Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Do you remember 9/11/2001? Bush inherited that from Clinton. Obama tried to destroy this great nation and turn it into a large copy of failed European socialism. The American people rejected him and his left wing ideology. The GOP members of congress did their jobs in stopping the tyrant traitor Obama. Now, they need to do their jobs and repeal the worst legislation in the history of our nation, obamacare.

Trump has done more good for this country in 90 days than Bush and Obama did in 16 years. In case you missed it, I am not a Bushie.

Bush did not protect us on 9-11
3000 Americans lost their lives

the 9/11 attack would never have been possible if Clinton had done his job, The planning and personnel placement for 9/11 was done under Clinton and was possible because he castrated our intelligence services.

Sorry to destroy your fantasy, but the truth is the truth.

Anyone can plan from anywhere in the world. You or I can "make a plan" with nothing happening
The execution of the plan occurred while Bush was President. The hijackings occurred while Bush was President. The attacks occurred while Bush was President....Bush did not protect us

Clinton warned Bush of the threat of terrorism....Bush shrugged it off


What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11
Bush did not meet with his antiterrorism experts till AFTER 9-11
He did nothing to protect us from an attack

He didn't have a clue about the attack. Even if he did, WTF was he supposed to do about it? Close down all the airports across the country? He had no more way of knowing about 911 than Clinton did about the OKC bombing. But of course because Clinton could do no wrong, you'd never try to place any blame on him for the bombing.
You're ignoring history, which is why we have these laws and policies, Mr. Engineering Whiz/political ignoramus. See sig, last line.

Why is it when we argue for upholding to the constitution you say we are backwards outdated [insert insult here] but you argue for unconstitutional laws and bloated bureaucracies and we are the ones that are ignoring history.

It's precisely because we understand history that we argue for the constitution
In dupe world...In reality, Dems cut gov't and help people while the GOP is an incompetent kleptocracy. Barack Obama has shrunk the US federal workforce more than Ronald Reagan

How do you pass the biggest "entitlement" program in a generation and claim to shrink the government? It defies common sense.

Which department shrank under Obama? It wasn't HHS. EPA, state department, IRS, etc. Which one was cut enough to counteract the rate of growth?

Can you name an area where Democrats what the federal government to regulate less? Because I can't
Good Dem regulation is great. ACA didn't add gov't, just regulation- setting up competition and giving poor workers Medicaid. Dupe. Everything you know is crap RW propaganda.

Regulation is more government. A thousand pages of regulation plus the hiring of thousands of people for enforcement of regulation.

Not to mention you now have government intruding in our health care. I thought our bodies were out of tough of government.

Please tell me how you add hundreds of thousands of new regulations and shrink the size of government.
Simple. People retire and aren't replaced. Read something.
Bush did not protect us on 9-11
3000 Americans lost their lives

the 9/11 attack would never have been possible if Clinton had done his job, The planning and personnel placement for 9/11 was done under Clinton and was possible because he castrated our intelligence services.

Sorry to destroy your fantasy, but the truth is the truth.

Anyone can plan from anywhere in the world. You or I can "make a plan" with nothing happening
The execution of the plan occurred while Bush was President. The hijackings occurred while Bush was President. The attacks occurred while Bush was President....Bush did not protect us

Clinton warned Bush of the threat of terrorism....Bush shrugged it off


What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11
Bush did not meet with his antiterrorism experts till AFTER 9-11
He did nothing to protect us from an attack

He didn't have a clue about the attack. Even if he did, WTF was he supposed to do about it? Close down all the airports across the country? He had no more way of knowing about 911 than Clinton did about the OKC bombing. But of course because Clinton could do no wrong, you'd never try to place any blame on him for the bombing.
Maybe you should read Richard Clarke's book. He wasn't able to see Boosh. They were too busy fighting gay marriage and doctors on pulling the plug on a dead woman.
You ever been homeless? If not, you don't know shite. They're often harassed by Republican Nazi jerkoffs.

As I thought. You've got NOTHING!

Bullshite. It is you Republican Nazi jerkoffs who routinely harass our poor homeless. You wanna 'Disappear' them. You wanna lock them away in cages forever. You're pretty evil folks. It is what it is.
I'd like a link too just one article referencing "Poor man locked up for being poor".

Just one.

Obviously, y'all use other terminology in justifying abusing our poor homeless. But the bottom line is, y'all arrest and imprison them for merely being poor. Most aren't hurting anyone. Yet y'all feel a need to harass them. It's a Nazi-like bully mentality.

