Why are people against legalizing marijuana?

You almost gotta laugh that it is against federal, state and local law to even possess a "still" and manufacture alcohol even for your own consumption. Pot heads can get hold of a couple of seeds, grow a plant and smoke the weed until their brains run out their ears but that's not what they want. They want to be able to sell the gateway drug to your kids and not have to look over their shoulders. At a point in history when cigarette smoking is restricted to the point that you could get arrested for smoking in some public parks, the hypocrite left wants to legalize marijuana smoking. Another laugh is that the pot heads in the 21st century even make the ludicrous claim that smoking the junk is "good for you" like tobacco manufactures did around the turn of the 20th century.
Don't need seeds anymore. Go to the nearest nursery and find many cloned varieties.
Try an Auto Flower, if you are a beginner. Get stoned with high amounts of CBD. Best of both worlds.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.
Marijuana turns even the furthest right righties into lefties within minutes of inhaling. If you turn all the righties into lefties, there won't be anybody left to pay into welfare for lefties.
On this topic the righties sound exactly like the lefties in their support of a nanny state that knows what's best for you.
I am very much against the legalization of Marijuana, since it will inevitably cost me more money to support more lefties who won't work. Dope heads are unemployable, they live off of a nanny state that is paid for out of my paycheck.
More idiotic assumptions.
Apparently you have read none of my posts. This assumption that all "dopers" as you stupidly put it are all liberals and worthless is neither correct and based on ignorance.

If these arguments are from clear and sober minds, you folks are doing the rest of non users a disservice.
I thought all those kind of words went out with the dinosaurs. Guess elephants never forget.
Me driving around high isn't the same thing as me driving around drunk.

That is just incredibly ignorant and dangerous.

Saying these things do not hinder your driving ability, is amazing!

  • Altered senses
  • Dizziness, tiredness, fatigue
  • Reduced coordination and balance
  • Cognitive impairment (read: marijuana psychological effects)
  • Anxiety, panic, paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Mood alterations
  • Altered blood pressure, dizziness
  • Increased heart rate
  • Flushing
Funny I never hallucinated when using weed

And all the rest of that list are also symptoms of sleep deprivation

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Let's say that out of 100 weed users, 10, including you, do not have any of these problems.

The other 90 do.

Do you destroy the rest of society, with the 90 people who have all those problems, and desert their families, and end up costing society millions in crime, and rehab costs?

Now I get it, since you are obviously already on drugs, according to your own words.... you obviously don't care what cost this has on society, as long as you get what you want.

But adults have to look at the longer term ramification, and the truth is, they don't look good.

Well something like 70% of Michiganders disagree with you. That puts you in the minority. And we are not seeing a spike in accidents due to pot smokers. We've been smoking pot long before they legalized it.

It does not matter how many disagree or agree. The facts are on my side.

You can disagree with the facts, and that just makes you a Democrat.

Now I get it that, without being the majority, we are not likely to change the policy. But that doesn't mean the policy is good. Slavery was legal too, and at one point the majority supported it. That doesn't mean it was a good policy.
are you another who thinks republicans dont smoke pot?...
The solution to all the problems that alcohol causes, is not to legalize other dangerous and problem causing substances.

That's not the point. The point is that we accept the risks and problems associated with alcohol because we've learned that making it illegal only makes things worse.
Well something like 70% of Michiganders disagree with you. That puts you in the minority. And we are not seeing a spike in accidents due to pot smokers. We've been smoking pot long before they legalized it.

That's a lie.

Fifty-seven percent voted to legalize the drug, which, to me, is not a significant enough vote for me. But, it is in Michigan.

Not seeing a spike in accidents? It has been legal since what, December 6th, 2019? That's relevant.

So what is your point? You have a two-month record. Wow!
1. Maybe some people feel that marijuana should be illegal, but that it should NOT lead to jail or even a fine.

2. Maybe they want it to be illegal so that the police can confiscate it and destroy it whenever they find it.

3. People already have enough drugs to help them endure life: alcohol, tobacco, sugar.

4. Some people ask: Why encourage another drug?

5. Here in Los Angeles, there are so many pedestrian deaths that the authorities are begging drivers not to text while driving. Are drivers safe when they are high on alcohol or marijuana?

What do you care if someone smokes a little pot?

And no one here has ever advocated driving while impaired.

If you want to make a drug illegal because people might drive then start with alcohol.

FYI there are over 88000 alcohol related deaths every year

How many deaths can be attributed to cannabis use?

States with legal marijuana see rise in car crashes, studies find
Brett Molina
Car crashes up in states with legal marijuana, studies show

How is it a good thing for public policy?

So what?

I don't drive when I partake in a little hash on occasion.

Ans as I said no one here has ever advocated for driving while impaired

So what? Where is the group advocating for driving while drinking? Yet, we have over 10,000 deaths a year.

How is it a good thing to add another drug to the mix? Really, I'd like to know!
Do you imbibe any or both?

I tried smoking marijuana, once in the 70s, I didn't like the feeling. I quit drinking over 30 years ago, it seemed that it was interfering with my work and life.

Your point being?
Well, I don't care if it legal or not, but if you are poor and just making ends meet, like the OP says, then you would be pretty stupid to be buying marijuana. I also think it tends to make a lot of people lazy and sometimes kind of dopey too. There are a lot of other better ways that are cheaper and better for your overall health and wellbeing to relieve stress and anxiety.
Oooohhh, nnnoooo. Name some.

