Why are people against legalizing marijuana?

What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

So why not make pot legal like alcohol?

Do you know the drug that kills more people than any other?

Alcohol Kills More Than Drugs | Morningside Recovery

This is what happens when the state not only legalized a drug, but then runs liquor stores to sell it directly from the state for tax revenue. People not only begin to think it is Ok, they think it must be safe. It's obviously not.

Again.... same argument I made before....

When you see something bad, you don't suggest, well since that is bad, then we should legalize all this other bad stuff too.

That is not a logical, nor rational argument. We all know that alcohol causes a ton of problems, which is exactly why we have tried to regulate and control it.

The solution to all the problems that alcohol causes, is not to legalize other dangerous and problem causing substances.
you called the kid...your son....
Read. No I didn't. The closest I came was saying "the son". You aren't high right now are you?
you already answered me on this....did you toke up with your roommates?...or is it senility?....
I am pure. I have no vices. I do not do drugs, drink or smoke.
you also said you dont care for sex....so that says something right there....
It says I believe in exercising my rights.
that ok i dont believe many men would care anyway...
Read. No I didn't. The closest I came was saying "the son". You aren't high right now are you?
you already answered me on this....did you toke up with your roommates?...or is it senility?....
I am pure. I have no vices. I do not do drugs, drink or smoke.
you also said you dont care for sex....so that says something right there....
It says I believe in exercising my rights.
that ok i dont believe many men would care anyway...
I hope not. The days are long gone when it mattered.
1. Maybe some people feel that marijuana should be illegal, but that it should NOT lead to jail or even a fine.

2. Maybe they want it to be illegal so that the police can confiscate it and destroy it whenever they find it.

3. People already have enough drugs to help them endure life: alcohol, tobacco, sugar.

4. Some people ask: Why encourage another drug?

5. Here in Los Angeles, there are so many pedestrian deaths that the authorities are begging drivers not to text while driving. Are drivers safe when they are high on alcohol or marijuana?

What do you care if someone smokes a little pot?

And no one here has ever advocated driving while impaired.

If you want to make a drug illegal because people might drive then start with alcohol.

FYI there are over 88000 alcohol related deaths every year

How many deaths can be attributed to cannabis use?

Quite a few
How Many People Died From Weed | Marijuana Addiction Treatment | Promises


Don't worry. I can handle it is what every drug user says. Perhaps you can. To know that you would not be answering the question. It would be those around you.

I have seen literally hundreds of substance users. Most of them see nothing at all wrong with their behavior.
you really don't read what you link to do you?

from your first link

A study conducted in California involving 65,177 men and women aged 15-49 found after 10 years, marijuana users died no sooner than those who did not smoke it.
You completely missed the point. It has nothing to do with users who die of marijuana use. It's the related deaths. The woman who put the baby on the roof of the car and drove off did not have that baby die from smoking marijuana. The person that gets buzzed and has their car drift into oncoming traffic does not have a smoking related condition. Certainly the guy who had a cookie then shot his wife suffered no death from smoke. All are marijuana related though.
Alcohol is still worse

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Try this
The health and social effects of nonmedical cannabis use

Then there is the causal link between teen cannibis use and teen suicide
Marijuana linked to higher risk of depression and suicide in teenagers, study finds

It's about time someone looked at the causation between marijuana and suicide among teens.

Yup all true.

The whole drug legalization thing, is really crazy to me... because by every possible measure, people and society is worse off... yet the hard core users claim everyone is better off.
I'm not a hard core user

And what a person wants to do with his own body and life is not your concern

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
1. Maybe some people feel that marijuana should be illegal, but that it should NOT lead to jail or even a fine.

2. Maybe they want it to be illegal so that the police can confiscate it and destroy it whenever they find it.

3. People already have enough drugs to help them endure life: alcohol, tobacco, sugar.

4. Some people ask: Why encourage another drug?

5. Here in Los Angeles, there are so many pedestrian deaths that the authorities are begging drivers not to text while driving. Are drivers safe when they are high on alcohol or marijuana?

What do you care if someone smokes a little pot?

And no one here has ever advocated driving while impaired.

If you want to make a drug illegal because people might drive then start with alcohol.

FYI there are over 88000 alcohol related deaths every year

How many deaths can be attributed to cannabis use?

States with legal marijuana see rise in car crashes, studies find
Brett Molina
Car crashes up in states with legal marijuana, studies show

How is it a good thing for public policy?

So what?

I don't drive when I partake in a little hash on occasion.

Ans as I said no one here has ever advocated for driving while impaired

So what? Where is the group advocating for driving while drinking? Yet, we have over 10,000 deaths a year.

How is it a good thing to add another drug to the mix? Really, I'd like to know!
Me driving around high isn't the same thing as me driving around drunk.

That is just incredibly ignorant and dangerous.

Saying these things do not hinder your driving ability, is amazing!

