Why are so many smart and attractive women still unmarried?

If you were a smart, attractive woman (or man), would YOU get married?

View attachment 529627

Anyone who is smart (or at least observant) knows that marriage has a shorter expiration date than dried pasta. And, when the marriage inevitably ends, both parties will be financially less well off than before.

The only people who profit from marriage these days are wedding consultants and divorce lawyers.
. . . and yes, the other side of the equation, is men.

Whether the conservatives on this site want to admit it or not, feminism has changed how men, ALL men think about their role in society and relationships, even the most conservative ones.

Only the most arch conservative men don't think it is part of their responsibility to cook, clean, laundry, and do the day to day chores of running a household and/or a family.

. . . so, for Gen X, millennials, and all men after, if they can support themselves, do everything that the feminists have told them they need to do. . . What is the upside of getting married?

Women no longer withhold sex till marriage. They can have it all, and take care of themselves. They no longer need a wife for anything, any more than the women needs husbands.

The only real reason for marriage anymore, is, if you look at the success rate for children. . . is, essentially, "for the kids."
In the heterosexual world, the idea is to split the sexes and keep them wide apart, rather than present the "all for one and one for all" and "I've got your back and you've got mine" as the standard. We have to establish trust between partners, mutuality, reciprocity. It is so odd and damaging that religions try to split us up, total power tripping. If you are in a power position, and your mate is not, you take a stand for your partner. The babies are created between your two selves, and you raise them up between you as your common creation. Do not just take vows in a wedding ceremony, live them.
collegiate career women
Well I don't like jock-strapped sex-segregated labor-union workers in all-male blue collar industries either.
And men don't usually want a "subserviant" role in a marriage by not having the leadership of being the breadwinner.
There's too much lower lip to that "breadwinning" shit. Men punching in a time clock, time and a half overtime, beer with the guys, get drunk and go on strike, strike their bosses at work, strike their wives and children at home, and then they're picking up hookers on the street when their wives throw them out.
Also, in America the single parent family is the largest demographic slightly edging out traditional families.
Thanks to lib do-gooders the single parent family pays just enough to attract the something-for-nothing crowd
Sex segregation? Separate but equal? No, your idea is exclusively homosexual, worse than Sodom and Gomorrah.
Stop with your nonsense. Why do you run from the idea that we heterosexuals unite together as one? Are you solid with your partner when you create babies together: all for one and one for all? You love her, she loves you, and you both love the baby you create together?
Stop with your nonsense. Why do you run from the idea that we heterosexuals unite together as one? Are you solid with your partner when you create babies together: all for one and one for all? You love her, she loves you, and you both love the baby you create together?
How are you supposed to impregnate another woman without any semen and without any actual functioning Y chromosome in any of your own body cells?

God alone creates babies.

Man doesn't get to manipulate the process, or snip, cut, and mutilate the babies, or abort them.

And here you fall squarely in the category of man rather than God.
I was married once .she dropped dead on me ...young... developed the c .
..single for the rest of my life by choice ...I could of got married again. .....meh
The current girlfriend half my age ...which is kinda nice

This may help
Wait for the leftarded brainwashed white suburban twat

Black Christian mom hijacks Antifa BLM press conference — This Is Epic…

White lefty women are the worst roflmao ....yep ...she knows
One gets angry at her and grabs a deaf guy to use as a victim to shut her up...
Good luck idiot white suburban asswipe its damn near impossible to shut a pissed off black woman up

And what's with all the white men trying to mansplain their inherent wacism

Can't wait for the elites to keep jabbing yas ....hopefully they try and starve the rest of yas to death to ...that would be swell
If you were a smart, attractive woman (or man), would YOU get married?

View attachment 529627

Anyone who is smart (or at least observant) knows that marriage has a shorter expiration date than dried pasta. And, when the marriage inevitably ends, both parties will be financially less well off than before.

The only people who profit from marriage these days are wedding consultants and divorce lawyers.
Wrong, the reason people get divorced is because they are shallow and usually morally challenged. One must be willing to compromise and work at a marriage and most people today just are not willing to do so. Personally I have been married since 1983, was it difficult, sure at times and sometimes for many months. But when one makes a commitment one should be willing to stick to it and work at it.
Wrong, the reason people get divorced is because they are shallow and usually morally challenged.

I didn't speculate on why people get divorced. I only state that any observant people will note that the average length of marriages in the US is 12.5 years.
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Half the world's population is single! Do you find men/women unattractive? Does financial stability play a major role in picking a potential partner? Standards? Scared to commit? Why are you single?
A couple of things here

1. The state has ruined marriage. How? They have given certain legal perks to being married, which is why you have playboy bunnies marrying 90 year old men. Marriage has become a financial decision in many respects. The Left says they want the state out of the bedroom but that is a big lie. They have no problem having the state discriminate against polygamists, for example. But sadly, marriage is big business for lawyers and the state. You have to pay for a marriage license. Why? What did you do to earn the license? And the lawyer profession makes a killing from it.

Now if you got the state out of the marriage business, what would happen is only religious folk or people serious about marriage wanting to get married, and the divorce rate would plummet. Remove any financial incentives for divorce, and it will fall dramatically.

For example, if you do research regarding Christians who get a divorce, you will see that it is just the same as the rest of the country. However, if you do the same search on couples who attend church together every week then the divorce rate gets chopped in half.

In other words, the success of marriage depends on your devotion to it and love for it. It's hard, but most American like the easy button and don't want to work at anything, like going to church every week.

2. Society is more self absorbed. Community is virtually gone. Marriage demands sacrifice, sacrifice for those you love. Most are not willing to do that, especially those who are wealthy.

Just look at Hollywood. All of these people only are about themselves and their career. Therefore, any long lasting relationship is almost impossible. Once the married party becomes and eye sore or annoyance, off they go and on to the next.

Again, money is valued far more today than family. And as we see kids shooting up schools and the drug epidemic exploding, etc., it's no wonder.
Whether the conservatives on this site want to admit it or not, feminism has changed how men, ALL men think about their role in society and relationships, even the most conservative ones.
No, quite the opposite. It has changed how society views, and interacts WITH men. It has changed how employers view them, how courts view them, how entertainment portrays them.
And another reason why people are not getting married is displayed in this thread...

Strong, unique opinions that are absolutely convinced that their opinion is the only correct opinion...

The legal protections are there for married couples to protect them and make difficult times easier...it doesn't work out for those who don't get married or their children... stepchildren and biological.

Sure, just living together doesn't require a lot of work....easy in and out of a relationship...but that sort of thing is still psychologically damaging even if it isn't recorded in the legal record.
People laugh at those who have 5 divorced...but I know those who have had 10 different live in relationships which ended worse than divorces and really aren't fit for marriage anymore...but they haven't been married once.
And another reason why people are not getting married is displayed in this thread...

Strong, unique opinions that are absolutely convinced that their opinion is the only correct opinion...

The legal protections are there for married couples to protect them and make difficult times easier...it doesn't work out for those who don't get married or their children... stepchildren and biological.

Sure, just living together doesn't require a lot of work....easy in and out of a relationship...but that sort of thing is still psychologically damaging even if it isn't recorded in the legal record.
People laugh at those who have 5 divorced...but I know those who have had 10 different live in relationships which ended worse than divorces and really aren't fit for marriage anymore...but they haven't been married once.
People think they are avoiding something by just living together, as if to say, "I can step out anytime I want and look, no baggage"


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