Why are people against legalizing marijuana?

Funny I never hallucinated when using weed

And all the rest of that list are also symptoms of sleep deprivation

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Let's say that out of 100 weed users, 10, including you, do not have any of these problems.

The other 90 do.

Do you destroy the rest of society, with the 90 people who have all those problems, and desert their families, and end up costing society millions in crime, and rehab costs?

Now I get it, since you are obviously already on drugs, according to your own words.... you obviously don't care what cost this has on society, as long as you get what you want.

But adults have to look at the longer term ramification, and the truth is, they don't look good.

Well something like 70% of Michiganders disagree with you. That puts you in the minority. And we are not seeing a spike in accidents due to pot smokers. We've been smoking pot long before they legalized it.

It does not matter how many disagree or agree. The facts are on my side.

You can disagree with the facts, and that just makes you a Democrat.

Now I get it that, without being the majority, we are not likely to change the policy. But that doesn't mean the policy is good. Slavery was legal too, and at one point the majority supported it. That doesn't mean it was a good policy.
are you another who thinks republicans dont smoke pot?...
Oh they do. I pointed out on facebook that 2019 economic growth was only 2.3%. Suddenly all my con buddies were defending Trump. I know who smokes pot. A lot of pot smokers like Trump.

The thing is that I am not forcing you or anyone else to use cannibis or any other drug.

I let you and everyone else make their own choices

That's fine until your choices intrude on me and cost me money, which happens instantly.
No they do not

Tell me how does the fact that I use hashish on occasion have any effect on you?

You don't know who I am where I live or what I do for a living

Now if you want to tell me that you are paying for my choices I expect you to be able to provide proof of these expenditures

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
That's not the point. The point is that we accept the risks and problems associated with alcohol because we've learned that making it illegal only makes things worse.

IF that was the case, instead of increasing, wouldn't the rate of crashes from impaired driving go down when marijuana was made legal?

How is it a good thing to add another drug to the mix? Really, I'd like to know!
Your value judgements on what is "good" or "bad" are just that yours.

What I deem to be acceptable in my own life is none of your business

I'm not talking about your personal life...until it intrudes on me and my pocketbook.
Nothing I do costs you money

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Stick to marijuana as you're putting up a straw man. For one, marijuana has an impact on your health. Scientists are finding it causes changes in the brain that leads mental illness. This is demonstrable -- Cannabis Use Is Quantitatively Associated with Nucleus Accumbens and Amygdala Abnormalities in Young Adult Recreational Users. Also, children have ended up in the hospital due to accidental ingestion -- Legalized Marijuana Cookie Sends 2-Year-Old Girl To Hospital In Colorado. Finally, we are finding out that it is addictive. Oops, we were lied to by its advocates again -- Is Marijuana Addictive?. Also, read -- Is marijuana addictive? | Health Promotion | Brown University.

We should stop legalizing it for recreational use. I think medical marijuana is okay
Everything you do has an impact on your health

It's a personal choice and none of your business

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

That's just a straw man argument. Why don't you just man up and say if I fark myself in the head with marijuana, then it's on me. Or if I smoke it everyday and become addicted, then I can afford to get treatment. Just say I am a rich dude and can take care of myself.

Second, what do you mean it's none of my business? It becomes a burden to us taxpayers if people who are addicted or become mentally ill and can't afford to treat themselves. This was the problem that became a burden to society when alcohol was legalized. Thus, what it sounds like is legal marijuana will get even more expensive as we have to tax those people using it some more.

Just man up and say okay, I'll pay the freight.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Stick to marijuana as you're putting up a straw man. For one, marijuana has an impact on your health. Scientists are finding it causes changes in the brain that leads mental illness. This is demonstrable -- Cannabis Use Is Quantitatively Associated with Nucleus Accumbens and Amygdala Abnormalities in Young Adult Recreational Users. Also, children have ended up in the hospital due to accidental ingestion -- Legalized Marijuana Cookie Sends 2-Year-Old Girl To Hospital In Colorado. Finally, we are finding out that it is addictive. Oops, we were lied to by its advocates again -- Is Marijuana Addictive?. Also, read -- Is marijuana addictive? | Health Promotion | Brown University.

We should stop legalizing it for recreational use. I think medical marijuana is okay
Everything you do has an impact on your health

It's a personal choice and none of your business

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

That's just a straw man argument. Why don't you just man up and say if I fark myself in the head with marijuana, then it's on me. Or if I smoke it everyday and become addicted, then I can afford to get treatment. Just say I am a rich dude and can take care of myself.

