why are democrats opposed to having proof of identity when voting ?

You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?

What are you babbling about ???

And just for the record....what is "my party" oh wise one? You have ZERO clue.

Most of you on the Left assume anyone who doesn't agree with your party of destruction MUST be a Trumper.
Or something just as bad! If you're not voting Democrat... You are missinformed.

Screen Shot 2021-06-02 at 3.34.24 PM.png
Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!

Hey...shit for brains....why do blacks want voter ID?

New polling shows that a large majority supports voter ID laws that require individuals to show a photo identification before voting, including almost 70% of black voters.

The poll, released on Wednesday by Rasmussen Reports, found that 75% believe photo identification should be presented before voting and that 69% of black voters support voter ID laws.

Broken down by party, 60% of Democrats support showing an ID to vote compared to 89% of Republicans.

Everybody wants voter ID. Democrats want any form of government issued ID used. Republicans want to waste the time and money to establish a special "voter ID", that you ONLY use when you vote. No. That method is open to all sorts of abuses which have already been outlined, and is designed to limit voting.

The USA is the only country in the first world, when ONE political party is continually claiming widespread voter fraud, on no evidence, and is seeking to limit voting. Every other first world country in the world is trying to get more people to vote.

Since the rest of world knows Republicans have been lying to American voters since Reagan was elected, we wonder why you fools continue to believe Republicans. Especially given their disastrous economic policies, their war mongering over the past 20 years, and before. Trump is the first American President in my lifetime, who didn't start a foreign war. 3 economic crashes in 40 years.

And still you believe Republicans!!!!

Wrong.......you guys have to lie .......

Without LIES, the Left has nothing
sheeeeesh------you misplace your little ID----and you CAN'T VOTE????
I is deadmeat-------luckily the monitors over there recognize me
Even if you wear a face diaper?
yes-----I am VERY DISTINCTIVE-----even ---uhm....veiled
You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?

What are you babbling about ???

And just for the record....what is "my party" oh wise one? You have ZERO clue.

Most of you on the Left assume anyone who doesn't agree with your party of destruction MUST be a Trumper.
Or something just as bad! If you're not voting Democrat... You are missinformed.

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He can't. They can't. Because it's all just deceptive lies and bullshit rhetoric.
You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?

What are you babbling about ???

And just for the record....what is "my party" oh wise one? You have ZERO clue.

Most of you on the Left assume anyone who doesn't agree with your party of destruction MUST be a Trumper.
Or something just as bad! If you're not voting Democrat... You are missinformed.

View attachment 496540

He can't. They can't. Because it's all just deceptive lies and bullshit rhetoric.
In the entire world only lying GOP politicians and pundits believe there is any election fraud to deal with anyway. Your propaganda machine is a tiny pathetic thing and you can't change the channel, brainwash ed functional moron.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
I have no problem with free ID to vote. In fact, we should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass, simply because we have no Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. All foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general Government and federally identified for civil purposes.
The core argument from Democrats is that Voter ID hurts Blacks the most; presumably because Blacks have the most difficult time obtaining a state-issued ID. This would mean that Blacks are cut off from many services, resources, and privileges in their daily lives that require Voter ID.

I cannot believe Blacks put up with Democrats using them as pawns to fight against Voter ID. How insulting.
Can't get an EBT card no matter what color you are if you don't have ID. You cannot drive a car, have a bank account, a library card, a credit card to Netflix and Chill.

There is no fraud problem in elections, a total joke from your ridiculous propaganda machine. You prove who you are when you register. Duh.
Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!

Hey...shit for brains....why do blacks want voter ID?

New polling shows that a large majority supports voter ID laws that require individuals to show a photo identification before voting, including almost 70% of black voters.

The poll, released on Wednesday by Rasmussen Reports, found that 75% believe photo identification should be presented before voting and that 69% of black voters support voter ID laws.

Broken down by party, 60% of Democrats support showing an ID to vote compared to 89% of Republicans.

