Why are people against legalizing marijuana?

So you are basing your opinions on the behavior of literally millions of people on the behaviors of your degenerate children.
Hey they aren't my degenerate children. Have known many druggies and potheads. They are pretty much all alike. First indication is none can recognize the problem.
you called the kid...your son....
Read. No I didn't. The closest I came was saying "the son". You aren't high right now are you?
you already answered me on this....did you toke up with your roommates?...or is it senility?....
I am pure. I have no vices. I do not do drugs, drink or smoke.
you also said you dont care for sex....so that says something right there....
Drug addiction is more like pollution. What difference does it make if some factory dumps a couple of gallons of gunk in the river? It doesn't really hurt anyone if some junkie throws his needle away or craps on the sidewalk. Except that we know its not one factory and a couple of gallons. It's not one junkie and a needle. How do you decide who will have that license to pollute or use drugs.

If you want to confine drug users to homes or wherever they are warehoused you have a better point. Just keep them from getting out.
Once again you are presenting flawed comparisons

There is no analogy between a person who occasionally uses Marijuana and a junkie

You obviously think that even an occasional drinker is the same as a junkie

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
A person that uses marijuana does so with the intent of getting high or a buzz. They are a junkie. A person who drinks with the intent of getting drunk is an alcoholic. Many people have an occasional drink without getting drunk.

That is dead on right. My brother in law from the military, had beers now and then. Never once seen him, or any of my relatives drunk. There is a huge difference between an occasional drinking, and getting plastered.
But you think there is no difference between an occasional cannabis user and a junkie.

Nice double standard

No junkie starts out as a junkie. Anyone who resorts to an illegal drug for recreation, relaxation or whatever, does not really care about their family, themselves, and their loved ones. IF they did, they would not risk arrest, liberty and their freedom.
Hey they aren't my degenerate children. Have known many druggies and potheads. They are pretty much all alike. First indication is none can recognize the problem.
you called the kid...your son....
Read. No I didn't. The closest I came was saying "the son". You aren't high right now are you?
you already answered me on this....did you toke up with your roommates?...or is it senility?....
I am pure. I have no vices. I do not do drugs, drink or smoke.
you also said you dont care for sex....so that says something right there....
It says I believe in exercising my rights.
Drug addiction is more like pollution. What difference does it make if some factory dumps a couple of gallons of gunk in the river? It doesn't really hurt anyone if some junkie throws his needle away or craps on the sidewalk. Except that we know its not one factory and a couple of gallons. It's not one junkie and a needle. How do you decide who will have that license to pollute or use drugs.

If you want to confine drug users to homes or wherever they are warehoused you have a better point. Just keep them from getting out.
Once again you are presenting flawed comparisons

There is no analogy between a person who occasionally uses Marijuana and a junkie

You obviously think that even an occasional drinker is the same as a junkie

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
A person that uses marijuana does so with the intent of getting high or a buzz. They are a junkie. A person who drinks with the intent of getting drunk is an alcoholic. Many people have an occasional drink without getting drunk.

That is dead on right. My brother in law from the military, had beers now and then. Never once seen him, or any of my relatives drunk. There is a huge difference between an occasional drinking, and getting plastered.
But you think there is no difference between an occasional cannabis user and a junkie.

Nice double standard

No junkie starts out as a junkie. Anyone who resorts to an illegal drug for recreation, relaxation or whatever, does not really care about their family, themselves, and their loved ones. IF they did, they would not risk arrest, liberty and their freedom.
No junkie thinks they are a junkie. They can quit any time they want.
1. Maybe some people feel that marijuana should be illegal, but that it should NOT lead to jail or even a fine.

2. Maybe they want it to be illegal so that the police can confiscate it and destroy it whenever they find it.

3. People already have enough drugs to help them endure life: alcohol, tobacco, sugar.

4. Some people ask: Why encourage another drug?

5. Here in Los Angeles, there are so many pedestrian deaths that the authorities are begging drivers not to text while driving. Are drivers safe when they are high on alcohol or marijuana?

What do you care if someone smokes a little pot?

And no one here has ever advocated driving while impaired.

