Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Because I worked the numbers. That's what the predominant religion in my area contributes. Maybe some religions are more generous - but I doubt it's by much.

Who knew you are the accountant for all the churches in your area. Obviously you know nothing about how churches work and the many, many ways they help in their communities.
Because I worked the numbers. That's what the predominant religion in my area contributes. Maybe some religions are more generous - but I doubt it's by much.

Who knew you are the accountant for all the churches in your area. Obviously you know nothing about how churches work and the many, many ways they help in their communities.
And obviously you don't know the ways in which some churches influence politics which undermines their value in whatever good they might do.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS
Its what Republican Jesus would've wanted

Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS
Its what Republican Jesus would've wanted


Ha, pretty much nailed it. Most Republicans who consider themselves 'Good Christians', are only worthy of being mocked and shamed.
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11 million people got jobs under Obama
Three times the number that got jobs under BOTH Bush's

Sure didn't accomplish very much considering the MILLIONS of people who have dropped out of the workforce. Please don't throw up that debunked Progressive talking point regarding the baby boomers retiring. You are "forgetting" that millions come into the workforce as they reach 16 and millions enter our country by way of legal and illegal immigration.

Civilian labor force in the United States from 1990 to 2016 (in millions)

December 2008 154.29 Million

December 2016 159.19 Million

U.S. labor force 1990-2016 | Timeline

US Population by Year

July 1, 2009 306.77 Million

Mar 1, 2017 323.42 Million

US Population by Year
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS
Its what Republican Jesus would've wanted

"Whats wrong with these people ? We can all catch a fish and bake a loaf."

Well, I don't fish much... but I sure can bake a loaf of bread. It's amazing in it's simplicity!
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS
Its what Republican Jesus would've wanted

"Whats wrong with these people ? We can all catch a fish and bake a loaf."

Well, I don't fish much... but I sure can bake a loaf of bread. It's amazing in it's simplicity!
Blessed are the bread makers.....................
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS
Its what Republican Jesus would've wanted

"Whats wrong with these people ? We can all catch a fish and bake a loaf."

Well, I don't fish much... but I sure can bake a loaf of bread. It's amazing in it's simplicity!
Blessed are the bread makers.....................

Cooking/baking is my escape.... thank goodness my daughter took to it.
Bush did not protect us on 9-11
3000 Americans lost their lives

How was he to have protected us on 9/11/2001?

Former President Clinton had built a wall of silence between all the various intelligence agencies so none knew what the other knew and no one could connect the dots.
Bush like trump can't read presidential briefs ?? What did GWB do when he knew an attack was coming?? run away to read to children??? His speed It wasn't clintons job to do something really seriously affecting the next president during his last couple of months in office and gwb came through with flying colors Attacked the wrong country

NO ONE knew when an attack was coming, where it was coming and no one even fantasized that it would come in the form of airliners being used as guided missiles.

As for attacking the wrong country, you know better than that and that Congress and the UN voted for the attack.

How many fatal Islamic terrorist attacks on our soil did we have after the War on Terror was begun by President Bush?

How many fatal Islamic terrorist attacks on our soil during the administration of petulant former President Barack Hussein? Can you count them all? Don't leave out Benghazi, that was our soil too and the only ambassador.
11 million people got jobs under Obama
Three times the number that got jobs under BOTH Bush's

Sure didn't accomplish very much considering the MILLIONS of people who have dropped out of the workforce. Please don't throw up that debunked Progressive talking point regarding the baby boomers retiring. You are "forgetting" that millions come into the workforce as they reach 16 and millions enter our country by way of legal and illegal immigration.

Civilian labor force in the United States from 1990 to 2016 (in millions)

December 2008 154.29 Million

December 2016 159.19 Million

U.S. labor force 1990-2016 | Timeline

US Population by Year

July 1, 2009 306.77 Million

Mar 1, 2017 323.42 Million

US Population by Year
40 million baby boomers retiring kind of kills your theory

Can we talk about stay at home moms, the handicapped and students now?
Bush did not protect us on 9-11
3000 Americans lost their lives

How was he to have protected us on 9/11/2001?

