Why are people so damn unhappy and miserable lately?

I lived through the whole thing, and I assure you what you have there is subjective fantasy.
Or as the rest of us call it with your usual range of insipidity, "Friday".

A lot of us lived through the whole thing, the malaise of Carter and the revival of Reagan. I know you hacks want to rewrite history - but your bullshit has no resemblance to reality, which you fully know.

I'm not the one sitting on a message board claiming "my clown made us happy, your clown made us sad", am I, sad little man? :itsok:
Wrong again. I was there too, even historians say it, leftists somewhat begrudgingly. Maybe your life sucked but I started a business in the mid eighties serving other businesses and there was a boom going on.

He's not wrong, he's lying. Pogo has a party to serve, and reality interferes with that. Pogo offers falsehood about the past in hopes of presenting his party in a better light right now. Contrasting the failure and despair spawned by Obama to the renaissance of America under Reagan casts the left in a bad light. So Pogo lies.

I don't have a "party", Pothead. As I just told one of your fellow traveller Strawman fantasizers who tried to lay the same wreath around my neck because he couldn't think of an argument either, I've never been a joiner. Of anything, certainly not political parties. I am sui generis.

As I keep saying -- as everybody here keeps saying -- you just pull this shit out of your ass and stand on the street corner trying to sell it. Ever occur to you that nobody buys it?

Why are people so miserable and unhappy all the time lately? Its like a mental pandemic or something. Sure..I get fired up over cop hate and animal abuse.

But other than that...life is freaking awesome!

We live longer than ever.
Food bas never tasted better.
Entertainment has NEVER been more vast and available!
Women...get hotter by the day..at least for those of us who can land one.
We have more knowledge and education available to anyone...ever before.
All the opportunity one could dream of exists...and if you are willing to work...you get it.

Damn. Americans...we live a life thats so pampered and fun and comfortable.

But everyone acts like a spoiled brat child whining about all the supposed oppression and unfairness they face and acting like a reality TV drama queer.

I have joy in adversity. I have contentment in a world that has no sign of it. I have peace in the midst of the storm and a greater faith today then when I first began my walk with Jesus Christ. I am content with and content without. That is true contentment and it simply cannot be had outside of Jesus Christ. I wish everyone knew Him and followed Him. There is no life like it. Nothing can compare.
I don't have a "party", Pothead.

Yep, not a one of you Soros drones is a democrat - just ask you..

As I just told one of your fellow traveller Strawman fantasizers who tried to lay the same wreath around my neck because he couldn't think of an argument either, I've never been a joiner. Of anything, certainly not political parties. I am sui generis.

This is a message board - you are what you post.

Which in your case makes you a far left, partisan whackjob.

As I keep saying -- as everybody here keeps saying -- you just pull this shit out of your ass and stand on the street corner trying to sell it. Ever occur to you that nobody buys it?



Yes, you are the arbiter of all, by merit of your superior... um... well you must have SOMETHING that is superior....

You're a hack Pogo, no different than Deanie-Weenie or shitflinger.
Eh... Reagan did do the former but other than using it as a convenient stick to poke the opposing 'team' when they have the WH I don't think anybody genuinely cares, as it doesn't affect them personally.

But the latter was going on well before Reagan. Eisenhower had the cojones to warn us about it on his way out the door 54 years ago.

"God help this country when somebody sits at this desk who doesn't know as much about the military as I do" -- DDE

The 70's were a very depressed era - similar to now under Obama. Reagan restored hope to America. People in general became a LOT happier under Reagan, and remained that way until 9/11. Obama of course is all about misery and hopelessness.

I lived through the whole thing, and I assure you what you have there is subjective fantasy.
Or as the rest of us call it with your usual range of insipidity, "Friday".

Wrong again. I was there too, even historians say it, leftists somewhat begrudgingly. Maybe your life sucked but I started a business in the mid eighties serving other businesses and there was a boom going on.