  • Altered senses
  • Dizziness, tiredness, fatigue
  • Reduced coordination and balance
  • Cognitive impairment (read: marijuana psychological effects)
  • Anxiety, panic, paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Mood alterations
  • Altered blood pressure, dizziness
  • Increased heart rate
  • Flushing
Funny I never hallucinated when using weed

And all the rest of that list are also symptoms of sleep deprivation

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Let's say that out of 100 weed users, 10, including you, do not have any of these problems.

The other 90 do.

Do you destroy the rest of society, with the 90 people who have all those problems, and desert their families, and end up costing society millions in crime, and rehab costs?

Now I get it, since you are obviously already on drugs, according to your own words.... you obviously don't care what cost this has on society, as long as you get what you want.

But adults have to look at the longer term ramification, and the truth is, they don't look good.

Well something like 70% of Michiganders disagree with you. That puts you in the minority. And we are not seeing a spike in accidents due to pot smokers. We've been smoking pot long before they legalized it.
Me driving around high isn't the same thing as me driving around drunk.

That is just incredibly ignorant and dangerous.

Saying these things do not hinder your driving ability, is amazing!

  • Altered senses
  • Dizziness, tiredness, fatigue
  • Reduced coordination and balance
  • Cognitive impairment (read: marijuana psychological effects)
  • Anxiety, panic, paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Mood alterations
  • Altered blood pressure, dizziness
  • Increased heart rate
  • Flushing
Funny I never hallucinated when using weed

And all the rest of that list are also symptoms of sleep deprivation

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Let's say that out of 100 weed users, 10, including you, do not have any of these problems.

The other 90 do.

Do you destroy the rest of society, with the 90 people who have all those problems, and desert their families, and end up costing society millions in crime, and rehab costs?

Now I get it, since you are obviously already on drugs, according to your own words.... you obviously don't care what cost this has on society, as long as you get what you want.

But adults have to look at the longer term ramification, and the truth is, they don't look good.
My occasional use of cannibis is not destroying society

Give me a break

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

No you are not. And, we are constantly looking for new markets and new products and new industries. Remember before the internet? Think about what a boom computers were to our economy. Suddenly all these new business' and jobs started. Network Engineers making $80,000 a year. Companies buying new computers. Then having to upgrade to the newest version of Windows. What would the 90's and 2000's have been like without computers?

So Michigan listened to both sides of the argument. The anti pot people sounded a lot like those Reefer madness movies they made kids watch in school. Full of lies and ignorance. But no one listened to us. Us pot heads were sure it was Marlboro who was paying Republicans to continue to demonize Pot.

Anyways, long story short is the pot business is booming in Michigan and none of the negative shit is happening. I'm 49 and I've been smoking pot since I was 17. I have paid off my home, I am a successful salesman, I don't get in to car accidents and I don't drink and drive anymore. Not to mention I make about $20,000 extra a year in my little side business.

And any numbers you see from Michigan on how much the state has made off pot, think about all the people who grow it illegally and don't pay taxes. Probably for every 1 care giver there's 10 doing it under the table. And god bless them. I shouldn't have to pay taxes to smoke my pot. For years the government wouldn't let me smoke pot. I had to go to court once because they found a joint on me. Well now they can fuck off. It's legal so when they catch me with an ounce there's nothing they can do about it. And good luck catching me on tax evasion. I don't keep books like Capone. And I'm just a small fish in a small pond.
1. Maybe some people feel that marijuana should be illegal, but that it should NOT lead to jail or even a fine.

2. Maybe they want it to be illegal so that the police can confiscate it and destroy it whenever they find it.

3. People already have enough drugs to help them endure life: alcohol, tobacco, sugar.

4. Some people ask: Why encourage another drug?

5. Here in Los Angeles, there are so many pedestrian deaths that the authorities are begging drivers not to text while driving. Are drivers safe when they are high on alcohol or marijuana?

What do you care if someone smokes a little pot?

And no one here has ever advocated driving while impaired.

If you want to make a drug illegal because people might drive then start with alcohol.

FYI there are over 88000 alcohol related deaths every year

How many deaths can be attributed to cannabis use?

States with legal marijuana see rise in car crashes, studies find
Brett Molina
Car crashes up in states with legal marijuana, studies show

How is it a good thing for public policy?

So what?

I don't drive when I partake in a little hash on occasion.

Ans as I said no one here has ever advocated for driving while impaired

So what? Where is the group advocating for driving while drinking? Yet, we have over 10,000 deaths a year.

How is it a good thing to add another drug to the mix? Really, I'd like to know!
Once law enforcement catches up with the times then they will be able to get people impaired by any drug off the road

But I see no reason that I need to be held responsible for what other people do

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Me driving around high isn't the same thing as me driving around drunk.

That is just incredibly ignorant and dangerous.

Saying these things do not hinder your driving ability, is amazing!

  • Altered senses
  • Dizziness, tiredness, fatigue
  • Reduced coordination and balance
  • Cognitive impairment (read: marijuana psychological effects)
  • Anxiety, panic, paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Mood alterations
  • Altered blood pressure, dizziness
  • Increased heart rate
  • Flushing
Funny I never hallucinated when using weed

And all the rest of that list are also symptoms of sleep deprivation

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Let's say that out of 100 weed users, 10, including you, do not have any of these problems.