Here is what happens if you just let them linger on the streets. Would you want your downtown to look like this?

Help them, don't arrest and imprison them. Don't make them criminals, when they're not. That's certainly not helping them. It isn't right to just arrest and lock them all away in cages. If we are truly a kind just nation, we can't 'Disappear' them. That's pure evil.

They're not being arrested. That's the point. This is what it looks like when you don't remove them from an area. It turns into a shit hole, businesses pack up and leave, people fear walking down the street, it's just a damn shame.

Bullshite. That's just a typical greedy Republican justification for abusing the least fortunate among us. Most are not criminals. They're just poor fellow Americans down on their luck. They shouldn't be arrested and imprisoned. You greedy Republicans are in the process of criminalizing being poor. It is pure evil.
Criminalizing being poor has been done all throughout history.

not in USA we bail them out at a cost of $trillions and they never have to pay back a penny!!

"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766

Way to justify being cruel to the least fortunate among us. You sound like an average 'Good Christian' Republican wanker. Jesus is not proud of you my friend.

And when did Jesus put you in charge of making those calls for him????

Y'all 'Good American'/Good Christian' Republicans really should go back and read Jesus' teachings again. You clearly didn't get it. Till you get right with Jesus again, you're just gonna be frauds playing the role of the 'Good American/Good Christian.'

For most of my childhood, I was raised in an all Catholic school. I was even an alter boy.

Jesus never taught that government should forcefully take from people to give to anybody. Jesus taught that you should give of yourself through your own free will. According to Jesus, charity is an individual thing--not a government thing. Jesus didn't get along with the government very well back in his time.

Taking a persons property against their will is called theft, and theft is in God's top ten no-no's in life. Stealing property from people is just wrong no matter what you use the seized property for.

Seriously, go back and read Jesus' teachings again. You've lost your way. You've allowed hate & greed to consume you. You let the Devil in.
not in USA we bail them out at a cost of $trillions and they never have to pay back a penny!!

"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766

Way to justify being cruel to the least fortunate among us. You sound like an average 'Good Christian' Republican wanker. Jesus is not proud of you my friend.

And when did Jesus put you in charge of making those calls for him????

Y'all 'Good American'/Good Christian' Republicans really should go back and read Jesus' teachings again. You clearly didn't get it. Till you get right with Jesus again, you're just gonna be frauds playing the role of the 'Good American/Good Christian.'

For most of my childhood, I was raised in an all Catholic school. I was even an alter boy.

Jesus never taught that government should forcefully take from people to give to anybody. Jesus taught that you should give of yourself through your own free will. According to Jesus, charity is an individual thing--not a government thing. Jesus didn't get along with the government very well back in his time.

Taking a persons property against their will is called theft, and theft is in God's top ten no-no's in life. Stealing property from people is just wrong no matter what you use the seized property for.

Seriously, go back and read Jesus' teachings again. You've lost your way. You've allowed hate & greed to consume you. You let the Devil in.

Jesus was the first Republican. He created the individual and that challenged the state which eventually led to the American Revolution. Before, everyone was a slave to Ceasar, after, every individual had a personal relationship with God more important than his relationship with Ceasar

2 Thessalonians 3:6-12 ESV /

Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you keep away from any brother who is walking in idleness and not in accord with the tradition that you received from us. For you yourselves know how you ought to imitate us, because we were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone's bread without paying for it, but with toil and labor we worked night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you. It was not because we do not have that right, but to give you in ourselves an example to imitate. For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.

When Clinton made welfare workfare fully half decided they no longer needed welfare!
Bush did not protect us on 9-11
3000 Americans lost their lives

the 9/11 attack would never have been possible if Clinton had done his job, The planning and personnel placement for 9/11 was done under Clinton and was possible because he castrated our intelligence services.

Sorry to destroy your fantasy, but the truth is the truth.

