Why are liberals more dedicated to tolerating Islam than

exposing their bestiality regarding homersexuals and their very long history of enslaving negroes which continues to this day?

Yet we see liberals/socialists etc. constantly attacking Christianity?

The Left Chose Islam Over Gays. Now 100 People Are Dead Or Maimed In Orlando
The world is over populated even though if you put all the people in the world together, they would fill up Texas. The world is running short on resources, even though every year we find knew and better ways to take care of all those people, but many liberal Dictators starve them. Each person gives off CO2 and causes a carbon footprint, but with all those people, green plants have flourished just as much as the people, but once again, the liberals use this to say the Earth is doomed, so more people need to be killed to save the planet, just for the liberals. When you understand the NWO and what they(liberals) want, you know why liberals adore the Muslims(or other Evil Dictators) who will kill people.
Egads, do you wackos ever have an original thought, it is always your bogeyman at fault. Do this, Google gun deaths in America and then think for a moment. Try it, you may wake up. May?

'Fuck You, Guns'

This will help too. ",,,Trump did not let the media film him signing that one. That’s because the substantive impact of that bill was to make it much easier for severely mentally ill Americans to buy guns, a priority for the National Rifle Association but not for the public." Trump’s Secret Weapon Against Obama’s Legacy
This liberal, who is not a leftist doesn't adore any religion or special interest group.. I do adore one person, myself..
Egads, do you wackos ever have an original thought, it is always your bogeyman at fault. Do this, Google gun deaths in America and then think for a moment. Try it, you may wake up. May?

'Fuck You, Guns'

This will help too. ",,,Trump did not let the media film him signing that one. That’s because the substantive impact of that bill was to make it much easier for severely mentally ill Americans to buy guns, a priority for the National Rifle Association but not for the public." Trump’s Secret Weapon Against Obama’s Legacy
Google Babies killed by Abortion doctors and see if guns kill more than Abortions? Liberals hate people, that is why 330,000 abortions a year happen just in the US. Yep, want to play the victim cards lets start with the most innocent..
Islam is a political ideology, not a religion, and it works at exactly the same emotional level as the faux 'left and 'progressives' work at here; they're made for each other. As for homosexuals, they've been glorifying Islamic 'culture for centuries, via English and European homosexual pedophiles that were big in literature and the arts, like Gore Vidal and others; they still do. If thinks that would be crazy, well, you're talking about mentally ill people when you're talking about homosexuals. They don't have to make sense.
Yet we see liberals/socialists etc. constantly attacking Christianity?
Two reasons.

First, "Progressives" see virtually every relationship as oppressed vs. oppressor. Women vs. men, poor vs. rich, unsuccessful vs. successful, gay vs. straight, black vs. white, employee vs. employer, on and on and on. Since they feel Christians are oppressors, that automatically makes Muslims the oppressed. Once they choose the oppressed group, they will defend it no matter what, no matter what the ramifications.

Second, I'll let this honest liberal explain the other reason:
Yet we see liberals/socialists etc. constantly attacking Christianity?
Two reasons.

First, "Progressives" see virtually every relationship as oppressed vs. oppressor. Women vs. men, poor vs. rich, unsuccessful vs. successful, gay vs. straight, black vs. white, employee vs. employer, on and on and on. Since they feel Christians are oppressors, that automatically makes Muslims the oppressed. Once they choose the oppressed group, they will defend it no matter what, no matter what the ramifications.

Second, I'll let this honest liberal explain the other reason:
Chaos theory at work and many "liberals" or more like the ignorant fall for it.
The leftists you describe ( and there are dozens and dozens in this forum) do not indulge in this sort of lock-step orthodoxy because they are liberal.

They do so because they aren't.
no more teaching islam in school and sharia law wont survive along side or replacing our laws.

nice to have a full court now
Most liberals I know know the def. from the Latin for the individual and small gov.
Most lib haters don't.
Are we stacking up our inventions, rapes, murders against Islam?
Algebra ? Hospitals? Toothbrushes? iPhone?.
Education is a terrible thing. Let's go back to the paper written by slave owners and rapists.
It's a real laugh, a 300 year old country been bombing since its inception telling 4000 yr old civilizations what to do.
The purple Bermuda, loud mouthed ugly American is baaaack
Does anyone read more than 2 words of cut and paste drivel?
Cherry pick statements that agree with your made up mind. Too much time on your hands sucking off your socialist benefits
Do tell how many adopted babies you have raised. Deafening silence.
Or were you a member of "zip it up, see you later"
Funny how so many of the killing in the womb critics are old white sex starved retirees sucking off their socialist benefits
Yet we see liberals/socialists etc. constantly attacking Christianity?
Two reasons.

First, "Progressives" see virtually every relationship as oppressed vs. oppressor. Women vs. men, poor vs. rich, unsuccessful vs. successful, gay vs. straight, black vs. white, employee vs. employer, on and on and on. Since they feel Christians are oppressors, that automatically makes Muslims the oppressed. Once they choose the oppressed group, they will defend it no matter what, no matter what the ramifications.

Second, I'll let this honest liberal explain the other reason:
Chaos theory at work and many "liberals" or more like the ignorant fall for it.
I'll tell you what this liberal thinks. This liberal thinks that religion is an interesting topic to study. It is interesting watching masses of people conform to the same lifestyle and belief in any given sky fairy. I believe that every religion- in its extreme form, is dangerous. Extremism breeds hate, and with hate comes violence. I see Christian extremists and muslim extremists as equally dangerous. But for us, in this country, christian extremism poses a more imminent threat to our citizens. Statistically speaking americans are more often killed by christian extremists. Yet Muslim NON EXTREMISTS get labeled terrorist (which they're not), and labeled as our greatest threat (which they're not).
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exposing their bestiality regarding homersexuals and their very long history of enslaving negroes which continues to this day?

Yet we see liberals/socialists etc. constantly attacking Christianity?

The Left Chose Islam Over Gays. Now 100 People Are Dead Or Maimed In Orlando

Breitbart!!!!! :bang3:
Well there goes all the credibility for the foundation of the OP.
Anyway, to answer your question.
Why are liberals more dedicated to tolerating Islam than
Well, maybe liberals are better Christians than righties? The Bible teaches tolerance and one is to love your neighbor and enemies.
Secondly, liberals are not constantly attacking Christianity. Maybe liberal atheist are attacking Christianity, but then we have some conservative atheists too, even on this board. And to be clear, I rarely see any all out attacks on Christianity by anyone as much as I see all out attacks on Muslims.
What we have here with this OP, is a serious huge exaggerations built on a piece of alt-right propaganda trash.
The reason the American left chooses Islam and Muslims over pretty much anything else, is actually pretty simple.
It's because they detest everything about America, it's founding, and it's capitalistic foundation.
Therefore they are quick to side with anything that is seen as being counter to America, the West, it's main religion, and it's citizenry.
Egads, do you wackos ever have an original thought, it is always your bogeyman at fault. Do this, Google gun deaths in America and then think for a moment. Try it, you may wake up. May?

'Fuck You, Guns'

This will help too. ",,,Trump did not let the media film him signing that one. That’s because the substantive impact of that bill was to make it much easier for severely mentally ill Americans to buy guns, a priority for the National Rifle Association but not for the public." Trump’s Secret Weapon Against Obama’s Legacy
Google Babies killed by Abortion doctors and see if guns kill more than Abortions? Liberals hate people, that is why 330,000 abortions a year happen just in the US. Yep, want to play the victim cards lets start with the most innocent..
Liberals forcing all those people to get abortions. No.....wait.....you don't like Choice, do you? That means you want to control what women do with their bodies.

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