Why are so many smart and attractive women still unmarried?

Half the world's population is single! Do you find men/women unattractive? Does financial stability play a major role in picking a potential partner? Standards? Scared to commit? Why are you single?
Because men are unilaterally turning against marriage and for good reasons. They are doing so as individuals and the number rapidly growing.
When my father died in 2000, five years after my mother, the funeral home people brought me his gold wedding ring that my mother had placed on his finger in a Catholic church on a three-day pass from the army in 1943. I took it back to him downstairs and placed it right back where it belongs for all eternity. He earned it every day of his life, a life that was rough sometimes. but he never turned away or went elsewhere. My father was there when I threw up and when I needed my diapers changing. He taught me that when you swear an oath you must mean it and live it, or don't swear at all. It's all about being there, with honor.
No, quite the opposite. It has changed how society views, and interacts WITH men. It has changed how employers view them, how courts view them, how entertainment portrays them.
I already posted that part of the equation, but it is a two pronged attack on the social engineering, it is also about how men view their role in society as well.

If women need men, men need women. BUT, if the social engineers have constructed a society where women no longer feel they need men, they have also trained boys to the point, where they no longer feel there is a role for women in their lives when they are grown.

IOW . . . if you have a relationship with a girl, will YOU demand she do all the housework, do all the cooking, the cleaning, and the laundry, in exchange for your financial and emotional support? I doubt, I very much doubt that.

After you are done being intimate with a girl you bring home, do you expect her to clean your place or make you a samich? I very much doubt you do.


The only thing you need a girl for anymore, is sex. Hell, you can go get yourself a whore for that.

. . . and if you want emotional intimacy? You don't need marriage for that, you can find an on-line girl for that if you want.
IOW . . . if you have a relationship with a girl, will YOU demand she do all the housework, do all the cooking, the cleaning, and the laundry, in exchange for your financial and emotional support? I doubt, I very much doubt that.
I do, she does.

After you are done being intimate with a girl you bring home, do you expect her to clean your place or make you a samich? I very much doubt you do.
Of course, who do you think bought the lunch meat? Only a cucked faggot would make the sandwich as well.
You are a man, you have balls. Lead your woman or another man will. Country full of punk assed faggots.
I do, she does.

Of course, who do you think bought the lunch meat? Only a cucked faggot would make the sandwich as well.
You are a man, you have balls. Lead your woman or another man will. Country full of punk assed faggots.
You apparently are unable to partner with another adult human being. You seem very weak as a person.
You apparently are unable to partner with another adult human being. You seem very weak as a person.
I just don't play your feminist 'equality' horseshit, and neither does my happy little Mrs. Me and my woman have been together for many years. We have our duties, and responsibilities, and roles freely given, and taken.
You women lying to yourselves about your happiness while your society crumbles, and your womb withers as you chase a MAN'S dream. Fools.
I already posted that part of the equation, but it is a two pronged attack on the social engineering, it is also about how men view their role in society as well.

If women need men, men need women. BUT, if the social engineers have constructed a society where women no longer feel they need men, they have also trained boys to the point, where they no longer feel there is a role for women in their lives when they are grown.

IOW . . . if you have a relationship with a girl, will YOU demand she do all the housework, do all the cooking, the cleaning, and the laundry, in exchange for your financial and emotional support? I doubt, I very much doubt that.

After you are done being intimate with a girl you bring home, do you expect her to clean your place or make you a samich? I very much doubt you do.


The only thing you need a girl for anymore, is sex. Hell, you can go get yourself a whore for that.

. . . and if you want emotional intimacy? You don't need marriage for that, you can find an on-line girl for that if you want.
Ain't a damn thing I can't do for my self. I prefer shit be done my way. Stay unattached I can get affection from who ever the hell I want. My money stays in my wallet. Ya, why the fuck would I want the hassle. I was married to a big pain in the ass for 25 years. Children grew up so ya got rid of the pain never to have to deal with another
I already posted that part of the equation, but it is a two pronged attack on the social engineering, it is also about how men view their role in society as well.

If women need men, men need women. BUT, if the social engineers have constructed a society where women no longer feel they need men, they have also trained boys to the point, where they no longer feel there is a role for women in their lives when they are grown.

IOW . . . if you have a relationship with a girl, will YOU demand she do all the housework, do all the cooking, the cleaning, and the laundry, in exchange for your financial and emotional support? I doubt, I very much doubt that.

After you are done being intimate with a girl you bring home, do you expect her to clean your place or make you a samich? I very much doubt you do.


The only thing you need a girl for anymore, is sex. Hell, you can go get yourself a whore for that.

. . . and if you want emotional intimacy? You don't need marriage for that, you can find an on-line girl for that if you want.
There is some debate whether she said it or not but Gloria Steinman is credited for saying " a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle," This stirred up a LITTLE bit of controversy but not much. The sentiment became the core belief of many women for decades to come.

Now because of massive, systemic, oppression, discrimination and bigotry towards men the shoe is on the other foot. Men are saying that a man needs a woman like a bicycle needs a fish.

The reasons and motives for saying this are different but the outcry is far worse. Women are approaching panic mode while ignoring the root causes.

Men are being asked to LET themselves be destroyed and ruined to make others happy. There is no way to change the system so men are simply saying no and turning their back on traditional roles such as fatherhood and husband. There is nothing to be done about this by anyone unless women in general start putting feminists in their place and demanding change and equality for both sexes.
I do, she does.

Of course, who do you think bought the lunch meat? Only a cucked faggot would make the sandwich as well.
You are a man, you have balls. Lead your woman or another man will. Country full of punk assed faggots.
You sir, are the rare gem that sees through the propaganda and social engineering.

The good women get a good husband and have a great stable family life. Like my wife. We have been married for 50 years.

The dingbat women get married, divorced and then spend their middle years as a single parent hoping to snag somebody else.
I do, she does.

Of course, who do you think bought the lunch meat? Only a cucked faggot would make the sandwich as well.
You are a man, you have balls. Lead your woman or another man will. Country full of punk assed faggots.
Completely full of shit.
Unk you need to take your cock tuckin ass off this thread. You probably cry during Hallmark commercials.
Save it, clown. Nobody but young, unmarried men would possibly buy your transparent little attempt at overcompensation. You're a sad case.

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