Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Hate to inform you....But Congress and their staff had to take Obamacare as their personal medical policy when the bill was passed

The Grassley and Vitter Amendments and What They Illuminate About the Cost of Health Insurance

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa)1 proposed an amendment to Section 1312 of PPACA removing all members of Congress and their staffs from the Federal Employee Health Benefits (“FEHB”) program and forcing them to enter the newly-formed PPACA insurance exchanges.2As Grassley explained in 2009, “[t]he exchange…is designed to give participants the same kind of choices and options for health care coverage as federal employees. My interest in having members of Congress participate in the exchange is consistent with my long-held view that Congress should live under the same laws it passes for the rest of the country.”3 Surprisingly, the amendment passed,

wrong again, winger


You didn't read what you linked to did you?

The Affordable Care Act threw members and staff out of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, and basically says they can only get health benefits through one of the law's new Exchanges. Under pressure from Congress and the president himself, the federal Office of Personnel Management (which administers benefits for federal workers, including Congress) decided the House and Senate would participate in the District of Columbia's "Small Business Health Options Program," or "SHOP" Exchange, rather than the Exchanges that exist for individuals. The reason is that federal law would not allow members and staff to keep receiving a taxpayer contribution of up to $12,000 toward their premiums if they enrolled in individual-market Exchanges.

congress has a better plan than is available to any average American.

Not what you said....You said they were not covered under Obamacare
They are

The only difference is that they get an employer contribution like all other Federal Employees

why does a person making 200K need a subsidy?

Congressional employees are federal employees. There are 535 Congressmen and almost 10,000 Congressional staff members. 2.5 million federal employees receive an employer contribution to their healthcare....10,000 Congressional staffers deserve the same
Why don't Republicans get these people good paying jobs? They will vote Republican forever

its already happening. Employers are investing in American facilities, hiring American workers. "America first".

thanks for acknowledging that the dem party is self destructing with its far left failed ideology.

11 million people got jobs under Obama
Three times the number that got jobs under BOTH Bush's

yep, Obama created lots of part time, minimum wage, no benefit jobs------ Wow!!!!

Trump is claiming the same jobs......Spin away

burger flippers and pipe welders are not the same jobs, doofus

Trump is claiming burger flippers as newly employed
Why don't Republicans get these people good paying jobs? They will vote Republican forever

its already happening. Employers are investing in American facilities, hiring American workers. "America first".

thanks for acknowledging that the dem party is self destructing with its far left failed ideology.

11 million people got jobs under Obama
Three times the number that got jobs under BOTH Bush's

yep, Obama created lots of part time, minimum wage, no benefit jobs------ Wow!!!!
GIVEN with the shit GWB left him Obama did a pretty damn good job and if the fn ah' republicans would've helped out it could have been even better But those traitors are, as we all know, for party not country

Do you remember 9/11/2001? Bush inherited that from Clinton. Obama tried to destroy this great nation and turn it into a large copy of failed European socialism. The American people rejected him and his left wing ideology. The GOP members of congress did their jobs in stopping the tyrant traitor Obama. Now, they need to do their jobs and repeal the worst legislation in the history of our nation, obamacare.

Trump has done more good for this country in 90 days than Bush and Obama did in 16 years. In case you missed it, I am not a Bushie.
Bush like trump can't read presidential briefs ?? What did GWB do when he knew an attack was coming?? run away to read to children??? His speed It wasn't clintons job to do something really seriously affecting the next president during his last couple of months in office and gwb came through with flying colors Attacked the wrong country
11 million people got jobs under Obama
Three times the number that got jobs under BOTH Bush's

yep, Obama created lots of part time, minimum wage, no benefit jobs------ Wow!!!!
GIVEN with the shit GWB left him Obama did a pretty damn good job and if the fn ah' republicans would've helped out it could have been even better But those traitors are, as we all know, for party not country

Do you remember 9/11/2001? Bush inherited that from Clinton. Obama tried to destroy this great nation and turn it into a large copy of failed European socialism. The American people rejected him and his left wing ideology. The GOP members of congress did their jobs in stopping the tyrant traitor Obama. Now, they need to do their jobs and repeal the worst legislation in the history of our nation, obamacare.

Trump has done more good for this country in 90 days than Bush and Obama did in 16 years. In case you missed it, I am not a Bushie.

Bush did not protect us on 9-11
3000 Americans lost their lives

the 9/11 attack would never have been possible if Clinton had done his job, The planning and personnel placement for 9/11 was done under Clinton and was possible because he castrated our intelligence services.

