Why are people so damn unhappy and miserable lately?

You make a great point. Our society celebrates and glorifies celebrity. Singers. Actors. Athletes. TV stars.

And we raise kids telling them they're so unique and special and wonderful. And we shield them from disappointment and never teach them how to cope with losing.

So...when they hit adulthood....and havent become a star of some sort or rich and famous....they dont get it. They are special and were supposed to have it all by now. WHO is responsible for them having to work 40 hours a week in a boring thankless job!!!?
Gee, it's like you know every single family in the USA personally.....and I've never met a job that didn't become routine....

Buy a bar.
I've worked in bars, they get old also...
I taught in the Alternative(Disciplinary) School for years.

I loved it, it never got routine, as you rarely saw the same kids each day.

We would have 30 in the class, maybe 10 would show on a good day, usually fewer than ten, and, except for the ones brought from detention by the Sheriff there really were no "regulars".

It was like the first day of school every day.

I feel that way about the years I spent working wildlife emergency. I never knew what would happen next, what the animal or the emergency would be.

I don't work emergency every day anymore but every animal is a new situation and a whole new set of problems.

I love it.
The school board regularly treated the alternative school kids like animals.

That is why I retired the first day I could.
Why are people so miserable and unhappy all the time lately? Its like a mental pandemic or something. Sure..I get fired up over cop hate and animal abuse.

But other than that...life is freaking awesome!

We live longer than ever.
Food bas never tasted better.
Entertainment has NEVER been more vast and available!
Women...get hotter by the day..at least for those of us who can land one.
We have more knowledge and education available to anyone...ever before.
All the opportunity one could dream of exists...and if you are willing to work...you get it.

Damn. Americans...we live a life thats so pampered and fun and comfortable.

But everyone acts like a spoiled brat child whining about all the supposed oppression and unfairness they face and acting like a reality TV drama queer.
Some people value their racism more than they do their country.
Why are people so miserable and unhappy all the time lately? Its like a mental pandemic or something. Sure..I get fired up over cop hate and animal abuse.

But other than that...life is freaking awesome!

We live longer than ever.
Food bas never tasted better.
Entertainment has NEVER been more vast and available!
Women...get hotter by the day..at least for those of us who can land one.
We have more knowledge and education available to anyone...ever before.
All the opportunity one could dream of exists...and if you are willing to work...you get it.

Damn. Americans...we live a life thats so pampered and fun and comfortable.

But everyone acts like a spoiled brat child whining about all the supposed oppression and unfairness they face and acting like a reality TV drama queer.
Some people value their racism more than they do their country.
There are plenty of people who value their political ideology and temporary political victories over their country, as well.

Why are people so miserable and unhappy all the time lately? Its like a mental pandemic or something. Sure..I get fired up over cop hate and animal abuse.

But other than that...life is freaking awesome!

We live longer than ever.
Food bas never tasted better.
Entertainment has NEVER been more vast and available!
Women...get hotter by the day..at least for those of us who can land one.
We have more knowledge and education available to anyone...ever before.
All the opportunity one could dream of exists...and if you are willing to work...you get it.

Damn. Americans...we live a life thats so pampered and fun and comfortable.

But everyone acts like a spoiled brat child whining about all the supposed oppression and unfairness they face and acting like a reality TV drama queer.
Some people value their racism more than they do their country.
There are plenty of people who value their political ideology and temporary political victories over their country, as well.


Yes, we just saw this happen in the last 10 days or so...
This tends to be the result when generations are raised to believe they are entitled and that life is always fair and that you will get everything you feel you deserve. People who feel this way tend to get angry,pissed off and depressed when they encounter the reality of the real world.
It is clearly a case of society moving away from a faith in God. Religion is the cement that holds together society. Remove religion and society falls apart. Seems pretty apparent to me.