The other 90 do.

Do you destroy the rest of society, with the 90 people who have all those problems, and desert their families, and end up costing society millions in crime, and rehab costs?

Now I get it, since you are obviously already on drugs, according to your own words.... you obviously don't care what cost this has on society, as long as you get what you want.

But adults have to look at the longer term ramification, and the truth is, they don't look good.

Well something like 70% of Michiganders disagree with you. That puts you in the minority. And we are not seeing a spike in accidents due to pot smokers. We've been smoking pot long before they legalized it.

It does not matter how many disagree or agree. The facts are on my side.

You can disagree with the facts, and that just makes you a Democrat.

Now I get it that, without being the majority, we are not likely to change the policy. But that doesn't mean the policy is good. Slavery was legal too, and at one point the majority supported it. That doesn't mean it was a good policy.
1. Maybe some people feel that marijuana should be illegal, but that it should NOT lead to jail or even a fine.

2. Maybe they want it to be illegal so that the police can confiscate it and destroy it whenever they find it.

3. People already have enough drugs to help them endure life: alcohol, tobacco, sugar.

4. Some people ask: Why encourage another drug?

5. Here in Los Angeles, there are so many pedestrian deaths that the authorities are begging drivers not to text while driving. Are drivers safe when they are high on alcohol or marijuana?

What do you care if someone smokes a little pot?

And no one here has ever advocated driving while impaired.

If you want to make a drug illegal because people might drive then start with alcohol.

FYI there are over 88000 alcohol related deaths every year

How many deaths can be attributed to cannabis use?

States with legal marijuana see rise in car crashes, studies find
Brett Molina
Car crashes up in states with legal marijuana, studies show

How is it a good thing for public policy?

So what?

I don't drive when I partake in a little hash on occasion.

Ans as I said no one here has ever advocated for driving while impaired

So what? Where is the group advocating for driving while drinking? Yet, we have over 10,000 deaths a year.

How is it a good thing to add another drug to the mix? Really, I'd like to know!
Do you imbibe any or both?
I say legalize it all, charge for it, it will create jobs and $. Win win win.

It will create jobs in printing tax stamps and collecting taxes, as well as in policing the untaxed Grass and getting that off the streets.

I don't see any net money from taxes or industry on this. I guess legalizing the whacky tobacky will increase its popularity among the hoi polloi. But the money people spend on the grass won't be spent on other discretionary items
You need to get out more often before the world passes you by.
Well, I don't care if it legal or not, but if you are poor and just making ends meet, like the OP says, then you would be pretty stupid to be buying marijuana. I also think it tends to make a lot of people lazy and sometimes kind of dopey too. There are a lot of other better ways that are cheaper and better for your overall health and wellbeing to relieve stress and anxiety.
Oooohhh, nnnoooo. Name some.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Its all about the kids. They dont want their kids getting the idea that its an ok thing for them. Even with legal age limitations you know it is so much easier for them to get it once its legal. It's a lot easier to carry around than a 12 pack of beer

My state legalized marijuana for medical purposes in 1998.

We legalized it for recreational purposes in 2012.

The result is that the black market has totally collapsed here.

It's much harder for an under age person to buy marijuana now than it was when I was under 21. It was illegal at that time. It was everywhere. There was no problem with finding any marijuana at that time.

I don't know what other states have done but in my state it's highly regulated and taxed.

The only way an under age person can get some is if they know someone over 21 to buy it for them from a store.
"There was no problem with finding any marijuana at that time."

And there isn't a problem finding it now. Anywhere. All over the world.
There is a black or underground market for all sorts of items. Why would one think weed is any different? Oregon Business - Black market for marijuana grows

It isn't in my fucked up state.

People get the idea that legalizing something will kill the current illegal markets. Didn't happen with the numbers writers when the states started booking the action. Didn't happen in Vegas where the state officials legalized hoe'ing and pimping.

Thinking that legal grass would kill the traditional markets for the product is illogical
To be clear. Clark county Nevada is illegal for prostitution which includes metropolitan Las Vegas.
The legal areas are outside Clark county.

Problem is government taxes are too high and black market fills in.
Government is more greedy than the Cartels.

That's definitely a point there. Taxes on cigarettes are exceedingly high nowadays. Those who can find a way to evade the levy can make a fortune. And with grass I think its would even be easier, as the cigarette business has a lot of "Brand loyalty" going on that reefer does not.

Taxes are probably the reason why the government is now trying to ban vaping, which is a good way for those who are addicted to cigarettes to try and quit.
The nanny state is protecting the youth. The state raises the legal age of drinking and smoking, yet in MN the 18 year old is free to gamble their money away at a casino or on the state run lottery.
Gambling addiction is one of the worse. Add Meth to it and BOOM... instant LOSER.

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