Why are tarriifs bad but minimum wage is good?

Around here, McDonalds is a steady job for a lot of adults. No lie. So what was worrying me was that people working 40 hours a week there were getting FOOD STAMPS. There was something wrong with that picture. Capitalism left entirely to its own devices will let people slave and starve and they will still sleep well at night. Sometimes something needs to be done. It has caused an increase in prices at restaurants around here; I can't go to the diner for breakfast as often, but I'm surviving and the folks working full time are no longer below the poverty line.

Where is is Here HEAR OL?
I think we should all come clean as to where we AT!
Shouldnt they be worried about minimum wage too? Or does that magically not effect them?
Around here, McDonalds is a steady job for a lot of adults. No lie. So what was worrying me was that people working 40 hours a week there were getting FOOD STAMPS. There was something wrong with that picture. Capitalism left entirely to its own devices will let people slave and starve and they will still sleep well at night. Sometimes something needs to be done. It has caused an increase in prices at restaurants around here; I can't go to the diner for breakfast as often, but I'm surviving and the folks working full time are no longer below the poverty line.

We didn't use social programs very much years ago. For one, they didn't pay squat. Two, many people had too much pride to use them. Going on a social program used to mean you were a failure in life.

When I got out of school, I found a minimum wage job. From there, I went to anther minimum wage job, from there, another.

When I finally decided I had enough, I started to look into work that paid better money. There were times when I had three jobs at once. Many of my full-time jobs were 6 to 7 days a week, or worked a lot of overtime.

If we only had more liberalism years ago, just think, I would still be at my first job (car wash) today! The government will guarantee me that I make a living wage no matter what I do, so why bother to better myself?

The horse with the carrot dangling in front of him will always move faster than the horse that is fed carrots in his stable.
Shouldnt they be worried about minimum wage too? Or does that magically not effect them?
What is the logic connecting tariffs and min wage ... beyond both possibly raising wages? Are all means to wage increases good? Do they all have similar negative consequences, at least in theory?
It raises the cost of goods.
Increasing costs is not necessarily a good thing. ummmmuuummmm, min wage will not affect mafrting wages. Arguably they will service industry products more expensive, but there's no support for increasing natl min wage. What a hamburger costs in SF ..... irrelevant to the national econ.

Tariffs will make our exports more expensive for others to buy and more expensive for us to consume imports. Those supporting tariffs seem to thing that the cost to US employer/workers who export will be outweighed by benefits to employers/workers in mfring.

The left constantly complains about monkey jobs that no longer pay a living wage. They blame the lack of unions in this country when the truth is the American consumer will not support a living wage for people who inspect parts, sweep floors, or turn nuts onto bolts.

So we buy cheaper stuff that can only come from overseas where people are working for five bucks a day.

While we can never see Americans working for five bucks a day, there are things that can be done to make our products more competitive, and that's what Trump is trying to do.

This is why some stores like Walmart don't sell American made goods. I can buy a 50 foot string of Christmas lights made in the US for 20 bucks, or I can buy a 50 foot string of Christmas lights made in China for 10 bucks. What's the choice here? I'm trying to save money, not American jobs.
Shouldnt they be worried about minimum wage too? Or does that magically not effect them?

All these lies about tariffs being bad have already been proven wrong by this chart that shows that using tariffs was the only time we ever carried a positive trade balance!

View attachment 186574

Faulty premise. Trade deficits are not the ultimate measure of good and bad.

It's good for consumers to pay lower prices
America once made stuff, I look at Bethlehem Steel where my grandparents worked as a example. Gone now replaced by a casino. Sad. When Toyota dumps a million and half cars, Americans buy them. And don't tell me they are made better as right now they have steering wheels breaking, and not long ago lost a billion in a lawsuit. But some imports are necessary too. Nothing I personally own in computer or photography is made here except bags and papers. Check how Japan and others tariffs our products sometime. Google it. Support a fair wage for all then all will be able to buy. A few sites to check.

What Happened to All the Jobs Trump Promised?
2017 Auto Index
Alliance for American Manufacturing

Cynic's hat on: Minimum wage or a fair wage allows working Americans the opportunity to buy foreign made goods while complaining about the cost of American products made by Americans who have a better life than them.

One Example of American Workers Growing Despair; We Need OUR Jobs to Stay Here!
So now that republicans have full control, HOW will they address the following issues?

