why are democrats opposed to having proof of identity when voting ?

The core argument from Democrats is that Voter ID hurts Blacks the most; presumably because Blacks have the most difficult time obtaining a state-issued ID. This would mean that Blacks are cut off from many services, resources, and privileges in their daily lives that require Voter ID.

I cannot believe Blacks put up with Democrats using them as pawns to fight against Voter ID. How insulting.
Can't get an EBT card no matter what color you are if you don't have ID. You cannot drive a car, have a bank account, a library card, a credit card to Netflix and Chill.

There is no fraud problem in elections, a total joke from your ridiculous propaganda machine. You prove who you are when you register. Duh.

At a minimum, voter ID closes the risk and vulnerabilities for fraud. There have been way too many fraudulent registration attempts. The Democrat push to rely on registration lists as the validation check for Mail In. Voter ID lends more credibility and less uncertainty and doubt.
The only doubt is in the mind of brainwashed functional moron GOP base voters. And their fellow travelers.
This coming from the side that expressed doubt in 2000, 2004, and 2016. I said the same thing in those elections..... tighten it up. Voter ID is a good start.
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
It would go a long way in stopping voter fraud, like in 2020.
Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!
Wrong. Alabama has ID laws and 2018's Senatorial election had record high voter turn out. The real answer is that Democrats either believe that all the groups you mentioned are to stupid to get ID's or you are the ignorant one for believing that ID laws suppresses voters.
Obtaining an ID can be costly and requires an individual’s birth certificate, which may be burdensome.

While I'm aware that CAN happen, like elections, there are just too few people in that unique situation that it could never be a deciding factor in an election, and costly or otherwise, can usually be done if the desire is really there that it DOES NOT JUSTIFY nor does it account for the entire democrat party's stance that it not be done anywhere, in any state in the entire country.
You may be giving them too much credit.
CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.
I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?
The days of democrat election fraud is coming to an end....and you will see how much of a minority you really belong to....and that's what scares you isn't it?.....

Rush said it best in his book: he said starting out that the myth was there that this was a progressive nation, but upon actually going out and meeting and talking to people he found the country was FULL of people who thought just like him, wanting small, limited government and more freedom, less taxes, etc. Even if not everyone LIKES Trump the man, they agree with his vision for America!
Exactly, as if the lefties really like Biden. They don't give a damn about Biden. He's their tool. That's all that they care about.

How COULD they like Bidden, an infirm, doddering old fool who has to ask permission and guidance from Nancy Pelosi in whether to speak and what about.
Says you. Link?

Democrats fight voter ID tooth and nail. How altruistic of them! You people just care too much. But I'm wondering, that if so few places have Voter ID requirements, then how is it, according to your link, ALREADY a long existing problem that minorities have such a tough time voting?

Are all minorities located in one place or are all of the voting stations located just too far away for them to walk, in their worn out shoes, in knee-deep snow, both ways?


I'd like to meet one of these people unable to vote. Give me the name of just one of them on the records as a Known Suppressed Voter.
The core argument from Democrats is that Voter ID hurts Blacks the most; presumably because Blacks have the most difficult time obtaining a state-issued ID. This would mean that Blacks are cut off from many services, resources, and privileges in their daily lives that require Voter ID.

I cannot believe Blacks put up with Democrats using them as pawns to fight against Voter ID. How insulting.
Can't get an EBT card no matter what color you are if you don't have ID. You cannot drive a car, have a bank account, a library card, a credit card to Netflix and Chill.

B******* you can prove your identity and needs with pay stubs bills etc etc. You have no ideal you're talking about as always.

HEY FRANK! Still waiting for your reply on voter suppression.

View attachment 496588

Pretty odd that you KNOW the GOP are making it so hard for blacks to vote yet you can't produce a single one of them!

Kinda like all the people we never met who all changed their vote from Hillary to Trump just because of a couple of FB ads!

