Why are people so damn unhappy and miserable lately?

I don't think we're that different then past generations other than we all want to be James Dean or Marilyn Monroe instead of clerks and dock workers. Nothing wrong with that except that at a point one has to know their limitations. And that starts in the public schools where for the last 40 years, kids have been taught leftist lies and mislead about who we are.

Add to that young people have no idea where their food comes from, how this country got rich, or what works and what never will. Fact of the matter is, in my travels I increasingly run into people who have no idea how the car they drive works. That's on the public schools and parents who treat their kids like friends and refuse to grow up themselves.

You make a great point. Our society celebrates and glorifies celebrity. Singers. Actors. Athletes. TV stars.

And we raise kids telling them they're so unique and special and wonderful. And we shield them from disappointment and never teach them how to cope with losing.

So...when they hit adulthood....and havent become a star of some sort or rich and famous....they dont get it. They are special and were supposed to have it all by now. WHO is responsible for them having to work 40 hours a week in a boring thankless job!!!?
A huge number of them just fold when the t-ball trophies and automatic honor roll days are gone.

They commit suicide, lock up in their basement, or get hooked on hard drugs.


Maybe we should go back to keeping score in PE.

YES. It sounds simple. But sports and competition in youth once were the tool used to develop kid's ability to cope with emotion. Now...not as much.

As society progressed...we lost the natural and recreational ways of training young brains to cope with negative experiences.

Now...every 24 year old feels like society owes him a house, meal ticket, 100K per year job, and a 10 wife.
I don't think we're that different then past generations other than we all want to be James Dean or Marilyn Monroe instead of clerks and dock workers. Nothing wrong with that except that at a point one has to know their limitations. And that starts in the public schools where for the last 40 years, kids have been taught leftist lies and mislead about who we are.

Add to that young people have no idea where their food comes from, how this country got rich, or what works and what never will. Fact of the matter is, in my travels I increasingly run into people who have no idea how the car they drive works. That's on the public schools and parents who treat their kids like friends and refuse to grow up themselves.

You make a great point. Our society celebrates and glorifies celebrity. Singers. Actors. Athletes. TV stars.

And we raise kids telling them they're so unique and special and wonderful. And we shield them from disappointment and never teach them how to cope with losing.

So...when they hit adulthood....and havent become a star of some sort or rich and famous....they dont get it. They are special and were supposed to have it all by now. WHO is responsible for them having to work 40 hours a week in a boring thankless job!!!?
A huge number of them just fold when the t-ball trophies and automatic honor roll days are gone.

They commit suicide, lock up in their basement, or get hooked on hard drugs.


Maybe we should go back to keeping score in PE.
I was on so many sports teams growing up, the only thing they all had in common was losing..

And you being on them haha!
Maybe we should go back to keeping score in PE.

YES! Real life means winners and losers and if you're continuously getting your ass handed to you, you sure as shit better try something else. And it doesn't cost anything to be a gentleman....losing is part of life and one better accept that and shake the other guy's hand. Ain't how hard ya got hit, what counts is how high ya bounce back.
Tell that to Woody Hayes....
I don't think we're that different then past generations other than we all want to be James Dean or Marilyn Monroe instead of clerks and dock workers. Nothing wrong with that except that at a point one has to know their limitations. And that starts in the public schools where for the last 40 years, kids have been taught leftist lies and mislead about who we are.

Add to that young people have no idea where their food comes from, how this country got rich, or what works and what never will. Fact of the matter is, in my travels I increasingly run into people who have no idea how the car they drive works. That's on the public schools and parents who treat their kids like friends and refuse to grow up themselves.

You make a great point. Our society celebrates and glorifies celebrity. Singers. Actors. Athletes. TV stars.

And we raise kids telling them they're so unique and special and wonderful. And we shield them from disappointment and never teach them how to cope with losing.

