Why are liberals afraid of the UNEDITED Ethridge video?

Because people without faces are almost as scary as clowns.
In politics one has to play politics, I still wish he had punched the whiner. LOL

This is great for those who are tired of the childishness of contemporary America.


And this is great for those in America who are still self reliant and want self reliant children, not the whiners and crybabies that constitute the new right and much of the rest.

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Liberals will find all type of excuses to give this man a free pass.....but.....if he was a repub, you can bet that they would be all over him like flies on s***.....nuff said.
You have a right to demand someone identify themselves to you? Under what portion of the Constitution, law, or court decision do you base that statement on?

If someone is annoying you with inane questions and a camera in your face, you have every right in my world, not everything in life requires mommy and daddy or the constitution's permission. Grow up.

just fucking stop, man. He could have walked away. Instead he acted like a giant ass trying to man handle some college kids.

seriously. admit that he fucked up and was wrong. Because, he was.
I'm not really sure what there is to be afraid of. A Congressman acted like a total ass. Nobody was hurt and he apologized. His seat is prolly gone to boot.
In politics one has to play politics, I still wish he had punched the whiner. LOL

This is great for those who are tired of the childishness of contemporary America.

Philip K. Howard: Four ways to fix a broken legal system | Video on TED.com

And this is great for those in America who are still self reliant and want self reliant children, not the whiners and crybabies that constitute the new right and much of the rest.


Punching the kid only makes matters worse.

Just look at how the fringe is acting over what he did do.
Good for the congressman, if someone accosts you on the street you have every right to ask the question. I wish he had punched the wingnut in the face, good solid knockdown for the idiots who do nothing but bitch and moan now that they are out of power. (oh I know that would be mean to the child.) Someone ask the baby with the camera why he isn't serving the nation in Iraq or Afghanistan, probably living off mommy and daddy and stirring up nonsense because he can do that in a free nation, he would never fight for.

Bravo Bob, tell him so here. Congressman Bob Etheridge | Serving North Carolina's 2nd District

You have a right to demand someone identify themselves to you? Under what portion of the Constitution, law, or court decision do you base that statement on?

The idiot politician certainly has the right to ask the name of a person addressing him. He also certainly has the right to ignore people who are asking him questions.

He has absolutely no fucking right whatsoever to put his hands on another person. Period.

I'd be charging this motherfucker with assault.

That's not entirely true. When someone invades your personal space to a certain degree, you are permitted to use force in deflecting that person.

Charges were dropped against Buzz in this incident for that very reason.

HOWEVER - Since he did not even attempt to avoid the situation that I can see in this video, I don't think that provision would apply to this man.
He looked like he just snorted a pile of oxycontin.

(the first guy on page one. LOL).
In politics one has to play politics, I still wish he had punched the whiner. LOL

This is great for those who are tired of the childishness of contemporary America.

Philip K. Howard: Four ways to fix a broken legal system | Video on TED.com

And this is great for those in America who are still self reliant and want self reliant children, not the whiners and crybabies that constitute the new right and much of the rest.


This is from the Nazi left. The Congressman had EVERY right to assault the college kid, according to the new Nazi left, because he DARED ask Ethridge a question.


That was the WHINE from the left all during the Bush admin.

But NOW you can't even ASK a Congressman a question, because they have the right to assault you????????

It's back to the beer hall days of the Nazi Party. If you step out of line, expect to get beat up!

Who's whining???????????

I think it's the left because this issue won't go away.

I'm not really sure what there is to be afraid of. A Congressman acted like a total ass. Nobody was hurt and he apologized. His seat is prolly gone to boot.

Because if you would follow the threads, you would find out, it's part of a strategy. The Congressman apologizes while the DNC goes after and attacks the college kids.

That's NOT an apology. That's a strategy to make the Congressman look innocent, while the college kids are supposed to look like shadowy conspirators.

Think Hillary using the "vast right wing conspiracy" crap in the 90s.

So yeah, if Big Government (the site that gave us the hidden camera video that took down ACORN) is telling us to expect more of this sort of inflammatory and guerrilla interview tactics, well then, we should be seeing more of this. And that fact is not lost on many elected officials who are probably on edge, half-expecting to be ambushed around every corner. Such is the case here.

Etheridge’s actions are only partially defensible. He need not have gotten physical with the students who asked him the provocative question regarding his support of the “Obama Agenda” (honestly, that sort of opening question is straight from the Jason Mattera school of inflammatory interview techniques.)

But little is known about these “students.” The YouTube video is published under an account titled TonyManization, and even more damning is that the faces of the individuals asking the Congressman questions are blurred out. Hmmm…nothing like the courage of the anonymous protester.
Which brings us back to Etheridge’s response. Yeah – he comes off as a jerk, but…when in Rome. It will be interesting to follow how this story plays out in the news media. Will it be a big story? Probably not, but apparently being prepared for ambush interviews from eager college kids is the next phase of media training for many on Capitol Hill.

