Why are people against legalizing marijuana?

So is sugar...sugar is probably worse. It is responsible for alot of the diseases fat butted people suffer from. But sugar should not be illegal. Neither should tobacco, or all the other chemicals in our environment that humans ingest. Hell glyophosate the main part of roundup is a carcinogen but fields are laced in it.

fatty foods
fried fatty foods
mountain climbing
scuba diving
bungy jumping
driving in a car
Which of these activities impairs your ability to function?

to function?

not pot.

I function fine after smoking pot.

I thought the point was NOT about "ability to function" but causing health problems....

too much sugar and fatty foods will cause health problems

and, eventually, death.

But if you want to talk about "ability to function"

then why not outlaw alcohol, since "ability to function" after drinking is MUCH worse than pot.
Go ahead. I keep waiting for the household alkie to break a leg so I can ignore her.

Plenty of people have a drink and do not intend to get high. Everyone who uses drugs intends to get high. Some use drugs to get others high and take advantage of them.

You're right, some people use drugs to get others high to take advantage of them. It's called "being roofied", and that is the method that Bill Cosby used.

However, marijuana cannot be used like that. While it is an intoxicant, and you will feel a bit happier, and you might see brighter colors, you WON'T see anything that isn't there, nor will your inhibitions drop. If you wouldn't do it sober, chances of you being talked into it while stoned on marijuana are zero.

Interestingly enough, the opposite is true of alcohol. The more you drink, the lower your inhibitions go.
In the 70s I knew a girl who used marijuana to relax her dates then she walked out with their wallets. Alcohol wasn't as predictable. There was a chance that the guy would just throw up.
In 2017, more than 70,000 people died from drug overdoses, making it a leading cause of injury-related death in the United States. Sixty-eight percent of those deaths involved a prescription or illicit opioid. On average, 130 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose.

America's Drug Overdose Epidemic: Data to Action

Sorry, but you cannot compare marijuana to opiates. Why? One is highly addictive (opiates), and the other one isn't (marijuana). Also, one is made from chemicals, and the other grows naturally.
Opium grows naturally. It's a flower. What do you have against flowers?
Those against pot are freedom haters quite frankly. The drug war is lost...let it go.
fatty foods
fried fatty foods
mountain climbing
scuba diving
bungy jumping
driving in a car
Which of these activities impairs your ability to function?

to function?

not pot.

I function fine after smoking pot.

I thought the point was NOT about "ability to function" but causing health problems....

too much sugar and fatty foods will cause health problems

and, eventually, death.

But if you want to talk about "ability to function"

then why not outlaw alcohol, since "ability to function" after drinking is MUCH worse than pot.
Go ahead. I keep waiting for the household alkie to break a leg so I can ignore her.

Plenty of people have a drink and do not intend to get high. Everyone who uses drugs intends to get high. Some use drugs to get others high and take advantage of them.

You're right, some people use drugs to get others high to take advantage of them. It's called "being roofied", and that is the method that Bill Cosby used.

However, marijuana cannot be used like that. While it is an intoxicant, and you will feel a bit happier, and you might see brighter colors, you WON'T see anything that isn't there, nor will your inhibitions drop. If you wouldn't do it sober, chances of you being talked into it while stoned on marijuana are zero.

Interestingly enough, the opposite is true of alcohol. The more you drink, the lower your inhibitions go.
In the 70s I knew a girl who used marijuana to relax her dates then she walked out with their wallets. Alcohol wasn't as predictable. There was a chance that the guy would just throw up.
yea right.....
fatty foods
fried fatty foods
mountain climbing
scuba diving
bungy jumping
driving in a car
Which of these activities impairs your ability to function?

to function?

not pot.

I function fine after smoking pot.

I thought the point was NOT about "ability to function" but causing health problems....

too much sugar and fatty foods will cause health problems

and, eventually, death.

