Why are people against legalizing marijuana?

What is their rationale? We have alcohol and nobody believes that should be illegal. If one is for freedom and liberty one is supportive of legalization.
I'm supportive of legalization, but not immediately.

Now that California is addicted to revenue from dope taxes, the feds should start looking for illegal aliens at California pot dispensaries. And just keep busting them until California repeals their laws that enable illegal immigrants.

You want a sanctuary city, fine we'll bust your dope stores. Force them to make a choice. Eventually California voters will choose legal marijuana over illegal aliens.
The dope stores sells Mexican dope.
You're high.
So is sugar...sugar is probably worse. It is responsible for alot of the diseases fat butted people suffer from. But sugar should not be illegal. Neither should tobacco, or all the other chemicals in our environment that humans ingest. Hell glyophosate the main part of roundup is a carcinogen but fields are laced in it.

My reason is because I have witnessed too many young people throwing their lives away with it and I disagree. It most certainly is a gateway drug, I've seen that too.

Bottom line is that druggies are their own worse enemy by being piss poor ambassadors of their own cause.
By orders of magnitude, more young people have thrown their lives away using alcohol than pot.

There is no reason that pot should not be legal for adults and I say it should be regulated the same way as alcohol. I don't even use pot because I don't like its effects on me, but that is no reason to deny the liberty to make their own decisions.

I would sooner vote to ban booze than to legalize pot. As, I have witnessed the destructive effects of both. I have also witnessed and experienced the combination of the two and I can imagine nothing good coming from it being "legal."

Freedom is one thing but it doesn't give us the right to get wasted for fun and put the lives of others in danger.
It does give us that right, and people who endanger others, sober or intoxicated, are punished for it. We do have laws, but it is beyond rediculous that you get a say in My life when I am harming no one.

As I said, I don't use pot, but if I wanted to, you do NOT get a say in my doing so. I am a responsible adult and a free American.

Oh, btw. How did those laws prohibiting alcohol work out?

We are closer to being on the same page than you seem to think. I am all for people being free to make choices. Even stupid choices. EVEN CRIMINAL CHOICES.

Criminals make choices all the time... as they are FREE to risk being caught and prosecuted.

Society as a whole has rights too. Including the right to place limits or consequences for certain "choices" that arguably, reasonably do harm or damage to society as a whole.

I have no view that merely banning things will stop a behavior. But (in my view) controlling behaviors is not the REASON for banning things.

The REASON for banning things is to establish a legal ground to make punishable, the things that Society is arguably harmed by, if it is allowed to flourish.

I think society has a right (through representative government) to place certain limits upon freedoms while recognizing and protectibg freedoms at the same time.

If you can do drugs in your house and no one will ever know? More power too you. Kill as many brain cells as you like.

Put someone else in harms way by doing so and the cops get involved? You get no sympathy from me.
Why lie? I thought it wasn't possible to OD on marijuana?

States with legal marijuana see rise in car crashes, studies find
Brett Molina Oct 19, 2018

Car crashes were up as much as 6 percent in states where the recreational use of marijuana has been legalized, said two studies.

Car crashes up in states with legal marijuana, studies show
Is it legal to drive under the influence in the state in your link? Did the deceased referenced in your link, die of an overdose? Just askin’...

As Hillary Clinton would say, what difference does it make?

What state in the union is it legal to drive impaired?
That’s quite the point... Isn’t it..?
Me driving around high isn't the same thing as me driving around drunk. I've been smoking for a long time. All smoking does is relax me. I doubt you could tell I was high if you gave me a sobriety test.

Now, am I a LITTLE BIT slower when I'm high? I'm sure I am. But it would be impossible to tell if I got high 5 hours ago or 5 minutes ago. And then you would just jam up the courts with people who are not criminals, all they did was get high.

None of the bad shit the right said would happen in Michigan is happening. Crime isn't going up. Car crashes aren't increasing because of pot.

In fact, not one Republican in the Michigan legislature is continuing to fight pot. But before it was legal, they made all these bad arguments and sorry but pot won. Something like 70% of voters said make it legal.

