Why are the events in Brussels happening?

So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
No, the cause is because we haven't killed all the pigs of Islam yet.

Let me just say it's the Islamic extremists groups specifically, who kills groups such as Sheite, Christians, and Yazidis simply because they will not conform to their extremist views and conform to their faith. These extremists will look for any means to exploit every weakness or humanitarian effort that would allow them to enter the country. We must acknowledge and target them specifically and not all Muslims. At the same time, political correctness, and appeasing to Muslim nations by simply giving them what they want through lower sanctions as a means to show the United States is reaching out, is making us any safer either. We either take our national security seriously, or (as we have seen over the last 7 years) we will remain victims of even more terrorist attacks. If we do not start to learn from the methods of attacks used and how they manage to be successful so we can adapt new security measures to counter them, we can't expect things will change. The question is - in what ways and efforts have we shown to say, that we are willing to take national security in the United States seriously?
It hasn't happened and it hasn't for 100's of years. That's the point, a President of another country can't change the culture, it has to come from within. Until their leaders start changing the culture, they will continue to hate Western Civilization.
Uh slightly less than a hundred years my friend. Kamikazes had planes and so did Islamic terrorists on 911.

Islamic terrorism has been around since the 7th century. Japanese kamikaze war acts have been around also for centuries. It is ingrained in the culture. As far as Islamic terrorism against the West, that has gone on since the Ayatollah during the Carter administration, long before 2001.

Dingle Berry

Zionist Terrorism towards Muslims has been going since 1925 .

American Terrorism towards Muslims began in 1955 when the US deposed Iran's duly elected prime minister; the 18 year invasion of Iraq, and the subsidy of the Palestinian Holocaust.

Numb nuts, I missed one, shoot me! My word you guys are crazy.

No, you INTENTIONALLY missed three.


I intentionally did no such thing fuckhead. I missed it and if you weren't such a shithead about it, I would've thanked you.
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
No, the cause is because we haven't killed all the pigs of Islam yet.

Let me just say it's the Islamic extremists groups specifically, who kills groups such as Sheite, Christians, and Yazidis simply because they will not conform to their extremist views and conform to their faith. These extremists will look for any means to exploit every weakness or humanitarian effort that would allow them to enter the country. We must acknowledge and target them specifically and not all Muslims. At the same time, political correctness, and appeasing to Muslim nations by simply giving them what they want through lower sanctions as a means to show the United States is reaching out, is making us any safer either. We either take our national security seriously, or (as we have seen over the last 7 years) we will remain victims of even more terrorist attacks. If we do not start to learn from the methods of attacks used and how they manage to be successful so we can adapt new security measures to counter them, we can't expect things will change. The question is - in what ways and efforts have we shown to say, that we are willing to take national security in the United States seriously?
Wow a lot of dilly-dallying there. Long and short...reject Muslim immigrants and travelers until all muslim terrorism stops. Send every Muslim in the country that is not a US citizen proper, home to whatever shithole they came from.

Problem solved. At least here.
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
So you think there were no terrorist before bush or do you think Bush caused this is a funny thing to say?
I seem to recall the first WTC bombing took place well before Bush was a scapegoat for the left.

But that's an inconvenient truth, and leftist don't like those.
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
So you think there were no terrorist before bush or do you think Bush caused this is a funny thing to say?
I seem to recall the first WTC bombing took place well before Bush was a scapegoat for the left.

Well I've thought about this, they're blaming GWB for Brussels and then 9/11 was traced back to Reagan....I think for arguments sake I'll just decide to blame Ulysses S. Grant for EVERYTHING that has occured EVERYWHERE since he left office.
I blame Lincoln.

If he hadn't gone to war with the South, the tensions between the 2 counties would have remained high enough that neither would have joined in WW1

I blame the Minutemen.
You poor pants shitters. You see a killer Muslim under your beds and in your closets. I don't know how you are able to reach your computer keyboards from the fetal position, but you have my compliments.

Because your blind somehow I am shitting my pants? This logic or lack of explains why you crawl into the corner and shit your own. It's one thing to be in denial but its completely different when you're just a f'ing idiot...

Stay home, crawl under your bed or get in your closet and let the adults deal with the real dangers in life...
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
No, the cause is because we haven't killed all the pigs of Islam yet.