If you want to make a drug illegal because people might drive then start with alcohol.

FYI there are over 88000 alcohol related deaths every year

How many deaths can be attributed to cannabis use?
Drug addiction is more like pollution. What difference does it make if some factory dumps a couple of gallons of gunk in the river? It doesn't really hurt anyone if some junkie throws his needle away or craps on the sidewalk. Except that we know its not one factory and a couple of gallons. It's not one junkie and a needle. How do you decide who will have that license to pollute or use drugs.

If you want to confine drug users to homes or wherever they are warehoused you have a better point. Just keep them from getting out.
Once again you are presenting flawed comparisons

There is no analogy between a person who occasionally uses Marijuana and a junkie

You obviously think that even an occasional drinker is the same as a junkie

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
A person that uses marijuana does so with the intent of getting high or a buzz. They are a junkie. A person who drinks with the intent of getting drunk is an alcoholic. Many people have an occasional drink without getting drunk.

That is dead on right. My brother in law from the military, had beers now and then. Never once seen him, or any of my relatives drunk. There is a huge difference between an occasional drinking, and getting plastered.
But you think there is no difference between an occasional cannabis user and a junkie.

Nice double standard

No junkie starts out as a junkie. Anyone who resorts to an illegal drug for recreation, relaxation or whatever, does not really care about their family, themselves, and their loved ones. IF they did, they would not risk arrest, liberty and their freedom.

Marijuana is legal where I live.

So I'm not risking anything by enjoying a little every now and then.

And the only things i care about are my wife and my dogs and I take very good care of them and myself.

I workout every day for at least 90 minutes, I watch my diet and my health, which is perfect btw.

So you see I care about myself and my family, I provide a very good life for them and yes I smoke a little hash now and then

Imagine that
Once again you are presenting flawed comparisons

There is no analogy between a person who occasionally uses Marijuana and a junkie

You obviously think that even an occasional drinker is the same as a junkie

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
A person that uses marijuana does so with the intent of getting high or a buzz. They are a junkie. A person who drinks with the intent of getting drunk is an alcoholic. Many people have an occasional drink without getting drunk.

That is dead on right. My brother in law from the military, had beers now and then. Never once seen him, or any of my relatives drunk. There is a huge difference between an occasional drinking, and getting plastered.
But you think there is no difference between an occasional cannabis user and a junkie.

Nice double standard

No junkie starts out as a junkie. Anyone who resorts to an illegal drug for recreation, relaxation or whatever, does not really care about their family, themselves, and their loved ones. IF they did, they would not risk arrest, liberty and their freedom.
No junkie thinks they are a junkie. They can quit any time they want.
you don't even know what the term junkie means.

the term junkie refers to heroin addicts not occasional cannabis users
Pot heads can get a prescription if they think they need it badly enough. You can find a couple of seeds and grow a marijuana bush and smoke the noxious stuff until your brains come out your ears and pretty much nobody will bother you. There are entire industries in place to help people quit smoking a legal substance so how does selling this junk over the counter benefit society outside of the pathetic pot head idiots?
1. Maybe some people feel that marijuana should be illegal, but that it should NOT lead to jail or even a fine.

2. Maybe they want it to be illegal so that the police can confiscate it and destroy it whenever they find it.

3. People already have enough drugs to help them endure life: alcohol, tobacco, sugar.

4. Some people ask: Why encourage another drug?

5. Here in Los Angeles, there are so many pedestrian deaths that the authorities are begging drivers not to text while driving. Are drivers safe when they are high on alcohol or marijuana?

What do you care if someone smokes a little pot?

And no one here has ever advocated driving while impaired.

If you want to make a drug illegal because people might drive then start with alcohol.

FYI there are over 88000 alcohol related deaths every year

How many deaths can be attributed to cannabis use?

Quite a few
How Many People Died From Weed | Marijuana Addiction Treatment | Promises


Don't worry. I can handle it is what every drug user says. Perhaps you can. To know that you would not be answering the question. It would be those around you.

I have seen literally hundreds of substance users. Most of them see nothing at all wrong with their behavior.
A person that uses marijuana does so with the intent of getting high or a buzz. They are a junkie. A person who drinks with the intent of getting drunk is an alcoholic. Many people have an occasional drink without getting drunk.