Second, what do you mean it's none of my business? It becomes a burden to us taxpayers if people who are addicted or become mentally ill and can't afford to treat themselves. This was the problem that became a burden to society when alcohol was legalized. Thus, what it sounds like is legal marijuana will get even more expensive as we have to tax those people using it some more.

Just man up and say okay, I'll pay the freight.

I have supported myself since I was 17 and still do to this day even though I occasionally like to use hashish and have never been addicted to anything what I do has absolutely no effect on you.

And FYI I have always taken responsibility for my choices.
You do realize that using a little cannabis on occasion is not the same thing as being addicted to alcohol or opiates don't you?

Yes a small percentage of people who use drugs become addicted but that has been true for as long as people have been on the earth.

The so called war on drugs has cost you far more than my occasional hashish consumption ever will
Not to say sex and drugs are on an equal footing, but there is always a lot of people who think you don't have the right to your own body, like in some states the only legal position with even your wife is the missionary position.
Well something like 70% of Michiganders disagree with you. That puts you in the minority. And we are not seeing a spike in accidents due to pot smokers. We've been smoking pot long before they legalized it.

That's a lie.

Fifty-seven percent voted to legalize the drug, which, to me, is not a significant enough vote for me. But, it is in Michigan.

Not seeing a spike in accidents? It has been legal since what, December 6th, 2019? That's relevant.

So what is your point? You have a two-month record. Wow!

56 percent to 38 percent

That's pretty clear cut.

And you just know if accidents had spiked recently the Republicans who fought legalizing pot would be screaming it.

But pro-marijuana groups say the study is “extremely flawed.”

“Washington, Colorado and Oregon all have dense urban areas with far more congested traffic compared to those sparsely populated states, and the city of Denver has a larger population than the entire state of Wyoming,” says Hovey.

The IIHS study also does not confirm a direct link between marijuana use and claims.

A different study by the American Public Health Association found three years after legalization there were no statistical differences in motor vehicle crash fatality rates for Washington and Colorado compared with similar states without legal pot.

Conflicting studies on marijuana effect on road safety

Yeah, it's clear cut, you flat out lied repeatedly.

Not lying. I'm telling you, it's not as intoxicating as you think. And people aren't getting into accidents because of it. If they are, then they shouldn't be driving. But that doesn't mean pot should be illegal.

Freedom isn't free.

What about guns? Should we ban them because of few people will abuse them and kill other people with them. No. Think of my joint like you think of your gun.
Let's say that out of 100 weed users, 10, including you, do not have any of these problems.

The other 90 do.

Do you destroy the rest of society, with the 90 people who have all those problems, and desert their families, and end up costing society millions in crime, and rehab costs?

Now I get it, since you are obviously already on drugs, according to your own words.... you obviously don't care what cost this has on society, as long as you get what you want.

But adults have to look at the longer term ramification, and the truth is, they don't look good.

Well something like 70% of Michiganders disagree with you. That puts you in the minority. And we are not seeing a spike in accidents due to pot smokers. We've been smoking pot long before they legalized it.

It does not matter how many disagree or agree. The facts are on my side.

You can disagree with the facts, and that just makes you a Democrat.

Now I get it that, without being the majority, we are not likely to change the policy. But that doesn't mean the policy is good. Slavery was legal too, and at one point the majority supported it. That doesn't mean it was a good policy.
are you another who thinks republicans dont smoke pot?...
Oh they do. I pointed out on facebook that 2019 economic growth was only 2.3%. Suddenly all my con buddies were defending Trump. I know who smokes pot. A lot of pot smokers like Trump.


It's you Republicans who disagree with facts. I'll give you an example. Global warming. Doesn't matter what 96% of the climate scientists say. You think they have alterior motives when it's obvious you've been brainwashed by the corporate/oil/media/global polluters.
Well something like 70% of Michiganders disagree with you. That puts you in the minority. And we are not seeing a spike in accidents due to pot smokers. We've been smoking pot long before they legalized it.

That's a lie.

Fifty-seven percent voted to legalize the drug, which, to me, is not a significant enough vote for me. But, it is in Michigan.

Not seeing a spike in accidents? It has been legal since what, December 6th, 2019? That's relevant.

So what is your point? You have a two-month record. Wow!

56 percent to 38 percent

That's pretty clear cut.