Let me just say it's the Islamic extremists groups specifically, who kills groups such as Sheite, Christians, and Yazidis simply because they will not conform to their extremist views and conform to their faith. These extremists will look for any means to exploit every weakness or humanitarian effort that would allow them to enter the country. We must acknowledge and target them specifically and not all Muslims. At the same time, political correctness, and appeasing to Muslim nations by simply giving them what they want through lower sanctions as a means to show the United States is reaching out, is making us any safer either. We either take our national security seriously, or (as we have seen over the last 7 years) we will remain victims of even more terrorist attacks. If we do not start to learn from the methods of attacks used and how they manage to be successful so we can adapt new security measures to counter them, we can't expect things will change. The question is - in what ways and efforts have we shown to say, that we are willing to take national security in the United States seriously?
Wow a lot of dilly-dallying there. Long and short...reject Muslim immigrants and travelers until all muslim terrorism stops. Send every Muslim in the country that is not a US citizen proper, home to whatever shithole they came from.

Problem solved. At least here.
Think so huh, dumb ****, except Americans have attacked Americans. Now what?

Oh right, you can't fucking think...

They aren't the ones committing genocide because an opposing view of faith won't reject their belief, to assimilate with a more dominant view comprised of "religious cleansing" of those referred to as infidels.

Because Obama supplied, armed, trained, and protected ISIS, hoping they would help in his private proxy war against Assad, trying to overthrow Assad in Syria in order to redeem himself for his 'Red line' disaster. Like everyone else, ISIS played Obama, Obama allowed them to FREELY flow into Iraq, without any opposition, to take over much of the nation our military had liberated at great cost...while Obama declared to the world ISIS was a 'JV Team' that was of no real threat.

Obama arrogantly declared HE had 'contained' them - not defeated them, which had been his plan from the start....only to have ISIS humiliate him approx. 12 hours later there in France where Obama was by perpetrating the largest attack on France since WWII.

Russia joined forces to punish ISIS through air strikes....this time deciding to ignore the 'Rules of Engagement' put in place by Obama that prevented coalition aircraft from striking key ISIS headquarters or their black market oil facilities that funded 50% of ISIS terrorist ops - like the attack on Paris! While French and Russian planes headed to their ISIS targets, what was Obama doing? He had US military aircraft fly overhead and drop leaflets down on ISIS warning them that an attack was coming..... Where I come from and in the military I serve in THAT - warning the enemy of a pending attack - is called TREASON.

Obama has aided, abetted, supplied, armed, warned, and protected his little 'JV Team'. HIS 'Containment' Policy - the one that he himself BRAGGED about the night before the Paris attacks - was a COMPLETE FAILURE! HUNDREDS of allies have died as a result. THOUSANDS of innocents have been beheaded, burned alive, and drowned as their cages were lowered under water. One news story reported how a mother came to ISIS leaders pleading for the release of her son who they had captured. They told her to sit down, make herself comfortable, and they would go get him. While she waited they gave her a meal...ONLY TO REVEAL WHAT SHE WAS EATING WAS HER OWN BUTCHERED SON. (And these are the godless, insane, murdering butchers
(THESE are the genocidal butchers, by the way, who Liberals are now saying are less dangerous than Donald Trump....WTF?!)

Obama has felt compassion for, has protected, has supplied and armed, has tried to 'contain' instead of destroy. You can't contain such evil - it must be destroyed...and Obama's kid-glove policy of 'containment' has FAILED to destroy ISIS!

ISIS exists and is such a threat to the world, is STILL butchering people around the world, because Barry assessed they were a 'JV Team', no threat.

Obama was warned one other time about terrorists...was even given their names...in plenty of time to stop a terrorist attack on US soil. He thought then as he does now about ISIS - 'no serious threat'. They set bombs off at the Boston Marathon, killing and maiming Americans. AFTER the attack, despite already knowing who these 2 were, he had their faces plastered on TV and pleaded with Americans to help ID them....trying to fool them into thinking they had no idea who they were so Americans wouldn't know just how badly Obama had F*ed up by letting this attack happen when he could have stopped it.

WHY is this happening?

Muslim Extremists hate us, hate all NON-Muslims, and want to kill all Non-Muslims.

Barry is a LOSER, his policies, his agendas, his actions taken to DEFEND, JUSTFY, and protect them, such as sending his DOJ Attorney General out to threaten Americans with punishment if they exercised their right of free speech after the pro-ISIS terrorist to whom he and his administration gave a visa and allowed to come into the US murdered 12 American citizens. Just before this happened Obama openly mocked US citizens while he was in a foreign country, mocking citizens for expressing concern for our national security and their safety....only - like in Paris - to be proven so deadly WRONG!