That is dead on right. My brother in law from the military, had beers now and then. Never once seen him, or any of my relatives drunk. There is a huge difference between an occasional drinking, and getting plastered.
But you think there is no difference between an occasional cannabis user and a junkie.

Nice double standard

No junkie starts out as a junkie. Anyone who resorts to an illegal drug for recreation, relaxation or whatever, does not really care about their family, themselves, and their loved ones. IF they did, they would not risk arrest, liberty and their freedom.
No junkie thinks they are a junkie. They can quit any time they want.
you don't even know what the term junkie means.

the term junkie refers to heroin addicts not occasional cannabis users
Junk is junk.
1. Maybe some people feel that marijuana should be illegal, but that it should NOT lead to jail or even a fine.

2. Maybe they want it to be illegal so that the police can confiscate it and destroy it whenever they find it.

3. People already have enough drugs to help them endure life: alcohol, tobacco, sugar.

4. Some people ask: Why encourage another drug?

5. Here in Los Angeles, there are so many pedestrian deaths that the authorities are begging drivers not to text while driving. Are drivers safe when they are high on alcohol or marijuana?

What do you care if someone smokes a little pot?

And no one here has ever advocated driving while impaired.

If you want to make a drug illegal because people might drive then start with alcohol.

FYI there are over 88000 alcohol related deaths every year

How many deaths can be attributed to cannabis use?

Quite a few
How Many People Died From Weed | Marijuana Addiction Treatment | Promises


Don't worry. I can handle it is what every drug user says. Perhaps you can. To know that you would not be answering the question. It would be those around you.

I have seen literally hundreds of substance users. Most of them see nothing at all wrong with their behavior.
you really don't read what you link to do you?

from your first link

A study conducted in California involving 65,177 men and women aged 15-49 found after 10 years, marijuana users died no sooner than those who did not smoke it.
1. Maybe some people feel that marijuana should be illegal, but that it should NOT lead to jail or even a fine.

2. Maybe they want it to be illegal so that the police can confiscate it and destroy it whenever they find it.

3. People already have enough drugs to help them endure life: alcohol, tobacco, sugar.

4. Some people ask: Why encourage another drug?

5. Here in Los Angeles, there are so many pedestrian deaths that the authorities are begging drivers not to text while driving. Are drivers safe when they are high on alcohol or marijuana?

What do you care if someone smokes a little pot?

And no one here has ever advocated driving while impaired.

If you want to make a drug illegal because people might drive then start with alcohol.

FYI there are over 88000 alcohol related deaths every year

How many deaths can be attributed to cannabis use?

States with legal marijuana see rise in car crashes, studies find
Brett Molina
Car crashes up in states with legal marijuana, studies show

How is it a good thing for public policy?

1. Maybe some people feel that marijuana should be illegal, but that it should NOT lead to jail or even a fine.

2. Maybe they want it to be illegal so that the police can confiscate it and destroy it whenever they find it.

3. People already have enough drugs to help them endure life: alcohol, tobacco, sugar.

4. Some people ask: Why encourage another drug?

5. Here in Los Angeles, there are so many pedestrian deaths that the authorities are begging drivers not to text while driving. Are drivers safe when they are high on alcohol or marijuana?

What do you care if someone smokes a little pot?

And no one here has ever advocated driving while impaired.

If you want to make a drug illegal because people might drive then start with alcohol.

FYI there are over 88000 alcohol related deaths every year

How many deaths can be attributed to cannabis use?

States with legal marijuana see rise in car crashes, studies find
Brett Molina
Car crashes up in states with legal marijuana, studies show

How is it a good thing for public policy?

So what?

I don't drive when I partake in a little hash on occasion.

Ans as I said no one here has ever advocated for driving while impaired
Try this
The health and social effects of nonmedical cannabis use

Then there is the causal link between teen cannibis use and teen suicide
Marijuana linked to higher risk of depression and suicide in teenagers, study finds

It's about time someone looked at the causation between marijuana and suicide among teens.
Where did anyone say that cannabis was anything but an adult use substance?