And you spent 45 million dollars looking for them!
Obtaining an ID can be costly and requires an individual’s birth certificate, which may be burdensome. Proponents advocate for the law under the guise of preventing voter fraud and ensuring that only voter-eligible citizens partake in elections; however, individuals who lack government-issued identification are more likely to be younger, less educated, and impoverished, and—most notably—nonwhite. An example of the inherent discrimination of voter ID laws can be found in the implementation of Georgia’s “exact match” system. This program requires an individual’s voting status to be suspended if the name on their driver’s license or Social Security records does not exactly match the name they inputted on their voter registration form. Of the 51,000 individuals that this law affected in 2018, 80 percent of them were African American. There is evidence that the “exact match” law played a role in the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election, as African American candidate Stacey Abrams lost by approximately 55,000 votes.
Says you. Link? Also, it is not too difficult for these same young, impoverished people to get drivers licenses, buy guns, get their utilities turned on, get loans at Payday Loans, work, etc, etc. Keep grasping and try again.
not from me:

reminder that the exact match system requires voter registration to match the provided ID.
Not buying it--it is an opinion piece by Sarina Vij. The three profiles that I found provided no worthwhile credentials for anyone by that name. A 26 year old from Silicon Valley that won an ethnic Indian award. Or a freelance marketer in NJ that also is no claim to knowledge or fact. Fail.
it says that of the 51,000 people affected by exact match ID requirements, 80 percent of them were black.
Thats not in dispute.


A). The alleged 51,000 people, 80% black or 40,800 Blacks, that amounts to statistically about eight hundred (800) people per state. A pittance.

B). Your study was put out by the UC, which is obviously NOT impartial, run by far left extremists.
The core argument from Democrats is that Voter ID hurts Blacks the most; presumably because Blacks have the most difficult time obtaining a state-issued ID. This would mean that Blacks are cut off from many services, resources, and privileges in their daily lives that require Voter ID.

I cannot believe Blacks put up with Democrats using them as pawns to fight against Voter ID. How insulting.
Can't get an EBT card no matter what color you are if you don't have ID. You cannot drive a car, have a bank account, a library card, a credit card to Netflix and Chill.

B******* you can prove your identity and needs with pay stubs bills etc etc. You have no ideal you're talking about as always.

HEY FRANK! Still waiting for your reply on voter suppression.

View attachment 496588

Pretty odd that you KNOW the GOP are making it so hard for blacks to vote yet you can't produce a single one of them!

Kinda like all the people we never met who all changed their vote from Hillary to Trump just because of a couple of FB ads!

And you spent 45 million dollars looking for them!
Obtaining an ID can be costly and requires an individual’s birth certificate, which may be burdensome. Proponents advocate for the law under the guise of preventing voter fraud and ensuring that only voter-eligible citizens partake in elections; however, individuals who lack government-issued identification are more likely to be younger, less educated, and impoverished, and—most notably—nonwhite. An example of the inherent discrimination of voter ID laws can be found in the implementation of Georgia’s “exact match” system. This program requires an individual’s voting status to be suspended if the name on their driver’s license or Social Security records does not exactly match the name they inputted on their voter registration form. Of the 51,000 individuals that this law affected in 2018, 80 percent of them were African American. There is evidence that the “exact match” law played a role in the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election, as African American candidate Stacey Abrams lost by approximately 55,000 votes.
Says you. Link? Also, it is not too difficult for these same young, impoverished people to get drivers licenses, buy guns, get their utilities turned on, get loans at Payday Loans, work, etc, etc. Keep grasping and try again.
not from me:

reminder that the exact match system requires voter registration to match the provided ID.
Not buying it--it is an opinion piece by Sarina Vij. The three profiles that I found provided no worthwhile credentials for anyone by that name. A 26 year old from Silicon Valley that won an ethnic Indian award. Or a freelance marketer in NJ that also is no claim to knowledge or fact. Fail.
it says that of the 51,000 people affected by exact match ID requirements, 80 percent of them were black.
Thats not in dispute.