Sorry to destroy your fantasy, but the truth is the truth.

Anyone can plan from anywhere in the world. You or I can "make a plan" with nothing happening
The execution of the plan occurred while Bush was President. The hijackings occurred while Bush was President. The attacks occurred while Bush was President....Bush did not protect us

Clinton warned Bush of the threat of terrorism....Bush shrugged it off
Why don't Republicans get these people good paying jobs? They will vote Republican forever

its already happening. Employers are investing in American facilities, hiring American workers. "America first".

thanks for acknowledging that the dem party is self destructing with its far left failed ideology.

11 million people got jobs under Obama
Three times the number that got jobs under BOTH Bush's

yep, Obama created lots of part time, minimum wage, no benefit jobs------ Wow!!!!
GIVEN with the shit GWB left him Obama did a pretty damn good job and if the fn ah' republicans would've helped out it could have been even better But those traitors are, as we all know, for party not country

Do you remember 9/11/2001? Bush inherited that from Clinton. Obama tried to destroy this great nation and turn it into a large copy of failed European socialism. The American people rejected him and his left wing ideology. The GOP members of congress did their jobs in stopping the tyrant traitor Obama. Now, they need to do their jobs and repeal the worst legislation in the history of our nation, obamacare.

Trump has done more good for this country in 90 days than Bush and Obama did in 16 years. In case you missed it, I am not a Bushie.
That's funny cause you really sound like a republican Your statement above speaks volumes

You didn't read what you linked to did you?

The Affordable Care Act threw members and staff out of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, and basically says they can only get health benefits through one of the law's new Exchanges. Under pressure from Congress and the president himself, the federal Office of Personnel Management (which administers benefits for federal workers, including Congress) decided the House and Senate would participate in the District of Columbia's "Small Business Health Options Program," or "SHOP" Exchange, rather than the Exchanges that exist for individuals. The reason is that federal law would not allow members and staff to keep receiving a taxpayer contribution of up to $12,000 toward their premiums if they enrolled in individual-market Exchanges.

congress has a better plan than is available to any average American.

Not what you said....You said they were not covered under Obamacare
They are

The only difference is that they get an employer contribution like all other Federal Employees

why does a person making 200K need a subsidy?

Congressional employees are federal employees. There are 535 Congressmen and almost 10,000 Congressional staff members. 2.5 million federal employees receive an employer contribution to their healthcare....10,000 Congressional staffers deserve the same

we are talking about senators and congressmen. Why do they deserve an insurance subsidy paid for with our tax dollars? Stick to the issue, we are not talking about a GS 9 janitor who cleans the congressional restrooms.
Here's your fantasy What has trump done so far HC ?? A wall? American made steel? Coal miners back to work when nat gas is cheaper?? I could go on and on but a "one way jones" like you will always find excuses to bash hill obama and Bill
You didn't read what you linked to did you?

The Affordable Care Act threw members and staff out of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, and basically says they can only get health benefits through one of the law's new Exchanges. Under pressure from Congress and the president himself, the federal Office of Personnel Management (which administers benefits for federal workers, including Congress) decided the House and Senate would participate in the District of Columbia's "Small Business Health Options Program," or "SHOP" Exchange, rather than the Exchanges that exist for individuals. The reason is that federal law would not allow members and staff to keep receiving a taxpayer contribution of up to $12,000 toward their premiums if they enrolled in individual-market Exchanges.

congress has a better plan than is available to any average American.

Not what you said....You said they were not covered under Obamacare
They are

The only difference is that they get an employer contribution like all other Federal Employees

why does a person making 200K need a subsidy?

Congressional employees are federal employees. There are 535 Congressmen and almost 10,000 Congressional staff members. 2.5 million federal employees receive an employer contribution to their healthcare....10,000 Congressional staffers deserve the same

we are talking about senators and congressmen. Why do they deserve an insurance subsidy paid for with our tax dollars? Stick to the issue, we are not talking about a GS 9 janitor who cleans the congressional restrooms.

You need to stick to the issue

The issue was your claim that Congressmen are not covered by Obamacare....they are
Now you are shifting your focus to whether they deserve an employer contribution to their healthcare
its already happening. Employers are investing in American facilities, hiring American workers. "America first".

thanks for acknowledging that the dem party is self destructing with its far left failed ideology.

