Why are people against legalizing marijuana?

Is it legal to drive under the influence in the state in your link? Did the deceased referenced in your link, die of an overdose? Just askin’...

As Hillary Clinton would say, what difference does it make?

What state in the union is it legal to drive impaired?
That’s quite the point... Isn’t it..?
Me driving around high isn't the same thing as me driving around drunk. I've been smoking for a long time. All smoking does is relax me. I doubt you could tell I was high if you gave me a sobriety test.

Now, am I a LITTLE BIT slower when I'm high? I'm sure I am. But it would be impossible to tell if I got high 5 hours ago or 5 minutes ago. And then you would just jam up the courts with people who are not criminals, all they did was get high.

None of the bad shit the right said would happen in Michigan is happening. Crime isn't going up. Car crashes aren't increasing because of pot.

In fact, not one Republican in the Michigan legislature is continuing to fight pot. But before it was legal, they made all these bad arguments and sorry but pot won. Something like 70% of voters said make it legal.

So anyone who is against pot is in the weee minority.

What’s Greener in Michigan’s Marijuana Industry — The Bud or the Money?

What's Greener in Michigan's Marijuana Industry -- The Bud or the Money?

The state recorded $2.6 million in recreational marijuana sales between Jan. 13 and Jan. 19, the highest weekly total since the first recreational stores opened Dec. 1.

As of Jan. 19, recreational marijuana retailers have made $12.7 million in sales, which represents $2.1 million in combined sales and excise taxes to the state.

A total of $31.9 million in marijuana sales --$24.9 million in medical and $7 million in recreational -- were logged in December.

Medical marijuana dispensaries sold $219 million worth of marijuana and marijuana products, including 33,646 pounds of flower from 58,620 harvested plants, during fiscal year 2019, which ran from Oct. 1. 2018 to Sept. 30, 2019.

The pace of sales is on the rise. Quarterly medical marijuana sales during the first quarter of 2019 were $17.6 million, compared to $91.8 million in sales during the final quarter.

The bulk of all sales during the fiscal year came from Marijuana flower, $106.1 million, nearly 48% of all sales, and concentrates, which include vaping products, representing $87.7 million or 40% of total sales.

The price of marijuana flower increased nearly 33% over the fiscal year, jumping from an average of $174.15 per ounce through the first two quarters to $232.18 per ounce in quarter four. The prices continue to climb with new supply and demand from the recreational market.

The average price per ounce of marijuana flower in the month of December was $306.21 for medical and $507.30 per ounce for recreational marijuana.
the pot overpriced were you are at bobo....
I was getting lbs for $1600. Now it’s over $2000. I’m getting $1800 price. So before I was doubling my money. Now I’m doubling my money except for the $200. So I was making $1600 per pound before now I’m making $1400. I’ll be ok. Just sucks paying more but better than everyone getting it cheaper at the dispensary. My shit is still cheaper and better
you think that because you are the one selling it....the stuff i have bought out here is just as good if not better than the stuff i used to buy from shady people like you...
My big gobmint statism is better than your big gobmint statism. The control freaks and authoritarians don't know fuck all about personal freedom and individual liberty.
Drug addiction is more like pollution. What difference does it make if some factory dumps a couple of gallons of gunk in the river? It doesn't really hurt anyone if some junkie throws his needle away or craps on the sidewalk. Except that we know its not one factory and a couple of gallons. It's not one junkie and a needle. How do you decide who will have that license to pollute or use drugs.

If you want to confine drug users to homes or wherever they are warehoused you have a better point. Just keep them from getting out.
Once again you are presenting flawed comparisons

There is no analogy between a person who occasionally uses Marijuana and a junkie

You obviously think that even an occasional drinker is the same as a junkie

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
A person that uses marijuana does so with the intent of getting high or a buzz. They are a junkie. A person who drinks with the intent of getting drunk is an alcoholic. Many people have an occasional drink without getting drunk.
how the fuck would you know?....you spewed so much bullshit about pot over the years that what you say today is bullshit...
Me driving around high isn't the same thing as me driving around drunk. I've been smoking for a long time. All smoking does is relax me. I doubt you could tell I was high if you gave me a sobriety test.