Bob Etheridge | Attacks Students | Video | Mediaite

With Democrats attacking whoever provoked Rep. Bob Etheridge to violence with a (relatively mild) question and two flip cams, editors at the conservative site that first publicized the video, Big Government, said they have no idea who the videographers are, and defended the decision to allow them anonymity.

"If Congressman Etheridge has apologized for his abhorrent behavior then why is the DNC staging a coordinated attack on the people he's apologized to? This is a classic 'kill the messenger' tactic and reinforces why our sources asked for the anonymity we are granting them," said the site's founder, Andrew Breitbart.

DNC communications director Brad Woodhouse speculated that the videographers -- who said on the video that they're students but enraged Etheridge by refusing to say where -- were "trackers" -- Republican campaign aides or interns.

"Honestly, I don't know if they are trackers. (Like the Allen, Macacca videographer) Or students," said Michael Flynn, who first posted the video, in an email. "They sent me the videos anonymously and identified themselves as students. Do I know for sure? I do not. Hell, they could be students working as trackers. That said, I think the video speaks for itself. Etheridge went from 0-60 in like a nano-second. The question which provoked him was 'Do you support Obama's agenda?' That isn't exactly confrontational.

Breitbart, Flynn, defend Etheridge vid, anonymous even to them - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com
Good for the congressman, if someone accosts you on the street you have every right to ask the question. I wish he had punched the wingnut in the face, good solid knockdown for the idiots who do nothing but bitch and moan now that they are out of power. (oh I know that would be mean to the child.) Someone ask the baby with the camera why he isn't serving the nation in Iraq or Afghanistan, probably living off mommy and daddy and stirring up nonsense because he can do that in a free nation, he would never fight for.

Bravo Bob, tell him so here. Congressman Bob Etheridge | Serving North Carolina's 2nd District

You have a right to demand someone identify themselves to you? Under what portion of the Constitution, law, or court decision do you base that statement on?

The idiot politician certainly has the right to ask the name of a person addressing him. He also certainly has the right to ignore people who are asking him questions.

He has absolutely no fucking right whatsoever to put his hands on another person. Period.

I'd be charging this motherfucker with assault.

That's not entirely true. When someone invades your personal space to a certain degree, you are permitted to use force in deflecting that person.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUI36tPKDg4]YouTube - Buzz Aldrin Punches Bart Sibrel[/ame]

Charges were dropped against Buzz in this incident for that very reason.

HOWEVER - Since he did not even attempt to avoid the situation that I can see in this video, I don't think that provision would apply to this man.

They did NOT attempt to follow or harangue him. They simply asked a question.

If the camera got too close to his face, he could walk away. He didn't. Ethridge attacked them.

That's assault and he should be arrested.
I'm not really sure what there is to be afraid of. A Congressman acted like a total ass. Nobody was hurt and he apologized. His seat is prolly gone to boot.

Because if you would follow the threads, you would find out, it's part of a strategy. The Congressman apologizes while the DNC goes after and attacks the college kids.

That's NOT an apology. That's a strategy to make the Congressman look innocent, while the college kids are supposed to look like shadowy conspirators.

Think Hillary using the "vast right wing conspiracy" crap in the 90s.

So yeah, if Big Government (the site that gave us the hidden camera video that took down ACORN) is telling us to expect more of this sort of inflammatory and guerrilla interview tactics, well then, we should be seeing more of this. And that fact is not lost on many elected officials who are probably on edge, half-expecting to be ambushed around every corner. Such is the case here.

Etheridge’s actions are only partially defensible. He need not have gotten physical with the students who asked him the provocative question regarding his support of the “Obama Agenda” (honestly, that sort of opening question is straight from the Jason Mattera school of inflammatory interview techniques.)

But little is known about these “students.” The YouTube video is published under an account titled TonyManization, and even more damning is that the faces of the individuals asking the Congressman questions are blurred out. Hmmm…nothing like the courage of the anonymous protester.
Which brings us back to Etheridge’s response. Yeah – he comes off as a jerk, but…when in Rome. It will be interesting to follow how this story plays out in the news media. Will it be a big story? Probably not, but apparently being prepared for ambush interviews from eager college kids is the next phase of media training for many on Capitol Hill.

Bob Etheridge | Attacks Students | Video | Mediaite

With Democrats attacking whoever provoked Rep. Bob Etheridge to violence with a (relatively mild) question and two flip cams, editors at the conservative site that first publicized the video, Big Government, said they have no idea who the videographers are, and defended the decision to allow them anonymity.

"If Congressman Etheridge has apologized for his abhorrent behavior then why is the DNC staging a coordinated attack on the people he's apologized to? This is a classic 'kill the messenger' tactic and reinforces why our sources asked for the anonymity we are granting them," said the site's founder, Andrew Breitbart.