So...when they hit adulthood....and havent become a star of some sort or rich and famous....they dont get it. They are special and were supposed to have it all by now. WHO is responsible for them having to work 40 hours a week in a boring thankless job!!!?
A huge number of them just fold when the t-ball trophies and automatic honor roll days are gone.

They commit suicide, lock up in their basement, or get hooked on hard drugs.


Maybe we should go back to keeping score in PE.
I was on so many sports teams growing up, the only thing they all had in common was losing..

And you being on them haha!
Nothing I could do about it, since it was an all white school, we had our weakness....
I don't think we're that different then past generations other than we all want to be James Dean or Marilyn Monroe instead of clerks and dock workers. Nothing wrong with that except that at a point one has to know their limitations. And that starts in the public schools where for the last 40 years, kids have been taught leftist lies and mislead about who we are.

Add to that young people have no idea where their food comes from, how this country got rich, or what works and what never will. Fact of the matter is, in my travels I increasingly run into people who have no idea how the car they drive works. That's on the public schools and parents who treat their kids like friends and refuse to grow up themselves.

You make a great point. Our society celebrates and glorifies celebrity. Singers. Actors. Athletes. TV stars.

And we raise kids telling them they're so unique and special and wonderful. And we shield them from disappointment and never teach them how to cope with losing.

So...when they hit adulthood....and havent become a star of some sort or rich and famous....they dont get it. They are special and were supposed to have it all by now. WHO is responsible for them having to work 40 hours a week in a boring thankless job!!!?
A huge number of them just fold when the t-ball trophies and automatic honor roll days are gone.

They commit suicide, lock up in their basement, or get hooked on hard drugs.


Maybe we should go back to keeping score in PE.
I was on so many sports teams growing up, the only thing they all had in common was losing..

And you being on them haha!
Nothing I could do about it, since it was an all white school, we had our weakness....

Ah yes. All groups are a bit better at a few things than others.
Only in people who don't practice it. Most people with religion quietly go through life assured that He guides their path. It seems to me that the atheists are the ones constantly complaining. Yes Dudley, we do have something you don't, but we're willing to share. If you don't want religion, fine. We do and I can't for the life of me, figure out how that hurts you.

I have no doubt there are many real Christians and I know they quietly go about doing good works. You will never ever see me criticize those people.
Yet you jump into anti Christian threads near daily. You're full of shit, boy.

You missed my point.

I post in anti-christian threads and I post against phony christians.

You will never see me post against real Christians.

And, its certainly not "near daily" but even if it was, that's my right - just as its the right of the radical RW traitors to post hate about their own country.
Perhaps you should paint with a narrower brush then. Your constant bashing of Christians and religion in general is rarely specific.... or rational.
Sure there are radical Christians. Speak out against assholes that bomb abortion clinics, but don't push your atheism on me and I won't try to save you, OK?

Atheists really ought to organize and get tax-free status like churches and synagogues do. Personally, I think given that there are millions of atheists in this country, we are pretty much a very low key bunch.

When was the last time you had an atheist knock on your door and hand you a flyer? Advertise in the media? Broadcast their sermons on Sunday morning cable television? Consult the POTUS? Deliver a sermon at a presidential inauguration? Erect plaques and Christian art in federal and state buildings?

Christians stop pushing their fairy tale bullshit on me and I won't try to explain reality to them.


Yes, yes, yes and yes!

Atheists are all about "live and let live". They don't need to cram their beliefs down throats or demand they be taught in schools or emblazoned on buildings.

I have never posted that others should believe as I do and don't much care what others believe. That does not mean I don't have the right to state my opinions.

I agree that its "fairy tale bullshit". There are many who need that fairy tale. I don't understand that need and I'm kind of sorry for them but they're welcome to it. I really do believe there are real Christians out there who do good work but I have no patience or respect for the idiot fakes who preach hate for a profit or agenda.

