Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

There are a lot of good ideas here. An economic war to really grind Russia down. Give them the Germany treatment and destroy the Ruble. Give Russia no alternative but war.

Or else destabilize Putin's government as his wealthy capitalist friends start to grow angry
for someone with a Masters you are very bad at conveying thoughts via written speech
it's because you have no thoughts all you have are the talking points that have been spoon fed to you
Nah. I can also do that in fluent French and to a lesser extent Spanish. I blame my lack of typing skill and interest. Much info in few words, yes. "a pile of Pubcrappe- All they have."
no info

all you have are the talking points you have been spoon fed
Check the sig any time- more info than you get on the GOP propaganda machine in years...
Tell me a Dem lie I believe, RW rube. Like Obama had control for 2 years, his policies blah blah, Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
Your socialism will never work, because the deadbeats In socialist society outnumber hard-working people.
Red I just did think of another trump accomplishment Hes becoming friends with putin the murdering ex kgb swine that helped him win an election Gotta go I see the beach calling but look forward to your posts latter

There is no reason why we cannot have good mutually productive relations with Russia. Why do you libs want a war?

Military War? Not necessary

Economic war to punish Russia for annexing Crimea, attempting to topple Ukraine, human rights violations and interfering with our elections? Absolutely

Why do Republicans want to let them off the hook for their actions?

Why is it our role in the world to tell everyone else how to live? The majority of the people of crimea voted to rejoin Russia. How specifically did Russia interfere with our election? Wikileaks released the proof of corruption within the DNC, the Clinton campaign, and the media. Did those facts affect our election?

Where is the proof that WL got the info from Russia?
Link to that Crimea vote? lol. No evidence of any of that in the real world, just staffers BSing. Ask Bernie, superdupe Putin/thug lover.
Nah. I can also do that in fluent French and to a lesser extent Spanish. I blame my lack of typing skill and interest. Much info in few words, yes. "a pile of Pubcrappe- All they have."
no info

all you have are the talking points you have been spoon fed
Check the sig any time- more info than you get on the GOP propaganda machine in years...
Tell me a Dem lie I believe, RW rube. Like Obama had control for 2 years, his policies blah blah, Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
Your socialism will never work, because the deadbeats In socialist society outnumber hard-working people.
It's been working for a hundred years in Canada, Scandinavia, Oz, NZ, etc etc. Those deadbeats would love good training and ed. they could afford to get good jobs. It's all out of reach now. Thanks GOP and silly ignorant hater dupes like you. Breaking for GOP chumps: Public U's in California and many other states were free or next to it before Reagan got his hands on them. Great job. All to save the bloated rich.
" Under this model, seniors would receive the value of their Medicare benefits in the form of a government contribution to purchase the private health insurance plan of their choice."


I have Medicare Advantage and use the same HMO I had for decades.

Once again you deflected from the FACT that the cost is unsustainable.

Once again...for you slowly.


I get it, Markle. For you, an unbalance budget for Medicare is unsustainable. On the other hand, to me, it is simply a matter of repealing the law that forbids Medicare from negotiating drug prices, throwing in a few deductibles and coinsurance, and raising the Medicare eligibility age. This is exactly what I used to do in my career as an health insurance underwriter.
no info

all you have are the talking points you have been spoon fed
Check the sig any time- more info than you get on the GOP propaganda machine in years...
Tell me a Dem lie I believe, RW rube. Like Obama had control for 2 years, his policies blah blah, Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
Your socialism will never work, because the deadbeats In socialist society outnumber hard-working people.
It's been working for a hundred years in Canada, Scandinavia, Oz, NZ, etc etc. Those deadbeats would love good training and ed. they could afford to get good jobs. It's all out of reach now. Thanks GOP and silly ignorant hater dupes like you. Breaking for GOP chumps: Public U's in California and many other states were free or next to it before Reagan got his hands on them. Great job. All to save the bloated rich.
Those countries are bankrupt... and if they have to pay for their own security they would blow up overnight.
This is very telling of the leftist mentality.