Now, am I a LITTLE BIT slower when I'm high? I'm sure I am. But it would be impossible to tell if I got high 5 hours ago or 5 minutes ago. And then you would just jam up the courts with people who are not criminals, all they did was get high.

None of the bad shit the right said would happen in Michigan is happening. Crime isn't going up. Car crashes aren't increasing because of pot.

In fact, not one Republican in the Michigan legislature is continuing to fight pot. But before it was legal, they made all these bad arguments and sorry but pot won. Something like 70% of voters said make it legal.

So anyone who is against pot is in the weee minority.

What’s Greener in Michigan’s Marijuana Industry — The Bud or the Money?

What's Greener in Michigan's Marijuana Industry -- The Bud or the Money?

The state recorded $2.6 million in recreational marijuana sales between Jan. 13 and Jan. 19, the highest weekly total since the first recreational stores opened Dec. 1.

As of Jan. 19, recreational marijuana retailers have made $12.7 million in sales, which represents $2.1 million in combined sales and excise taxes to the state.

A total of $31.9 million in marijuana sales --$24.9 million in medical and $7 million in recreational -- were logged in December.

Medical marijuana dispensaries sold $219 million worth of marijuana and marijuana products, including 33,646 pounds of flower from 58,620 harvested plants, during fiscal year 2019, which ran from Oct. 1. 2018 to Sept. 30, 2019.

The pace of sales is on the rise. Quarterly medical marijuana sales during the first quarter of 2019 were $17.6 million, compared to $91.8 million in sales during the final quarter.

The bulk of all sales during the fiscal year came from Marijuana flower, $106.1 million, nearly 48% of all sales, and concentrates, which include vaping products, representing $87.7 million or 40% of total sales.

The price of marijuana flower increased nearly 33% over the fiscal year, jumping from an average of $174.15 per ounce through the first two quarters to $232.18 per ounce in quarter four. The prices continue to climb with new supply and demand from the recreational market.

The average price per ounce of marijuana flower in the month of December was $306.21 for medical and $507.30 per ounce for recreational marijuana.
the pot overpriced were you are at bobo....
I was getting lbs for $1600. Now it’s over $2000. I’m getting $1800 price. So before I was doubling my money. Now I’m doubling my money except for the $200. So I was making $1600 per pound before now I’m making $1400. I’ll be ok. Just sucks paying more but better than everyone getting it cheaper at the dispensary. My shit is still cheaper and better
and illegal right?...

Well you aren't supposed to sell it. You can gift it to someone but you can't sell it. Same with pussy. So I guess that's "illegal". And I'm not paying taxes. You know that's illegal.
so are you saying you give pot away as gifts?.....like i will believe that...

No I sell pencils for $100 and with the pencil you get a free bag of weed.
the pot overpriced were you are at bobo....
I was getting lbs for $1600. Now it’s over $2000. I’m getting $1800 price. So before I was doubling my money. Now I’m doubling my money except for the $200. So I was making $1600 per pound before now I’m making $1400. I’ll be ok. Just sucks paying more but better than everyone getting it cheaper at the dispensary. My shit is still cheaper and better
and illegal right?...

Well you aren't supposed to sell it. You can gift it to someone but you can't sell it. Same with pussy. So I guess that's "illegal". And I'm not paying taxes. You know that's illegal.
so are you saying you give pot away as gifts?.....like i will believe that...

No I sell pencils for $100 and with the pencil you get a free bag of weed.
still illegal bobo.....
8 States Where It's Legal to Give Marijuana Gifts This Holiday
Drug addiction is more like pollution. What difference does it make if some factory dumps a couple of gallons of gunk in the river? It doesn't really hurt anyone if some junkie throws his needle away or craps on the sidewalk. Except that we know its not one factory and a couple of gallons. It's not one junkie and a needle. How do you decide who will have that license to pollute or use drugs.