DNC communications director Brad Woodhouse speculated that the videographers -- who said on the video that they're students but enraged Etheridge by refusing to say where -- were "trackers" -- Republican campaign aides or interns.

"Honestly, I don't know if they are trackers. (Like the Allen, Macacca videographer) Or students," said Michael Flynn, who first posted the video, in an email. "They sent me the videos anonymously and identified themselves as students. Do I know for sure? I do not. Hell, they could be students working as trackers. That said, I think the video speaks for itself. Etheridge went from 0-60 in like a nano-second. The question which provoked him was 'Do you support Obama's agenda?' That isn't exactly confrontational.

Breitbart, Flynn, defend Etheridge vid, anonymous even to them - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Meh ... I'm sure fringers and partisans like yourself will act like this is the worst thing ever ... that is until the next thing to manufacture outrage over comes along and this will be forgotten.
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I'm not really sure what there is to be afraid of. A Congressman acted like a total ass. Nobody was hurt and he apologized. His seat is prolly gone to boot.

Because if you would follow the threads, you would find out, it's part of a strategy. The Congressman apologizes while the DNC goes after and attacks the college kids.

That's NOT an apology. That's a strategy to make the Congressman look innocent, while the college kids are supposed to look like shadowy conspirators.

Think Hillary using the "vast right wing conspiracy" crap in the 90s.

Bob Etheridge | Attacks Students | Video | Mediaite

With Democrats attacking whoever provoked Rep. Bob Etheridge to violence with a (relatively mild) question and two flip cams, editors at the conservative site that first publicized the video, Big Government, said they have no idea who the videographers are, and defended the decision to allow them anonymity.

"If Congressman Etheridge has apologized for his abhorrent behavior then why is the DNC staging a coordinated attack on the people he's apologized to? This is a classic 'kill the messenger' tactic and reinforces why our sources asked for the anonymity we are granting them," said the site's founder, Andrew Breitbart.

DNC communications director Brad Woodhouse speculated that the videographers -- who said on the video that they're students but enraged Etheridge by refusing to say where -- were "trackers" -- Republican campaign aides or interns.

"Honestly, I don't know if they are trackers. (Like the Allen, Macacca videographer) Or students," said Michael Flynn, who first posted the video, in an email. "They sent me the videos anonymously and identified themselves as students. Do I know for sure? I do not. Hell, they could be students working as trackers. That said, I think the video speaks for itself. Etheridge went from 0-60 in like a nano-second. The question which provoked him was 'Do you support Obama's agenda?' That isn't exactly confrontational.

Breitbart, Flynn, defend Etheridge vid, anonymous even to them - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Meh ... I'm sure fringers and partisans like yourself will act like this is the worst thing ever ... that is until the next thing to manufacture outrage over comes along and this will be forgotten.

Yeah, it's noooooooooooo biggie for a Congressman to assault a college kid.

It's only a big deal with Rove outs Valerie Plame! :D That lasted for TWO YEARS, and resulted in a congressional hearings, remember????

Oh that's right, you don't remember, because YOU forgot it for the next manufactured Democrat outrage.

That manufactured outrage is the idea that anyone that questions Obama, must be a "tea bagging" racist.

OH YEAH. That resulted in the manufactured outrage that a college kid questioning Ethridge must be a "plant."

So, what were you saying about manufactured outrage?????

Why is the guy's face blurred?

And why is the thread claiming the video is unedited when the obviously blurred face is a glaring edit?

Good for the congressman, if someone accosts you on the street you have every right to ask the question. I wish he had punched the wingnut in the face, good solid knockdown for the idiots who do nothing but bitch and moan now that they are out of power. (oh I know that would be mean to the child.) Someone ask the baby with the camera why he isn't serving the nation in Iraq or Afghanistan, probably living off mommy and daddy and stirring up nonsense because he can do that in a free nation, he would never fight for.

Bravo Bob, tell him so here. Congressman Bob Etheridge | Serving North Carolina's 2nd District

You have a right to demand someone identify themselves to you? Under what portion of the Constitution, law, or court decision do you base that statement on?

The idiot politician certainly has the right to ask the name of a person addressing him. He also certainly has the right to ignore people who are asking him questions.

He has absolutely no fucking right whatsoever to put his hands on another person. Period.

I'd be charging this motherfucker with assault.

That's not entirely true. When someone invades your personal space to a certain degree, you are permitted to use force in deflecting that person.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUI36tPKDg4]YouTube - Buzz Aldrin Punches Bart Sibrel[/ame]

Charges were dropped against Buzz in this incident for that very reason.

HOWEVER - Since he did not even attempt to avoid the situation that I can see in this video, I don't think that provision would apply to this man.

The idiot politician walked up to the kid with the camera who was not moving and the idiot politician didn't "deflect" anyone. In fact, he grabbed the kid with the camera and pulled towards himself.

The kids with the camera might have had an agenda but it was the idiot politician that became violent.

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