And you just know if accidents had spiked recently the Republicans who fought legalizing pot would be screaming it.

But pro-marijuana groups say the study is “extremely flawed.”

“Washington, Colorado and Oregon all have dense urban areas with far more congested traffic compared to those sparsely populated states, and the city of Denver has a larger population than the entire state of Wyoming,” says Hovey.

The IIHS study also does not confirm a direct link between marijuana use and claims.

A different study by the American Public Health Association found three years after legalization there were no statistical differences in motor vehicle crash fatality rates for Washington and Colorado compared with similar states without legal pot.

Conflicting studies on marijuana effect on road safety

Yeah, it's clear cut, you flat out lied repeatedly.

Not lying. I'm telling you, it's not as intoxicating as you think. And people aren't getting into accidents because of it. If they are, then they shouldn't be driving. But that doesn't mean pot should be illegal.

Freedom isn't free.

What about guns? Should we ban them because of few people will abuse them and kill other people with them. No. Think of my joint like you think of your gun.
I think of my "joint" AS a gun. When I was younger it shot quite accurate to over 3 feet.
What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.

Stick to marijuana as you're putting up a straw man. For one, marijuana has an impact on your health. Scientists are finding it causes changes in the brain that leads mental illness. This is demonstrable -- Cannabis Use Is Quantitatively Associated with Nucleus Accumbens and Amygdala Abnormalities in Young Adult Recreational Users. Also, children have ended up in the hospital due to accidental ingestion -- Legalized Marijuana Cookie Sends 2-Year-Old Girl To Hospital In Colorado. Finally, we are finding out that it is addictive. Oops, we were lied to by its advocates again -- Is Marijuana Addictive?. Also, read -- Is marijuana addictive? | Health Promotion | Brown University.

We should stop legalizing it for recreational use. I think medical marijuana is okay
Everything you do has an impact on your health

It's a personal choice and none of your business

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

That's just a straw man argument. Why don't you just man up and say if I fark myself in the head with marijuana, then it's on me. Or if I smoke it everyday and become addicted, then I can afford to get treatment. Just say I am a rich dude and can take care of myself.

Second, what do you mean it's none of my business? It becomes a burden to us taxpayers if people who are addicted or become mentally ill and can't afford to treat themselves. This was the problem that became a burden to society when alcohol was legalized. Thus, what it sounds like is legal marijuana will get even more expensive as we have to tax those people using it some more.

Just man up and say okay, I'll pay the freight.

I have supported myself since I was 17 and still do to this day even though I occasionally like to use hashish and have never been addicted to anything what I do has absolutely no effect on you.

And FYI I have always taken responsibility for my choices.
You do realize that using a little cannabis on occasion is not the same thing as being addicted to alcohol or opiates don't you?

Yes a small percentage of people who use drugs become addicted but that has been true for as long as people have been on the earth.

The so called war on drugs has cost you far more than my occasional hashish consumption ever will

The war on drugs will always be there because people cannot control their habits. It isn't just about physical addiction. We have gluttony which is people who cannot control their eating and drinking of alcohol. There is porn addiction and other things people do have self control over. Probably the worse imo is one who gets angry and cannot control their emotions.

Sounds like you're much younger than me. If you are 25, then I would be over twice as old. I used to do it when I was younger, but grown out of it. It isn't as addictive as cigarettes or alcohol, but if one uses it daily, then it could be addictive. I would say you would be getting psychologically addicted. The times have changed and it may be different now, but weed was always associated with drugs over 25 years ago.

In my experience, I think it leads to harder drugs because one was exposed to the culture more if you smoked. One could eat it and stuff, but mainly you shared it by smoking a joint. If you got together with friends or smaller group, then you could smoke a bong or water pipe, but the easiest was light up a joint or reefer stick. There were all kinds of associated paraphernalia and stuff to smoke it with and stuff you could use to decorate a room to enhance the experience. Sure, you add some music and something to blast it with. If you go to a party and people are lighting up, then there is usually somebody with coke or acid. You mentioned hashish and that and bennies were common. There was some opium-nated hash. So, I think the culture is a little different than someone who uses alcohol or opioids. I've gotten drunk plenty of times, but always have been able to control it. Opioids, I just try to stay away from because of its more addictive and physically addictive. Thus, you think you can control it, but once you stop is the true test whether you do have control over it or it has control over you. It may not be physical, but a psychological addiction.

I don't know if you read the link, but it stated:

"Is marijuana addictive? Yes, but not in the way some might mean . . .