If you want to confine drug users to homes or wherever they are warehoused you have a better point. Just keep them from getting out.
Once again you are presenting flawed comparisons

There is no analogy between a person who occasionally uses Marijuana and a junkie

You obviously think that even an occasional drinker is the same as a junkie

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
A person that uses marijuana does so with the intent of getting high or a buzz. They are a junkie. A person who drinks with the intent of getting drunk is an alcoholic. Many people have an occasional drink without getting drunk.
how the fuck would you know?....you spewed so much bullshit about pot over the years that what you say today is bullshit...
Spoken by an "enthusiast ".
Me driving around high isn't the same thing as me driving around drunk.

That is just incredibly ignorant and dangerous.

Saying these things do not hinder your driving ability, is amazing!

  • Altered senses
  • Dizziness, tiredness, fatigue
  • Reduced coordination and balance
  • Cognitive impairment (read: marijuana psychological effects)
  • Anxiety, panic, paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Mood alterations
  • Altered blood pressure, dizziness
  • Increased heart rate
  • Flushing
Funny I never hallucinated when using weed

And all the rest of that list are also symptoms of sleep deprivation

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Let's say that out of 100 weed users, 10, including you, do not have any of these problems.

The other 90 do.

Do you destroy the rest of society, with the 90 people who have all those problems, and desert their families, and end up costing society millions in crime, and rehab costs?

Now I get it, since you are obviously already on drugs, according to your own words.... you obviously don't care what cost this has on society, as long as you get what you want.

But adults have to look at the longer term ramification, and the truth is, they don't look good.
Drug addiction is more like pollution. What difference does it make if some factory dumps a couple of gallons of gunk in the river? It doesn't really hurt anyone if some junkie throws his needle away or craps on the sidewalk. Except that we know its not one factory and a couple of gallons. It's not one junkie and a needle. How do you decide who will have that license to pollute or use drugs.

If you want to confine drug users to homes or wherever they are warehoused you have a better point. Just keep them from getting out.
Once again you are presenting flawed comparisons

There is no analogy between a person who occasionally uses Marijuana and a junkie

You obviously think that even an occasional drinker is the same as a junkie

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
A person that uses marijuana does so with the intent of getting high or a buzz. They are a junkie. A person who drinks with the intent of getting drunk is an alcoholic. Many people have an occasional drink without getting drunk.

That is dead on right. My brother in law from the military, had beers now and then. Never once seen him, or any of my relatives drunk. There is a huge difference between an occasional drinking, and getting plastered.
If you take Social Security, Medicare, or any other form of benefit from the government.... then flat out, you are wrong. If tax payers like me, are paying for ANYTHING for you... then yes you do have an obligation to society.

And yes, it is bad behavior.... *IF*... we have to pay for you.

Again, you save for your own retirement, and not take any tax money.... you pay for your own health care, and not take any tax money.... and pay for your own food, and your own house, and your own everything.....

Then I agree. If you are being completely responsible, then you can do anything you want.

The problem is, even if *YOU* specifically are being responsible, the flat out truth is, many people are not. I know they are not, because they have openly told me as much.

Now if you want to institute a system where we have an exclusion list, where if you are caught on drugs or drinking, then you forfeit all government benefits for life....

Ok, then you can do what you want.

Short of having that system, then we need to either eliminate all government benefits, or we need to ban bad behavior.

One or the other. It is evil to have hard working people, who live responsibly, paying for those who choose not to. And as long as this system exists, then I'll be fighting and voting for anyone anywhere that will either prevent bad behavior, or prevent me from paying for that bad behavior.

One or the other.... can't have both.

I take nothing from the government.

And don't forget the money I will get from Social Security after the age of 67 is money that I had taken from me in the form of taxes.

And FYI I would love to get rid of the Social Security scam.

Just like all the rest of us are paying tax. Social Security is money paid in income tax, just like any other income tax. And social security benefits, are benefits like any other benefit.