Everybody wants voter ID. Democrats want any form of government issued ID used. Republicans want to waste the time and money to establish a special "voter ID", that you ONLY use when you vote. No. That method is open to all sorts of abuses which have already been outlined, and is designed to limit voting.

The USA is the only country in the first world, when ONE political party is continually claiming widespread voter fraud, on no evidence, and is seeking to limit voting. Every other first world country in the world is trying to get more people to vote.

Since the rest of world knows Republicans have been lying to American voters since Reagan was elected, we wonder why you fools continue to believe Republicans. Especially given their disastrous economic policies, their war mongering over the past 20 years, and before. Trump is the first American President in my lifetime, who didn't start a foreign war. 3 economic crashes in 40 years.

And still you believe Republicans!!!!
why are you lying??

all thats needed is the everyday ID people have been using for every other important thing in their life which is a drivers license or a state issued ID card,,,
There is no election fraud problem and voting should be made as easy as possible. People prove their identity when they register and no one is stupid enough to pose as someone else to vote. Absolute GOP idiocy.
He can't. They can't. Because it's all just deceptive lies and bullshit rhetoric.
In the entire world only lying GOP politicians and pundits believe there is any election fraud to deal with.

In the entire world, only those wronged in the GOP have any desire, interest or motivation to even study the supporting data indicating fraud.

Up to 2017, the matter of fraud in elections was a GIVEN. In fact, the Democrats spent three years and 45 million taxpayer dollars trying to PROVE election fraud in 2018.

BUT DON'T WORRY, FRANK, one of these days my election fraud thread is coming! Then you'll have all the opportunity in the world to present your proof in how you know the fraud just didn't happen!
The core argument from Democrats is that Voter ID hurts Blacks the most; presumably because Blacks have the most difficult time obtaining a state-issued ID. This would mean that Blacks are cut off from many services, resources, and privileges in their daily lives that require Voter ID.

I cannot believe Blacks put up with Democrats using them as pawns to fight against Voter ID. How insulting.
Can't get an EBT card no matter what color you are if you don't have ID. You cannot drive a car, have a bank account, a library card, a credit card to Netflix and Chill.

B******* you can prove your identity and needs with pay stubs bills etc etc. You have no ideal you're talking about as always.
Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!
You once again are putting your ignorance on full display. Every person in this country has a government issued identification if they have worked for wages, have a bank account, have taken a loan, paid a utility bill, rented a home, legally driven a car, etc. etc. etc. It has nothing to do with political party. Try again you stupid waste of air.
The core argument from Democrats is that Voter ID hurts Blacks the most; presumably because Blacks have the most difficult time obtaining a state-issued ID. This would mean that Blacks are cut off from many services, resources, and privileges in their daily lives that require Voter ID.

I cannot believe Blacks put up with Democrats using them as pawns to fight against Voter ID. How insulting.
Can't get an EBT card no matter what color you are if you don't have ID. You cannot drive a car, have a bank account, a library card, a credit card to Netflix and Chill.

B******* you can prove your identity and needs with pay stubs bills etc etc. You have no ideal you're talking about as always.
Just try to get the gas or electric turned on to a new account without a valid id. Fucking morons never cease to amaze me. Where did you teach?
The core argument from Democrats is that Voter ID hurts Blacks the most; presumably because Blacks have the most difficult time obtaining a state-issued ID. This would mean that Blacks are cut off from many services, resources, and privileges in their daily lives that require Voter ID.

I cannot believe Blacks put up with Democrats using them as pawns to fight against Voter ID. How insulting.
Can't get an EBT card no matter what color you are if you don't have ID. You cannot drive a car, have a bank account, a library card, a credit card to Netflix and Chill.

B******* you can prove your identity and needs with pay stubs bills etc etc. You have no ideal you're talking about as always.

HEY FRANK! Still waiting for your reply on voter suppression.

Screen Shot 2021-06-02 at 3.34.24 PM.png

Pretty odd that you KNOW the GOP are making it so hard for blacks to vote yet you can't produce a single one of them!

Kinda like all the people we never met who all changed their vote from Hillary to Trump just because of a couple of FB ads!