11 million people got jobs under Obama
Three times the number that got jobs under BOTH Bush's

yep, Obama created lots of part time, minimum wage, no benefit jobs------ Wow!!!!
GIVEN with the shit GWB left him Obama did a pretty damn good job and if the fn ah' republicans would've helped out it could have been even better But those traitors are, as we all know, for party not country

Do you remember 9/11/2001? Bush inherited that from Clinton. Obama tried to destroy this great nation and turn it into a large copy of failed European socialism. The American people rejected him and his left wing ideology. The GOP members of congress did their jobs in stopping the tyrant traitor Obama. Now, they need to do their jobs and repeal the worst legislation in the history of our nation, obamacare.

Trump has done more good for this country in 90 days than Bush and Obama did in 16 years. In case you missed it, I am not a Bushie.
That's funny cause you really sound like a republican Your statement above speaks volumes

most elections I have voted republican, but I have voted for democrats in local and state elections, and voted for a democrat congressman a few times.

Trump is not a classic republican be any stretch of the imagination. He is a nationalist who is determined to make this country successful and prosperous, Why do you want the US to become a second rate country?
Oh yeah excuse me ,,,He weakens our clean air and water regs and now on the internet he's ready to sign a bill that will let people know what size underwear you bought last week
congress has a better plan than is available to any average American.

Not what you said....You said they were not covered under Obamacare
They are

The only difference is that they get an employer contribution like all other Federal Employees

why does a person making 200K need a subsidy?

Congressional employees are federal employees. There are 535 Congressmen and almost 10,000 Congressional staff members. 2.5 million federal employees receive an employer contribution to their healthcare....10,000 Congressional staffers deserve the same

we are talking about senators and congressmen. Why do they deserve an insurance subsidy paid for with our tax dollars? Stick to the issue, we are not talking about a GS 9 janitor who cleans the congressional restrooms.

You need to stick to the issue

The issue was your claim that Congressmen are not covered by Obamacare....they are
Now you are shifting your focus to whether they deserve an employer contribution to their healthcare

bullshit, they are not "covered" the way the rest of America is "covered". They are not faced with doubled premiums and deductibles that cause average americans to spend 6-8 thousand before their "insurance" pays anything.

They voted special treatment for themselves, and you condone it. Why?
Oh yeah excuse me ,,,He weakens our clean air and water regs and now on the internet he's ready to sign a bill that will let people know what size underwear you bought last week

your interest in my underwear is kind of perverted. are you posting from an asylum?
Red I just did think of another trump accomplishment Hes becoming friends with putin the murdering ex kgb swine that helped him win an election Gotta go I see the beach calling but look forward to your posts latter
Oh yeah excuse me ,,,He weakens our clean air and water regs and now on the internet he's ready to sign a bill that will let people know what size underwear you bought last week

why do you want the government controlling your thermostat? telling you what kind of light bulbs to buy, and forcing you to buy a showerhead that wont even get you wet? why do you want to be a slave to the government?
Red I just did think of another trump accomplishment Hes becoming friends with putin the murdering ex kgb swine that helped him win an election Gotta go I see the beach calling but look forward to your posts latter

There is no reason why we cannot have good mutually productive relations with Russia. Why do you libs want a war?
You didn't read what you linked to did you?

The Affordable Care Act threw members and staff out of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, and basically says they can only get health benefits through one of the law's new Exchanges. Under pressure from Congress and the president himself, the federal Office of Personnel Management (which administers benefits for federal workers, including Congress) decided the House and Senate would participate in the District of Columbia's "Small Business Health Options Program," or "SHOP" Exchange, rather than the Exchanges that exist for individuals. The reason is that federal law would not allow members and staff to keep receiving a taxpayer contribution of up to $12,000 toward their premiums if they enrolled in individual-market Exchanges.

congress has a better plan than is available to any average American.

Not what you said....You said they were not covered under Obamacare
They are

The only difference is that they get an employer contribution like all other Federal Employees

why does a person making 200K need a subsidy?

Congressional employees are federal employees. There are 535 Congressmen and almost 10,000 Congressional staff members. 2.5 million federal employees receive an employer contribution to their healthcare....10,000 Congressional staffers deserve the same

we are talking about senators and congressmen. Why do they deserve an insurance subsidy paid for with our tax dollars? Stick to the issue, we are not talking about a GS 9 janitor who cleans the congressional restrooms.

so rather than answer a legitimate question, winger clicks a smiley face. Brilliant way to concede defeat, winger.
Keep voting for the pander to the rich, screw the nonrich New BS GOP then, dupe.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!!
Who is the poor democrat in government? Please point him/her out. Even the commie Sanders OWNS three houses in rich areas. Hell Hillary was most funded buy GIANT RICH corporations and banks. So please take your hypocrisy and shove it.
Look at the POLICIES they support, not the usual irrelevant BS propaganda malevolent gossip character assassination, superdupes. D'OH!!
at the POLICIES they support, not the usual irrelevant BS propaganda malevolent gossip character assassination, superdupes. D'OH!!