Anyone can plan from anywhere in the world. You or I can "make a plan" with nothing happening
The execution of the plan occurred while Bush was President. The hijackings occurred while Bush was President. The attacks occurred while Bush was President....Bush did not protect us

Clinton warned Bush of the threat of terrorism....Bush shrugged it off


What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11
Bush did not meet with his antiterrorism experts till AFTER 9-11
He did nothing to protect us from an attack

He didn't have a clue about the attack. Even if he did, WTF was he supposed to do about it? Close down all the airports across the country? He had no more way of knowing about 911 than Clinton did about the OKC bombing. But of course because Clinton could do no wrong, you'd never try to place any blame on him for the bombing.
Bush left us open to attack

He made no effort to enhance antiterrorist protections despite being repeatedly warned about the threat......he had better things to do

3000 Americans died
Actually I think you're wrong. If it were legal to murder, I could murder, but I could also be murdered. It protects me that I can't murder or be murdered. But then again you could have responded to the point I was making.
You conflated "control people for their own good" with "laws against murder".

Oh really. So why do we have a law against murder? Why not go Discworld and make it okay as long as you're in a guild or something?

Why is making a law against murder not about controlling people for their own good?
It's about preventing people from doing harm to other people. That's controlling people for the good of others, not for their own good.

Controlling them for their own good assumes that they're too stupid to make good decisions for themselves and need a nanny state to take care of them. Ultimately, why do you think ANYONE has/ should have the authority to make those decisions for other people?

Well surely controlling them for the good of others assumes they're too stupid to realize that someone doesn't want to be murdered and that they need the nanny state to tell them not to murder, or some religion to tell them.

The problem we have here is that we're not talking about telling people what they can and can't do. We're simply stating that healthy things have less tax on them than things that are not so healthy so that people can make a choice. You know, I could murder or I could not murder... hmm... well I might go to prison or be executed if I murder, so I'm not going to do it. I could buy a snickers or I could buy a salad, both are okay, however the snickers is cheaper, I'll take that as I don't have much money, oh, wait, the salad is now cheaper, maybe i'll go for that.
Tax policy as social engineering.

Already exists....

The question is why shouldn't you have social engineering, the right use it, the left use it, you probably even support it when it engineers what you want.
You ever been homeless? If not, you don't know shite. They're often harassed by Republican Nazi jerkoffs.

As I thought. You've got NOTHING!

Bullshite. It is you Republican Nazi jerkoffs who routinely harass our poor homeless. You wanna 'Disappear' them. You wanna lock them away in cages forever. You're pretty evil folks. It is what it is.

You are confused Moon Bat

I spent last Thanksgiving and Christmas feeding the homeless and others. My wife and I have done that for the last nine years.

What the hell do you do on those two days?

How about last Sunday? My church collected food to be distributed. Did you lay in bed Sunday morning?
But again, it happens and you've shown you have no problem when the govt does it for negative reasons.

I don't have a problem with a person eating chocolate or sugar. But like I've said, how many times now, that a lot of the bad food is coming out cheaper than it should be.

People pay tax on things, and they don't pay tax on other stuff. Some states don't charge you tax for groceries and will charge you for buying a book. Someone's already making these decisions. It's not about me wanting to decide what someone eats, it's about not having sugary food dirt cheap and healthy food expensive, just because the sugary food keeps easily and the multinationals are shipping the stuff around and getting all the tax breaks. But again, you seem to like that.
when the government does what for negative reasons and what negative reasons?

and what tax breaks to candy companies get that healthy food companies don't get?

people have choices. Those companies you mention only exist because people CHOOSE to buy their products and those choices are none of yours or the government's business

Yes, people have choices. People often choose to buy inferior shit because it's cheaper, or because they've been advertised to death and just zombie walk into buy things.

If people had the choice to buy healthier food for cheaper, would they then buy healthy food or would they still buy the sugary shit? I know when I was a young adult I ate too much shit because it was cheaper and I didn't have much money.

I'm not talking about taking choices away from people. I'm talking about adjusting the choices so they make more sense to people.

When sugary drinks are cheaper than healthy drinks, what do people buy? They buy the sugary drinks because they can afford those. Give people the choice to buy healthy food at affordable prices and then they have a real choice.

Your "choice" is that they have cheap sugary drinks and expensive healthy food and then they're making a choice, it's still a choice if healthy food is cheaper and sugary drinks more expensive than they are now.

healthy food is NOT more expensive than processed crap
Soda is not cheaper than water or even iced tea you make at home

like I said if you eat off the dollar menu for every meal every day you spend more than enough money to buy real food for the week

The problem here is that people CAN do things cheaper, but they need to be EDUCATED in how to do things, this is becoming a cycle of you compartmentalizing things and then dismissing them all, but then finding out that what you said shouldn't happen is what should happen to deal with the next thing.

you don't have to educate people about what they already know

you want to get educated on food prices then get your ass to the supermarket and look around

you don't need some government program for that

Well, you're wrong.