So generally... we agree. I want to get rid of it too. Actually, I would like to privatize it.
If we privatized it, so the money went into your own account, in your own assets.... then I wouldn't care what you did, because you would only be taking your own money.

Not every working person has he ability to invest for their retirement. The small amount taken in payroll taxes would never cover the needs of those who retire and live many years.

If you look over census data for the years before FDR, you will see many unrelated persons living at the same address. Those were the poor houses all over the country, those whose breadwinner died even before retirement, and those who live paycheck to paycheck and could never save a dime.

The consequences of taking away SS are too dier. Many American workers today are living paycheck to paycheck, its been reported an average of 78% workers do so, and cannot put enough money into a Medical or Retirement savings account.

The government shutdown spotlights a bigger issue: 78% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck

You and I have a different definition of "small amount"

Social security and medicare taxes total to 15% of a person's lifetime income.

that is not a small amount

Well, putting that 15% in an IRA, some of it will be taken by the custodian, and the benefits which come along with investments come with no guarantee.

Many of the 78% won't or can't save 15% of their income annually.

I refuse to except the idea that people can't save. I've saved 15% of my income, even when I was making just $19K a year.

If you really cannot save just $100 a month, and it is not because some sort of extreme circumstance.... then you need to do one of three things.... get a second job, get a better job, or stop spending so much.

I've had to work 3 jobs when required, and I've canceled my phone when required.

If you can't save $100 a month, then you are living irresponsible.

Again, unless you have an extreme circumstance. If you have someone dying of cancer, and can't work, then yes you can't save. If someone was picked up, and in prison, yes you might not be able to save.

But any normal person in a normal situation, can't save while working 40 hours, then you are doing something wrong.
Drug addiction is more like pollution. What difference does it make if some factory dumps a couple of gallons of gunk in the river? It doesn't really hurt anyone if some junkie throws his needle away or craps on the sidewalk. Except that we know its not one factory and a couple of gallons. It's not one junkie and a needle. How do you decide who will have that license to pollute or use drugs.

If you want to confine drug users to homes or wherever they are warehoused you have a better point. Just keep them from getting out.
Once again you are presenting flawed comparisons

There is no analogy between a person who occasionally uses Marijuana and a junkie

You obviously think that even an occasional drinker is the same as a junkie

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
A person that uses marijuana does so with the intent of getting high or a buzz. They are a junkie. A person who drinks with the intent of getting drunk is an alcoholic. Many people have an occasional drink without getting drunk.
how the fuck would you know?....you spewed so much bullshit about pot over the years that what you say today is bullshit...
Spoken by an "enthusiast ".
after what you have said about how you feel about "potheads" and then now you claim you have 2 of them living with you?....you dont have much credibility on this subject because you are full of shit...
Me driving around high isn't the same thing as me driving around drunk.

That is just incredibly ignorant and dangerous.

Saying these things do not hinder your driving ability, is amazing!

  • Altered senses
  • Dizziness, tiredness, fatigue
  • Reduced coordination and balance
  • Cognitive impairment (read: marijuana psychological effects)
  • Anxiety, panic, paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Mood alterations
  • Altered blood pressure, dizziness
  • Increased heart rate
  • Flushing
Funny I never hallucinated when using weed

And all the rest of that list are also symptoms of sleep deprivation

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Let's say that out of 100 weed users, 10, including you, do not have any of these problems.

The other 90 do.

Do you destroy the rest of society, with the 90 people who have all those problems, and desert their families, and end up costing society millions in crime, and rehab costs?

Now I get it, since you are obviously already on drugs, according to your own words.... you obviously don't care what cost this has on society, as long as you get what you want.

But adults have to look at the longer term ramification, and the truth is, they don't look good.
Protect yourself from crime, and dont fund others mistakes. It really is that easy...
Well, putting that 15% in an IRA, some of it will be taken by the custodian, and the benefits which come along with investments come with no guarantee.

Many of the 78% won't or can't save 15% of their income annually.