My life didn't " suck" in the ' 80s... matter of fact it developed in positive ways that benefit me to this day. But the same is true of the ' 70s. Absofuckinglutely none of that had jack squat to do with who the goddam President was. I don't chain myself to that mentality.
It is clearly a case of society moving away from a faith in God. Religion is the cement that holds together society. Remove religion and society falls apart. Seems pretty apparent to me.
Oh my, what did we do before sewing machines?

What led to your decision to turn your back on Jesus Christ? That is where your misery began, Moonglow.
I became a main liner and only do it with God....
I'm not the one sitting on a message board claiming "my clown made us happy, your clown made us sad", am I, sad little man? :itsok:

You're the one sitting on a message board saying "reality didn't happen because it doesn't serve my party." :eusa_naughty:

please use your quote button, Uncensored. I can't tell who you are talking to and I am interested in what you have to say. Thanks.
It is clearly a case of society moving away from a faith in God. Religion is the cement that holds together society. Remove religion and society falls apart. Seems pretty apparent to me.
Oh my, what did we do before sewing machines?

What led to your decision to turn your back on Jesus Christ? That is where your misery began, Moonglow.
I became a main liner and only do it with God....

Jesus is God. I'm not acquainted with the term main liner. As I recall the term used to be associated with drugs. Is that what you are speaking of? Drugs are associated with sorcery and sorcery has nothing to do with God Almighty. Drugs are just another weapon that the devil will kill you with.
It is clearly a case of society moving away from a faith in God. Religion is the cement that holds together society. Remove religion and society falls apart. Seems pretty apparent to me.
Oh my, what did we do before sewing machines?

What led to your decision to turn your back on Jesus Christ? That is where your misery began, Moonglow.
I became a main liner and only do it with God....

Jesus is God. I'm not acquainted with the term main liner. As I recall it used to be associated with drugs. Drugs are associated with sorcery and sorcery has nothing to do with God Almighty.
Jesus is not God in my book....
In reality you're just a bigot. You have a stereotype that you have adopted from the leftist hate sites of what your enemy, the Christians are: the Christians in real life don't match the hateful stereotype Soros and Obama have instilled in you, yet you lack the wits to ever consider examining your assumptions. :dunno:

Not all adults are like you Huffer, some can be reached with logic and reason.

Wasn't that about the same time you started using meth and inhalants on a daily (hourly) basis??? :eek:

Maybe the explanation is different than you hallucinate.....

Aw, did I kick your ass in a few debates? Poor little brainless lefty.

Speaking of lying, people in any gym I've been in over the last couple of decades have headphones on and sure the fuck aren't talking about politics. I suspect you spend your mornings in the bar, not the gym.

Deany, every right winger on this board has more education than you . Little in life is more ignorant than blindly reciting memes from hate sites, which is all you do.

Everybody who sees a certain... shall we say, pattern in common, wins a prize.
If there were ever any doubt that Pothead (so named for his propensity to call anyone that disagrees with him "Khmer Rouge") is here for nothing but ad-hom trolling, it's gone bye-bye. That's why he's the captain of my IL team -- can't think of a fucking thing to say, anywhere.

Rachel Carson called. But she didn't say anything. Just maniacal laughter.

Sad little man.... :(
Jesus is not God in my book....

My Dingo thinks she is my god - I think she's just dyslexic....

Although, I do whatever she commands...

I think pets who think they are the center of your universe are letting you know that they feel loved and are comfortable with making demands. I do not think it is wrong to dote on your pet and show them that attention and love. It makes them more secure. imo.