But if you want to talk about "ability to function"

then why not outlaw alcohol, since "ability to function" after drinking is MUCH worse than pot.
Go ahead. I keep waiting for the household alkie to break a leg so I can ignore her.

Plenty of people have a drink and do not intend to get high. Everyone who uses drugs intends to get high. Some use drugs to get others high and take advantage of them.

You're right, some people use drugs to get others high to take advantage of them. It's called "being roofied", and that is the method that Bill Cosby used.

However, marijuana cannot be used like that. While it is an intoxicant, and you will feel a bit happier, and you might see brighter colors, you WON'T see anything that isn't there, nor will your inhibitions drop. If you wouldn't do it sober, chances of you being talked into it while stoned on marijuana are zero.

Interestingly enough, the opposite is true of alcohol. The more you drink, the lower your inhibitions go.
In the 70s I knew a girl who used marijuana to relax her dates then she walked out with their wallets. Alcohol wasn't as predictable. There was a chance that the guy would just throw up.
For someone who hates people who use any drugs you sure do seem to hang out with a lot of druggies

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
In 2017, more than 70,000 people died from drug overdoses, making it a leading cause of injury-related death in the United States. Sixty-eight percent of those deaths involved a prescription or illicit opioid. On average, 130 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose.

America's Drug Overdose Epidemic: Data to Action

Sorry, but you cannot compare marijuana to opiates. Why? One is highly addictive (opiates), and the other one isn't (marijuana). Also, one is made from chemicals, and the other grows naturally.
Opium grows naturally. It's a flower. What do you have against flowers?
The natural stuff isn't the same as heroin or prescription opiates

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Which of these activities impairs your ability to function?

to function?

not pot.

I function fine after smoking pot.

I thought the point was NOT about "ability to function" but causing health problems....

too much sugar and fatty foods will cause health problems

and, eventually, death.

But if you want to talk about "ability to function"

then why not outlaw alcohol, since "ability to function" after drinking is MUCH worse than pot.
Go ahead. I keep waiting for the household alkie to break a leg so I can ignore her.

Plenty of people have a drink and do not intend to get high. Everyone who uses drugs intends to get high. Some use drugs to get others high and take advantage of them.

You're right, some people use drugs to get others high to take advantage of them. It's called "being roofied", and that is the method that Bill Cosby used.

However, marijuana cannot be used like that. While it is an intoxicant, and you will feel a bit happier, and you might see brighter colors, you WON'T see anything that isn't there, nor will your inhibitions drop. If you wouldn't do it sober, chances of you being talked into it while stoned on marijuana are zero.

Interestingly enough, the opposite is true of alcohol. The more you drink, the lower your inhibitions go.
In the 70s I knew a girl who used marijuana to relax her dates then she walked out with their wallets. Alcohol wasn't as predictable. There was a chance that the guy would just throw up.
For someone who hates people who use any drugs you sure do seem to hang out with a lot of druggies

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
she is in rehab....
I don’t smoke it, but I really don’t care if it is legalized

Better than sending them to jail for a victimless crime
You know, marijuana isn't physically addictive in any way shape or form. And, it's not a chemically made thing, it's a plant.

As far as ChrisL saying that it messes with brain development? Yep, if it is used prior to age 21, but the same can be said of alcohol or any other mind altering substance. The brain is still growing and forming itself until around 20 or 21 years of age. If a person wants to smoke and they are over 21, let them do as they will.

And, marijuana has shown very positive results when it comes to treating opioid and heroin addiction. Addicts who are coming down off of heroin and opiates experience joint and muscle pain, are extremely jumpy, and are unable to eat. What happens when a person smokes an Indica strain? Pain in the muscles and joints is relieved, they calm down, and it also stimulates appetite. And, because it is non addictive, when a person is far enough away from heroin, if they choose to, they can simply stop using marijuana. VICE channel did a story about it on their show Weedequette, and they have around a 60 percent recovery rate.