Yes, quite apparent. Look how well all of those theocratic nations in the Middle East are held together. It's a virtual paradise over there.
Islam is not a religion. It is a mania.
This tends to be the result when generations are raised to believe they are entitled and that life is always fair and that you will get everything you feel you deserve. People who feel this way tend to get angry,pissed off and depressed when they encounter the reality of the real world.

I just wish I could figure out who in the fuck y'all mean, because neither I nor any of my friends or acquaintances, not a single one, is like this.

Is there like a magic forest that Righties travel to to find angry and upset people who feel entitled all the time?
It is clearly a case of society moving away from a faith in God. Religion is the cement that holds together society. Remove religion and society falls apart. Seems pretty apparent to me.

Yes, quite apparent. Look how well all of those theocratic nations in the Middle East are held together. It's a virtual paradise over there.
Islam is not a religion. It is a mania.

There is some validity to that statement, imo.
This tends to be the result when generations are raised to believe they are entitled and that life is always fair and that you will get everything you feel you deserve. People who feel this way tend to get angry,pissed off and depressed when they encounter the reality of the real world.

I just wish I could figure out who in the fuck y'all mean, because neither I nor any of my friends or acquaintances, not a single one, is like this.

Is there like a magic forest that Righties travel to to find angry and upset people who feel entitled all the time?
Yet you lefties can always manage to talk about what you claim are angry hate filled rightes yet neither myself or any of my friends or acquaintances, not a single one, is like this.Are they in that magic liberal forest?
Thinbk about it. People wake up, stumble out of bed, climb in their car and jettison to the same old crappy job. On their way to work, battling the traffic adds stress, the caffeine in their coffee adds to the stress but hopefully the anti depressant helps simmer this. They work all day then climb in their car and battle the traffic home, feeling stressed and tired out. They go home, exhausted and spent, to a family that wants food. SO they stop on their way home and get fast food as they are too tired to cook. The fast food only makes things worse as its full of additives and chemicals that are bad for ones body. Its a vicious cycle. We are living in the day and age of the anti depressant anti anxiety pills. The demand has never been higher. Prescriptions are at an all time high. That's my take on it.
"Why are people so damn unhappy and miserable lately?"

They aren't.

It's just you and other conservatives who make yourselves miserable with your ridiculous ODS, along with hating gays, 'thugs,' and immigrants.

Most conservatives spend so much time whining, complaining, and bitching about everything they hate and can't stand they think everyone else is as miserable as they are.
"Why are people so damn unhappy and miserable lately?"

They aren't.

It's just you and other conservatives who make yourselves miserable with your ridiculous ODS, along with hating gays, 'thugs,' and immigrants.

Most conservatives spend so much time whining, complaining, and bitching about everything they hate and can't stand they think everyone else is as miserable as they are.
No one hates gays. We may be pissed that they want to redefine words.
Hate thugs? Nope. We detest thuggish behavior and think those that engage in it should be separated from society. Hate immigrants? Hell no! Most of us are the children and grandchildren of immigrants. OUR fore bearers came here within the system and became Americans. They didn't cross our borders illegally and consume the goods and services provided for those that comply with the law.
We're in the midst of one of the worst winters in recent memory so of course we're all miserable.
Yep, been a long and cold winter in this area. I know that the sound of money is surprisingly the same as the sound of my furnace running...
material things do not last nor make one happy for long. The culture has gone to shit. People are lacking God in their lives. Only He can make you happy and whole (Jesus).
Why are people so miserable and unhappy all the time lately? Its like a mental pandemic or something. Sure..I get fired up over cop hate and animal abuse.

But other than that...life is freaking awesome!

We live longer than ever.
Food bas never tasted better.
Entertainment has NEVER been more vast and available!
Women...get hotter by the day..at least for those of us who can land one.
We have more knowledge and education available to anyone...ever before.
All the opportunity one could dream of exists...and if you are willing to work...you get it.

Damn. Americans...we live a life thats so pampered and fun and comfortable.

But everyone acts like a spoiled brat child whining about all the supposed oppression and unfairness they face and acting like a reality TV drama queer.