Firstly, what "people know" is usually full of mistruths, things that are plain wrong, assumptions and the like. Secondly what they know will be on the basic level, and not on a detailed level, and sometimes this isn't enough to encourage people to do something about it.

I've changed my eating habits lately because I've found stuff out that disturbs me. I know sugar is bad for me, but I ate it anyway. Why? Because I could get away with it. What I wasn't considering was the sugar not only makes people fat, it causes other problems that I did not know about, and for that reason and other issues involving diabetes because a family member was told they'd get diabetes and they didn't get it because they went on a strict diet, when their father had got diabetes.

You're trying to make this issue as simple as possible. It's not just about food prices. Hence why education is needed. No doubt you could learn a lot, you just haven't.

So here's for some education.

Sugar and what it does to your brain.

It leads to hyperactivity.
It leads to yeast growth, things like eczema, throat infections and ear infections. So if you have these problems it could potentially be because of too much sugar.
It hinders the absorption of vitamin B into your body. Vitamin B helps regulate your blood sugar levels. It also reduces the amount of oxygen going to the brain and it increase adrenaline in your body. The impact of these are forgetfulness, mood swings and other negative issues.

I had a look at McDonald's food calculator and a medium sized milkshake has 200% the daily recommended value for sugar for a 7-10 year old. A Big Mac has 33%. You go take kids on a trip to McDonalds and you could be giving them a massive dose of sugar 300% or more of their daily recommended value for just one meal. Then add that to the other two meals and snacks in a day and you might be looking at 600% daily recommended value. Imagine what this does to a kid's education. They're going to suffer at school, not meet their potential. You see all these kids that are overweight.

Childhood Obesity Facts | Overweight & Obesity | CDC

36.5% of American adults are overweight. Probably a large portion of these take too much sugar in their daily lives.
12.7 million children are obese.

"The prevalence of obesity among children aged 2 to 5 years decreased significantly from 13.9% in 2003-2004 to 9.4% in 2013-2014."

The rate is lowering. However it's not surprising that the highest rates of obesity are in the places with the worst education

Well, like I showed with NY, some of the things they don't tax are nuts, and some of the things they do tax are nuts with sugar all over them. Yes, the policy doesn't appear to be about health, just mix and match.

It's simple, for a simple mind. One is candy, one is not. No mix and match, a logic beyond your comprehension.

Look, I understand that you might be an angry and aggressive person, but I simply don't want to read every post of yours being an attack. So, now it's time for the ignore list. I do hope you can get over your issues of having to make everything personal. I do understand that you struggle to make an argument and replace it with macho nonsense. But it's not for me.

[Qwould take 40 or 50 high paid civil servants to do the same thing.

Charities spend a large percentage of their efforts fund raising and advertising .....not very efficient
Government has a steady flow of revenue, some of which goes to help We the People

Leaders of private charities get paid more than civil servants

You mean like the Clinton Foundation that spends only about 10% of the money for services? The rest goes ot things like wedding dresses for Chelsea.

Once again you are confused Moon Bat.

You have a choice of how you contribute money to charity. You chose who you want to help and how much you want to give. Filthy ass bloated government welfare program robs a person of their liberty to chose where their money goes and that is despicable. Especially when you know that a large cost of the welfare system is nothing more than a scheme for the Democrats to buy vote from the welfare queens. Disgusting isn't it?
ACTUALLY, 10% is the overhead, 90% is what they spend on good works. You believe a giant pile of Pubcrappe, dupe. The Foundation IS THE CHARITY, rated A+. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

You are confused Moon Bat


Clinton Foundation has very low overhead and over 88% of funds went to helping others. The Foundation does not "Give to charity"...they do the work themselves[/QUOTE]

Great source dude, rpof... hmmm, Republican Party of Florida. Oh, wait, you think we're going to accept a source from the fucking Republican Party?

It's like accepting a source from the Democratic Party on how much Trump paid in taxes, you just wouldn't accept it.
the 9/11 attack would never have been possible if Clinton had done his job, The planning and personnel placement for 9/11 was done under Clinton and was possible because he castrated our intelligence services.

Sorry to destroy your fantasy, but the truth is the truth.

