Why are tarriifs bad but minimum wage is good?

Why are tarriifs bad but minimum wage is good?

Ask the people trying to survive on starvation wages.

The first thing I would ask them is why they never learned a trade, went to college, or got into a high demand profession.

There are several reasons...



You're mentally ill, Pocahontas. And now the rest of the country isn't paying for your ridiculous fiscal policies since State income taxe deductions are capped. Your bill, sir. Note it's what you spent ...
I think Trump screwed this up bigly. There's no doubt Jina dumps stuff, or that it fixes its currency or that it steals our IP. But he picked a fight over steel. Our uncompetiveness against economies that have more efficient HC and support for infrastructure are not based on unfair trade.

Then when he gets around to fighting with Jina, he picks the wrong battle.

But Trump's entire trade policy is not a policy but merely trying to inflame his nativist base.

China cannot afford a trade war with the US, and that is what Trump is counting on to get trade concessions from China.
Why are tarriifs bad but minimum wage is good?

Ask the people trying to survive on starvation wages.

The first thing I would ask them is why they never learned a trade, went to college, or got into a high demand profession.

It's Democrats like Pocahontas Lakhota who import people who work for starvation wages to take jobs from Americans
raise the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour.
Shouldnt they be worried about minimum wage too? Or does that magically not effect them?
Are they protective tariffs or punitive tariffs?

How about fair tariffs????

Which sets up government as the ubiquitous arbiter of what's "fair".

Tariffs are cousins to tax incentives. Both seek to expand government power to dictate behavior - targeting foreign nations, in the case of tariffs, and its own citizens, in the case of tax incentives. Both are authoritarian bullying.

Okay, so when our exports are subject to tariffs in other countries, and our imports are not, government is to just sit back and do nothing?

I'm not a big government guy, but I think it is governments responsibility to at least make things on an even playing field. I hardly call that authoritarian.
I call, building new cities, more constructive.
Around here, McDonalds is a steady job for a lot of adults. No lie. So what was worrying me was that people working 40 hours a week there were getting FOOD STAMPS. There was something wrong with that picture. Capitalism left entirely to its own devices will let people slave and starve and they will still sleep well at night. Sometimes something needs to be done. It has caused an increase in prices at restaurants around here; I can't go to the diner for breakfast as often, but I'm surviving and the folks working full time are no longer below the poverty line.

Where is is Here HEAR OL?
I think we should all come clean as to where we AT!
Maine. I've never made that a secret.
Around here, McDonalds is a steady job for a lot of adults. No lie. So what was worrying me was that people working 40 hours a week there were getting FOOD STAMPS. There was something wrong with that picture. Capitalism left entirely to its own devices will let people slave and starve and they will still sleep well at night. Sometimes something needs to be done. It has caused an increase in prices at restaurants around here; I can't go to the diner for breakfast as often, but I'm surviving and the folks working full time are no longer below the poverty line.

Where is is Here HEAR OL?
I think we should all come clean as to where we AT!
Maine. I've never made that a secret.

Yep, my bad .. now I remember, thanks

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