Why Are So Many Democrats Actively Running Away From Obama????

They listened to advisors who were listening to social media and am radio.


The fact is that Obama carried many of them into their current jobs. They are going to pay for not running positive campaigns. It's more of an indictment of our fucked up campaign system than it is of the POTUS.

He'll be on stages in 2016.......alongside Bill. A devastating 1-2 punch. Lights out.

Yeah and a year ago you were saying the Repubs were dead
They listened to advisors who were listening to social media and am radio.


The fact is that Obama carried many of them into their current jobs. They are going to pay for not running positive campaigns. It's more of an indictment of our fucked up campaign system than it is of the POTUS.

He'll be on stages in 2016.......alongside Bill. A devastating 1-2 punch. Lights out.

Yeah and a year ago you were saying the Repubs were dead

Nope. Never said that. You must be thinking of your image of me....not me.
Democraps have been running away from Obama going back to the 2010 election. They claim they aren't a DC liberal like him, Reid and Pelosi but just winning their seat helps keep Reid in power to help Obama.

Democraps always play up their local voters' needs/beliefs but then do what they like once they get to DC.....lie, lie and lie on the campaign trail.
6 years in shouldn't the libs be running on all their wonderful accomplishments? What happened?
Why Are So Many Democrats Actively Running Away From Obama????
It's a mystery to me too. We've been assured he is the greatest of all time.


Sorry, couldn't keep a straight face on this.
Because Obama is a lame duck now and like usual people tend to run away from weaker presidents. ..samething happened under bush...

There is no story here either.
The story is that it took the dumbass libs 6 fucking years to figure out what the rest of us knew before he took the oath.

No, you never gave him a chance and decided after he got elected, you would never work with Obama because you were all butthurt that you lost.

Then, despite ACTUAL quotes from republican leaders in each house saying they would never work with democrats, you convinced idiotic Americans that the Republicans aren't at fault for the gridlock, it's all Obama for not letting Republicans get everything they wanted.

I mean How dare Obama have the audacity to think he was elected by a majority of voting Americans and could implement some of his policies. He must do EXACTLY what Republicans want so when it inevitably fails (like all republican plans), they can just blame Obama.
We knew the Kenyan was a Socialist and he promised to rule like one. So of course we would oppose him at every step. Something wasn't right about him. His records were sealed from inspection. Nobody knew anything about him. All the liberals cared about was that he was an articulate, handsome black man. Nevermind he had no experience in leadership positions. Even after 8 years, Obama is still unqualified to be President. He barely does the job now. By their defense of this piece of shit proves liberals have no standards

The fact you just called Pres. Obama a Kenyan just proves my point.
Because Obama is a lame duck now and like usual people tend to run away from weaker presidents. ..samething happened under bush...

There is no story here either.
The story is that it took the dumbass libs 6 fucking years to figure out what the rest of us knew before he took the oath.

what? that you're obama deranged wackos? we knew that.

Your ENTIRE party is running AWAY from Obama with the exception of a few hardcores.

I think you are confused about who the nuts are.
Because Obama is a lame duck now and like usual people tend to run away from weaker presidents. ..samething happened under bush...

There is no story here either.
The story is that it took the dumbass libs 6 fucking years to figure out what the rest of us knew before he took the oath.

what? that you're obama deranged wackos? we knew that.

Your ENTIRE party is running AWAY from Obama with the exception of a few hardcores.

I think you are confused about who the nuts are.

I spit my tea out of my mouth at that one, LOL. They are a runnin'
They listened to advisors who were listening to social media and am radio.


The fact is that Obama carried many of them into their current jobs. They are going to pay for not running positive campaigns. It's more of an indictment of our fucked up campaign system than it is of the POTUS.

He'll be on stages in 2016.......alongside Bill. A devastating 1-2 punch. Lights out.

There's a very good chance that he'll be hiding from Seal Team Six by 2016, over in some squalid compound in some Islamic cesspool, where the name "Trey Gowdy" is culturally forbidden!
No one wants Obama on the trail, LOL. He's been forced to sit home. His staff must be grinding their teeth.......
Because Obama is a lame duck now and like usual people tend to run away from weaker presidents. ..samething happened under bush...