You would be humiliated by taking food from people that freely offer it to you, but not humiliated by taking food from people that may not have it TO give to you?
You miss the point Ray. I have no right to the charity handout. I do have a right to the welfare because I have paid into it since I first started work. Its a right not a discretionary gesture.

Do you really think that's it? Okay, then what if you were a lifelong contributor to the charity about to offer you food? Would you feel guilt taking their food then????
Thats a very unique circumstance Ray. I dont know. I take a pride in paying my way and the independence that gives me.
Heres a thought on that issue. I might have paid into that charity but my neighbour hasnt. He is still entitled to welfare. Its his right and it gives him a little more dignity than charity handouts.

The folks that give freely of their time and money to give at church food banks do it out of compassion. A government civil service worker does it for a paycheck and very likely holds you in contempt.
And you don't? What about your disparaging remarks about 'welfare queens'?

Of course I don't, and I have NEVER made a remark about 'welfare queens.' With very few exceptions, the people that come to our food bank are dirt poor or down on their luck. Been there, done that! I only wish I could do more for them.
You miss the point Ray. I have no right to the charity handout. I do have a right to the welfare because I have paid into it since I first started work. Its a right not a discretionary gesture.

Do you really think that's it? Okay, then what if you were a lifelong contributor to the charity about to offer you food? Would you feel guilt taking their food then????
Thats a very unique circumstance Ray. I dont know. I take a pride in paying my way and the independence that gives me.
Heres a thought on that issue. I might have paid into that charity but my neighbour hasnt. He is still entitled to welfare. Its his right and it gives him a little more dignity than charity handouts.

The folks that give freely of their time and money to give at church food banks do it out of compassion. A government civil service worker does it for a paycheck and very likely holds you in contempt.
And you don't? What about your disparaging remarks about 'welfare queens'?

Of course I don't, and I have NEVER made a remark about 'welfare queens.' With very few exceptions, the people that come to our food bank are dirt poor or down on their luck. Been there, done that! I only wish I could do more for them.
I must have you confused with someone else. Sorry.
I'm not rich and I'm a Republican, I'm 65 and live on widows benefits and do okay.

I even did some volunteer work at the local hospital.

Republicans aren't any different when it comes to the poor than the democrats....they're just more careful with what programs they support when helping the poor....and the best way is to have them help themselves eventually not be on welfare forever.

Like I said, I'm not rich but have never been on welfare and I've also never worried about my widows benefits or Medicare being taken away by a republican...that's not going to happen in my lifetime.

It may happen to the younger generation and it could come from either side, so I'd have a plan B if I was just starting out in life.

The democrats have been claiming for the last 50 years that republicans wanted to end medicare & social security! They have had several opportunities to do so and haven't. In fact, the only time social security was reformed to extend its life, was by Ronald Reagan in 1986! On the other hand, democrats have screwed social security. In 1965, they voted to shift social security taxes from the SS trust fund to the general fund. LBJ signed it and congress promptly spent it. But wait, it gets worse, democrats voted to allow immigrants at age 65 eligible for SS & medicare benefits, even though they had never paid a cent into it. Finally, the party that claims to be for the little guy and seniors citizens voted in 1998 on a bill that would require social security recipients to pay taxes up to 85% on their SS benefits, even though they had paid SS taxes their entire life! Al Gore cast the tie breaking vote in the senate and Bill Clinton signed it. As far as I'm concerned, the democrats have no credibility when they claim to be for the little guy or seniors. Their "shovel ready" $787 Billion jobs bill resulted in wasted tax dollars to alternative energy companies that went bankrupt and a record number of people of food stamps, welfare and disability!
[Qwould take 40 or 50 high paid civil servants to do the same thing.

Charities spend a large percentage of their efforts fund raising and advertising .....not very efficient
Government has a steady flow of revenue, some of which goes to help We the People

Leaders of private charities get paid more than civil servants

You mean like the Clinton Foundation that spends only about 10% of the money for services? The rest goes ot things like wedding dresses for Chelsea.