So anyone who is against pot is in the weee minority.

What’s Greener in Michigan’s Marijuana Industry — The Bud or the Money?

What's Greener in Michigan's Marijuana Industry -- The Bud or the Money?

The state recorded $2.6 million in recreational marijuana sales between Jan. 13 and Jan. 19, the highest weekly total since the first recreational stores opened Dec. 1.

As of Jan. 19, recreational marijuana retailers have made $12.7 million in sales, which represents $2.1 million in combined sales and excise taxes to the state.

A total of $31.9 million in marijuana sales --$24.9 million in medical and $7 million in recreational -- were logged in December.

Medical marijuana dispensaries sold $219 million worth of marijuana and marijuana products, including 33,646 pounds of flower from 58,620 harvested plants, during fiscal year 2019, which ran from Oct. 1. 2018 to Sept. 30, 2019.

The pace of sales is on the rise. Quarterly medical marijuana sales during the first quarter of 2019 were $17.6 million, compared to $91.8 million in sales during the final quarter.

The bulk of all sales during the fiscal year came from Marijuana flower, $106.1 million, nearly 48% of all sales, and concentrates, which include vaping products, representing $87.7 million or 40% of total sales.

The price of marijuana flower increased nearly 33% over the fiscal year, jumping from an average of $174.15 per ounce through the first two quarters to $232.18 per ounce in quarter four. The prices continue to climb with new supply and demand from the recreational market.

The average price per ounce of marijuana flower in the month of December was $306.21 for medical and $507.30 per ounce for recreational marijuana.
the pot overpriced were you are at bobo....
I was getting lbs for $1600. Now it’s over $2000. I’m getting $1800 price. So before I was doubling my money. Now I’m doubling my money except for the $200. So I was making $1600 per pound before now I’m making $1400. I’ll be ok. Just sucks paying more but better than everyone getting it cheaper at the dispensary. My shit is still cheaper and better
I have no obligation to "society".

If you take Social Security, Medicare, or any other form of benefit from the government.... then flat out, you are wrong. If tax payers like me, are paying for ANYTHING for you... then yes you do have an obligation to society.

This is the claim Democrats are always making and it's bullshit. They force state dependency on us and then claim we owe them for it. Screw that. Talk about "blaming the victim".

Well, no THAT claim is not wrong.

Sorry Andy. You usually make a lot of sense, but this is silly. If someone takes my money against my will, and then gives it back to me later with strings attached - I don't owe them a damned thing for the "favor".

What IS wrong, is that we force dependency. Which again is why we should have an opt-out of Medicare ad Medicaid, and Social Security, and Welfare, and Food Stamps and everything.

That would be my goal, which is to end all of those programs. I would do it voluntarily. Just have everyone sign a not to opt-out. Then you can do whatever you want.

You should be able to do whatever you want (as long as you're not harming anyone else) regardless. We're in agreement that these programs are wrong. But using their existence as an excuse to lord it over people is just doubling the damage they do. Two wrong's don't make a right.
Last edited:
Is it legal to drive under the influence in the state in your link? Did the deceased referenced in your link, die of an overdose? Just askin’...

As Hillary Clinton would say, what difference does it make?

What state in the union is it legal to drive impaired?
That’s quite the point... Isn’t it..?
Me driving around high isn't the same thing as me driving around drunk. I've been smoking for a long time. All smoking does is relax me. I doubt you could tell I was high if you gave me a sobriety test.

Now, am I a LITTLE BIT slower when I'm high? I'm sure I am. But it would be impossible to tell if I got high 5 hours ago or 5 minutes ago. And then you would just jam up the courts with people who are not criminals, all they did was get high.

None of the bad shit the right said would happen in Michigan is happening. Crime isn't going up. Car crashes aren't increasing because of pot.

In fact, not one Republican in the Michigan legislature is continuing to fight pot. But before it was legal, they made all these bad arguments and sorry but pot won. Something like 70% of voters said make it legal.

