Zone1 Why are Jews hated so much?

Why are Jews hated so much?

  • Jews are hated because they are an inferior race

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jews are hated because they possess so much wealth and power

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Jews are hated because they are different from everyone else

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jews are hated because they are the cause of all the world's problems

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jews are hated because they crucified Jesus

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 75.0%

  • Total voters
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What do you mean? Do you hate Jews? Why would I hate them? That's irrational.

Why do you hate Israel?
They directed and monopolised the use of money to control and manipulate .
, they have lied over everything
So Luiza regards all J... as supposed "liars".
Just the "facts" vs the "gullible." And it's about "honesty" too.
The real reason she acts as if she denies the atrocities by "Palestinians".
Jews are hated because they are God's chosen and blessed. Science, literature, the arts, music, entertainment, etc. Jews are in the majority. That drives hateful people crazy.
Jews are hated because they are God's chosen and blessed. Science, literature, the arts, music, entertainment, etc. Jews are in the majority. That drives hateful people crazy.
So you attribute all the problems to jealousy?
I think right now here, at least, there is maybe a growing awareness of the huge impact of Israel on our security, wars, and economy solely based on some mysterious allegiance to a foreign nation. When you label criticism and questioning Israel's influence as hate, yeah that's what you get, plus the Pavlov conditioning from the media.
I’m sickened by Yemen and Ethiopia. Being pulverised as we speak.

Yes. I agree. Al Qaeda moved into Yemen in 1998 and since then Boko Haram, Shabaz and other Jihadi groups have moved in. Then the al Houthis overthrew the government. The Saudis moved their villagers back from the border 20 kilometers in 2000, but that didn't slow the cross border attacks either.

I can only surmise they want to control the Bab Al Mandab and Secotra island.

But, it sure seems pointless to me.

Yemen has been a lawless mess since I was a kid.
You know, I wish you were right, but that is what is so alarming. People we never knew had raging antisemitism just under the surface are revealing themselves. Just yesterday, one friend told me that she has been shocked by the Jew-hating comments she’s reading on her friends‘ FB pages, and another told me someone approached her at the grocery store when she was looking at Hanukah decorations and made a snarky comment.

So I’m glad that the Christians you hang out with, and you as well of course, have never expressed or felt antisemitic feelings, but you’re mistaken that all Christians feel the same way.
What do you consider to be hate. Is a snarky comment hate? Is referring to a yamaka as a funny looking hat hate? I consider the hats worn by the Pope funny looking, but I don't hate the pope.

Calling for the extermination of the Jews is hating Jews. Making a joke about a yamaka is not hate. Making a snarky comment isn't hate. Disrespectful perhaps.... but not hate.
What do you consider to be hate. Is a snarky comment hate? Is referring to a yamaka as a funny looking hat hate? I consider the hats worn by the Pope funny looking, but I don't hate the pope.

Calling for the extermination of the Jews is hating Jews. Making a joke about a yamaka is not hate. Making a snarky comment isn't hate. Disrespectful perhaps.... but not hate.
I agree with all that.

In my personal life, examples of hate include having the word JEW keyed across our brand-new car, overhearing a friend (I thought) referring to Jews using the “K” word, having two teenage boys walk into our house, right up to the Shabbos candles and blowing them out, saying “that’s what we think of your fucking religion,” and many more.

In the larger world, hate is calling “Death to Jews,” a college professor saying he found the massacre of Jews exhilarating, mobs of protestors who are so threatening to Jews that Jews are told not to risk going out in public, and people who criticize Israel while never mentioning the 100 countries that have done worse.
Every Jewish person I've spent any time with has been exceptionally personable and pleasant to talk to. I cannot fathom where the hatred comes from other than pure ignorance. The world is filled with many different peoples. So is america. That's why it's great.
They directed and monopolised the use of money to control and manipulate .
And being Faux or Fake Jews ( Khazarians) to the greater extent , they have lied over everything
The first and last part of your admitted Hitler-type hatred --based on a lie of course-- on anyone considered to be Jewish, tells a lot about your khazar thing.
AKA you promote falsehoods.
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