"There is no need to sally forth, for it remains true that those things which make us human are, curiously enough, always close at hand. Resolve, then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tiny blasts of tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us." Pogo

Most of the cars Toyota sells in the United States they make in the United States
I think Trump screwed this up bigly. There's no doubt Jina dumps stuff, or that it fixes its currency or that it steals our IP. But he picked a fight over steel. Our uncompetiveness against economies that have more efficient HC and support for infrastructure are not based on unfair trade.

Then when he gets around to fighting with Jina, he picks the wrong battle.

But Trump's entire trade policy is not a policy but merely trying to inflame his nativist base.

Unlike Democrats!!!!

What a dumb ass. Amazing how Democrats can grab defeat from the jaws of victory
Shouldnt they be worried about minimum wage too? Or does that magically not effect them?
Are they protective tariffs or punitive tariffs?

How about fair tariffs????

Which sets up government as the ubiquitous arbiter of what's "fair".

Tariffs are cousins to tax incentives. Both seek to expand government power to dictate behavior - targeting foreign nations, in the case of tariffs, and its own citizens, in the case of tax incentives. Both are authoritarian bullying.
Why are tarriifs bad but minimum wage is good?

Ask the people trying to survive on starvation wages.

The first thing I would ask them is why they never learned a trade, went to college, or got into a high demand profession.

It's Democrats like Pocahontas Lakhota who import people who work for starvation wages to take jobs from Americans

And then they can't figure out why jobs don't pay better. Amazing.
Shouldnt they be worried about minimum wage too? Or does that magically not effect them?
Are they protective tariffs or punitive tariffs?

How about fair tariffs????

Which sets up government as the ubiquitous arbiter of what's "fair".

Tariffs are cousins to tax incentives. Both seek to expand government power to dictate behavior - targeting foreign nations, in the case of tariffs, and its own citizens, in the case of tax incentives. Both are authoritarian bullying.

Okay, so when our exports are subject to tariffs in other countries, and our imports are not, government is to just sit back and do nothing?

I'm not a big government guy, but I think it is governments responsibility to at least make things on an even playing field. I hardly call that authoritarian.
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Why are tarriifs bad but minimum wage is good?

Ask the people trying to survive on starvation wages.

The first thing I would ask them is why they never learned a trade, went to college, or got into a high demand profession.

It's Democrats like Pocahontas Lakhota who import people who work for starvation wages to take jobs from Americans

And then they can't figure out why jobs don't pay better. Amazing.

You're a really intelligent guy, Ray. Democrats put business owners in the position of not paying Americans market wages. If we do, we go under and all our employees lose their jobs.

We want to make wages that are commiserate with the money and risk we put in our business. Democrats put us in the position of either paying below market wages or going under because of other companies that do pay below market wages
Why are tarriifs bad but minimum wage is good?

Ask the people trying to survive on starvation wages.

The first thing I would ask them is why they never learned a trade, went to college, or got into a high demand profession.

It's Democrats like Pocahontas Lakhota who import people who work for starvation wages to take jobs from Americans

And then they can't figure out why jobs don't pay better. Amazing.

You're a really intelligent guy, Ray. Democrats put business owners in the position of not paying Americans market wages. If we do, we go under and all our employees lose their jobs.

We want to make wages that are commiserate with the money and risk we put in our business. Democrats put us in the position of either paying below market wages or going under because of other companies that do pay below market wages

Thank you for the compliment.

Democrats want American business owners to overpay labor, yet if they did, those same Democrats would never buy any of their products.

They think businesses were created for the sole purpose of providing jobs and benefits. They refuse to believe that businesses are created for the sole purpose of providing services and/or products for a profit. They actually think that companies are created as a social obligation.

Businesses respond to the demands of their consumers. If the consumer demands the lowest price products, then what choice does a business have but to provide it? You can't provide the lowest priced widgets while paying your floor sweeper $20.00 an hour. If you are going to pay your floor sweeper $20.00 an hour, then these liberal consumers will buy widgets from the company that pays their floor sweeper $8.00 an hour.
Why are tarriifs bad but minimum wage is good?

Ask the people trying to survive on starvation wages.

The first thing I would ask them is why they never learned a trade, went to college, or got into a high demand profession.

There are several reasons...


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