So anyone who is against pot is in the weee minority.

What’s Greener in Michigan’s Marijuana Industry — The Bud or the Money?

What's Greener in Michigan's Marijuana Industry -- The Bud or the Money?

The state recorded $2.6 million in recreational marijuana sales between Jan. 13 and Jan. 19, the highest weekly total since the first recreational stores opened Dec. 1.

As of Jan. 19, recreational marijuana retailers have made $12.7 million in sales, which represents $2.1 million in combined sales and excise taxes to the state.

A total of $31.9 million in marijuana sales --$24.9 million in medical and $7 million in recreational -- were logged in December.

Medical marijuana dispensaries sold $219 million worth of marijuana and marijuana products, including 33,646 pounds of flower from 58,620 harvested plants, during fiscal year 2019, which ran from Oct. 1. 2018 to Sept. 30, 2019.

The pace of sales is on the rise. Quarterly medical marijuana sales during the first quarter of 2019 were $17.6 million, compared to $91.8 million in sales during the final quarter.

The bulk of all sales during the fiscal year came from Marijuana flower, $106.1 million, nearly 48% of all sales, and concentrates, which include vaping products, representing $87.7 million or 40% of total sales.

The price of marijuana flower increased nearly 33% over the fiscal year, jumping from an average of $174.15 per ounce through the first two quarters to $232.18 per ounce in quarter four. The prices continue to climb with new supply and demand from the recreational market.

The average price per ounce of marijuana flower in the month of December was $306.21 for medical and $507.30 per ounce for recreational marijuana.
the pot overpriced were you are at bobo....
I was getting lbs for $1600. Now it’s over $2000. I’m getting $1800 price. So before I was doubling my money. Now I’m doubling my money except for the $200. So I was making $1600 per pound before now I’m making $1400. I’ll be ok. Just sucks paying more but better than everyone getting it cheaper at the dispensary. My shit is still cheaper and better
and illegal right?...
Drug addiction is more like pollution. What difference does it make if some factory dumps a couple of gallons of gunk in the river? It doesn't really hurt anyone if some junkie throws his needle away or craps on the sidewalk. Except that we know its not one factory and a couple of gallons. It's not one junkie and a needle. How do you decide who will have that license to pollute or use drugs.

If you want to confine drug users to homes or wherever they are warehoused you have a better point. Just keep them from getting out.
Once again you are presenting flawed comparisons

There is no analogy between a person who occasionally uses Marijuana and a junkie

You obviously think that even an occasional drinker is the same as a junkie

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
The one thing most evident with druggies including pot heads is that they are always gonna. They gonna do this. They gonna do that. My step grandson is a pot head. He's gonna get someone to give him money to open a bed and breakfast inn. Just as soon as the buzz wears off he's gonna go back to school. He's gonna save up the money so he and his alcoholic and pothead wife can move out. But dayum pot costs a lot. Between pot and booze they barely squeak by. His wife is gonna. She's gonna have babies and be a stay at home mommy with a nice little house. This is her last bender, promise.

They are enjoying the freedom someone else is giving them. They gonna. Just as soon as the buzz wears off. Like every other druggie and drunk.
Wow that is the broadest broad brush you have used in this thread.

Simplistic thinking

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Drug addiction is more like pollution. What difference does it make if some factory dumps a couple of gallons of gunk in the river? It doesn't really hurt anyone if some junkie throws his needle away or craps on the sidewalk. Except that we know its not one factory and a couple of gallons. It's not one junkie and a needle. How do you decide who will have that license to pollute or use drugs.

If you want to confine drug users to homes or wherever they are warehoused you have a better point. Just keep them from getting out.

Exactly... with one 'minor' exception. At least the factory creates jobs, creates goods and services, and grows the economy.

The druggie does less than nothing. He's just a boat anchor on society.
Well..... you have a point there.
Except for the fact that she thinks a person who has a couple of drinks on the weekends is an alcoholic

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Me driving around high isn't the same thing as me driving around drunk.