Matter of fact, because it's shown promise in treating opiate and heroin addiction, New Mexico is now saying addiction can be one of the reasons for getting medical marijuana.


SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — A state at the forefront of the U.S. opioid and drug overdose epidemic is turning to its medical marijuana program to reduce suffering from drug use and addiction.

New Mexico health officials on Thursday expanded the list of qualifying conditions for the state's medical cannabis program to include opioid use disorder, joining several other states. Other qualifying conditions that were added include Alzheimer's disease, autism spectrum disorder and three degenerative neurological disorders.

And, if ChrisL's claim that marijuana is bad for your brain, then why is it used to treat autism and Alzheimer's? If it was bad for your brain, it wouldn't be used for those conditions.
All the hoopla about teens and pot is ridiculous especially since teenagers have been drinking and smoking pot since way before I was a teenager

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It's not the fact that some kids drink alcohol and smoke pot, it's how much and how many. I have a friend who's an assistance principal at a local high school. He says everyday kids are sitting in his office so stoned they don't know where they are. That did not happen before pot was legalized.

You can have legalized pot without creating an epidemic of pot use in schools if you do it right. First, you don't allow pot shops anywhere close to schools. Second, you tax pot to make it too expensive for high schools. We found that raising the price of cigarettes reduces teen smoking. Teens are very sensitive to price. You do not allow the sale of marijuana products that are very attractive to kids such cookies, suckers and candy. Lastly decriminalizing and legalizing marijuana should not mean you de-emphasizes enforcement of sale to minors. In most places where it is legalized, the police back off all together in enforcing marijuana laws against sale to minors. That needs to change.

t's not the fact that some kids drink alcohol and smoke pot, it's how much and how many. I have a friend who's an assistance principal at a local high school. He says everyday kids are sitting in his office so stoned they don't know where they are. That did not happen before pot was legalized.

But it did happen before it was legalized. I live in a state that only has legalized medical which happened a couple years ago. The town I live in is very small and all conservative and very wealthy. My son is 44 and went to high school in this very, very conservative illegal pot town and when he started high school he told us about kids selling marijuana and other drugs out of their daddy's vets, mercedes, etc. Forward a few years to when my two oldest grandkids went to this same high school, same shit different times. Now in this very wealthy conservative area my youngest grandson that is 12 came home from middle school the other day and tells my daughter some kid try to sell him some pills. So don't tell me any of this started with legalization.

Hell I went to school with kids who stole their parents pills and alcohol and brougth them to school in the 60's.
No, it didn't start with legalization. From what I see in my state where pot is legal, use among teens has increased. There's a number of ways to reduce usage among teens such as not locating stores near schools, increasing the cost, banning pot candy and suckers, and other products that attract kids, and lastly step up enforcement of laws that make sale of pot to minors illegal. Many schools where kids sell pot to other kids, never report it to the police and the police don't seem be interested, now that sales are legal.
Last edited:
Let's face it americans like their escapes...to make it here people need to take the stress away for awhile.
So is sugar...sugar is probably worse. It is responsible for alot of the diseases fat butted people suffer from. But sugar should not be illegal. Neither should tobacco, or all the other chemicals in our environment that humans ingest. Hell glyophosate the main part of roundup is a carcinogen but fields are laced in it.

fatty foods
fried fatty foods
mountain climbing
scuba diving
bungy jumping
driving in a car
Which of these activities impairs your ability to function?

to function?

not pot.

I function fine after smoking pot.

I thought the point was NOT about "ability to function" but causing health problems....

too much sugar and fatty foods will cause health problems

and, eventually, death.

But if you want to talk about "ability to function"

then why not outlaw alcohol, since "ability to function" after drinking is MUCH worse than pot.
Go ahead. I keep waiting for the household alkie to break a leg so I can ignore her.

Plenty of people have a drink and do not intend to get high. Everyone who uses drugs intends to get high. Some use drugs to get others high and take advantage of them.