Once again you are confused Moon Bat.

You have a choice of how you contribute money to charity. You chose who you want to help and how much you want to give. Filthy ass bloated government welfare program robs a person of their liberty to chose where their money goes and that is despicable. Especially when you know that a large cost of the welfare system is nothing more than a scheme for the Democrats to buy vote from the welfare queens. Disgusting isn't it?[/QUOTE]
ACTUALLY, 10% is the overhead, 90% is what they spend on good works. You believe a giant pile of Pubcrappe, dupe. The Foundation IS THE CHARITY, rated A+. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Yes, you can. You can also eat sugary food whether it's taxed highly or not taxed at all....

it's not up to the fucking government to try to alter behavior via taxes. If a person wants to eat chocolate covers salted nuts sprinkled on deep fired Twinkies and a bowl of ice cream for supper every night it's none of your god damned business

But again, it happens and you've shown you have no problem when the govt does it for negative reasons.

I don't have a problem with a person eating chocolate or sugar. But like I've said, how many times now, that a lot of the bad food is coming out cheaper than it should be.

People pay tax on things, and they don't pay tax on other stuff. Some states don't charge you tax for groceries and will charge you for buying a book. Someone's already making these decisions. It's not about me wanting to decide what someone eats, it's about not having sugary food dirt cheap and healthy food expensive, just because the sugary food keeps easily and the multinationals are shipping the stuff around and getting all the tax breaks. But again, you seem to like that.
when the government does what for negative reasons and what negative reasons?

and what tax breaks to candy companies get that healthy food companies don't get?

people have choices. Those companies you mention only exist because people CHOOSE to buy their products and those choices are none of yours or the government's business

Yes, people have choices. People often choose to buy inferior shit because it's cheaper, or because they've been advertised to death and just zombie walk into buy things.

If people had the choice to buy healthier food for cheaper, would they then buy healthy food or would they still buy the sugary shit? I know when I was a young adult I ate too much shit because it was cheaper and I didn't have much money.

I'm not talking about taking choices away from people. I'm talking about adjusting the choices so they make more sense to people.

When sugary drinks are cheaper than healthy drinks, what do people buy? They buy the sugary drinks because they can afford those. Give people the choice to buy healthy food at affordable prices and then they have a real choice.

Your "choice" is that they have cheap sugary drinks and expensive healthy food and then they're making a choice, it's still a choice if healthy food is cheaper and sugary drinks more expensive than they are now.

healthy food is NOT more expensive than processed crap
Soda is not cheaper than water or even iced tea you make at home

like I said if you eat off the dollar menu for every meal every day you spend more than enough money to buy real food for the week
Processed food is fattening, unhealthy crap. Look at the packaging. Sugary crap. All you can buy in the inner city.
for someone with a Masters you are very bad at conveying thoughts via written speech
it's because you have no thoughts all you have are the talking points that have been spoon fed to you
Nah. I can also do that in fluent French and to a lesser extent Spanish. I blame my lack of typing skill and interest. Much info in few words, yes. "a pile of Pubcrappe- All they have."
no info

all you have are the talking points you have been spoon fed
Check the sig any time- more info than you get on the GOP propaganda machine in years...
Tell me a Dem lie I believe, RW rube. Like Obama had control for 2 years, his policies blah blah, Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry

BHAHAAAAAAA says the sheep.
I'm not rich and I'm a Republican, I'm 65 and live on widows benefits and do okay.

I even did some volunteer work at the local hospital.

Republicans aren't any different when it comes to the poor than the democrats....they're just more careful with what programs they support when helping the poor....and the best way is to have them help themselves eventually not be on welfare forever.

Like I said, I'm not rich but have never been on welfare and I've also never worried about my widows benefits or Medicare being taken away by a republican...that's not going to happen in my lifetime.

It may happen to the younger generation and it could come from either side, so I'd have a plan B if I was just starting out in life.