That is just incredibly ignorant and dangerous.

Saying these things do not hinder your driving ability, is amazing!

  • Altered senses
  • Dizziness, tiredness, fatigue
  • Reduced coordination and balance
  • Cognitive impairment (read: marijuana psychological effects)
  • Anxiety, panic, paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Mood alterations
  • Altered blood pressure, dizziness
  • Increased heart rate
  • Flushing
Funny I never hallucinated when using weed

And all the rest of that list are also symptoms of sleep deprivation

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
As Hillary Clinton would say, what difference does it make?

What state in the union is it legal to drive impaired?
That’s quite the point... Isn’t it..?
Me driving around high isn't the same thing as me driving around drunk. I've been smoking for a long time. All smoking does is relax me. I doubt you could tell I was high if you gave me a sobriety test.

Now, am I a LITTLE BIT slower when I'm high? I'm sure I am. But it would be impossible to tell if I got high 5 hours ago or 5 minutes ago. And then you would just jam up the courts with people who are not criminals, all they did was get high.

None of the bad shit the right said would happen in Michigan is happening. Crime isn't going up. Car crashes aren't increasing because of pot.

In fact, not one Republican in the Michigan legislature is continuing to fight pot. But before it was legal, they made all these bad arguments and sorry but pot won. Something like 70% of voters said make it legal.

So anyone who is against pot is in the weee minority.

What’s Greener in Michigan’s Marijuana Industry — The Bud or the Money?

What's Greener in Michigan's Marijuana Industry -- The Bud or the Money?

The state recorded $2.6 million in recreational marijuana sales between Jan. 13 and Jan. 19, the highest weekly total since the first recreational stores opened Dec. 1.

As of Jan. 19, recreational marijuana retailers have made $12.7 million in sales, which represents $2.1 million in combined sales and excise taxes to the state.

A total of $31.9 million in marijuana sales --$24.9 million in medical and $7 million in recreational -- were logged in December.

Medical marijuana dispensaries sold $219 million worth of marijuana and marijuana products, including 33,646 pounds of flower from 58,620 harvested plants, during fiscal year 2019, which ran from Oct. 1. 2018 to Sept. 30, 2019.

The pace of sales is on the rise. Quarterly medical marijuana sales during the first quarter of 2019 were $17.6 million, compared to $91.8 million in sales during the final quarter.

The bulk of all sales during the fiscal year came from Marijuana flower, $106.1 million, nearly 48% of all sales, and concentrates, which include vaping products, representing $87.7 million or 40% of total sales.

The price of marijuana flower increased nearly 33% over the fiscal year, jumping from an average of $174.15 per ounce through the first two quarters to $232.18 per ounce in quarter four. The prices continue to climb with new supply and demand from the recreational market.

The average price per ounce of marijuana flower in the month of December was $306.21 for medical and $507.30 per ounce for recreational marijuana.
the pot overpriced were you are at bobo....
I was getting lbs for $1600. Now it’s over $2000. I’m getting $1800 price. So before I was doubling my money. Now I’m doubling my money except for the $200. So I was making $1600 per pound before now I’m making $1400. I’ll be ok. Just sucks paying more but better than everyone getting it cheaper at the dispensary. My shit is still cheaper and better
and illegal right?...

Well you aren't supposed to sell it. You can gift it to someone but you can't sell it. Same with pussy. So I guess that's "illegal". And I'm not paying taxes. You know that's illegal.
Me driving around high isn't the same thing as me driving around drunk.

That is just incredibly ignorant and dangerous.

Saying these things do not hinder your driving ability, is amazing!

  • Altered senses
  • Dizziness, tiredness, fatigue
  • Reduced coordination and balance
  • Cognitive impairment (read: marijuana psychological effects)
  • Anxiety, panic, paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Mood alterations
  • Altered blood pressure, dizziness
  • Increased heart rate
  • Flushing
Funny I never hallucinated when using weed

And all the rest of that list are also symptoms of sleep deprivation

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

And sure, I guess if I were being tested I would prefer to not be stoned but I'm an old time smoker I don't get STONED like I used to. So me driving on pot is no biggy. I'm not dizzy or tired. No panic or anxiety. No increased heart rate.