And I really don't have patience or respect for the fakes who think they're religion is the only one protected by the First Amendment.
I don't think we're that different then past generations other than we all want to be James Dean or Marilyn Monroe instead of clerks and dock workers. Nothing wrong with that except that at a point one has to know their limitations. And that starts in the public schools where for the last 40 years, kids have been taught leftist lies and mislead about who we are.

Add to that young people have no idea where their food comes from, how this country got rich, or what works and what never will. Fact of the matter is, in my travels I increasingly run into people who have no idea how the car they drive works. That's on the public schools and parents who treat their kids like friends and refuse to grow up themselves.

You make a great point. Our society celebrates and glorifies celebrity. Singers. Actors. Athletes. TV stars.

And we raise kids telling them they're so unique and special and wonderful. And we shield them from disappointment and never teach them how to cope with losing.

So...when they hit adulthood....and havent become a star of some sort or rich and famous....they dont get it. They are special and were supposed to have it all by now. WHO is responsible for them having to work 40 hours a week in a boring thankless job!!!?
Gee, it's like you know every single family in the USA personally.....and I've never met a job that didn't become routine....

Buy a bar.
I've worked in bars, they get old also...
I taught in the Alternative(Disciplinary) School for years.

I loved it, it never got routine, as you rarely saw the same kids each day.

We would have 30 in the class, maybe 10 would show on a good day, usually fewer than ten, and, except for the ones brought from detention by the Sheriff there really were no "regulars".

It was like the first day of school every day.
Why are people so miserable and unhappy all the time lately? Its like a mental pandemic or something. Sure..I get fired up over cop hate and animal abuse.

But other than that...life is freaking awesome!

We live longer than ever.
Food bas never tasted better.
Entertainment has NEVER been more vast and available!
Women...get hotter by the day..at least for those of us who can land one.
We have more knowledge and education available to anyone...ever before.
All the opportunity one could dream of exists...and if you are willing to work...you get it.

Damn. Americans...we live a life thats so pampered and fun and comfortable.

But everyone acts like a spoiled brat child whining about all the supposed oppression and unfairness they face and acting like a reality TV drama queer.

It's the moral decay of the nation

Today Americans are more concerned with their right to smoke pot than their right to a free economy. Corporate America and the federal government have conspired for decades to strip the wealth and power from the ordinary citizen

Speaking of money, the poor covets the rich and the rich horde their wealth from the poor. Americans have sold their souls to the almighty dollar, funny thing is, the dollar is worth less and less every day.

Speaking of loving money, Americans are only concerned about having an abortion in order to maintain their quality of life than they are about murdering their unborn child.

That's right America, take the Bible out of our schools and be sure to have them in our prisons. We will see how that works for ya!
I don't think we're that different then past generations other than we all want to be James Dean or Marilyn Monroe instead of clerks and dock workers. Nothing wrong with that except that at a point one has to know their limitations. And that starts in the public schools where for the last 40 years, kids have been taught leftist lies and mislead about who we are.

Add to that young people have no idea where their food comes from, how this country got rich, or what works and what never will. Fact of the matter is, in my travels I increasingly run into people who have no idea how the car they drive works. That's on the public schools and parents who treat their kids like friends and refuse to grow up themselves.

You make a great point. Our society celebrates and glorifies celebrity. Singers. Actors. Athletes. TV stars.

And we raise kids telling them they're so unique and special and wonderful. And we shield them from disappointment and never teach them how to cope with losing.

So...when they hit adulthood....and havent become a star of some sort or rich and famous....they dont get it. They are special and were supposed to have it all by now. WHO is responsible for them having to work 40 hours a week in a boring thankless job!!!?
Gee, it's like you know every single family in the USA personally.....and I've never met a job that didn't become routine....

Buy a bar.
I've worked in bars, they get old also...
I taught in the Alternative(Disciplinary) School for years.

I loved it, it never got routine, as you rarely saw the same kids each day.

We would have 30 in the class, maybe 10 would show on a good day, usually fewer than ten, and, except for the ones brought from detention by the Sheriff there really were no "regulars".