The democrats have been claiming for the last 50 years that republicans wanted to end medicare & social security! They have had several opportunities to do so and haven't. In fact, the only time social security was reformed to extend its life, was by Ronald Reagan in 1986! On the other hand, democrats have screwed social security. In 1965, they voted to shift social security taxes from the SS trust fund to the general fund. LBJ signed it and congress promptly spent it. But wait, it gets worse, democrats voted to allow immigrants at age 65 eligible for SS & medicare benefits, even though they had never paid a cent into it. Finally, the party that claims to be for the little guy and seniors citizens voted in 1998 on a bill that would require social security recipients to pay taxes up to 85% on their SS benefits, even though they had paid SS taxes their entire life! Al Gore cast the tie breaking vote in the senate and Bill Clinton signed it. As far as I'm concerned, the democrats have no credibility when they claim to be for the little guy or seniors. Their "shovel ready" $787 Billion jobs bill resulted in wasted tax dollars to alternative energy companies that went bankrupt and a record number of people of food stamps, welfare and disability!
ONE co. out of 36 went belly up, dupe, only 200 billion was for infrastructure, it worked great. SS is in great shape, not what the GOP tells you dupes.
Nah. I can also do that in fluent French and to a lesser extent Spanish. I blame my lack of typing skill and interest. Much info in few words, yes. "a pile of Pubcrappe- All they have."
no info

all you have are the talking points you have been spoon fed
Check the sig any time- more info than you get on the GOP propaganda machine in years...
Tell me a Dem lie I believe, RW rube. Like Obama had control for 2 years, his policies blah blah, Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry

BHAHAAAAAAA says the sheep.
Yes, you do, dupe. Any actual argument, brainwashed functional moron?
Russia should get hardline and tell the Democrats to knock off the crap or take out the trampolines for space transport. Start thinking about some way of getting our personnel back.
Check the sig any time- more info than you get on the GOP propaganda machine in years...
Tell me a Dem lie I believe, RW rube. Like Obama had control for 2 years, his policies blah blah, Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
Your socialism will never work, because the deadbeats In socialist society outnumber hard-working people.
It's been working for a hundred years in Canada, Scandinavia, Oz, NZ, etc etc. Those deadbeats would love good training and ed. they could afford to get good jobs. It's all out of reach now. Thanks GOP and silly ignorant hater dupes like you. Breaking for GOP chumps: Public U's in California and many other states were free or next to it before Reagan got his hands on them. Great job. All to save the bloated rich.
Those countries are bankrupt... and if they have to pay for their own security they would blow up overnight.
They're ok, were fine until BOOOOSH blew up the world economy. They don't have our natural resources and can't frack their way out...Canada didn't go for the bank fraud...
[Qwould take 40 or 50 high paid civil servants to do the same thing.

Charities spend a large percentage of their efforts fund raising and advertising .....not very efficient
Government has a steady flow of revenue, some of which goes to help We the People

Leaders of private charities get paid more than civil servants

You mean like the Clinton Foundation that spends only about 10% of the money for services? The rest goes ot things like wedding dresses for Chelsea.

Once again you are confused Moon Bat.

You have a choice of how you contribute money to charity. You chose who you want to help and how much you want to give. Filthy ass bloated government welfare program robs a person of their liberty to chose where their money goes and that is despicable. Especially when you know that a large cost of the welfare system is nothing more than a scheme for the Democrats to buy vote from the welfare queens. Disgusting isn't it?
ACTUALLY, 10% is the overhead, 90% is what they spend on good works. You believe a giant pile of Pubcrappe, dupe. The Foundation IS THE CHARITY, rated A+. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz[/QUOTE]

You are confused Moon Bat

In fact, they are doing it in some areas of the country. Thousands of poor homeless folks are being arrested and imprisoned daily.

What country?

Good ole U.S. of A. In Republican-controlled areas of the country, it's common practice to harass poor homeless. They're often arrested and thrown in jail on petty charges. For Republicans, their 'crime' was that they were poor and still breathing.

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