Anyone can plan from anywhere in the world. You or I can "make a plan" with nothing happening
The execution of the plan occurred while Bush was President. The hijackings occurred while Bush was President. The attacks occurred while Bush was President....Bush did not protect us

Clinton warned Bush of the threat of terrorism....Bush shrugged it off


What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11
Bush did not meet with his antiterrorism experts till AFTER 9-11
He did nothing to protect us from an attack

He didn't have a clue about the attack. Even if he did, WTF was he supposed to do about it? Close down all the airports across the country? He had no more way of knowing about 911 than Clinton did about the OKC bombing. But of course because Clinton could do no wrong, you'd never try to place any blame on him for the bombing.
Bush left us open to attack

He made no effort to enhance antiterrorist protections despite being repeatedly warned about the threat......he had better things to do

3000 Americans died

Remain ignorant if it makes you feel better. But the CBS report I posted states differently, it's just that it doesn't fit in your "blame Republicans" for everything mantra. Nor does it support your left-wing brainwashing sites that I'm sure you frequent daily.

Want to blame Bush for 911? Fine, now let's see you blame Bill Clinton for the first WTC attacks. Let's see you blame Bill Clinton for the Oklahoma City bombing. Let's see you blame Bill Clinton for all the planning of 911 that went on while he was President.

What's that I hear.... crickets? I thought so.
not in USA we bail them out at a cost of $trillions and they never have to pay back a penny!!

"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766

Way to justify being cruel to the least fortunate among us. You sound like an average 'Good Christian' Republican wanker. Jesus is not proud of you my friend.

And when did Jesus put you in charge of making those calls for him????

Y'all 'Good American'/Good Christian' Republicans really should go back and read Jesus' teachings again. You clearly didn't get it. Till you get right with Jesus again, you're just gonna be frauds playing the role of the 'Good American/Good Christian.'

For most of my childhood, I was raised in an all Catholic school. I was even an alter boy.

Jesus never taught that government should forcefully take from people to give to anybody. Jesus taught that you should give of yourself through your own free will. According to Jesus, charity is an individual thing--not a government thing. Jesus didn't get along with the government very well back in his time.

Taking a persons property against their will is called theft, and theft is in God's top ten no-no's in life. Stealing property from people is just wrong no matter what you use the seized property for.

Seriously, go back and read Jesus' teachings again. You've lost your way. You've allowed hate & greed to consume you. You let the Devil in.

I suggest you do the same. In fact, when you do go back to reread it, show me the part where Jesus stated government should confiscate wealth forcefully from people to give to the poor.

I'll be waiting right here.
I'd like a link too just one article referencing "Poor man locked up for being poor".

Just one.

Obviously, y'all use other terminology in justifying abusing our poor homeless. But the bottom line is, y'all arrest and imprison them for merely being poor. Most aren't hurting anyone. Yet y'all feel a need to harass them. It's a Nazi-like bully mentality.

Here is what happens if you just let them linger on the streets. Would you want your downtown to look like this?

Help them, don't arrest and imprison them. Don't make them criminals, when they're not. That's certainly not helping them. It isn't right to just arrest and lock them all away in cages. If we are truly a kind just nation, we can't 'Disappear' them. That's pure evil.

They're not being arrested. That's the point. This is what it looks like when you don't remove them from an area. It turns into a shit hole, businesses pack up and leave, people fear walking down the street, it's just a damn shame.

Bullshite. That's just a typical greedy Republican justification for abusing the least fortunate among us. Most are not criminals. They're just poor fellow Americans down on their luck. They shouldn't be arrested and imprisoned. You greedy Republicans are in the process of criminalizing being poor. It is pure evil.

Are you a blockhead or what? You don't read a thing I post. You just carry on the same relentless rant over and over again. So once again, and maybe have an adult explain it to you this time:

These pictures are the end result of what happens when you DON"T arrest these people or take them off the street. San Francisco IS NOT a Republican stronghold. It's a Democrat stronghold and look what happened to it when they did things the non-Republican way! It's full of filth. It's full of God knows what germs. It's growing into a bigger shit hole. Nothing positive about it. It's lowering property values, chasing away businesses, scaring people from going there.