Exercise, jogging, swimming, riding a bike, or a Harley, dancing, and the list goes on and on.
"There was no problem with finding any marijuana at that time."

And there isn't a problem finding it now. Anywhere. All over the world.

Heroin, cocaine, crystal myth, spice, name it, it is available all over the world. How does that make it a good thing?
That's not the point. The point is that we accept the risks and problems associated with alcohol because we've learned that making it illegal only makes things worse.

IF that was the case, instead of increasing, wouldn't the rate of crashes from impaired driving go down when marijuana was made legal?

How is it a good thing to add another drug to the mix? Really, I'd like to know!
That's not the point. The point is that we accept the risks and problems associated with alcohol because we've learned that making it illegal only makes things worse.

IF that was the case, instead of increasing, wouldn't the rate of crashes from impaired driving go down when marijuana was made legal?

No, there would likely be more. Just as I'm sure there were more crashes from impaired driving after alcohol was legalized. But it was worth it. Prohibition was a disaster.

Trying to control people the way you want causes more harm than good. It further expands nanny-state government and diminishes individual responsibility.
Trying to control people the way you want causes more harm than good. It further expands nanny-state government and diminishes individual responsibility.

But, controlling people the way you want...having them sedated with cocaine, heroin, crystal myth, spice and whatever else...is a good way.

Got it!

You already admitted that controlling people the way you want increases crashes, deaths, and other great things. So that's good? How?
Trying to control people the way you want causes more harm than good. It further expands nanny-state government and diminishes individual responsibility.

But, controlling people the way you want...having them sedated with cocaine, heroin, crystal myth, spice and whatever else...is a good way.

Got it!

??? What are you talking about? How is legalizing drugs "controlling people"?

You already admitted that controlling people the way you want increases crashes, deaths, and other great things. So that's good? How?

It's not controlling people. It's letting them do what they want. And despite the risks, it's better for society than a police state and organize crime.
??? What are you talking about? How is legalizing drugs "controlling people"?

Getting people hooked on drugs is NOT controlling them? Since when?

This isn't being controlled?

??? What are you talking about? How is legalizing drugs "controlling people"?

Getting people hooked on drugs is NOT controlling them? Since when?

This isn't being controlled?


No. You said "By controlling people the way you want ....". How is this me controlling people??? It's not. Your claim is silly.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.
One factual thing that they have found about heavy or regular use of marijuana is that it dullens the thinking ability, basically dumbing down the user. On that, it's their problem as far as I'm concerned. However, one thing that law enforcement is encountering, is that users think that they can drive while using it. They can't, it's no different than if you're drinking and driving, as it does slow down your thinking and response time, so on that matter, why make another substance legal that impairs drivers and also, the stench of cigarette smokers is bad enough, we don't need more stench.
??? What are you talking about? How is legalizing drugs "controlling people"?

Getting people hooked on drugs is NOT controlling them? Since when?

This isn't being controlled?


No. You said "By controlling people the way you want ....". How is this me controlling people??? It's not. Your claim is silly.

Your desperation Is duly noted. Yeah, the government encouraging drug use that kills people is a swell idea! What could go wrong?

I realize you're being facetious. But then how is an intelligent conversation to be possible?

Oh right, you're a Progressive, so all that matters to you is if it feels good!
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Stick to marijuana as you're putting up a straw man. For one, marijuana has an impact on your health. Scientists are finding it causes changes in the brain that leads mental illness. This is demonstrable -- Cannabis Use Is Quantitatively Associated with Nucleus Accumbens and Amygdala Abnormalities in Young Adult Recreational Users. Also, children have ended up in the hospital due to accidental ingestion -- Legalized Marijuana Cookie Sends 2-Year-Old Girl To Hospital In Colorado. Finally, we are finding out that it is addictive. Oops, we were lied to by its advocates again -- Is Marijuana Addictive?. Also, read -- Is marijuana addictive? | Health Promotion | Brown University.

We should stop legalizing it for recreational use. I think medical marijuana is okay
The solution to all the problems that alcohol causes, is not to legalize other dangerous and problem causing substances.

That's not the point. The point is that we accept the risks and problems associated with alcohol because we've learned that making it illegal only makes things worse.
And the failed war on drugs isn't?

We have wasted hundreds of billions of dollars and countless lives waging the so called war on drugs

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Trying to control people the way you want causes more harm than good. It further expands nanny-state government and diminishes individual responsibility.

But, controlling people the way you want...having them sedated with cocaine, heroin, crystal myth, spice and whatever else...is a good way.

Got it!

You already admitted that controlling people the way you want increases crashes, deaths, and other great things. So that's good? How?
The thing is that I am not forcing you or anyone else to use cannibis or any other drug.

I let you and everyone else make their own choices

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Stick to marijuana as you're putting up a straw man. For one, marijuana has an impact on your health. Scientists are finding it causes changes in the brain that leads mental illness. This is demonstrable -- Cannabis Use Is Quantitatively Associated with Nucleus Accumbens and Amygdala Abnormalities in Young Adult Recreational Users. Also, children have ended up in the hospital due to accidental ingestion -- Legalized Marijuana Cookie Sends 2-Year-Old Girl To Hospital In Colorado. Finally, we are finding out that it is addictive. Oops, we were lied to by its advocates again -- Is Marijuana Addictive?. Also, read -- Is marijuana addictive? | Health Promotion | Brown University.

We should stop legalizing it for recreational use. I think medical marijuana is okay
Everything you do has an impact on your health

It's a personal choice and none of your business

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