Every Marxist leader supports the policies of Marxism to keep the people suppressed and living in poverty while they themselves live in luxury.

While most Soviets who were not part of the 60 million slaughtered by their government lived in 400 sq ft apartments with no heat, Lenin lived here.

View attachment 119268

So what? that's Russia.
Exactly. Soviet Union.
Socialism is DEMOCRATIC. Not communism. Vive la difference.
Dufus thinks socialism and communism are separate and distinct forms of government.
Not what you said....You said they were not covered under Obamacare
They are

The only difference is that they get an employer contribution like all other Federal Employees

why does a person making 200K need a subsidy?

Congressional employees are federal employees. There are 535 Congressmen and almost 10,000 Congressional staff members. 2.5 million federal employees receive an employer contribution to their healthcare....10,000 Congressional staffers deserve the same

we are talking about senators and congressmen. Why do they deserve an insurance subsidy paid for with our tax dollars? Stick to the issue, we are not talking about a GS 9 janitor who cleans the congressional restrooms.

You need to stick to the issue

The issue was your claim that Congressmen are not covered by Obamacare....they are
Now you are shifting your focus to whether they deserve an employer contribution to their healthcare

bullshit, they are not "covered" the way the rest of America is "covered". They are not faced with doubled premiums and deductibles that cause average americans to spend 6-8 thousand before their "insurance" pays anything.

They voted special treatment for themselves, and you condone it. Why?

It is not special treatment
It is maintaining an employer contribution they have always received

Most of America receives an employer contribution to healthcare...I bet even you
Who is the poor democrat in government? Please point him/her out. Even the commie Sanders OWNS three houses in rich areas. Hell Hillary was most funded buy GIANT RICH corporations and banks. So please take your hypocrisy and shove it.
Look at the POLICIES they support, not the usual irrelevant BS propaganda malevolent gossip character assassination, superdupes. D'OH!!
at the POLICIES they support, not the usual irrelevant BS propaganda malevolent gossip character assassination, superdupes. D'OH!!

Every Marxist leader supports the policies of Marxism to keep the people suppressed and living in poverty while they themselves live in luxury.

While most Soviets who were not part of the 60 million slaughtered by their government lived in 400 sq ft apartments with no heat, Lenin lived here.

View attachment 119268

So what? that's Russia.
Exactly. Soviet Union.
Socialism is DEMOCRATIC. Not communism. Vive la difference.
Dufus thinks socialism and communism are separate and distinct forms of government.

They are
Where? BS

Republicans are working very hard to criminalize being poor. Very evil folks. They do remind you of the Nazis. Americans better be paying attention.

Prove he is wrong. Until you can do that, we can only assume he is correct
Sorry, that's not the way it works. When you make a claim, it's up to you to prove it, not someone else to disprove it. Here's a good example:

I claim that friction is the result of extremely tiny demons that leap out from the surfaces of the two objects being rubbed together and hold hands. According to you, someone would have to prove I am wrong. Until they can do that, we can only assume I am correct. Of course, that's bunk. It's up to me to prove my assertion. Likewise for him.
Report: Cities passing more laws making homelessness a crime | Fox ...
Nov 15, 2016 - Dallas was criticized for issuing thousands of citations for sleeping in public, and Puyallup, for making it illegal to camp, panhandle or sit and lie ...
Travesty: It Is Now Illegal To Feed The Homeless In Thirty-Three Cities
May 29, 2015 - Travesty: It Is Now Illegal To Feed The Homeless In Thirty-Three Cities ... butRepublican legislators all over have taken it upon themselves to make the ... “Cities think by cutting off the food source, it will make the homeless go ...
'No Camping,' and Other Laws That Sneakily Push the Homeless Away
Oct 25, 2015 - 'No Camping,' and Other Laws That Sneakily Push the Homeless Away ... Others are designed with a clear casing to make it more difficult to hide a ... Lest anyone pin blame for the GOP'sfailure on that faction, Reihan Salam ...
South Carolina city makes being homeless illegal | Fox News
Aug 28, 2013 - 13, the Columbia City Council approved a plan that effectively makes homelessness illegal in parts of the city. The proposal forces those who ...

Wherever you find poverty, you find government as the root cause.
NYC Bans Food Donations To The Homeless
Bloomberg Strikes Again: NYC Bans Food Donations To The Homeless

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