Former President Clinton had built a wall of silence between all the various intelligence agencies so none knew what the other knew and no one could connect the dots.
Bottom line....he didn't protect us

Otherwise, we would not have had 3000 killed

Name one thing Bush did after he was elected to protect us from 9-11?
Bush did not protect us on 9-11
3000 Americans lost their lives

How was he to have protected us on 9/11/2001?

Former President Clinton had built a wall of silence between all the various intelligence agencies so none knew what the other knew and no one could connect the dots.
Bottom line....he didn't protect us

Otherwise, we would not have had 3000 killed

Name one thing Bush did after he was elected to protect us from 9-11?

after you tell us what obozo did to protect us from radical Islamic murderers like the Orlando shooter, san Bernardino shooter, Chattanooga shooter, and boston marathon bombers.
11 million people got jobs under Obama
Three times the number that got jobs under BOTH Bush's

Sure didn't accomplish very much considering the MILLIONS of people who have dropped out of the workforce. Please don't throw up that debunked Progressive talking point regarding the baby boomers retiring. You are "forgetting" that millions come into the workforce as they reach 16 and millions enter our country by way of legal and illegal immigration.

Civilian labor force in the United States from 1990 to 2016 (in millions)

December 2008 154.29 Million

December 2016 159.19 Million

U.S. labor force 1990-2016 | Timeline

US Population by Year

July 1, 2009 306.77 Million

Mar 1, 2017 323.42 Million

US Population by Year
40 million baby boomers retiring kind of kills your theory

Can we talk about stay at home moms, the handicapped and students now?

only the mentally or physically handicapped are due government assistance. Students are students by choice. moms are moms by choice.
Bush did not protect us on 9-11
3000 Americans lost their lives

How was he to have protected us on 9/11/2001?

Former President Clinton had built a wall of silence between all the various intelligence agencies so none knew what the other knew and no one could connect the dots.
Bottom line....he didn't protect us

Otherwise, we would not have had 3000 killed

Name one thing Bush did after he was elected to protect us from 9-11?

after you tell us what obozo did to protect us from radical Islamic murderers like the Orlando shooter, san Bernardino shooter, Chattanooga shooter, and boston marathon bombers.

That is a local police matter
11 million people got jobs under Obama
Three times the number that got jobs under BOTH Bush's

Sure didn't accomplish very much considering the MILLIONS of people who have dropped out of the workforce. Please don't throw up that debunked Progressive talking point regarding the baby boomers retiring. You are "forgetting" that millions come into the workforce as they reach 16 and millions enter our country by way of legal and illegal immigration.

Civilian labor force in the United States from 1990 to 2016 (in millions)

December 2008 154.29 Million

December 2016 159.19 Million

U.S. labor force 1990-2016 | Timeline

US Population by Year

July 1, 2009 306.77 Million

Mar 1, 2017 323.42 Million

US Population by Year
40 million baby boomers retiring kind of kills your theory

Can we talk about stay at home moms, the handicapped and students now?

only the mentally or physically handicapped are due government assistance. Students are students by choice. moms are moms by choice.

No shit Sherlock

We are talking about them being voluntarily out of the workforce
Bush did not protect us on 9-11
3000 Americans lost their lives

How was he to have protected us on 9/11/2001?

Former President Clinton had built a wall of silence between all the various intelligence agencies so none knew what the other knew and no one could connect the dots.
Bottom line....he didn't protect us

Otherwise, we would not have had 3000 killed

Name one thing Bush did after he was elected to protect us from 9-11?

after you tell us what obozo did to protect us from radical Islamic murderers like the Orlando shooter, san Bernardino shooter, Chattanooga shooter, and boston marathon bombers.

That is a local police matter

Are you accusing the Boston police of "acting stupidly"?

Protecting the country from acts of terrorism is a federal responsibility. Keeping dangerous people out of this country is a federal matter. 9/11 happened because the federal government failed to recognize and stop a long planned effort to attack this country. The planning was done under the Clinton administration and was not discovered because Clinton had prevented our intelligence services from doing their jobs.

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