Biden declared Jackson non qualified

This is a thread about (bullshit) qualifications, your opinion on her politics is kind of irrelevant.
This thread is about the bullshit concern over her LSAT score being “hidden.” I tried to address that bullshit concern in relation to valid considerations. The balance of the nonsense you spew is off topic and truly stupid of you. But what else is new?
This thread is about the bullshit concern over her LSAT score being “hidden.” I tried to address that bullshit concern in relation to valid considerations. The balance of the nonsense you spew is off topic and truly stupid of you. But what else is new?
I'm not the one who brought up your thoughts on her political leanings. It's not a valid consideration.
Sorry bout that,

1. No hell no!
2. She doesn't pass the sniff test, bad sushi indeed.
3. Keep looking.
4. She isn't even close to what America wants.

It wasn’t? You mean he said he was actively searching for a biased liberal activist? That’s fascinating. How did we not see this “spoken” selection criterion?
Being qualified was no unspoken....nor was it ignored in the process.
Being qualified was no unspoken....nor was it ignored in the process.
Oh. He needed to qualify his selection to include that rare idea of “qualified?” Good to know. But be honest for once. His notion of “qualified” means only one thing:

An activist liberal judge who will make judicial decisions not based on the Constitution and the law, but based on partisan liberal orthodoxies.
White nationalism is wanting and working for a nation strictly for the white race...if others than white being in the nation, they are relegated to second class citizenship.
Blah blah. Nobody ever thinks that except for the leftwing racemongers. But it doesn't change the fact that this girl is woefully unqualified for this massive position.
I think Biden likes to embarrass black women by putting them in over their heads. Look at Kamala.
This is what you tolerant people came up with 30 years later:

“Obama is a light-skinned negro with no negro dialect unless he wanted one”- Harry Reid

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate,bright, and clean and a nice looking guy. “I mean, that is storybook, man” - President Joe Biden (D)
You want to compare that to Trump suggesting Obama was born in Kenya and thus an illegitimate President and then the Republican Party electing that racist President?
You want to compare that to Trump suggesting Obama was born in Kenya and thus an illegitimate President and then the Republican Party electing that racist President?
Trump: Suggesting someone was not born in the United States

Reid and Biden: being surprised and amazed about a light skinned negro who is mainstream clean and articulate.
Yes. just like any other supreme court pick. So what?
Wrong again, stupid.

Listen up Crappy Joke. Scrape the rust off your pathetic excuse for a “brain.” Try to follow along. Brandon isn’t seeking a Justice. He is seeking a rubber stamp imprimatur for liberal Democrat policies regardless of how they transgress the laws and the Constitution.

A proper selection process would focus on whether the Justice nominee, if confirmed, would actually make decisions in cases and controversies based on the facts, logic, justice, the law and most importantly ON the Constitution.

And yes: in our history such nominations HAVE been made. They only look “political” because one side (the fucking Dumbocrap Parody) is fearful of a Justice making such rulings on the law and on The Constitution.
Wrong again, stupid.

Listen up Crappy Joke. Scrape the rust off your pathetic excuse for a “brain.” Try to follow along. Brandon isn’t seeking a Justice. He is seeking a rubber stamp imprimatur for liberal Democrat policies regardless of how they transgress the laws and the Constitution.

A proper selection process would focus on whether the Justice nominee, if confirmed, would actually make decisions in cases and controversies based on the facts, logic, justice, the law and most importantly ON the Constitution.

And yes: in our history such nominations HAVE been made. They only look “political” because one side (the fucking Dumbocrap Parody) is fearful of a Justice making such rulings on the law and on The Constitution.

What childish nonsense. Grow the fuck up. The Supreme Court is a political position you child. They are chosen because their politics are in line with the person doing the nominating.
Kavanaugh's issue (like his predecessor Clarence Thomas) was that he was a scumbag. Scumbags shouldn't get to sit on the highest court in the land. Trump had ACB on the short list that year. But chose the scumbag that was closest to his own nature. I am certain that if it wasn't an election year, ACB would not have been nominated. He would have picked another white male. For the record, outside of Mitch's hypocrisy in dealing with SC picks, both Gorsuch and Barrett are competent jurists. Just like Brown will be.
How about posting some facts that prove Kavanaugh is a "scumbag". I sure haven't seen any.
Most democrats do.
That article is fascinating. The special attention given to sex offenders after they’ve served their sentences should indeed be focused on prevention rather than (more) punishment once a sentence is completed.

That said, the balance of her “Note” reflects a judicial inability or unwillingness to properly rely on the intent of legislative action. I hope she is grilled on that stupid “Note.”

Kudos and a genuine hat tip to BlueGin for sharing it.
For those concerned about whether this nominee ought to be confirmed, I say again: forget the bogus issue of her LSAT score. Instead, as I have recommended, let’s explore her prospect of making rulings regardless of the law and the Constitution.

In another thread, USMB member BlueGin posted this: Biden SCOTUS Pick - Pawn Sacrifice

It includes a very interesting article quoting a “Note” eventually revealed to have been authored (at least in part) by Ketanji Brown Jackson. That Note provides a little more insight into how she sees the role of judges in interpreting the law, including disregard for legislative intent to some degree.

A nominee can be experienced, well educated, smart, etc., and yet still not be a good choice for a seat on the bench of our highest Court.
Please give us the number of times she has been overturned and her total number of rulings.

Then do the same for Kavanaugh and Gorsuch.

I would ask for ACB, but she has such little time on the bench it is not really worth it
Any lower court judge that is overturned 3 times should be removed for incompetence

What childish nonsense. Grow the fuck up. The Supreme Court is a political position you child. They are chosen because their politics are in line with the person doing the nominating.
So any notion that Biden would seek a "liberal" or "activist" nominee is patently ridiculous, him being so clearly neither. Democrat, yes. Conservative, yes. Corporate, yes. Neo-Liberal, yes. Left, no. Small L liberal, no. Activist, hell no.
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