Come on, while well-intentioned in the beginning it is now the largest Ponzi Scheme in the world.

We could have done better.

How Privatized Social Security Works in Galveston
By Becca Aaronson
Sept. 17, 2011

How Privatized Social Security Works in Galveston

Why are people against legalizing marijuana? What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

First of all: Alcohol has only negative effects on human beings.

Second: Marihuana produces massive irreversible brain defects.

Third: To use drugs (and/or alcohol) means to lose freedom and/or to lose the contact to the own person.

Once again you are presenting flawed comparisons

There is no analogy between a person who occasionally uses Marijuana and a junkie

You obviously think that even an occasional drinker is the same as a junkie

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
A person that uses marijuana does so with the intent of getting high or a buzz. They are a junkie. A person who drinks with the intent of getting drunk is an alcoholic. Many people have an occasional drink without getting drunk.
You are wrong of course.

There is a very big difference between a person who is physically addicted to a substance and a person who uses a substance occasionally for enjoyment.

But you have no ability to think in anything other than stark absolute terms so I really don't expect you to understand the idea that all human behaviors exist on a continuum.
Do you use marijuana for the feeling that it gives you? Do you take it to get that feeling? You are an addict.

That's why 12 step programs require that the first thing is to admit the addiction. The denial is part of the addiction. There are many harmless addictions that cause no impairment of any kind. Cigarettes, chocolate, food. It might kill you but you can function.

Many people are against marijuana use because they are victims or know victims of marijuana addicts. I've watched it for years. I saw my great granddaughter get her legs crushed because of her mother's pot use. Addicts relax. They forget. They become negligent like the woman who put the baby on top of the car and drove off. Their judgment is poor. Like my granddaughter in law who wanders off and leaves the gas on in the stove or makes a munchie run leaving the scented candles burning. Pot addicts are dangerous and they need to be watched.

You need to look up the definition of addiction.

Addiction has a component of physical dependency so if you stop using the substance you have withdrawal symptoms which can be deadly in the case of alcohol addiction.

So tell me do you have sex because it makes you feel good ? If you do then you must be a sex addict.

Now do you see how extreme and quite frankly wrong your definition of addiction is?
You are wrong. Educate yourself.

Addiction: Definition, symptoms, withdrawal, and treatment

Or are you justifying yourself.
You didn't read that did you?

The very first line says "an inability to stop"

I don't use cannibis every day in fact I'll often go a couple of weeks between uses. I do not drink alcohol every day and I'll often go a month without drinking

So you telling me I am an addict is wrong once again

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
You are wrong of course.

There is a very big difference between a person who is physically addicted to a substance and a person who uses a substance occasionally for enjoyment.

But you have no ability to think in anything other than stark absolute terms so I really don't expect you to understand the idea that all human behaviors exist on a continuum.
Do you use marijuana for the feeling that it gives you? Do you take it to get that feeling? You are an addict.

That's why 12 step programs require that the first thing is to admit the addiction. The denial is part of the addiction. There are many harmless addictions that cause no impairment of any kind. Cigarettes, chocolate, food. It might kill you but you can function.

Many people are against marijuana use because they are victims or know victims of marijuana addicts. I've watched it for years. I saw my great granddaughter get her legs crushed because of her mother's pot use. Addicts relax. They forget. They become negligent like the woman who put the baby on top of the car and drove off. Their judgment is poor. Like my granddaughter in law who wanders off and leaves the gas on in the stove or makes a munchie run leaving the scented candles burning. Pot addicts are dangerous and they need to be watched.

You need to look up the definition of addiction.

Addiction has a component of physical dependency so if you stop using the substance you have withdrawal symptoms which can be deadly in the case of alcohol addiction.

So tell me do you have sex because it makes you feel good ? If you do then you must be a sex addict.

Now do you see how extreme and quite frankly wrong your definition of addiction is?
While it is true that there are sex addicts as well as porn addicts I am not one. I abandoned being either bored or annoyed some years ago.

