picture ID once every so often--3-5 years or whatever it is--then you really don't wish to participate in voting.
If the Democratic Party is reliant on such apathetic voters...well...that is too bad for them.

That being said, once you register every 3-5 years, you should be able to request that the County/State/City mail ballots to your house and you should be able to vote by mail just as they do in several states. The resistance to that is simply a barrier erected to suppress the vote. Nobody on this board or anywhere else that I know of ever argued that the hundreds of elections that were done by these states on a mail-in-only basis were illegitimate, rife with fraud, or were "stolen".
You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?
The days of democrat election fraud is coming to an end....and you will see how much of a minority you really belong to....and that's what scares you isn't it?.....

I look forward to those days. Really I do.
But what on Earth will bring them? Noting I see at this point.
The last thing the nation wants no matter what side you are on is a lack of confidence in the election system....I'm hoping we still have hero's and patriots in high places that will use the last election process as a guide to fix what was so blatantly wrong with the covid special elections....

There was NOTHING wrong with the 2020 elections. They were the best run elections in American history.
You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?
The days of democrat election fraud is coming to an end....and you will see how much of a minority you really belong to....and that's what scares you isn't it?.....

I look forward to those days. Really I do.
But what on Earth will bring them? Noting I see at this point.
The last thing the nation wants no matter what side you are on is a lack of confidence in the election system....I'm hoping we still have hero's and patriots in high places that will use the last election process as a guide to fix what was so blatantly wrong with the covid special elections....

There was NOTHING wrong with the 2020 elections. They were the best run elections in American history.

omg.................funniest post of the month! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

that's unreal! LOL~
It seems that the typical RWI says "I want voter ID." but I want Voter ID that fits my agenda.

WTF can't we just have a "Voter ID Card"
It is not that hard.

Yeah .....I'd also be scared like you ... if I want to cheat ....and I have to show an identity card.

I say.....Identity cards for all those who want to vote in the USA.!:clap:
I have said we need voter ID.
What is your problem with a unified Voter ID?
Nobody cheated except the constant criers screaming voter fraud.
Fix It.

Get Congress to fix the problem, then you can't cry again.
Your current constant crying is annoying.
You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?
The days of democrat election fraud is coming to an end....and you will see how much of a minority you really belong to....and that's what scares you isn't it?.....

I look forward to those days. Really I do.
But what on Earth will bring them? Noting I see at this point.
The last thing the nation wants no matter what side you are on is a lack of confidence in the election system....I'm hoping we still have hero's and patriots in high places that will use the last election process as a guide to fix what was so blatantly wrong with the covid special elections....

There was NOTHING wrong with the 2020 elections. They were the best run elections in American history.
It is annoying that these twits ( skye ) keep crying fraud with ZERO evidence.
It seems that the typical RWI says "I want voter ID." but I want Voter ID that fits my agenda.

WTF can't we just have a "Voter ID Card"
It is not that hard.

Yeah .....I'd also be scared like you ... if I want to cheat ....and I have to show an identity card.

I say.....Identity cards for all those who want to vote in the USA.!:clap:
I have said we need voter ID.
What is your problem with a unified Voter ID?
Nobody cheated except the constant criers screaming voter fraud.
Fix It.

Get Congress to fix the problem, then you can't cry again.
Your current constant crying is annoying.

look here....what's your problem?:04:

You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?
The days of democrat election fraud is coming to an end....and you will see how much of a minority you really belong to....and that's what scares you isn't it?.....

I look forward to those days. Really I do.
But what on Earth will bring them? Noting I see at this point.
The last thing the nation wants no matter what side you are on is a lack of confidence in the election system....I'm hoping we still have hero's and patriots in high places that will use the last election process as a guide to fix what was so blatantly wrong with the covid special elections....

There was NOTHING wrong with the 2020 elections. They were the best run elections in American history.
It is annoying that these twits ( skye ) keep crying fraud with ZERO evidence.
She's been diagnosed as being clinically depressed for years.
Seems like a reasonable request

The reason some democrats oppose it is for the same reason that some republicans oppose early voting, voting by mail, and ballot drop boxes.... they think it gives their party an advantage.

In that case, why don't Democrats oppose asking for ID to attend their Democrat National Conventions?
Why does Nancy Pelosi insist on ID to enter the US capital ?

No, you're wrong (as always) that's not the reason. It's because stealing elections IS THE ONLY WAY democrats take power.
They couldn't care less what the American people want.
As per usual, you have zero proof of any grand theft....right shit brains?

Where are the arrests for all of this supposed fraud?

Let me guess...you will now delve into yet another conspiracy theory to back up your lie. It's all you can do.

I consider you of less value than a used sheet of toilet paper in a public port a potty.

You are an idiots imbecile....incapable of logic or independent thought. Too obsessed with being a racist and too ignorant to learn from your own mistakes.
On top of being a moral narcissistic personality
Translation: Candycorn is right about me so I will just hurl insults.

If you need to reach me later, I'll be taking my victory lap.

Proper translation.....

A fool never even knows when they've been defeated. Or defeat themselves as you have.
They will continue to do the same things they've always done, and expect different results.
World, I present......."Candycorn"

"L" - get this tattooed on your forehead. Someone will eventually explain it to you

In all seriousness, you are so pathetic I almost feel sorry for you. If you weren't a freak I would.
Well fuck face...does your blob have his "L" on his forehead yet?
There's nothing that can be done that will prevent crybabies from crying when they lose an election.
Aren't Democrats trying to make you have a id showing you got the covid vaccine in order to fly? If blacks aren't too stupid for that then they aren't too stupid to get a voters id.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .

Obviously because a lot of people do not have or want a photo ID, and it is easier to get a fake photo ID than it is to have a fake voter registration card that has verified your address.
look here....what's your problem?:04:
Skye proves again that supporting the RWI's is a losing proposal.
Skye is most likely some bot, a troll, because...........well....what she supports is just un-American.
Move on Troll.
It seems that the typical RWI says "I want voter ID." but I want Voter ID that fits my agenda.

WTF can't we just have a "Voter ID Card"
It is not that hard.

Yeah .....I'd also be scared like you ... if I want to cheat ....and I have to show an identity card.

I say.....Identity cards for all those who want to vote in the USA.!:clap:

Everyone already has to present identity cards to vote. The argument is about whether it’s a special voter card or whether you can use any government issued ID when you go to vote. Since you have to prove ID and citizenship to be registered to vote you shouldn’t have to prove anything other than you are the person on the voter list when you go to vote.

Any government issued ID should be adequate to vote. Just like they do in Colorado.

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