It was like the first day of school every day.

I feel that way about the years I spent working wildlife emergency. I never knew what would happen next, what the animal or the emergency would be.

I don't work emergency every day anymore but every animal is a new situation and a whole new set of problems.

I love it.
BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, and his failures.

But, half of America won't admit it.

Hope and Change is now Hope it Changes.

Yes We Can is replaced with No You Didn't.

The only people who benefitted from Obama were stockholders that sold high under Bush and bought low under Obama.
While I agree that Obama is a COMPLETE & TOTAL FUCKING DISASTER, his impact on my happiness is minimal.
It's all a state of mind. You're either a negative person or you're not. While some on here may seem perpetually pissed off that may just be an image they want you to see.

You know what I think? I think the ones who talk the most about others being mad, drunk, pissed off etc are the real angry ones.

Finally life is to short to give a damn what some random person on the internet thinks
Why are people so miserable and unhappy all the time lately? Its like a mental pandemic or something. Sure..I get fired up over cop hate and animal abuse.

But other than that...life is freaking awesome!

We live longer than ever.
Food bas never tasted better.
Entertainment has NEVER been more vast and available!
Women...get hotter by the day..at least for those of us who can land one.
We have more knowledge and education available to anyone...ever before.
All the opportunity one could dream of exists...and if you are willing to work...you get it.

Damn. Americans...we live a life thats so pampered and fun and comfortable.

But everyone acts like a spoiled brat child whining about all the supposed oppression and unfairness they face and acting like a reality TV drama queer.

It's the moral decay of the nation

Today Americans are more concerned with their right to smoke pot than their right to a free economy. Corporate America and the federal government have conspired for decades to strip the wealth and power from the ordinary citizen

Speaking of money, the poor covets the rich and the rich horde their wealth from the poor. Americans have sold their souls to the almighty dollar, funny thing is, the dollar is worth less and less every day.

Speaking of loving money, Americans are only concerned about having an abortion in order to maintain their quality of life than they are about murdering their unborn child.

That's right America, take the Bible out of our schools and be sure to have them in our prisons. We will see how that works for ya!
^^^^^perfect example of self inflicted anger.
It is clearly a case of society moving away from a faith in God. Religion is the cement that holds together society. Remove religion and society falls apart. Seems pretty apparent to me.

Yes, quite apparent. Look how well all of those theocratic nations in the Middle East are held together. It's a virtual paradise over there.
While I agree that Obama is a COMPLETE & TOTAL FUCKING DISASTER, his impact on my happiness is minimal.
It's all a state of mind. You're either a negative person or you're not. While some on here may seem perpetually pissed off that may just be an image they want you to see.

You know what I think? I think the ones who talk the most about others being mad, drunk, pissed off etc are the real angry ones.

Finally life is to short to give a damn what some random person on the internet thinks

I have concerns about the direction of the country and the world. We all want to leave a better future for our children and grandchildren. We know we are not, and in fact the future they face is far diminished from what we had. Obama has hastened the decline of the prospects for the next generation more than any who have preceded him. The reality of what Obama has brought about can be summed up in "Lowered Expectations."

Me? I'm happy. Life is good, I have a good wife, my Dingo is perfect, the puppy is sweet and a good dog.I'll have my PhD. in a year and a half - giving me complete security through retirement.
A hot woman, good SEC football game on TV, a loyal dog, and a big ass pizza. All can be had on a <30K salary.

And I couldnt be any happier with it!
It is clearly a case of society moving away from a faith in God. Religion is the cement that holds together society. Remove religion and society falls apart. Seems pretty apparent to me.

Ridiculous. Religion causes terrible unhappiness, insecurity, anger, fear, hate. Religion drives a wedge between people.

Read the threads here. Its always the "christians" who whine and complain the most. Its the "christians" who hate their fellow man, hate their planet, hate their government and their society.