A). The alleged 51,000 people, 80% black or 40,800 Blacks, that amounts to statistically about eight hundred (800) people per state. A pittance.

B). Your study was put out by the UC, which is obviously NOT impartial, run by far left extremists.
A) the 51,000 was georgia only, not the whole country.
B) UCSD looked at turnout changes across the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections in states that had recently passed strict photo voter ID laws: Alabama, Mississippi, Virginia and Wisconsin and compared those changes to other states with similar racial compositions that had not passed laws. Its objective data, thats all.
A) the 51,000 was georgia only, not the whole country.
So, 40,000 blacks couldn't vote in Georgia? Yet the Dems still won the state? And you still can't produce ONE PERSON to actually testify that he TRIED to vote and was literally STOPPED.

B) UCSD looked at turnout changes across the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections in states that had recently passed strict photo voter ID laws: Alabama, Mississippi, Virginia and Wisconsin and compared those changes to other states with similar racial compositions that had not passed laws. Its objective data, thats all.
Guess some people better get a gov. ID, drivers license or some other ID. Never met someone who couldn't get ID and managed to LIVE. People too stupid to get ID just to prove who they are probably ain't smart enough to vote neither.
A) the 51,000 was georgia only, not the whole country.
So, 40,000 blacks couldn't vote in Georgia? Yet the Dems still won the state? And you still can't produce ONE PERSON to actually testify that he TRIED to vote and was literally STOPPED.

B) UCSD looked at turnout changes across the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections in states that had recently passed strict photo voter ID laws: Alabama, Mississippi, Virginia and Wisconsin and compared those changes to other states with similar racial compositions that had not passed laws. Its objective data, thats all.
Guess some people better get a gov. ID, drivers license or some other ID. Never met someone who couldn't get ID and managed to LIVE. People too stupid to get ID just to prove who they are probably ain't smart enough to vote neither.
Funny how it's all democratic voters who have problems getting to far off DMVs or whatever.... The young the Old blacks and browns...
A) the 51,000 was georgia only, not the whole country.
So, 40,000 blacks couldn't vote in Georgia? Yet the Dems still won the state? And you still can't produce ONE PERSON to actually testify that he TRIED to vote and was literally STOPPED.

B) UCSD looked at turnout changes across the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections in states that had recently passed strict photo voter ID laws: Alabama, Mississippi, Virginia and Wisconsin and compared those changes to other states with similar racial compositions that had not passed laws. Its objective data, thats all.
Guess some people better get a gov. ID, drivers license or some other ID. Never met someone who couldn't get ID and managed to LIVE. People too stupid to get ID just to prove who they are probably ain't smart enough to vote neither.
You don't know many people do you? Diversity is not exactly your byword is it? Lol
the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .

Its not inherently racist, but as it turns out it is, because of the reasons why the GOP are doing it. Research has shown that minorities who are nevertheless american citizens don't necessarily have photo id based on voter turn out in states that have voter id laws compared to those that don't with the same racial makeup. And as it turns out most black and brown ppl tend to vote democrat. What a coincidence!

Let's face it, most photos ids are only for the purposes of a driver's license, or passport. But what if you don't own a car or travel? What other purpose would make you go out and go through the trouble of getting a new one? What if you had an old one and you simply lost it? I had old photo ids that were expired. I would not have been able to vote. Also, just for your information, when all your ids have expired, it's a hell of a thing to get a new one. You can't just go to some office and show someone your expired id and say, here you go. Expired id is not considered a valid form of identification for getting new ID. So, what if you've never had photo id of any kind in the first place? You're shit out of luck again. In texas you can't even use a student id to vote. Quite frankly I feel like strict voter id laws hurts everyone.

You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?

What are you babbling about ???

And just for the record....what is "my party" oh wise one? You have ZERO clue.

Most of you on the Left assume anyone who doesn't agree with your party of destruction MUST be a Trumper.
Or something just as bad! If you're not voting Democrat... You are missinformed.