By your definition anyone who has sex because they like how it feels is a sex addict
Could be. That's why there is rehab for sex addicts.
Once again you are putting your ignorance on display as if you are proud of it

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
If you take Social Security, Medicare, or any other form of benefit from the government.... then flat out, you are wrong. If tax payers like me, are paying for ANYTHING for you... then yes you do have an obligation to society.

And yes, it is bad behavior.... *IF*... we have to pay for you.

Again, you save for your own retirement, and not take any tax money.... you pay for your own health care, and not take any tax money.... and pay for your own food, and your own house, and your own everything.....

Then I agree. If you are being completely responsible, then you can do anything you want.

The problem is, even if *YOU* specifically are being responsible, the flat out truth is, many people are not. I know they are not, because they have openly told me as much.

Now if you want to institute a system where we have an exclusion list, where if you are caught on drugs or drinking, then you forfeit all government benefits for life....

Ok, then you can do what you want.

Short of having that system, then we need to either eliminate all government benefits, or we need to ban bad behavior.

One or the other. It is evil to have hard working people, who live responsibly, paying for those who choose not to. And as long as this system exists, then I'll be fighting and voting for anyone anywhere that will either prevent bad behavior, or prevent me from paying for that bad behavior.

One or the other.... can't have both.

I take nothing from the government.

And don't forget the money I will get from Social Security after the age of 67 is money that I had taken from me in the form of taxes.

And FYI I would love to get rid of the Social Security scam.

Just like all the rest of us are paying tax. Social Security is money paid in income tax, just like any other income tax. And social security benefits, are benefits like any other benefit.

So generally... we agree. I want to get rid of it too. Actually, I would like to privatize it.
If we privatized it, so the money went into your own account, in your own assets.... then I wouldn't care what you did, because you would only be taking your own money.

Not every working person has he ability to invest for their retirement. The small amount taken in payroll taxes would never cover the needs of those who retire and live many years.

If you look over census data for the years before FDR, you will see many unrelated persons living at the same address. Those were the poor houses all over the country, those whose breadwinner died even before retirement, and those who live paycheck to paycheck and could never save a dime.

The consequences of taking away SS are too dier. Many American workers today are living paycheck to paycheck, its been reported an average of 78% workers do so, and cannot put enough money into a Medical or Retirement savings account.

The government shutdown spotlights a bigger issue: 78% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck

You and I have a different definition of "small amount"

Social security and medicare taxes total to 15% of a person's lifetime income.

that is not a small amount

Well, putting that 15% in an IRA, some of it will be taken by the custodian, and the benefits which come along with investments come with no guarantee.

Many of the 78% won't or can't save 15% of their income annually.
There are many ways to save that money and there are thousands of very low fee mutual funds to choose from and those fees are not burdensome and the gains you earn over time make those fees insignificant

And if social security was abolished everyone would be able to save 15% of their income and would still take home the same pay as they do now

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Last edited:
Me driving around high isn't the same thing as me driving around drunk.

That is just incredibly ignorant and dangerous.

Saying these things do not hinder your driving ability, is amazing!

  • Altered senses
  • Dizziness, tiredness, fatigue
  • Reduced coordination and balance
  • Cognitive impairment (read: marijuana psychological effects)
  • Anxiety, panic, paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Mood alterations
  • Altered blood pressure, dizziness
  • Increased heart rate
  • Flushing
Funny I never hallucinated when using weed

And all the rest of that list are also symptoms of sleep deprivation

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Let's say that out of 100 weed users, 10, including you, do not have any of these problems.

The other 90 do.

Do you destroy the rest of society, with the 90 people who have all those problems, and desert their families, and end up costing society millions in crime, and rehab costs?

Now I get it, since you are obviously already on drugs, according to your own words.... you obviously don't care what cost this has on society, as long as you get what you want.

But adults have to look at the longer term ramification, and the truth is, they don't look good.
My occasional use of cannibis is not destroying society

Give me a break

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
A person that uses marijuana does so with the intent of getting high or a buzz. They are a junkie. A person who drinks with the intent of getting drunk is an alcoholic. Many people have an occasional drink without getting drunk.
You are wrong of course.