Lately? Lol.
This tends to be the result when generations are raised to believe they are entitled and that life is always fair and that you will get everything you feel you deserve. People who feel this way tend to get angry,pissed off and depressed when they encounter the reality of the real world.

I just wish I could figure out who in the fuck y'all mean, because neither I nor any of my friends or acquaintances, not a single one, is like this.

Is there like a magic forest that Righties travel to to find angry and upset people who feel entitled all the time?

I don't either. I only read about it here.
It's like having a little kid keep shoving a comic book in your face whining "WHAT ABOUT THIS?!?"
At least you can explain to a kid that what he's reading is a fairy tale...
This tends to be the result when generations are raised to believe they are entitled and that life is always fair and that you will get everything you feel you deserve. People who feel this way tend to get angry,pissed off and depressed when they encounter the reality of the real world.

I just wish I could figure out who in the fuck y'all mean, because neither I nor any of my friends or acquaintances, not a single one, is like this.

Is there like a magic forest that Righties travel to to find angry and upset people who feel entitled all the time?

I don't either. I only read about it here.
It's like having a little kid keep shoving a comic book in your face whining "WHAT ABOUT THIS?!?"
At least you can explain to a kid that what he's reading is a fairy tale...

Please, there are plenty of angry and upset people on this board alone. Lol.
This tends to be the result when generations are raised to believe they are entitled and that life is always fair and that you will get everything you feel you deserve. People who feel this way tend to get angry,pissed off and depressed when they encounter the reality of the real world.

I just wish I could figure out who in the fuck y'all mean, because neither I nor any of my friends or acquaintances, not a single one, is like this.

Is there like a magic forest that Righties travel to to find angry and upset people who feel entitled all the time?

I don't either. I only read about it here.
It's like having a little kid keep shoving a comic book in your face whining "WHAT ABOUT THIS?!?"
At least you can explain to a kid that what he's reading is a fairy tale...

Please, there are plenty of angry and upset people on this board alone. Lol.

That's what I'm saying. A child, at least you can explain that there's fantasy and there's reality, and they're two different things. Adults --- not so much.
This tends to be the result when generations are raised to believe they are entitled and that life is always fair and that you will get everything you feel you deserve. People who feel this way tend to get angry,pissed off and depressed when they encounter the reality of the real world.

I just wish I could figure out who in the fuck y'all mean, because neither I nor any of my friends or acquaintances, not a single one, is like this.

Is there like a magic forest that Righties travel to to find angry and upset people who feel entitled all the time?

I don't either. I only read about it here.
It's like having a little kid keep shoving a comic book in your face whining "WHAT ABOUT THIS?!?"
At least you can explain to a kid that what he's reading is a fairy tale...

Please, there are plenty of angry and upset people on this board alone. Lol.

That's what I'm saying. A child, at least you can explain that there's fantasy and there's reality, and they're two different things. Adults --- not so much.

I don't know. These boards attract angry, miserable and lonely people. That's all I'm saying.
This tends to be the result when generations are raised to believe they are entitled and that life is always fair and that you will get everything you feel you deserve. People who feel this way tend to get angry,pissed off and depressed when they encounter the reality of the real world.

I just wish I could figure out who in the fuck y'all mean, because neither I nor any of my friends or acquaintances, not a single one, is like this.

Is there like a magic forest that Righties travel to to find angry and upset people who feel entitled all the time?

I don't either. I only read about it here.
It's like having a little kid keep shoving a comic book in your face whining "WHAT ABOUT THIS?!?"
At least you can explain to a kid that what he's reading is a fairy tale...

Please, there are plenty of angry and upset people on this board alone. Lol.

That's what I'm saying. A child, at least you can explain that there's fantasy and there's reality, and they're two different things. Adults --- not so much.

I don't know. These boards attract angry, miserable and lonely people. That's all I'm saying.

Ah. We're making two different unrelated points, but I agree with that. Those who are overall content don't gravitate to message boards to bitch about being content. Our population is by definition the argumentative.

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