The question about whether or not marijuana is addictive comes in various forms. Will I experience physical withdrawal symptoms if I suddenly stop marijuana? Is there anything to the idea that I might be psychologically dependent on a drug? Could I quit if I wanted to?

It goes without saying that lots of people use marijuana. In 2009, marijuana was the primary drug of abuse for 61 percent of persons under 15, and marijuana was the primary drug of abuse for roughly 18 percent of people aged 12 or older who entered drug abuse treatment programs (1).

Marijuana is different from a lot of other drugs of abuse in that although there usually are some subtle physiological signs of withdrawal when a chronic user stops smoking—mildly elevated pulse, irritability, and so on--these physical effects are generally fairly mild, and they are dramatically less obvious or powerful than those seen when a habitual user of alcohol, opiates (either heroin or any of the opioid pain pills), or benzodiazepines (such as X*nax or Klonopin) abruptly ceases use. In these latter instances, individuals in withdrawal can hallucinate, have greatly increased pulse and blood pressures, be visibly and dramatically uncomfortable, and in worst cases have seizures and even die.

Even though the physiological effects of cannabis withdrawal are generally mild, it is not correct to conclude that marijuana is not addictive, because being addicted to something is more than simply being physically dependent on a drug and experiencing physiological effects if the drug is stopped suddenly. “Addiction” refers to behaviors that are compulsive, partially out of control or worse, and often escalating in severity and intensity.

Given this definition of addiction, nobody should conclude that folks who are taking pain medications exactly as prescribed around the clock for legitimate health reasons--and are thus physiologically dependent on them--are addicted if they are taking their pills as prescribed, if they are not causing problems in the person’s life, if the individual is not engaging in dangerous behaviors in order to procure them, and if the use is not continually escalating to a point that is out of control."

Thus, it gets into a complex area. Many people will say what you just told me, but there is going to be a percentage that will not be able to exercise self control over it. It may not be alcohol or cigarette like, so I would not compare the different chemicals. A person who drinks daily may think they have their drinking under control and that may be correct, but they could let it get out of hand. However, as you know, it isn't the same with doing marijuana. MJ will have its own set of problems.

Thus, long story short, I'm discussing the percentage who will get addicted to marijuana and cause problems. I would think going to harder and more expensive drugs will cause problems, too. Then there are people who will light up in public, which is illegal, and people whose property they are doing it on do not like it and call the cops. They they have to come out to give them a ticket or escort them off the property. Some people will have low marijuana iq.
That's not the point. The point is that we accept the risks and problems associated with alcohol because we've learned that making it illegal only makes things worse.

IF that was the case, instead of increasing, wouldn't the rate of crashes from impaired driving go down when marijuana was made legal?

How is it a good thing to add another drug to the mix? Really, I'd like to know!
Your value judgements on what is "good" or "bad" are just that yours.

What I deem to be acceptable in my own life is none of your business

I'm not talking about your personal life...until it intrudes on me and my pocketbook.
Nothing I do costs you money

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Hmmmm that one factory occasionally dumping toxic chemicals says the same thing. And that company is as right as you are. Just like the heroin user finds throwing one needle in the gutter such a small thing it doesn't even bear mentioning.

It's all good.
Trying to control people the way you want causes more harm than good. It further expands nanny-state government and diminishes individual responsibility.

But, controlling people the way you want...having them sedated with cocaine, heroin, crystal myth, spice and whatever else...is a good way.

Got it!

??? What are you talking about? How is legalizing drugs "controlling people"?

You already admitted that controlling people the way you want increases crashes, deaths, and other great things. So that's good? How?

It's not controlling people. It's letting them do what they want. And despite the risks, it's better for society than a police state and organize crime.
A drugged society is a compliant society. A user will do anything to get their drug of choice. They are controlled by the source.

I spose. Just like people are 'controlled' by their employer. In the end, it's none of your fucking business.
Some people just can't resist the urge to use government as vehicle to bully their neighbors. To these people, I say "fuck off and die. quickly".

Here's an example of a guy who grew in my local area in Cali. He is a professional basketball player. This is not what I would call good or professional behavior nor good judgement on this players part. While the drug penalties for marijuana has been lessened in the NBA, it is still treated as an illegal drug for professionals. If it wasn't a good time, then he should have just postponed or not done the interview. But, maybe he thought he could maintain his way through it. Obviously, the hosts caught on haha.

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