Now....... show me the same thing in Republican areas where they do kick these people off the streets, arrest them for loitering, or defecating in the streets. Show me a Republican area where they took action where it looks anything like San Francisco.
Anyone can plan from anywhere in the world. You or I can "make a plan" with nothing happening
The execution of the plan occurred while Bush was President. The hijackings occurred while Bush was President. The attacks occurred while Bush was President....Bush did not protect us

Clinton warned Bush of the threat of terrorism....Bush shrugged it off


What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11
Bush did not meet with his antiterrorism experts till AFTER 9-11
He did nothing to protect us from an attack

He didn't have a clue about the attack. Even if he did, WTF was he supposed to do about it? Close down all the airports across the country? He had no more way of knowing about 911 than Clinton did about the OKC bombing. But of course because Clinton could do no wrong, you'd never try to place any blame on him for the bombing.
Bush left us open to attack

He made no effort to enhance antiterrorist protections despite being repeatedly warned about the threat......he had better things to do

3000 Americans died

Remain ignorant if it makes you feel better. But the CBS report I posted states differently, it's just that it doesn't fit in your "blame Republicans" for everything mantra. Nor does it support your left-wing brainwashing sites that I'm sure you frequent daily.

Want to blame Bush for 911? Fine, now let's see you blame Bill Clinton for the first WTC attacks. Let's see you blame Bill Clinton for the Oklahoma City bombing. Let's see you blame Bill Clinton for all the planning of 911 that went on while he was President.

What's that I hear.... crickets? I thought so.
Problem is, there is no evidence for that, while for Booosh and 9/11 there is plenty...
Obviously, y'all use other terminology in justifying abusing our poor homeless. But the bottom line is, y'all arrest and imprison them for merely being poor. Most aren't hurting anyone. Yet y'all feel a need to harass them. It's a Nazi-like bully mentality.

Here is what happens if you just let them linger on the streets. Would you want your downtown to look like this?

Help them, don't arrest and imprison them. Don't make them criminals, when they're not. That's certainly not helping them. It isn't right to just arrest and lock them all away in cages. If we are truly a kind just nation, we can't 'Disappear' them. That's pure evil.

They're not being arrested. That's the point. This is what it looks like when you don't remove them from an area. It turns into a shit hole, businesses pack up and leave, people fear walking down the street, it's just a damn shame.

Bullshite. That's just a typical greedy Republican justification for abusing the least fortunate among us. Most are not criminals. They're just poor fellow Americans down on their luck. They shouldn't be arrested and imprisoned. You greedy Republicans are in the process of criminalizing being poor. It is pure evil.

Are you a blockhead or what? You don't read a thing I post. You just carry on the same relentless rant over and over again. So once again, and maybe have an adult explain it to you this time:

These pictures are the end result of what happens when you DON"T arrest these people or take them off the street. San Francisco IS NOT a Republican stronghold. It's a Democrat stronghold and look what happened to it when they did things the non-Republican way! It's full of filth. It's full of God knows what germs. It's growing into a bigger shit hole. Nothing positive about it. It's lowering property values, chasing away businesses, scaring people from going there.

Now....... show me the same thing in Republican areas where they do kick these people off the streets, arrest them for loitering, or defecating in the streets. Show me a Republican area where they took action where it looks anything like San Francisco.
Except SF is probably the richest city in America. No one can afford to live there but .com millionaires. This typical Fox hysteria is not backed up by any evidence.
Bush did not meet with his antiterrorism experts till AFTER 9-11
He did nothing to protect us from an attack

He didn't have a clue about the attack. Even if he did, WTF was he supposed to do about it? Close down all the airports across the country? He had no more way of knowing about 911 than Clinton did about the OKC bombing. But of course because Clinton could do no wrong, you'd never try to place any blame on him for the bombing.
Bush left us open to attack

He made no effort to enhance antiterrorist protections despite being repeatedly warned about the threat......he had better things to do

3000 Americans died

Remain ignorant if it makes you feel better. But the CBS report I posted states differently, it's just that it doesn't fit in your "blame Republicans" for everything mantra. Nor does it support your left-wing brainwashing sites that I'm sure you frequent daily.

Want to blame Bush for 911? Fine, now let's see you blame Bill Clinton for the first WTC attacks. Let's see you blame Bill Clinton for the Oklahoma City bombing. Let's see you blame Bill Clinton for all the planning of 911 that went on while he was President.

What's that I hear.... crickets? I thought so.
Problem is, there is no evidence for that, while for Booosh and 9/11 there is plenty...

What a complete moron you fake teacher you. I just posted a report showing that Bush had no idea of the attack, and your stupidity tells you to say just the opposite of the report, making false claims of evidence you didn't (and won't) provide.

You are about as much of a retired teacher as I am a retired astronaut. How can you say such stupid things repeatedly and try to convince us that you're anything less than a welfare queen?

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