I've asked this before but no one has answered - WHY is that? Why doesn't faith give people serenity and peace and security? Why are they here, madly posting their hatred and fear?

The "christians" are even angry and fearful of each other. Read the threads in religion - They're nothing but pissing contests to see who can copy/paste the most bible and therefore, who is the best "christian".

Pretty sad stuff.
Funny, you don't have a better example of religion causing problems in this world than Christianity........ I quit coming to this site because of liberal pussies like you.

Well, ok. Cya bye!!!
BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, and his failures.

But, half of America won't admit it.

Hope and Change is now Hope it Changes.

Yes We Can is replaced with No You Didn't.

The only people who benefitted from Obama were stockholders that sold high under Bush and bought low under Obama.

In a way, you're correct.

There's a large segment of our society that will not take responsibility for their own lives. They need someone to blame and, even though President Obama has actually been a damn good president, the low info types don't think for themselves and he's a convenient target.

Anyone who doubts that should read the threads about Fox/O'Reilly lies.
Ferguson riots and related unrest were because of the failure of Obama to improve life in the hoods.

You don't think anybody really gave a shit about that dead "kid"?

Take Ferguson, and even throw in OJ, Rodney King and everything in the Sixties all put together, it's still a picnic in the park compared to what was going on a hundred years ago in this country. Race riots on an enormous scale... black people being lynched everywhere, burned alive, body parts dragged through town... Ku Klux Klan restarted... it ain't even close.

Just ask Roadrunner
OJ and Rodney King were Obama's fault too and Obama has failed because he has not reversed several hundred years of racism.

To your point, its certainly true some things are better but for most people, what's happening in their own lives matters a lot more than the big picture.
Truth is, he reversed 100 years of racial progress, widening a gap that was almost closing.

Can I ask where you buy your mushrooms?
A hot woman, good SEC football game on TV, a loyal dog, and a big ass pizza. All can be had on a <30K salary.

And I couldnt be any happier with it!

Yanno you could have three of those for way under 30k. Just sayin'.
I have no doubt there are many real Christians and I know they quietly go about doing good works. You will never ever see me criticize those people.
Yet you jump into anti Christian threads near daily. You're full of shit, boy.

You missed my point.

I post in anti-christian threads and I post against phony christians.

You will never see me post against real Christians.

And, its certainly not "near daily" but even if it was, that's my right - just as its the right of the radical RW traitors to post hate about their own country.
Perhaps you should paint with a narrower brush then. Your constant bashing of Christians and religion in general is rarely specific.... or rational.
Sure there are radical Christians. Speak out against assholes that bomb abortion clinics, but don't push your atheism on me and I won't try to save you, OK?

Atheists really ought to organize and get tax-free status like churches and synagogues do. Personally, I think given that there are millions of atheists in this country, we are pretty much a very low key bunch.

When was the last time you had an atheist knock on your door and hand you a flyer? Advertise in the media? Broadcast their sermons on Sunday morning cable television? Consult the POTUS? Deliver a sermon at a presidential inauguration? Erect plaques and Christian art in federal and state buildings?

Christians stop pushing their fairy tale bullshit on me and I won't try to explain reality to them.


Yes, yes, yes and yes!

Atheists are all about "live and let live". They don't need to cram their beliefs down throats or demand they be taught in schools or emblazoned on buildings.

I have never posted that others should believe as I do and don't much care what others believe. That does not mean I don't have the right to state my opinions.

I agree that its "fairy tale bullshit". There are many who need that fairy tale. I don't understand that need and I'm kind of sorry for them but they're welcome to it. I really do believe there are real Christians out there who do good work but I have no patience or respect for the idiot fakes who preach hate for a profit or agenda.

And I really don't have patience or respect for the fakes who think they're religion is the only one protected by the First Amendment.

I have a few west Texas friends who are Christians and I am impressed by their depth and compasson. But most Christians are just uptight hypocritical assholes who couldn't follow the teachings of Jesus if they tried.

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