You're right, some people use drugs to get others high to take advantage of them. It's called "being roofied", and that is the method that Bill Cosby used.

However, marijuana cannot be used like that. While it is an intoxicant, and you will feel a bit happier, and you might see brighter colors, you WON'T see anything that isn't there, nor will your inhibitions drop. If you wouldn't do it sober, chances of you being talked into it while stoned on marijuana are zero.

Interestingly enough, the opposite is true of alcohol. The more you drink, the lower your inhibitions go.

things people do on pot;

play guitar
play drums
have idiotic conversations
restore antique furniture
write poetry
play pool
play video games
watch an old movie
watch a new movie
play basketball
play softball
play chess
play 8 out of 10 cats does countdown
has sex
makes love
cooks dinner
Which of these activities impairs your ability to function?

to function?

not pot.

I function fine after smoking pot.

I thought the point was NOT about "ability to function" but causing health problems....

too much sugar and fatty foods will cause health problems

and, eventually, death.

But if you want to talk about "ability to function"

then why not outlaw alcohol, since "ability to function" after drinking is MUCH worse than pot.
Go ahead. I keep waiting for the household alkie to break a leg so I can ignore her.

Plenty of people have a drink and do not intend to get high. Everyone who uses drugs intends to get high. Some use drugs to get others high and take advantage of them.

You're right, some people use drugs to get others high to take advantage of them. It's called "being roofied", and that is the method that Bill Cosby used.

However, marijuana cannot be used like that. While it is an intoxicant, and you will feel a bit happier, and you might see brighter colors, you WON'T see anything that isn't there, nor will your inhibitions drop. If you wouldn't do it sober, chances of you being talked into it while stoned on marijuana are zero.

Interestingly enough, the opposite is true of alcohol. The more you drink, the lower your inhibitions go.
In the 70s I knew a girl who used marijuana to relax her dates then she walked out with their wallets. Alcohol wasn't as predictable. There was a chance that the guy would just throw up.
For someone who hates people who use any drugs you sure do seem to hang out with a lot of druggies

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
That's because there are so many druggies. My friend didn't smoke pot herself. When you are ripping someone off it's best to keep your wits about you.

Aren't there a couple of girls doing that now? There was something on the news about high heeled bandits.
to function?

not pot.

I function fine after smoking pot.

I thought the point was NOT about "ability to function" but causing health problems....

too much sugar and fatty foods will cause health problems

and, eventually, death.

But if you want to talk about "ability to function"

then why not outlaw alcohol, since "ability to function" after drinking is MUCH worse than pot.
Go ahead. I keep waiting for the household alkie to break a leg so I can ignore her.

Plenty of people have a drink and do not intend to get high. Everyone who uses drugs intends to get high. Some use drugs to get others high and take advantage of them.

You're right, some people use drugs to get others high to take advantage of them. It's called "being roofied", and that is the method that Bill Cosby used.

However, marijuana cannot be used like that. While it is an intoxicant, and you will feel a bit happier, and you might see brighter colors, you WON'T see anything that isn't there, nor will your inhibitions drop. If you wouldn't do it sober, chances of you being talked into it while stoned on marijuana are zero.

Interestingly enough, the opposite is true of alcohol. The more you drink, the lower your inhibitions go.
In the 70s I knew a girl who used marijuana to relax her dates then she walked out with their wallets. Alcohol wasn't as predictable. There was a chance that the guy would just throw up.
For someone who hates people who use any drugs you sure do seem to hang out with a lot of druggies

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
That's because there are so many druggies. My friend didn't smoke pot herself. When you are ripping someone off it's best to keep your wits about you.

Aren't there a couple of girls doing that now? There was something on the news about high heeled bandits.
There are plenty of people who don't use drugs but you seem to surround yourself with people who do drugs


Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Those against pot are freedom haters quite frankly. The drug war is lost...let it go.
There was never a drug war. The only drug war I know is the drug cartels killing off one another's customers.
No war on drugs?

