Why are liberals so afraid of ex-President Trump?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2015
So, I was thinking about the hysterical attempts by the left to impeach Trump, even though he is already out of office and I was wondering, why are they so afraid of him, a retired politician?

I started thinking about 2024. Let's assume Biden is too old and sick to run again, so Harris is the Presidential Candidate.

A woman that could managed to get what, 8% of the dem primary vote?

Meanwhile, what else do liberals see coming by then?

LEt's make a count.

1. Harris as the candidate. NOt good.

2. Covid count shown to be bogus. Real numbers likely to show America doing as well if not better than the European countries AND, that as many if not more people died from the effects of the lock down as from covid.

3. Evidence of vote cheating? Maybe. Might come out, might be suppressed. Maybe it doesn't exist. But I think a lot of libs worry that it will come out.

4. New flood of illegals. WIth all the crime and various issues that come with them. After slamming Trump so much for his border policies, that will be hard for them to spin.

5. China will be fucking US more than ever before.

6 More war.

7. ANd the riots. Either Bidens shuts them down, showing that the rioters were the problem, or he doesn't and they continue, showing that the rioters are the problem. Either way, you can't blame Trump.

8. The war on cops. It has faded, but a lot of the policy moves, are ongoing. They will continue to demoralize the police and cause crime to rise.

Any one else have anything to add to this list?

ANyone want to discuss my theory that this is why they are still fixated on Trump, the first man in a long time who was not afraid of them?
Leftist are afraid of Trump because he exposed them for the America hating POS they are.
Trump did the following things to the Leftist program:

Proved the private sector, when freed, makes the economy roar.

Showed Americans they don't need the leftists handouts.

Showed how corrupt the leftists media is for the demleftists.

Wouldn't allow Nancy, Chuckie and friends to control the media narrative. This is the number one thing the leftists must have to get their schemes past the American people.

Trump couldn't be bought,corrupted or intimated by their scare tactics.

There's plenty more .
What the Dimbo’s fear most, and should, is the “little man”. Trump was the voice of the blue collar, common, working person, backbone of the country. Their fear is that Trumps Jacksonian style of governance will rise from the ashes and expose the corruption of the governing elite.

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