STILL waiting for you to give us the name of ONE PERSON who has actually experienced VOTER SUPPRESSION (unable to vote) ostensibly due to the GOP!

You're kidding. GOP officials have done everything from removing mail boxes to shutting down polling places to dissuade people not to vote. People have waited in lines for hours and hours simply to vote. Then there are things such as intentional voter purges. Forcing ppl to bring id is the least of it, but it's one of many dirty tricks the GOP is using.
What are you babbling about ???
Or something just as bad! If you're not voting Democrat... You are missinformed.
GOP officials have done everything from removing mail boxes to shutting down polling places to dissuade people not to vote. People have waited in lines for hours and hours simply to vote. Then there are things such as intentional voter purges. Forcing ppl to bring id is the least of it

Well, apparrently none of it is working because we just set NEW RECORDS for the HIGHEST VOTER TURNOUT IN HISTORY! Something like 157 million people just voted! So I'll ask again: where are all these suppressed voters? Show me a video of just one person before a camera detailing how he/she COULD NOT VOTE and were denied the opportunity!
Because the Republicans made it as difficult as possible for people to get them. Especially young people old people blacks browns etc. Duh!
Translation~ The Negro is a child and to stupid to get one.

I agree
The core argument from Democrats is that Voter ID hurts Blacks the most; presumably because Blacks have the most difficult time obtaining a state-issued ID. This would mean that Blacks are cut off from many services, resources, and privileges in their daily lives that require Voter ID.

I cannot believe Blacks put up with Democrats using them as pawns to fight against Voter ID. How insulting.
Can't get an EBT card no matter what color you are if you don't have ID. You cannot drive a car, have a bank account, a library card, a credit card to Netflix and Chill.

B******* you can prove your identity and needs with pay stubs bills etc etc. You have no ideal you're talking about as always.
Bullshit yourself. If a utility or bill comes to my home for someone else, I can use that to vote for myself and him/her.
Actually you have to sign in front of people who probably know you. Absolute idiocy, brainwashed functional moron. Do you understand the punishment you get if you are caught? That is why nobody does it. And for almost no reward. Absolute conspiracy nut job, change the channel
If you need an ID to get a vaccine you can get one to vote.
When the DemTards allow an honest audit that verifies one man one vote, then we can feel that our votes are secured.

Interesting how these DemNazi election officials have mysteriously deleted databases on these voting machines, don't yah think?

Nothing to hide, right?

the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Why do Dems want you to show a Vaccination Card to do EVERYTHING?

Well, you isn't' coming into my house until you prove you're are vaccinated, you disease ridden puss bag.

I ain't getting your diseases. You might start with taking a shower.

Oh, right, nobody is gonna be telling you what to do....

I hate to tell you, but vaccinations do not reduce chances of infection.
All vaccinations do is reduce symptoms.
Which does reduce the odds of a person infecting others, but not completely eliminate it.
Really? How come smallpox is all but eliminated? Or how about polio? Ever had tetanus?

I didn't know that Trump had that many grads from his scam university.
What are you babbling about ???
Or something just as bad! If you're not voting Democrat... You are missinformed.
GOP officials have done everything from removing mail boxes to shutting down polling places to dissuade people not to vote. People have waited in lines for hours and hours simply to vote. Then there are things such as intentional voter purges. Forcing ppl to bring id is the least of it

Well, apparrently none of it is working because we just set NEW RECORDS for the HIGHEST VOTER TURNOUT IN HISTORY! Something like 157 million people just voted! So I'll ask again: where are all these suppressed voters? Show me a video of just one person before a camera detailing how he/she COULD NOT VOTE and were denied the opportunity!
I would like to know why no one is making waves over the fact that there were more votes counted than the number of registered voters in many cases.
A) the 51,000 was georgia only, not the whole country.
So, 40,000 blacks couldn't vote in Georgia? Yet the Dems still won the state? And you still can't produce ONE PERSON to actually testify that he TRIED to vote and was literally STOPPED.