And I think you meant to say correlation not causation

And as you know, well maybe you don't know

correlation does not equal causation

but you have to actually know what those words mean before you would understand the meaning of the sentence
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

So why not make pot legal like alcohol?

Do you know the drug that kills more people than any other?

Alcohol Kills More Than Drugs | Morningside Recovery

This is what happens when the state not only legalized a drug, but then runs liquor stores to sell it directly from the state for tax revenue. People not only begin to think it is Ok, they think it must be safe. It's obviously not.
1. Maybe some people feel that marijuana should be illegal, but that it should NOT lead to jail or even a fine.

2. Maybe they want it to be illegal so that the police can confiscate it and destroy it whenever they find it.

3. People already have enough drugs to help them endure life: alcohol, tobacco, sugar.

4. Some people ask: Why encourage another drug?

5. Here in Los Angeles, there are so many pedestrian deaths that the authorities are begging drivers not to text while driving. Are drivers safe when they are high on alcohol or marijuana?

What do you care if someone smokes a little pot?

And no one here has ever advocated driving while impaired.

If you want to make a drug illegal because people might drive then start with alcohol.

FYI there are over 88000 alcohol related deaths every year

How many deaths can be attributed to cannabis use?

Quite a few
How Many People Died From Weed | Marijuana Addiction Treatment | Promises


Don't worry. I can handle it is what every drug user says. Perhaps you can. To know that you would not be answering the question. It would be those around you.

I have seen literally hundreds of substance users. Most of them see nothing at all wrong with their behavior.
you really don't read what you link to do you?

from your first link

A study conducted in California involving 65,177 men and women aged 15-49 found after 10 years, marijuana users died no sooner than those who did not smoke it.
You completely missed the point. It has nothing to do with users who die of marijuana use. It's the related deaths. The woman who put the baby on the roof of the car and drove off did not have that baby die from smoking marijuana. The person that gets buzzed and has their car drift into oncoming traffic does not have a smoking related condition. Certainly the guy who had a cookie then shot his wife suffered no death from smoke. All are marijuana related though.
1. Maybe some people feel that marijuana should be illegal, but that it should NOT lead to jail or even a fine.

2. Maybe they want it to be illegal so that the police can confiscate it and destroy it whenever they find it.

3. People already have enough drugs to help them endure life: alcohol, tobacco, sugar.

4. Some people ask: Why encourage another drug?

5. Here in Los Angeles, there are so many pedestrian deaths that the authorities are begging drivers not to text while driving. Are drivers safe when they are high on alcohol or marijuana?

What do you care if someone smokes a little pot?

And no one here has ever advocated driving while impaired.

If you want to make a drug illegal because people might drive then start with alcohol.

FYI there are over 88000 alcohol related deaths every year

How many deaths can be attributed to cannabis use?

Quite a few
How Many People Died From Weed | Marijuana Addiction Treatment | Promises


Don't worry. I can handle it is what every drug user says. Perhaps you can. To know that you would not be answering the question. It would be those around you.

I have seen literally hundreds of substance users. Most of them see nothing at all wrong with their behavior.
you really don't read what you link to do you?

from your first link

A study conducted in California involving 65,177 men and women aged 15-49 found after 10 years, marijuana users died no sooner than those who did not smoke it.
You completely missed the point. It has nothing to do with users who die of marijuana use. It's the related deaths. The woman who put the baby on the roof of the car and drove off did not have that baby die from smoking marijuana. The person that gets buzzed and has their car drift into oncoming traffic does not have a smoking related condition. Certainly the guy who had a cookie then shot his wife suffered no death from smoke. All are marijuana related though.
Send me a sample of yours for a professional evaluation. 45 years experience
Try this
The health and social effects of nonmedical cannabis use

Then there is the causal link between teen cannibis use and teen suicide
Marijuana linked to higher risk of depression and suicide in teenagers, study finds

It's about time someone looked at the causation between marijuana and suicide among teens.

Yup all true.

The whole drug legalization thing, is really crazy to me... because by every possible measure, people and society is worse off... yet the hard core users claim everyone is better off.

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