Why are so many smart and attractive women still unmarried?

Half the world's population is single! Do you find men/women unattractive? Does financial stability play a major role in picking a potential partner? Standards? Scared to commit? Why are you single?
Simple… because dudes are douches
In the distant past, women needed men for financial security and a father for any children. Also, for traditional religious standards and expectations. No longer. Many smart and attractive women weren't in the job force then.

In the distant past, men needed women for regular sex. No longer true.

Speaking for myself, in the very near future my soulmate Dave and I will be entering into a commitment ceremony. No legal binding, but a promise to live out these words that we have lived up to for almost two years:

  1. “I promise to never stop loving you.”
  2. “I promise to be faithful to you.”
  3. “I promise to be your biggest supporter.”
  4. “I promise to be my best self for you.”
Those are 4 wonderful promises! I particularly like your last one. This one gives so many young, middle aged, and older couples the most trouble although it’s easy to do after making it a habit. Maintaining respectful discord, even in a bad mood. A person’s “good self” versus “not the best self” is detected on a phone call just by intonation and other verbal cues. Kind of like when you overhear your spouse talking to somebody on the phone, and you automatically know who that other person is just because of your spouses vocal mannerisms. I can always tell when my husband is talking to his nephew because he’s a little more bossy sounding- he cares about him of course lol

A friend of mine once told her husband that she wished he would treat her like he did his friends. Unfortunately of maybe fortunately, they divorced a few years ago. It’s telling in the way a spouse speaks to their partner in public, if it sounds “off” it’s usually worse out of public. Respectful dialogue even when arguing.
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Who said anything about morality?
I figured the pic would be self explanatory,if it's not that may say something about you.
People lead a day life and a night life. The guy's going to go to work or to fight if he's in the military but the same guy is going to put on his pajamas and go to bed at night.

The little boy is having a cup of hot chocolate in his pajamas, whatever, don't pretend his grandpa never did at that same age.
The culture is inimical to marriage. Happy, well adjusted marriages are rare in popular fiction, and ignored in the Media. The people who create films and television programming are largely dysfunctional in their own lives, and resent people with successful relationships that stand the test of time. Hence, even when a good relationship is portrayed it is often mocked in a variety of ways.

The culture promotes the ridiculous myth that the key to a successful marriage is to find your "soulmate," with whom you you will be eternally infatuated...and if you don't meet someone who promises to meet that unattainable standard, then you should just wait for someone better. The idea that a good relationship is the product of mutual effort, and not chemistry, is unknown.

Women are taught that their goal in life ought to be a successful professional career, and if they "end up" being a housewife that is an indication of failure. Motherhood as a "profession" is unknown outside very religious communities.

I recently celebrated by 48th wedding anniversary. The comments I get from young people are incredible...comparable to what I would expect if I had mentioned spending 48 years in prison. And for the record, No, I was not "lucky" to find my wife and she certainly was not lucky to land me. We liked each other and made a marriage work. Now we love each other.

Rational people understand that the ideal family unit is comprised of a working father, a mother whose full-time job is being a mother and wife (until the children are grown), and children who are raised primarily by their parents, and not by paid government workers. Until the American people accept this paradigm, we are fucked.
So you really dont get it.... :laughing0301:
Like it's some sort of joke in bad taste, or a sitcom on cable television, or the communist party line spouted by Jewish mainstream media business moguls like Michael Bloomberg, or the dude who isn't invited to the beer keg party with the liberal girls. No, I don't "get" it. And I didn't "ask for it," either.
Like it's some sort of joke in bad taste, or a sitcom on cable television, or the communist party line spouted by Jewish mainstream media business moguls like Michael Bloomberg, or the dude who isn't invited to the beer keg party with the liberal girls. No, I don't "get" it. And I didn't "ask for it," either.

You are completely unhinged.
No wonder they took away your rights when it comes to firearms.
fncceo you must go to the Kramer College of Sense
marriage are like '''PRISONS''''!!!! you are doing time
Unless the breadwinner is making big big big money, it takes two full time working people just to merely scrape by much less be able to afford a family. Since wages suck so badly for most of the working masses women are going to have to continue on this course. I don't blame them I blame america. It's what is required now to eat and have a house.
Unless the breadwinner is making big big big money, it takes two full time working people just to merely scrape by much less be able to afford a family. ...
That's not true either. It's a matter of making choices.
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I just don't play your feminist 'equality' horseshit, and neither does my happy little Mrs. Me and my woman have been together for many years. We have our duties, and responsibilities, and roles freely given, and taken.
You women lying to yourselves about your happiness while your society crumbles, and your womb withers as you chase a MAN'S dream. Fools.

Of course. It's horrible for children to grow up without a father or without financial security.
Only the fathers can fix this. Most of the mothers are there with the children. Where are the fathers? Once you have a child, you are fixed for life. It is up to you to bring this child up.
The culture is inimical to marriage. Happy, well adjusted marriages are rare in popular fiction, and ignored in the Media. The people who create films and television programming are largely dysfunctional in their own lives, and resent people with successful relationships that stand the test of time. Hence, even when a good relationship is portrayed it is often mocked in a variety of ways.

The culture promotes the ridiculous myth that the key to a successful marriage is to find your "soulmate," with whom you you will be eternally infatuated...and if you don't meet someone who promises to meet that unattainable standard, then you should just wait for someone better. The idea that a good relationship is the product of mutual effort, and not chemistry, is unknown.

Women are taught that their goal in life ought to be a successful professional career, and if they "end up" being a housewife that is an indication of failure. Motherhood as a "profession" is unknown outside very religious communities.Sports

I recently celebrated by 48th wedding anniversary. The comments I get from young people are incredible...comparable to what I would expect if I had mentioned spending 48 years in prison. And for the record, No, I was not "lucky" to find my wife and she certainly was not lucky to land me. We liked each other and made a marriage work. Now we love each other.

Rational people understand that the ideal family unit is comprised of a working father, a mother whose full-time job is being a mother and wife (until the children are grown), and children who are raised primarily by their parents, and not by paid government workers. Until the American people accept this paradigm, we are fucked.

So tell us what your wife of 48 years is interested in, outside of being a wife and mother, and how you support her. Science? Medicine? The arts? Engineering? Sports? Politics? If you have known her for 50 years, you must know her likes and dislikes, and her special talents. She is your special partner. Write on USMB in praise of her. Write about what makes her special

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