These are all things that happen to a rookie. I'm no rookie.

Does it raise or lower my blood pressure? So does a cup of coffee.

Would I want my nephew who's 17 to smoke a joint and drive? No. I'll give him that. But me? No problem.
Me driving around high isn't the same thing as me driving around drunk.

That is just incredibly ignorant and dangerous.

Saying these things do not hinder your driving ability, is amazing!

  • Altered senses
  • Dizziness, tiredness, fatigue
  • Reduced coordination and balance
  • Cognitive impairment (read: marijuana psychological effects)
  • Anxiety, panic, paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Mood alterations
  • Altered blood pressure, dizziness
  • Increased heart rate
  • Flushing
Funny I never hallucinated when using weed

And all the rest of that list are also symptoms of sleep deprivation

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

And sure, I guess if I were being tested I would prefer to not be stoned but I'm an old time smoker I don't get STONED like I used to. So me driving on pot is no biggy. I'm not dizzy or tired. No panic or anxiety. No increased heart rate.

These are all things that happen to a rookie. I'm no rookie.

Does it raise or lower my blood pressure? So does a cup of coffee.

Would I want my nephew who's 17 to smoke a joint and drive? No. I'll give him that. But me? No problem.
You could say the same thing about a drinker

But I firmly believe we have to set a threshold for impairment

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Me driving around high isn't the same thing as me driving around drunk.

That is just incredibly ignorant and dangerous.

Saying these things do not hinder your driving ability, is amazing!

  • Altered senses
  • Dizziness, tiredness, fatigue
  • Reduced coordination and balance
  • Cognitive impairment (read: marijuana psychological effects)
  • Anxiety, panic, paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Mood alterations
  • Altered blood pressure, dizziness
  • Increased heart rate
  • Flushing
Funny I never hallucinated when using weed

And all the rest of that list are also symptoms of sleep deprivation

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

And sure, I guess if I were being tested I would prefer to not be stoned but I'm an old time smoker I don't get STONED like I used to. So me driving on pot is no biggy. I'm not dizzy or tired. No panic or anxiety. No increased heart rate.

These are all things that happen to a rookie. I'm no rookie.

Does it raise or lower my blood pressure? So does a cup of coffee.

Would I want my nephew who's 17 to smoke a joint and drive? No. I'll give him that. But me? No problem.
You could say the same thing about a drinker

But I firmly believe we have to set a threshold for impairment

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Yea. If I can't pass the sobriety test the cop gives me, lock me up. But I'm telling you I can do everything the officer asks me to do.

No, me being high is not the same as a drunk being intoxicated. Often times I wonder why I even bother smoking. I hardly get high anymore. But I have really good stuff and it relaxes me. Better to smoke a j at night than get drunk.

I know most people should probably not smoke and drive but I'm the exception and I'm sure a lot of veterans of weed would agree.

Do cigarettes mellow you out and change your response time and raise your blood pressure? Then maybe it should be illegal to smoke a cig and drive.
Drug addiction is more like pollution. What difference does it make if some factory dumps a couple of gallons of gunk in the river? It doesn't really hurt anyone if some junkie throws his needle away or craps on the sidewalk. Except that we know its not one factory and a couple of gallons. It's not one junkie and a needle. How do you decide who will have that license to pollute or use drugs.

If you want to confine drug users to homes or wherever they are warehoused you have a better point. Just keep them from getting out.
Once again you are presenting flawed comparisons

There is no analogy between a person who occasionally uses Marijuana and a junkie

You obviously think that even an occasional drinker is the same as a junkie

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
A person that uses marijuana does so with the intent of getting high or a buzz. They are a junkie. A person who drinks with the intent of getting drunk is an alcoholic. Many people have an occasional drink without getting drunk.

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