Life is hard. It's harder when you're stupid...or an Islamic Extremist Sympathizer, supplier, arms-provider, protector, and apologist...unfortunately life has been harder for Ambassador Stephens, the three other Americans who died in Benghazi, harder for the more than 500 innocents who died after being shot with the weapons given to Mexican Drug Cartels, harder for the Boston marathon victims, harder for the Ft Hood bombing victims, harder for the 12 dead in California, harder for the servicemen killed in Tn, harder for the hundreds - thousands dead in Paris, Belgium, Africa, and in the Middle east and their grieving family members who have had to suffer and die because Obama considered ISIS a JV Team, armed Mexican Drug cartels, armed Al Qaeida, armed ISIS, and pushed failed policies that protected terrorists, let them grow and spread around the world, and continue to murder, destroy, and terrorize like they did in Brussels today!
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
No, the cause is because we haven't killed all the pigs of Islam yet.

Let me just say it's the Islamic extremists groups specifically, who kills groups such as Sheite, Christians, and Yazidis simply because they will not conform to their extremist views and conform to their faith. These extremists will look for any means to exploit every weakness or humanitarian effort that would allow them to enter the country. We must acknowledge and target them specifically and not all Muslims. At the same time, political correctness, and appeasing to Muslim nations by simply giving them what they want through lower sanctions as a means to show the United States is reaching out, is making us any safer either. We either take our national security seriously, or (as we have seen over the last 7 years) we will remain victims of even more terrorist attacks. If we do not start to learn from the methods of attacks used and how they manage to be successful so we can adapt new security measures to counter them, we can't expect things will change. The question is - in what ways and efforts have we shown to say, that we are willing to take national security in the United States seriously?
Wow a lot of dilly-dallying there. Long and short...reject Muslim immigrants and travelers until all muslim terrorism stops. Send every Muslim in the country that is not a US citizen proper, home to whatever shithole they came from.

Problem solved. At least here.
Think so huh, dumb ****, except Americans have attacked Americans. Now what?

Oh right, you can't fucking think...

I take it you count a lot of Islamic extremists among your close circle of friends. There's no other way to explain your hysterical overreaction...
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
No, the cause is because we haven't killed all the pigs of Islam yet.

Let me just say it's the Islamic extremists groups specifically, who kills groups such as Sheite, Christians, and Yazidis simply because they will not conform to their extremist views and conform to their faith. These extremists will look for any means to exploit every weakness or humanitarian effort that would allow them to enter the country. We must acknowledge and target them specifically and not all Muslims. At the same time, political correctness, and appeasing to Muslim nations by simply giving them what they want through lower sanctions as a means to show the United States is reaching out, is making us any safer either. We either take our national security seriously, or (as we have seen over the last 7 years) we will remain victims of even more terrorist attacks. If we do not start to learn from the methods of attacks used and how they manage to be successful so we can adapt new security measures to counter them, we can't expect things will change. The question is - in what ways and efforts have we shown to say, that we are willing to take national security in the United States seriously?
Wow a lot of dilly-dallying there. Long and short...reject Muslim immigrants and travelers until all muslim terrorism stops. Send every Muslim in the country that is not a US citizen proper, home to whatever shithole they came from.

Problem solved. At least here.
Think so huh, dumb ****, except Americans have attacked Americans. Now what?

Oh right, you can't fucking think...

I take it you count a lot of Islamic extremists among your close circle of friends. There's no other way to explain your hysterical overreaction...
Nope. But unlike you I can deal with the reality that American citizens kill American citizens.
Zionist Terrorism towards Muslims has been going since 1925 .

There is no Zionist terroism against muslims. That suggestion that there is is simply a Big Lie.

American Terrorism towards Muslims began in 1955 when the US deposed Iran's duly elected prime minister; the 18 year invasion of Iraq, and the subsidy of the Palestinian Holocaust.

Deposing the Iranian Prime Minister was not terrorism, nor was the invasion of Iraq (18 years? lol) and there has been no Palestinian holocaust.

My gawd, you are such a fucking liar..
Zionist Terrorism towards Muslims has been going since 1925 .

There is no Zionist terroism against muslims. That suggestion that there is is simply a Big Lie.

American Terrorism towards Muslims began in 1955 when the US deposed Iran's duly elected prime minister; the 18 year invasion of Iraq, and the subsidy of the Palestinian Holocaust.

Deposing the Iranian Prime Minister was not terrorism, nor was the invasion of Iraq (18 years? lol) and there has been no Palestinian holocaust.