And you spent 45 million dollars looking for them!
The core argument from Democrats is that Voter ID hurts Blacks the most; presumably because Blacks have the most difficult time obtaining a state-issued ID. This would mean that Blacks are cut off from many services, resources, and privileges in their daily lives that require Voter ID.

I cannot believe Blacks put up with Democrats using them as pawns to fight against Voter ID. How insulting.
Can't get an EBT card no matter what color you are if you don't have ID. You cannot drive a car, have a bank account, a library card, a credit card to Netflix and Chill.

B******* you can prove your identity and needs with pay stubs bills etc etc. You have no ideal you're talking about as always.

HEY FRANK! Still waiting for your reply on voter suppression.

View attachment 496588

Pretty odd that you KNOW the GOP are making it so hard for blacks to vote yet you can't produce a single one of them!

Kinda like all the people we never met who all changed their vote from Hillary to Trump just because of a couple of FB ads!

And you spent 45 million dollars looking for them!
Obtaining an ID can be costly and requires an individual’s birth certificate, which may be burdensome. Proponents advocate for the law under the guise of preventing voter fraud and ensuring that only voter-eligible citizens partake in elections; however, individuals who lack government-issued identification are more likely to be younger, less educated, and impoverished, and—most notably—nonwhite. An example of the inherent discrimination of voter ID laws can be found in the implementation of Georgia’s “exact match” system. This program requires an individual’s voting status to be suspended if the name on their driver’s license or Social Security records does not exactly match the name they inputted on their voter registration form. Of the 51,000 individuals that this law affected in 2018, 80 percent of them were African American. There is evidence that the “exact match” law played a role in the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election, as African American candidate Stacey Abrams lost by approximately 55,000 votes.
You may be giving them too much credit.
CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.
I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?
The days of democrat election fraud is coming to an end....and you will see how much of a minority you really belong to....and that's what scares you isn't it?.....

Rush said it best in his book: he said starting out that the myth was there that this was a progressive nation, but upon actually going out and meeting and talking to people he found the country was FULL of people who thought just like him, wanting small, limited government and more freedom, less taxes, etc. Even if not everyone LIKES Trump the man, they agree with his vision for America!
Exactly, as if the lefties really like Biden. They don't give a damn about Biden. He's their tool. That's all that they care about.
The core argument from Democrats is that Voter ID hurts Blacks the most; presumably because Blacks have the most difficult time obtaining a state-issued ID. This would mean that Blacks are cut off from many services, resources, and privileges in their daily lives that require Voter ID.

I cannot believe Blacks put up with Democrats using them as pawns to fight against Voter ID. How insulting.
Can't get an EBT card no matter what color you are if you don't have ID. You cannot drive a car, have a bank account, a library card, a credit card to Netflix and Chill.

B******* you can prove your identity and needs with pay stubs bills etc etc. You have no ideal you're talking about as always.

HEY FRANK! Still waiting for your reply on voter suppression.

View attachment 496588

Pretty odd that you KNOW the GOP are making it so hard for blacks to vote yet you can't produce a single one of them!

Kinda like all the people we never met who all changed their vote from Hillary to Trump just because of a couple of FB ads!

And you spent 45 million dollars looking for them!
Obtaining an ID can be costly and requires an individual’s birth certificate, which may be burdensome. Proponents advocate for the law under the guise of preventing voter fraud and ensuring that only voter-eligible citizens partake in elections; however, individuals who lack government-issued identification are more likely to be younger, less educated, and impoverished, and—most notably—nonwhite. An example of the inherent discrimination of voter ID laws can be found in the implementation of Georgia’s “exact match” system. This program requires an individual’s voting status to be suspended if the name on their driver’s license or Social Security records does not exactly match the name they inputted on their voter registration form. Of the 51,000 individuals that this law affected in 2018, 80 percent of them were African American. There is evidence that the “exact match” law played a role in the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election, as African American candidate Stacey Abrams lost by approximately 55,000 votes.
Says you. Link? Also, it is not too difficult for these same young, impoverished people to get drivers licenses, buy guns, get their utilities turned on, get loans at Payday Loans, work, etc, etc. Keep grasping and try again.
The core argument from Democrats is that Voter ID hurts Blacks the most; presumably because Blacks have the most difficult time obtaining a state-issued ID. This would mean that Blacks are cut off from many services, resources, and privileges in their daily lives that require Voter ID.

