Zone1 Why are Jews hated so much?

Why are Jews hated so much?

  • Jews are hated because they are an inferior race

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jews are hated because they possess so much wealth and power

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Jews are hated because they are different from everyone else

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jews are hated because they are the cause of all the world's problems

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jews are hated because they crucified Jesus

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 75.0%

  • Total voters
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Antiochus was not a follower of Alexander. His approach to his GREEK GIFT TO THE WORLD was more Roman than Greek. Maybe It was ARISTOTLE who was more of a cynic regarding Greek culture that influenced Alexander

Rome was not a presence at the time of Antiochus..
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Because they're blessed by God. Check out the Nobel winners in every category and how many are Jews. That's not a coincidence.

There has been both blessing and chastisement. Because God wants obedience, not rebellion, and throughout the Old Testament there's story after story about God's people being stubbornly rebellious. Stating that does not make one anti-Jewish, all people are sinners, but it's part of the history, according to the Bible. And of course, many (not all) rejected Jesus, the Messiah. That was prophesied in Psalm 118, which says "The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone" and reiterated in the New Testament, in Matthew 21:42.

That said, I don't agree with replacement theology, though. God is not done with the Jews, and there's an amazing prophetic scripture about God pouring His spirit upon the house of David and Jerusalem in the last days, but I digress.

Getting back to what you said, it depends on what you mean by blessed. Winning earthly prizes is not what is most important. Some here probably won't like to hear this, but the Jewish people (like ALL people) still need Jesus.

Read Jesus' words in Matthew 23:37-39. That's a powerful passage, that kind of sums things up. God's love is clearly there, but also a broken heart, because the unbelief and rebellion of God's chosen people is still there, and that has had consequences. But again, it won't end on that note, because of God's amazing grace and mercy.
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Then why were Jews driven out from all over the ME and Europe from the 1930s through 1948? Jews in North Africa were not Israeli, but they were picked on and discriminated by Arabs. Same in Yemen where they were expelled. It was because they were Jews. Be honest. The Koran specifically calls out the Jews. So if any Imam chooses to, he can take that text and twist it against Jewish people, just like they do in Iran.

Arab Jews left from 1948-1973.. long after European Zionists established themselves in Palestine.
Yeah, I think most Christian hate for Jews is was from the early church days. There were many ignorant people who did not even know how to read or think for themselves.

I only hear about antisemitism from Jewish people.

I'm sure there's expressions of antisemitism at political rallies and protests, but look at those people in general.
There has been both blessing and chastisement. Because God wants obedience, not rebellion, and throughout the Old Testament there's story after story about God's people being stubbornly rebellious. Stating that does not make one anti-Jewish, all people are sinners, but it's part of the history, according to the Bible. And of course, many (not all) rejected Jesus, the Messiah. That was prophesied in Psalm 118, which says "The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone" and reiterated in the New Testament, in Matthew 21:42.

That said, I don't agree with replacement theology, though. God is not done with the Jews, and there's an amazing prophetic scripture about God pouring His spirit upon the house of David and Jerusalem in the last days, but I digress.

Getting back to what you said, it depends on what you mean by blessed. Winning earthly prizes is not what is most important. Some here probably won't like to hear this, but the Jewish people (like ALL people) still need Jesus.

Read Jesus' words in Matthew 23:37-39. That's a powerful passage, that kind of sums things up. God's love is clearly there, but also a broken heart, because the unbelief and rebellion of God's chosen people is still there, and that has had consequences. But again, it won't end on that note, because of God's amazing grace and mercy.
You're preaching to the choir.
The majority of Jewish people are that way anonymously.....but my theory is that if someone is hated that means they have a preconceived notion that others hate them in the first place so they act accordingly and they set themselves up for the inevitable. And I'm not generalizing any religion class gender color ethnicity or whatever .

As for for the state of Israel it seems to be painting itself as a target.....strangely with a lot of help from the media for some reason?
Replacement theory, in the United States and certain other Western countries whose populations are mostly white, a far-right conspiracy theory alleging, in one of its versions, that left-leaning domestic or international elites, on their own initiative or under the direction of Jewish co-conspirators, are attempting to replace white citizens with nonwhite (i.e., Black, Hispanic, Asian, or Arab) immigrants.

The immigrants’ increased presence in white countries, as the theory goes, in combination with their higher birth rates as compared with those of whites, will enable new nonwhite majorities in those countries to take control of national political and economic institutions, to dilute or destroy their host countries’ distinctive cultures and societies, and eventually to eliminate the host countries’ white populations. Some adherents of replacement theory have characterized these predicted changes as “white genocide.”