My gawd, you are such a fucking liar..
One down for overthrowing elected governments. When it happens here he'll have no issues...
Because your blind somehow I am shitting my pants? This logic or lack of explains why you crawl into the corner and shit your own. It's one thing to be in denial but its completely different when you're just a f'ing idiot...

Stay home, crawl under your bed or get in your closet and let the adults deal with the real dangers in life...

When the libtards oppose vigilance, it is usually because it means losing votes among one of their constituent groups, in this case it is Muslim Jihadists.
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
The post invasion fuck up was Obama's since Bush was no longer in office

So, Obama put Bremer in charge? And then Obama was in office when the Iraqi police and armed forces were disbanded and all those men were made unemployed and unable to get a new job, other than working for insurgents?

That's news to me.
Obama was the one who pulled out against the advice of many in the military

Deal with it

This is just petty nonsense.

Petty nonsense???????????

Your entire OP is nonsense, the boy king has been president the past 8 years and what is he doing today?

Trying to have a huggfest, broomance with Raul Castro and he don't swing that way

So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
So you think there were no terrorist before bush or do you think Bush caused this is a funny thing to say?
I seem to recall the first WTC bombing took place well before Bush was a scapegoat for the left.

But that's an inconvenient truth, and leftist don't like those.
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
So you think there were no terrorist before bush or do you think Bush caused this is a funny thing to say?
I seem to recall the first WTC bombing took place well before Bush was a scapegoat for the left.

Well I've thought about this, they're blaming GWB for Brussels and then 9/11 was traced back to Reagan....I think for arguments sake I'll just decide to blame Ulysses S. Grant for EVERYTHING that has occured EVERYWHERE since he left office.
I blame Lincoln.

If he hadn't gone to war with the South, the tensions between the 2 counties would have remained high enough that neither would have joined in WW1

I blame the Minutemen.
Don't judge, times where different back then
So, bombs going off at the airport and the metro in Brussels, attacks in Paris and other such attacks.

Some German doesn't seem to want me talking on her threat about the Brussels attacks as to the CAUSES of the attacks. So here is a threat for the causes of the attacks.

The causes are simple.

Bush invaded Iraq and messed up the post war period with complete ineptitude.

I've been told that saying such stuff is "appeasing Muslim terrorists" and I've also been told that "all terrorists are Muslims", which would make the IRA Muslims.
The post invasion fuck up was Obama's since Bush was no longer in office

So, Obama put Bremer in charge? And then Obama was in office when the Iraqi police and armed forces were disbanded and all those men were made unemployed and unable to get a new job, other than working for insurgents?

That's news to me.
Obama was the one who pulled out against the advice of many in the military

Deal with it

This is just petty nonsense.

Petty nonsense???????????

Your entire OP is nonsense, the boy king has been president the past 8 years and what is he doing today?

Trying to have a huggfest, broomance with Raul Castro and he don't swing that way


Nonsense? You mean, that days are followed by other days, and actions have consequences?
And we pulled out prematurely

So Obama has his role in all this
I don't know why you want to deny it?
We could have stayed in Iraq for 25 years and the same thing would have happened.

And you can predict this ?

Do you have a line on the Power Ball too?
Because this has been going on for centuries?

It happened because we left a power vacuum. Say what you want about Sadam H. but he kept order in Iraq

We destabilized Iraq and left too soon
How many gassed Kurds would you like today sir?
So we went in because of the Kurds?

We never gave a shit about them so don't pretend we did
And evil. I even had one of the sick fucks who supports terrorism laugh at one of my earlier postings in this thread. Something is just very very wrong with these creatures who think murder is funny.

So, Coyote -- you are certainly quite the dedicated terrorist supporter, but why do you see it as funny?

Since you are following me around like a child saying the discussion of serious matters involving your heroes is funny and all.
Terrorism is about fear, its use as a political weapon, where when we succumb to that fear the terrorists win.

The terrorists also win when we respond with bigotry and hate to those whom we believe to be ‘responsible,’ when in fact the terrorists alone are responsible for their criminal acts.

Have you ever considered the possibility of leaning a thing or two about the actual issue instead of this mindless repetition of platitudes so utterly vapid as to appear almost the stuff of intentional parody?

It's like Pavlov's pooch salivating to the tune of the dinner bell with you apologists and your insipid excuses.
"Have you ever considered the possibility of leaning a thing or two about the actual issue instead of this mindless repetition of platitudes so utterly vapid as to appear almost the stuff of intentional parody?

The irony in this statement is so sharp it's almost painful.
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