I cannot believe Blacks put up with Democrats using them as pawns to fight against Voter ID. How insulting.
Can't get an EBT card no matter what color you are if you don't have ID. You cannot drive a car, have a bank account, a library card, a credit card to Netflix and Chill.

B******* you can prove your identity and needs with pay stubs bills etc etc. You have no ideal you're talking about as always.

HEY FRANK! Still waiting for your reply on voter suppression.

View attachment 496588

Pretty odd that you KNOW the GOP are making it so hard for blacks to vote yet you can't produce a single one of them!

Kinda like all the people we never met who all changed their vote from Hillary to Trump just because of a couple of FB ads!

And you spent 45 million dollars looking for them!
Obtaining an ID can be costly and requires an individual’s birth certificate, which may be burdensome. Proponents advocate for the law under the guise of preventing voter fraud and ensuring that only voter-eligible citizens partake in elections; however, individuals who lack government-issued identification are more likely to be younger, less educated, and impoverished, and—most notably—nonwhite. An example of the inherent discrimination of voter ID laws can be found in the implementation of Georgia’s “exact match” system. This program requires an individual’s voting status to be suspended if the name on their driver’s license or Social Security records does not exactly match the name they inputted on their voter registration form. Of the 51,000 individuals that this law affected in 2018, 80 percent of them were African American. There is evidence that the “exact match” law played a role in the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election, as African American candidate Stacey Abrams lost by approximately 55,000 votes.
Says you. Link? Also, it is not too difficult for these same young, impoverished people to get drivers licenses, buy guns, get their utilities turned on, get loans at Payday Loans, work, etc, etc. Keep grasping and try again.
not from me:

reminder that the exact match system requires voter registration to match the provided ID.
You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?
The days of democrat election fraud is coming to an end....and you will see how much of a minority you really belong to....and that's what scares you isn't it?.....
Whatcha gonna do when Manchin's finally had enough "partisanship" and says Kill the filibuster to pass HR-1?

All those carefully crafted Jim Crow laws down the tube.
All those billions spent on buying politicians wasted when they're voted out in free fair elections.
Crap to be you.
The absolute end of states rights. That’s what you’re cheering for. What are you going to do when you lose in a year and the filibuster is gone?
1. States rights? You mean the right to keep people from voting because of their race? The right to peek into a woman's hoochie whenever it pleases you? The right to station toilet monitors to peek under ladies dresses as see what's what? So what's bad about ending that racist tradition?
2. You people said it. Pass HR-1 and the GOP will never win again. So which is it? HR-1 lets you win or HR-1 makes you lose. Make up your minds!
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Why are Tiny Minded "conservatives" so intent on lying about each and every little thing.
You want ID? Provide them
Not me go somewhere to get it.
You go door to door with your camera and laminator and make and present the card.
Voting doesn't require a license, it is a constitutional right.
If you're going to impinge on that right by requiring an equivalent of a poll tax for me to exercise my right
The it is on you to facilitate your demand.

You get your IDs and fail to deny a single voter their rights.

Apparently a win win but
You know damned well it's not about IDs.
It's about keeping the "wrong" people from voting.
You people have admitted it in the past and neither your intent nor methods have changed.
You have to be joking. Are minorities totally helpless?
They want to cheat.
You do know that 100% of the demonstrable fraud in the 2020 election was committed by Trumpinista?
Don't you?
Given your eternal vigilance on this issue it's hard to imagine it slipping by you?
More Dim bullshit.
"Helpless" is your whiny bitch.
Made up in your mind like the voter "fraud" you claim is pervasive but seems only among the GOP.
You want a voter ID, provide it.
Don't say this or that are acceptable IDs.
Provide the voter ID.

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