Are you sure about that?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Nope. The war on drugs is a war of accommodation. Diversion programs, counseling, needle exchanges, rehab. Every cop and firefighter must have an opiate antidote. In some areas all city employees must have it. Everyone is encouraged to have some form of narcan. That's not a war. That's helping.
fatty foods
fried fatty foods
mountain climbing
scuba diving
bungy jumping
driving in a car
Which of these activities impairs your ability to function?

to function?

not pot.

I function fine after smoking pot.

I thought the point was NOT about "ability to function" but causing health problems....

too much sugar and fatty foods will cause health problems

and, eventually, death.

But if you want to talk about "ability to function"

then why not outlaw alcohol, since "ability to function" after drinking is MUCH worse than pot.
Go ahead. I keep waiting for the household alkie to break a leg so I can ignore her.

Plenty of people have a drink and do not intend to get high. Everyone who uses drugs intends to get high. Some use drugs to get others high and take advantage of them.

You're right, some people use drugs to get others high to take advantage of them. It's called "being roofied", and that is the method that Bill Cosby used.

However, marijuana cannot be used like that. While it is an intoxicant, and you will feel a bit happier, and you might see brighter colors, you WON'T see anything that isn't there, nor will your inhibitions drop. If you wouldn't do it sober, chances of you being talked into it while stoned on marijuana are zero.

Interestingly enough, the opposite is true of alcohol. The more you drink, the lower your inhibitions go.

things people do on pot;

play guitar
play drums
have idiotic conversations
restore antique furniture
write poetry
play pool
play video games
watch an old movie
watch a new movie
play basketball
play softball
play chess
play 8 out of 10 cats does countdown
has sex
makes love
cooks dinner
Commits suicide
Marijuana linked to higher risk of depression and suicide in teenagers, study finds
Those against pot are freedom haters quite frankly. The drug war is lost...let it go.
There was never a drug war. The only drug war I know is the drug cartels killing off one another's customers.
No war on drugs?

Are you sure about that?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Nope. The war on drugs is a war of accommodation. Diversion programs, counseling, needle exchanges, rehab. Every cop and firefighter must have an opiate antidote. In some areas all city employees must have it. Everyone is encouraged to have some form of narcan. That's not a war. That's helping.

Tell that to the DEA agents who get killed every year

If these drugs were legal there would be less crime associated with their use and there would be more money to offer rehab or other programs to addicts who want them
Which of these activities impairs your ability to function?

to function?

not pot.

I function fine after smoking pot.

I thought the point was NOT about "ability to function" but causing health problems....

too much sugar and fatty foods will cause health problems

and, eventually, death.

But if you want to talk about "ability to function"

then why not outlaw alcohol, since "ability to function" after drinking is MUCH worse than pot.
Go ahead. I keep waiting for the household alkie to break a leg so I can ignore her.

Plenty of people have a drink and do not intend to get high. Everyone who uses drugs intends to get high. Some use drugs to get others high and take advantage of them.

You're right, some people use drugs to get others high to take advantage of them. It's called "being roofied", and that is the method that Bill Cosby used.

However, marijuana cannot be used like that. While it is an intoxicant, and you will feel a bit happier, and you might see brighter colors, you WON'T see anything that isn't there, nor will your inhibitions drop. If you wouldn't do it sober, chances of you being talked into it while stoned on marijuana are zero.

Interestingly enough, the opposite is true of alcohol. The more you drink, the lower your inhibitions go.

things people do on pot;

play guitar
play drums
have idiotic conversations
restore antique furniture
write poetry
play pool
play video games
watch an old movie
watch a new movie
play basketball
play softball
play chess
play 8 out of 10 cats does countdown
has sex
makes love
cooks dinner
Commits suicide
Marijuana linked to higher risk of depression and suicide in teenagers, study finds

So do antidepressants so why aren't you calling for them to be illegal too?

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