There is no story here either.

you might also want to add that it's to shut up the obama deranged wingnuts

LOL! Yes... because to reject unsound, unsustainable 'ideas'... is a sure symptom of being 'deranged'.

ROFLMNAO! You can NOT make this crap up!

you don't reject "unsound" or "unsustainable" ideas. your reject fact-based reality.

rightwingnut wackadoodles are funny.
They listened to advisors who were listening to social media and am radio.


The fact is that Obama carried many of them into their current jobs. They are going to pay for not running positive campaigns. It's more of an indictment of our fucked up campaign system than it is of the POTUS.

He'll be on stages in 2016.......alongside Bill. A devastating 1-2 punch. Lights out.

There's a very good chance that he'll be hiding from Seal Team Six by 2016, over in some squalid compound in some Islamic cesspool, where the name "Trey Gowdy" is culturally forbidden!

how mentally ill of you....

if a democrat had said that when baby bush was appointed to the presidency by the court, you'd have said they were being treasonous.
Because Obama is a lame duck now and like usual people tend to run away from weaker presidents. ..samething happened under bush...

There is no story here either.
The story is that it took the dumbass libs 6 fucking years to figure out what the rest of us knew before he took the oath.

what? that you're obama deranged wackos? we knew that.

Your ENTIRE party is running AWAY from Obama with the exception of a few hardcores.

I think you are confused about who the nuts are.

I spit my tea out of my mouth at that one, LOL. They are a runnin'

I have a hunch that you are even lying about drinking tea.
It's breathtaking to watch.

Every time I turn on the news I see another Democrat throwing Obama under the bus and distancing themselves as much as they possibly can.

And I guess the answer to the question is because there's such a crisis in confidence in Obama because of all the issues he's mishandled.

Like the VA, the IRS Scandal, ISIS, Iraq, Russia, Ebola, Benghazi, Fast &Furious, the border.....heck, the list is so long can't think of all of them right now.

President Obama is a total embarrassment to Democrats. That's why they're distancing themselves so much.
Because they believe he hugged on REAL Ebola victims?
Because Obama is a lame duck now and like usual people tend to run away from weaker presidents. ..samething happened under bush...

There is no story here either.
The story is that it took the dumbass libs 6 fucking years to figure out what the rest of us knew before he took the oath.

what? that you're obama deranged wackos? we knew that.

Your ENTIRE party is running AWAY from Obama with the exception of a few hardcores.

I think you are confused about who the nuts are.

I spit my tea out of my mouth at that one, LOL. They are a runnin'

I have a hunch that you are even lying about drinking tea.

Just like you are lying about not being far left?
Well they aren't all stupid at least when it comes to saving their asses and JOBS making a living off us taxpayers. Obama isn't just unpopular I believe many people hate him for all his lying and duping them into tyranny under his reign of terror


Agree with every word you just posted, Stephanie!
Term limits are Pablum for irresponsible low information voters.

POTUS is already term limited anyway.

Term limits do one thing, increase the number of professional politicians on cushy retirement plans the rest of us could only dream of.
They listened to advisors who were listening to social media and am radio.


The fact is that Obama carried many of them into their current jobs. They are going to pay for not running positive campaigns. It's more of an indictment of our fucked up campaign system than it is of the POTUS.

He'll be on stages in 2016.......alongside Bill. A devastating 1-2 punch. Lights out.

There's a very good chance that he'll be hiding from Seal Team Six by 2016, over in some squalid compound in some Islamic cesspool, where the name "Trey Gowdy" is culturally forbidden!

how mentally ill of you....

if a democrat had said that when baby bush was appointed to the presidency by the court, you'd have said they were being treasonous.

Not at all... I'd have said that you were parroting a fallacious projection born from an addled cult of malcontents, who, unable to deal with the electoral rout that came as a result of 8 years of Executive sociopathy, despite their best efforts to defraud the election.

A projection that was refuted in as many ways and on every level that such drivel CAN be refuted. A projection that continues to be advanced by only the most severe presentations of delusion. OKA: A typical Leftist.

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