There is a very big difference between a person who is physically addicted to a substance and a person who uses a substance occasionally for enjoyment.

But you have no ability to think in anything other than stark absolute terms so I really don't expect you to understand the idea that all human behaviors exist on a continuum.
Do you use marijuana for the feeling that it gives you? Do you take it to get that feeling? You are an addict.

That's why 12 step programs require that the first thing is to admit the addiction. The denial is part of the addiction. There are many harmless addictions that cause no impairment of any kind. Cigarettes, chocolate, food. It might kill you but you can function.

Many people are against marijuana use because they are victims or know victims of marijuana addicts. I've watched it for years. I saw my great granddaughter get her legs crushed because of her mother's pot use. Addicts relax. They forget. They become negligent like the woman who put the baby on top of the car and drove off. Their judgment is poor. Like my granddaughter in law who wanders off and leaves the gas on in the stove or makes a munchie run leaving the scented candles burning. Pot addicts are dangerous and they need to be watched.

You need to look up the definition of addiction.

Addiction has a component of physical dependency so if you stop using the substance you have withdrawal symptoms which can be deadly in the case of alcohol addiction.

So tell me do you have sex because it makes you feel good ? If you do then you must be a sex addict.

Now do you see how extreme and quite frankly wrong your definition of addiction is?
You are wrong. Educate yourself.

Addiction: Definition, symptoms, withdrawal, and treatment

Or are you justifying yourself.
You didn't read that did you?

The very first line says "an inability to stop"

I don't use cannibis every day in fact I'll often go a couple of weeks between uses. I do not drink alcohol every day and I'll often go a month without drinking

So you telling me I am an addict is wrong once again

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Are you admitting that you can't stop? A couple of weeks isn't stopping.
You are wrong of course.

There is a very big difference between a person who is physically addicted to a substance and a person who uses a substance occasionally for enjoyment.

But you have no ability to think in anything other than stark absolute terms so I really don't expect you to understand the idea that all human behaviors exist on a continuum.
Do you use marijuana for the feeling that it gives you? Do you take it to get that feeling? You are an addict.

That's why 12 step programs require that the first thing is to admit the addiction. The denial is part of the addiction. There are many harmless addictions that cause no impairment of any kind. Cigarettes, chocolate, food. It might kill you but you can function.

Many people are against marijuana use because they are victims or know victims of marijuana addicts. I've watched it for years. I saw my great granddaughter get her legs crushed because of her mother's pot use. Addicts relax. They forget. They become negligent like the woman who put the baby on top of the car and drove off. Their judgment is poor. Like my granddaughter in law who wanders off and leaves the gas on in the stove or makes a munchie run leaving the scented candles burning. Pot addicts are dangerous and they need to be watched.

You need to look up the definition of addiction.

Addiction has a component of physical dependency so if you stop using the substance you have withdrawal symptoms which can be deadly in the case of alcohol addiction.

So tell me do you have sex because it makes you feel good ? If you do then you must be a sex addict.

Now do you see how extreme and quite frankly wrong your definition of addiction is?
You are wrong. Educate yourself.

Addiction: Definition, symptoms, withdrawal, and treatment

Or are you justifying yourself.
You didn't read that did you?

The very first line says "an inability to stop"

I don't use cannibis every day in fact I'll often go a couple of weeks between uses. I do not drink alcohol every day and I'll often go a month without drinking

So you telling me I am an addict is wrong once again

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Are you admitting that you can't stop? A couple of weeks isn't stopping.

I am in complete control of my own behavior.

I am an occasional user that is all I have ever been and all I will ever be.

I suffer no ill effects from abstaining from any substance.

Hell you're probably more addicted to caffeine than I am.

You simply can't understand the definition of addiction since you think a person who uses cannabis a couple times a month is a junkie and a person who has a cocktail on the weekends is an alcoholic.

I have to wonder if you're projecting your own lack of self control onto others.

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