Related Topics: conspiracy theory
The conception of nonwhite immigrants in terms of negative racial and ethnic stereotypes has been commonplace in many white-majority countries, and the notion that nonwhite immigrants, and even long-established nonwhite communities, threaten the freedom and well-being of whites has been a battle cry among white racists.

Likewise, the claim that national governments or unspecified elites are secretly directing the replacement and eventual elimination of whites has circulated among fringe groups of white supremacists, anti-Semites, and other right-wing extremists since at least the late 19th century.

The replacement fantasy received much wider attention in the early 21st century with the publication of Le Grand Remplacement (2011), by the French writer and activist Renaud Camus. He argued that since the 1970s, Muslim immigrants in France have shown disdain for French society and have been intent on destroying the country’s cultural identity and ultimately replacing its white Christian population in retaliation for France’s earlier colonization of their countries of origin. He also asserted that the immigrant conquest of France was being covertly abetted by elite figures within the French government.

Camus’s sobriquet for his conspiracy theory, the “great replacement,” proved attractive to many right-wing activists and scholars in France, and his rhetoric and the substance of his theory were eventually adopted by leaders within the mainstream of French political conservatism, including Marine Le Pen, the leader of the right-wing National Rally (formerly National Front) party.

The great replacement was soon espoused by right-wing parties and extremist groups in other European countries—notably including Hungary, where it was explicitly endorsed by the country’s authoritarian prime minister, Viktor Orbán.

During the 2010s replacement theory became popular in the United States among white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and right-wing militias, among other extremists, whose racist rhetoric and ideas were more freely expressed during the presidency of Donald Trump (2017–21). Right-wing media personalities, including Fox News commentators Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, also attested to the conspiracy, though in ostensibly milder language that did not directly refer to race or explicitly invoke anti-Semitism.

Thus, Carlson claimed that liberal Democrats were attempting to replace “you” (the viewer)—implicitly understood to be white—with immigrants from “Third World” (developing) countries—implicitly understood to be nonwhite—in order to create a permanent electoral majority loyal to the Democratic Party. Carlson in particular was intent on promoting replacement theory as a legitimate political viewpoint, and it was a major theme of his talk show, Tucker Carlson Tonight, since the program’s launch in 2016.

In part because of its endorsement by right-wing media and in part because Trump, in his own way, had signaled his support of racism toward people of colour (e.g., by indulging in racist slurs, by accepting the support of prominent avowed racists, and by refusing to condemn—or only reluctantly condemning—racist violence), key aspects of replacement theory came to be accepted by nearly half of Republicans and by a third of all Americans by 2022.

Some Republican politicians endorsed the theory as a way of appealing to far-right members of their party and of demonstrating, to some degree, their continued loyalty to Trump.

Replacement theory has been widely ridiculed for its blatant absurdity. It has been just as widely condemned for its encouragement of racist violence through its toxic allegation that nonwhite immigrants (as well as the Jewish figures who allegedly direct their immigration) pose an existential threat to whites. The latter criticism has been tragically validated by the occurrence of several mass murders in the United States and other countries by white racists who clearly indicated their adherence to replacement theory before or after their attacks.

The majority of Jewish people are that way anonymously.....but my theory is that if someone is hated that means they have a preconceived notion that others hate them in the first place so they act accordingly and they set themselves up for the inevitable. And I'm not generalizing any religion class gender color ethnicity or whatever .

As for for the state of Israel it seems to be painting itself as a target.....strangely with a lot of help from the media for some reason?

Like self fulfilling prophecy?
Why do you bother? :poke:

What do you mean? Do you hate Jews? Why would I hate them? That's irrational.

What do you mean? Do you hate Jews? Why would I hate them? That's irrational.

There’s something not quite right with you.
View attachment 858420

So the hats annoy people? Yea, I can see that.


Just kidding.

So, people are merely joining the mob mentality. But where did the mob mentality come from?
Like self fulfilling prophecy?
Namely, the crazed, collectively mindless wave of Islamophobia ( suddenly the whole world cares about Palestine ?)sweeping across this once great country is being fueled by the globalist controlled media.

More like a psy op.....
Where's the CIA when you need them?
Mossad doesn't play games I've heard the French and Saudis
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It should make us wonder why the MSM is airing worldwide footage of a Gaza man screaming whose leg was just blown off by an Israeli bomb.
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