I recently adopted a new cat that was homeless and living under leaves in the freezing cold - outdoors. It took some time for her to be comfortable with making some "demands" but she has since then adapted and feels very comfortable coming up and getting my attention when she wants to be loved. She is confident that when she goes out the door to play there is going to be someone ready to open the door for her to come back in when she's ready to come in. She is beginning to feel like part of the family and I find that to be very healthy progress! (for her)
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Maybe USA having the worst wealth inequalities of wealth ratios in the world, at least of first world, advanced nations, leads to today's misery index. Britain's not far behind. Thanks thatcher/reagan. But the Brits have at least kept their socialized medicine. The ACA, former republican health care plan, is now under fire by....republicans. Then of course the 24/7 republican rage machine blasting their falsehoods adds to the fire.
If you don't have as much money as I do, maybe it's because I saved some money, got an education, worked hard and bought a small business. I did not stop you from doing the same.
Nor did I eat myself into an obese diabetic with a fucked up heart and lung cancer. Your life style is not my responsibility. Perhaps you should have made wiser choices. You didn't. You lose. I win.
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I work out in one gym where seniors repeat the right wing crap they hear on media and are outraged at demorats ruining the country. Thanks, Fox and rush university. Some of these misguided souls are enjoying a nice retirement thanks to socialist social security and some have union pensions. Unions they're now against. Thanks Reagan/fox/limbaugh. Republican working class are such shmucks.
Speaking of lying shmucks, how goes it uncensored?
Social Security is barely enough to survive on fool. I'm having a nice retirement because I have money in the bank, a house I paid cash for and I own a small business and put in 12 or 16 hour days. 15 yesterday as a matter of fact. You should try it sometimes. If you work, you can pay your own way in life.
Everybody who sees a certain... shall we say, pattern in common, wins a prize.
If there were ever any doubt that Pothead (so named for his propensity to call anyone that disagrees with him "Khmer Rouge") is here for nothing but ad-hom trolling, it's gone bye-bye. That's why he's the captain of my IL team -- can't think of a fucking thing to say, anywhere.

Rachel Carson called. But she didn't say anything. Just maniacal laughter.

Sad little man.... :(

Which of those replies were

a.) Unwarranted
b.) Not on target

Seriously Huffer, you're spinning out of control.
Everybody who sees a certain... shall we say, pattern in common, wins a prize.
If there were ever any doubt that Pothead (so named for his propensity to call anyone that disagrees with him "Khmer Rouge") is here for nothing but ad-hom trolling, it's gone bye-bye. That's why he's the captain of my IL team -- can't think of a fucking thing to say, anywhere.

Rachel Carson called. But she didn't say anything. Just maniacal laughter.

Sad little man.... :(

Which of those replies were

a.) Unwarranted
b.) Not on target

Seriously Huffer, you're spinning out of control.


Your own posts, Pothead. They ain't going away. Even though you tried to cut them out of the quote.
Here they are comin' back. Grow a fucking pair and own 'em, pissant.

In reality you're just a bigot. You have a stereotype that you have adopted from the leftist hate sites of what your enemy, the Christians are: the Christians in real life don't match the hateful stereotype Soros and Obama have instilled in you, yet you lack the wits to ever consider examining your assumptions. :dunno:

Not all adults are like you Huffer, some can be reached with logic and reason.

Wasn't that about the same time you started using meth and inhalants on a daily (hourly) basis??? :eek:

Maybe the explanation is different than you hallucinate.....

Aw, did I kick your ass in a few debates? Poor little brainless lefty.

Speaking of lying, people in any gym I've been in over the last couple of decades have headphones on and sure the fuck aren't talking about politics. I suspect you spend your mornings in the bar, not the gym.

Deany, every right winger on this board has more education than you . Little in life is more ignorant than blindly reciting memes from hate sites, which is all you do.

Ain't they cute? They just foller you 'round like a puppy.

It's the right wing.
Anti science
anti education
anti everyone
90% of the GOP
Don't understand anything except bombs and guns.
Without any discernible talent.
And so very scared all of the time.

A recipe for disaster.

Deany, every right winger on this board has more education than you . Little in life is more ignorant than blindly reciting memes from hate sites, which is all you do.
It's strange you should say that. Considering you can go through right wingers thread and comments on this very site and READ THE PROOF. It's right there. Spelled out.
Anti science. Look who the GOP put on national science committees.
Anti education. Really? "Mystical creation?"
The GOP is 90% white. They call the president boy, tar baby, say he and his wife are "uppity". What else can you say.
Name a GOP foreign policy that doesn't involve "bullying, guns and/or bombs".
Remember the last election? A trifecta of fear. Isis, Ebola, threatening refugee children running from danger.

Then there are all the endless "hate Obama" threads.

No wonder they don't like what I say. The truth hurts. Poor babies.

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