B) UCSD looked at turnout changes across the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections in states that had recently passed strict photo voter ID laws: Alabama, Mississippi, Virginia and Wisconsin and compared those changes to other states with similar racial compositions that had not passed laws. Its objective data, thats all.
Guess some people better get a gov. ID, drivers license or some other ID. Never met someone who couldn't get ID and managed to LIVE. People too stupid to get ID just to prove who they are probably ain't smart enough to vote neither.
You don't know many people do you? Diversity is not exactly your byword is it? Lol

Hey Frank, how is that suppressed voter list coming? Still waiting for you to produce one. It's been days now. My guess is that more Trump supporters were suppressed, had their votes lost, stolen, etc. last year, than any other group.

Screen Shot 2021-06-02 at 3.34.24 PM.png
You may be giving them too much credit.

CNN told them it's racist...they were indoctrinated to worship at the alter of misinformation propaganda.

I'm not sure many of them have the capacity to actually achieve their own independent thought..otherwise they wouldn't be dumbocrats.
So why does your scumbag party make it as difficult as possible for the poor black sprouts etc etc to vote? And why do they have to brain wash their base with total b******* lol?
The days of democrat election fraud is coming to an end....and you will see how much of a minority you really belong to....and that's what scares you isn't it?.....
Whatcha gonna do when Manchin's finally had enough "partisanship" and says Kill the filibuster to pass HR-1?

All those carefully crafted Jim Crow laws down the tube.
All those billions spent on buying politicians wasted when they're voted out in free fair elections.
Crap to be you.
The absolute end of states rights. That’s what you’re cheering for. What are you going to do when you lose in a year and the filibuster is gone?
1. States rights? You mean the right to keep people from voting because of their race? The right to peek into a woman's hoochie whenever it pleases you? The right to station toilet monitors to peek under ladies dresses as see what's what? So what's bad about ending that racist tradition?
2. You people said it. Pass HR-1 and the GOP will never win again. So which is it? HR-1 lets you win or HR-1 makes you lose. Make up your minds!
Answer #1- The right of states to run their elections. You know, like it says in the Constitution. No laws are being passed that keep anyone from voting. Not a single legal voter is put out by ID laws. Not one. Only the most retarded among us conflates requiring an ID to racism. I’ll get to the why next. Unless your ID is shoved up your twat why would anyone want to look at it? WTF are you talking about and how the fuck did you turn that into racism? You’re an idiot.

Answer #2- Here’s where I get back to the racism bullshit in part one. In case you’re too stupid to follow. Democrats wouldn’t be trying to pass federal laws nullifying voter ID if they thought they were on solid voter ground. There are two options to take from this.
1- you think a large portion of your base are too stupid to get an ID and vote. Which in your racist view would have to mean you think black people are just incapable of getting an ID and doing a basic function of everyday life white people do all the time.

2- you know voter ID cuts into your fraudulent vote scheme. With voter ID cheating gets much harder and you’re going to lose votes.
When the DemTards allow an honest audit that verifies one man one vote, then we can feel that our votes are secured.

Interesting how these DemNazi election officials have mysteriously deleted databases on these voting machines, don't yah think?

Nothing to hide, right?

the dems say it is racist and unfair to require photo id to vote . the question i have for dems is why is it racist and voter suppression to require a valid id to vote ? please explain to us why .
Why do Dems want you to show a Vaccination Card to do EVERYTHING?

Well, you isn't' coming into my house until you prove you're are vaccinated, you disease ridden puss bag.

I ain't getting your diseases. You might start with taking a shower.

Oh, right, nobody is gonna be telling you what to do....

I hate to tell you, but vaccinations do not reduce chances of infection.
All vaccinations do is reduce symptoms.
Which does reduce the odds of a person infecting others, but not completely eliminate it.
Really? How come smallpox is all but eliminated? Or how about polio? Ever had tetanus?

I didn't know that Trump had that many grads from his scam university.
WTF does smallpox or polio or tetanus have to do with voter fraud. Stay on topic moron.

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